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Comics #1224
Why did comics become so dark, melodramatic and violent...
It's a Tina episode
What did we think of Castlevania?
How do you feel about Newgrounds getting so much attention from Friday Night Funkin...
Jim Henson biopic being developed as Disney/Henson Company collaboration
Every fucking episode of We Bare Bears
What is Akko's western equivalent?
I think the impact of superheroes on popular culture is both tremendously embarrassing and not a little worrying...
So... like
Whats the western equivalent to asuka?
What the fuck? He's on the same team as her, the most high profile superhero team in the world...
Why does Joker make Marvel fanboys mad?
ITT-post a Dab Forums related image describing how you feel today
Walker was tested far more than Steve ever was
How many people can you identify from others here?
When will DC give him a show?
Yep, it's going to be kino
Man these nu-Trollface comics are wild
Who is the best green lantern?
Breaking Toonami news
This is supposed to be a villain?
ITT: Try to piss off Dab Forums
New Modok Show
Ultimate Comics Avengers: Storytime of Edge Part 2
Could a Billy and Mandy revival work?
How come no one ever brings up the fact that Charles Xavier in some of the earlier runs was a pedophile...
China claims Simu Liu is "too ugly" to play Shang-Chi
Would you pet this FAT FUCKING CAT?
THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER Producers Reveal More About Valentina De Fontaine
Disney gets streaming rights to Sony movies from 2022-2026
Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime 27
What is the best batmobile?
Which design was better?
Owen is a queerbaiting hack
If all six of them fought to the death, who would be the winner?
"My brother pulled my hair once. So I programmed his toys to attack him in the night. Every night. For 6 years...
Gets aged up
Let's be real
It's funny how little Disney and Marvel understand China or what appeals to Chinese people...
Political statements in cartoons
Ultramega #2 Storytime
Dab Forums General Drawthread
Those two are villains. Guess which one will be redeemed and which one will be portrayed as an irredeemable monster
Peppa Pig General
You thought on this?
Breathe, Joker! I won’t let you die!
What's Dab Forums's opinion on the old Pac-Man show?
What if Luz from The Owl House had been a vampire instead of a human?
Emilia Clarke wrote a comic book! Preview her superhero story M.O.M.: Mother of Madness
Is she Hindu or Muslim?
So I just watched this whole show + the movie basically in one sitting. What now?
That one cartoon with deep lore
Thoughts on Blacksad?
Sacred Six #8 Storytime
Are you ready for Friday? The final episode of the most important miniseries of the last 20 years
So? Is shark tale discussion dead now?
Rate my Dab Forums drawing
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
"All my purse is full of is disposable income"
Post and run
”It's a pity Lex Luthor has become a multinationalist; I liked him better as a bald scientist. He was in prison...
Look, up in the sky! He’s young, he’s hip, it’s Superman!
Storytime of Edge: Ultimate Comics: Avengers
So why does Superman not doing about the suffering in the world?
Captain Marvel #28 Storytime
Would you have been able to forgive her after all she's done, Dab Forums?
Do readers fail to see his imorality or did Moore just screw up?
What made it so good?
The man that proved Dab Forums wrong
The Batman Vs Dracula
Are the Power Rangers comics any good?
Holy fuck how did the Phoenix's joker become an icon for revolution so quickly?
Name one comic they are currently publishing that is worth reading
Originally considered to be 'liberal propaganda the show'
Shang Chi as an Asian Black Panther
So what exactly is "American myth" and why is everyone so mad when someone props up superheroes as an answer?
Is MJ still considered hot? I know red heads are becoming more and more forgotten about
Something bad is going to happen
Why is the Michael Jackson episode of The Simpsons deplatformed from Disney+ while the Dustin Hoffman episode is still...
Alien #2 Storytime
DC Summer Superman rejigger
Were FOX's X-Men movies a failure?
Could Star Butterfly beat Steven Universe in a boxing match?
Based Ben does it again!
What are your honest thoughts on this character Dab Forums ?
Rogue gallery
There is nothing ahead user. The future of animation is bleak
Why was he such a faggot?
Official Win-O'-Thread
Hussie announces he will no longer be creatively involved in Homestuck-related projects
French Comics and Cartoons thread
Shattered Dimensions
Eternals #4 storytime
Stop forcing this asian pride on us. it's escapism, why would we want it to be realistic? why else would anime sell?
How does it feel knowing this is the best written "bully" character in cartoon history?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Now that we're older, Would you guys hang out with the adults in rugrats?
Who is the best Dab Forums loli and why is it lola loud?
Wings of Fire
Avengers, leave the MCU to us
Women of Marvel #1 storytime
What was the joke?
Everything was better in the 80s and the 90s for cartoons and media in general...
Reign of X Storytime Thread: S.W.O.R.D. #5, Way of X #1, X-Force #19
Wazzo Wednesday
Black Knight:Curse of the Ebony Blade #2 Storytime
Avengers #45 storytime
Who's your favorite Joker?
Anyone else gonna audition?
Were they dating?
How is this series so God tier compared to nu Simpsons and Family Guy?
Yellowroom's in critical condition. Might not make it to tomorrow
Amazing Spider-Man #64 Storytime
Marvel's trinity works better than DC's
It wasn't that bad
Your man asks if you'd like to use toys in bed. You excitedly say you do!
Gunnerkrigg Court: Burning and seething
Luke Weber
Would you Dab Forums?
MCU Antagonists
You’re black Sam? I didn’t even notice. Things like that weren’t relevant back in the forties you see...
Do we like the IDW Sonic comic yet?
Sonic the Movie 2
That version of Perfuma is a proof of something
OOP shit that needs to be reprinted thread
Why do white women love her so much?
Need comics recommendations
Questionable Content
Justice pals in Dexter's lab
People who say "Good Superman" this and "Evil Superman" that forget that there is a whole CHART to fill out
Why was it so divisive?
You know... this series is kinda shit honestly. Its keeps changing its tone like it doesn't have a clear identity...
ITT: Dab Forums girls that accelerated/will accelerate a boy’s puberty
Dave Bautista Reveals Interest In Playing Bane Or Lobo In The DCEU
Hello, anons! I know you all want some Smiling Friends updates. Well...
This nigga done fucked a bug lmao
Any comics about corrupt pig cops getting what they fucking deserve?
What are THE BEST limited elseworlds comic series?
SECRET INVASION Adds Emilia Clarke And Olivia Colman
Beast wars thread
Is Dab Forums ready for a black Captain America?
Come to co
Alternate costumes
Boobchuy Sr
Is Batman a rich manchild or a psychopath?
How long until he goes postal?
BEHOLD the NEWEST addition to the AVENGERS!
DANCE! Everybody in Dab Forums dance!
They belong together
ITT Dab Forums approved youtubers
Well this sucked
Supergirl Talkback
Iron Man, the free thinking roguish businessman, is in favor of government control of superheroes
Storytime-Phantom on the Scan
What kind of conversations would these two have?
Marcus Immortus Tuesday
Uh guys I think I downloaded the wrong episode of a teenage robot
They’re doing it
Why didn't Disney greenlight Very Important House, Dab Forums?
Shang Chi's reveal trailer is poorly received in China
Is she suppose to be Mentok‘s daughter or Mentok turned into a girl for reasons
Why is he so underrated
Comic Art
Post what you consider to be the best art of your wife, whether fan art or official
JSA Storytime: GO JOE
Can someone please explain to me what is this black Invincible's story and purpose?
Flash has begun production
Would you?
Is the idea of superheroines being overtly sexualized actually a bad thing?
Post your favorite Dab Forums memories
Who is your favorite MCU hero, Dab Forums?
Mickey Mouse
KSBD: Breaker of Infinities 2-47
Pure stereotype kino
Machine Storytime
Can we have a thread for the buff and the gorgeous
Erika and the Princes in distress
Is there a single modern cartoon that Steven Universe and Star Butterfly couldn't easily solve?
If you could spend one night with Marco Diaz, able to do whatever you want with him, what would you do?
ITT: post opinions that will piss off the entirety of Dab Forums
Toonami Ratings for 4/17/21
Is it ethical to fuck fish?
Has a cartoon ever made you cry (in a good way)
Why are gay toxic relationships praised but straight toxic relationships hated?
Was it keenoh?
Tony was right
Make Dab Forums mad as fuck
Just found a mega for the entire series, about to watch it for the first time, what should I expect Dab Forums?
What are some comics where the good guy loses?
Reasons why Steven Universe was the worst cartoon of all time:
Considering every Monarch in Marvel wants to fuck her, plus some Alien Conquerors and whatever the fuck else...
Post based black characters
Remember the time Ultimate Cap murdered a literally unarmed teenager?
So, generally in comics the afterlife and the soul are well known to actually exist...
Need for heed thread
Shapeshifter thread
Wreck it Ralph 2
Why is Dab Forums so desperate to paint this as a failure?
How does this work?
THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER Producer Confirms Season 2 Might Happen
Kaisa from Hilda
First they cancelled New Gods movie
Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime 26
Name a better friendship
Could live action PPG work?
Why is nobody outrage about this racial swap?
"Jack... I know how you feel"
"Hey, remember the '50s? Remember television, Coca-Cola, and Dick Clark?"
Why does the show keep trying to make her sympathetic yet utterly fails to do so
Multiethnic american city
ITT: Favourite non-Marvel/DC superheroes
Not gonna lie, I think it/they looked cute
The Midnight Gospel turns 1 year old today
This show is great
Women of Marvel #1 trailer
Who's worse?
Daisy Johnson/Quake recast starts circulating for Secret Invasion
Sooo what do you guys think about Batman X fortnite comic ?
Why is this okay? He's taking a role from an asian actor, which are ever more rare in America than black actors are
Was the scene of Bucky apologising because he and Steve were ignorant of the plight of the oppressed black man in...
What are your thoughts on the upcoming Season 4 of Wakfu (Or just Wakfu in general?)
/cock/ General
Batman and Batgirl WILL fuck
Kirby was a genius. FF wasn't only a great comic book. It was one the best modern works of fiction ever
Something Sinister This Way Cometh
Where do you get your Comic & Cartoons news Dab Forums?
Cartoons that are unfairly maligned
Can you name some canonically trans character? Trans as in mtf or ftm.no crossdresser please...
Is it true that the mod who banned Homestuck only did it because his crush was stolen by a John cosplayer?
This show ended up being better than the games it was based on, though it will never have that reputation
ITT: shows only you remember
Happy weed day, Dab Forums
Movie about an immigrant, Americanized son rebelling against the wishes of his abusive...
Robin: white
Tushy Tuesday
You might be able to stop time birthday girl, but you can't stop me
What should the comics do with the Mandarin now that he's gonna make his MCU debut...
Tomboy Tuesday
Adventure Time Distant Lands
Challenge of the Super Sons 12&13 Storytime
The simpsons
Was she evil or jest bad?
Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!
Pick a character in pop culture and I'll write a greentext of that character getting raped by Doctor Manhattan
What went wrong? Do you miss them Dab Forums? Did they have any potential?
Go Vegan
How do I get started making comics?
Shang Chi
Who has the best butt in comics? No fanart
Is Captain America still based?
"How's your penis been user!?"
No way people actually find GPrime's comics funny right?
Creator outed as a pedophile when?
RWBY/Justice League #7 Storytime
I'm so hyped for this comic. tom King says it will be the next "All Star Superman" and I love Bilquis Everly's art
Infinity Train
Dab Forums creator salt
Tummy Tuesday
His life peaked in elementary school
Batgirls Thread
Power Girl thread
Gets so turned on by being emotionally abused by her boss that she goes and masturbates at work
How do you go from this
Dab Forums nostalgia
Only realize 20 years later double Ds hat isn't their hair
Miraculous Ladybug
Why do queers say there are no white people in avatar ?
Mutant Nation accepting not-mutant refugees now
What went wrong with the Defenders?
SonAmy shippers say Sonic can't be with Sally because they're not the same species
Tuesday Carolthread
ITT: plot points that were never adressed again
Happy 30th anniversary, Darkhawk
The Flash #769 Storytime
Isn't Conan kind of a hypocrite?
Greetings fellow humans
Nightwing #79 Storytime
What is about Kirby's cosmic characters that makes them so magical...
Explain to me why different = bad, Dab Forums
Spider-Verse 2 is looking rough bros
Justice League #60 Storytime
This is why I only watch American made cartoons
Filmation is grossly underappreciated in the world of modern cartoons
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1 Storytime
Boy crazy Dab Forums characters
Are there any cartoons or specific episodes from a cartoon that teaches kids to be self aware, or something similar?
Here’s your future popular new Avenger Dab Forums
Raya and the last Dragon
Was Bucky racist?
I don't care that he gets a redemption arc. We don't need ANOTHER evil Superman movie or TV show. Fuck you Hollywood
Does it even make sense for Superman to have a secret identity in stories set in current year...
What did they mean by this?
Kill 6 Billion Demons
ANTI Homestuck thread
So what the fuck is up with them making the Mandarins magic rings into bracelet things?
Kelly Thread
Animation Cel Identification Thread
I hate sokka and beast boy so fucking much:
Seriously though, why did they give her such a skimpy swimsuit in that ep
Quake/Daisy Johnson
Heathcliff is looking at the pizza deliverer
You won't kill, but you're fine with traumatic brain injuries?
Twitter won't shut up suddenly about how Shang Chi is not only stronger than Peter but he also who the person who...
I'm Asian. Back when I use to go to my LCS weekly, I asked the owner to recommend me some comics he thinks I'll like...
Why are so many cartoons these days pushing /ss/ ? Shouldn’t someone connect the dots and stop these things early on...
What do they taste like?
Why do they force diversity in cartoons?
Did you like the twist?
For some reason they really loved their smartass loli comics in the 50s
Hero Forge
When will they die?
Whats the difference
What was the point of adding this boring character?
Ted Grant aka Wildcat
It’s shit
Batman and Robin movies
What is she working on now that her Magnum Opus finished?
Is Aang a girl?
Watching this for the first time and it's actually really good, what the fuck? I want to fuck Ann and Babette
Why did Spencer choke?
Just got this violet doll in the mail today
Justice league animated series
Why aren't more people holding Feige responsible for these recent failures?
Blind Girl
Why did Livewire fail to take off in the same way that Harley Quinn did?
Cuckquean thread
I’m sorry Sam. I never knew how heavy the shield was for a black man in America
Dominic Purcell Leaves LEGENDS OF TOMORROW And Has Absolute Meltdown On Instagram
I thought this was gonna be a dumb time waster but it ended up making me feel like improving my life and now I landed a...
Why are a bunch of people calling this pro tankie propaganda?
Would you watch an animated series?
What does Dab Forums think of KFP: Legends of Awesomeness?
Asian girl having an asian boyfriend
The Strangers #1
Did anyone ever actually like his character? (apart from evil Morty)
Denialfags utterly, and completely BTFO for all of eternity
If the 90's is the golden age of 2D does that make the 2000's the golden age of 3D?
Questionable Content
Holy shit can DC just fucking stop using him for a while
"Who's my little witchy poo!"
Black Lightning
"Hey come on! Those are prescription shoes. I need them!"
I support MIA
Without the Killing Joke, well, Ostrander might've still made her Oracle...
How accurate was this movie?
AD is Back
Good writers
Oogway allowed Tai Lung to be brutally trained and told he was destined for greatness(knowing the entire times he was...
John DiMaggio had the best Lobo voice
Anyone else find it weird when a male writer uses a female protagonist...
Be honest Dab Forums, if you had a chance to make a high budged animated short film...
The coomer is writing spiderverse 2
Incredibles 2
I guess you're gonna miss the gangbang
JSA Storytime: GO JOE
You wanna know how to save comics?
Young Justice
We can’t be supervised by the UN because it’s run by people with agendas
Why are the character designs in this and moana so fucking unappealing?
Why'd they make Sokka look like such a chad
Daredevil in retrospect
The Simpsons is back, on Cartoon Network
'Shameful' faps
"Jimmy, we don't have to go! We can stay on the island, just the two of us"
Explain why Raven needs to be paired with this dumbass
Post random action scenes in comics please
I dont understand, why is more popular than robin
REMINDER: DC's Shang-Chi is vastly superior and comes out this week
"Superman, but evil"
Opinions on their work
Why is there so much biblical references in this show
The main character of the last show you watched has to face off against Pennywise
Does anyone else feel like you're waiting for cartoons to get good again
Sinister Six Rumored Lineup For SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME
Genderbender thread
Did the Simpsons go too far with its portrayal of Morrissey?
New CN Show
Next time of Death Battle
The last episode really elevated it to a new level
Dude, Reading is Bad
Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime 25
Paw Patrol Replaces Chase The Cop With Karl The Antifa Rioter
Why do people complain the Boys don’t use Compound V in the adaptation...
Marvel movies aren't cinema
I support WIA
ITT: One-time / Background Characters
W-Wait, I still function
Maxine Monday
Why was she regulated to background character status after the cluster arc?
Characters who can't exist without public outrage in this generation? I'll start Amanda Waller...
Do I buy the trades, or read digitally and wait for the inevitable omnibus(es)?
Based Ben strikes again
The Amazing Spider-man 64 Preview
So this is happening uh?
0 pussy
How the fuck was this a box office success?
"Superman but evil" is currently a quite popular trope... but was there ever a "Batman but nice and friendly" thing?
The Wrong Earth Story Time
DC Cinematic Universe
L to the O to the second L
CW Powerpuff Alleged Pilot Leaks
He did the right thing. How the fuck were people bothered by it?
The character design on this show sucks and I hate it
Is it fair to consider Shark Tale the animated equivalent of an MTV movie?
Space Jam Funkos
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
The "animators" of youtube are mad an ia is doing their job but better lol
Favorite Psylocke's costume
Iron Fist
Recent creators have to promote their shows on their own rather than the network
Joe Manganiello Reveals More About Ben Affleck's THE BATMAN And The DEATHSTROKE Solo Film
Democrats actively advocate killing youm
Who's the hottest woman in the DC Universe?
Captain America and Punisher
Mommy Monday!
Dragon ball for faggots
Andrew Dobson thread
Who should Reed cheat on Sue with?
Young adult pregnant superhero females
Why did Arthur change his mind and kill Murray instead?
Please explain
If you like Joker you bad
Martha Washington is 31 years old this year
That's enouph...
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting April 14, 2021
Kirkman and Samnee's Fire Power Storytime
Shang-Chi Trailer drop
Vol. 2 may 14 looking forward to it
Still the most interesting run in the past 30 years
Armbands instead of Rings because SJWs hate rings now
Bros whatre some Dab Forums that feels like Dab Forums i need some shit to feel that lupin shaped void in my heart
Really? You're actually gonna make me do this? Can't I just suck your dick or something? It was a stupid bet anyway…
SHANG-CHI poster drop
Who was in the wrong here?
How would Bullseye fare in Gotham?
Why aren't cartoons diverse enough?
Reminder that this version of Harley canonically has HPV
Wow that Casey run was BAD. It wouldn't have been an easy task for anyone to follow Peter David's run, though, but wow...
I hate the "Batman is just a rich guy who likes beating up the poor and mentally ill instead of using his money to help...
Bodily fluids
Bros you told me the original simpsons seasons were good
This is the ideal Danger Mouse. Rebootfags may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Eda Thread
I don't get it
Don’t forget your backpack user
What was his problem?
This place really mellowed out since the meme rhythm game brought all eyes on it again...
Gunnerkrigg Court
What’s your opinion on the 2015 Secret Wars event?
Race Based Voice Acting
I was part of the channel awesome game show fiasco
User, you are important, and have value
Hello darling
<-------- SHELDON
What is/would be your ideal Avengers lineup?
Who you gonna main?
In today's new episode of Family Guy, Peter Griffin becomes a millennial
Why didn’t he get a real job?
When you realize this commercial aired when you were on the cusp of puberty
What do you think about this series?
Alive during the time of slavery
Barbara Gordon once killed a man with a fireplace poker as Batgirl
What does Dab Forums think of Archie Comics???
Holy christ, welp i guess this dude gives randy stair a run for his money
Is it possible to make a good looking live action cheetah?
One more slice?
Thoughts on Ghost-Maker?
What is this show's target audience?
Devil's Candy
The squirrel in Sword in the stone
Kirkman and Samnee's Fire Power Storytime
Ben 10
We will never get another THIS based Dab Forums character. Damn I miss my wife
ITT Good 90s comics
What went wrong?
Dislike Geoff Johns
Let's do it again mods
What girls do you visualize with a bubble butt?
Why do you guys think that despite the mcu's popularity, comic sales continue to stagnate and decline...
It finally happened
This is the Producer of The Falcon and Winter Soldier
What did Craig McCracken mean by this?
Just started watching the 1992 x-men cartoon, and why is rogue so cute and perfect?
Wandavision is shit
Now that the dust has settled,What did we all think?
When the batman mythos expands to include robins I always wonder how people don't know its bruce wayne
What does the current state of X-Men say about society now vs society in the 70s?
Animation Domination Thread #2: HOLY AVOCADO TOAST, LOIS
Questionable Content
Remember what they took from you
So are Steve, Tony, Black Widow, and Gamora alive in the Loki Universe?
Characters who are literally you
The intro shows Sonic grown up during Robotnik’s takeover
What happened to them?
DC Cosmic Thread
How do this board feel about the Dungeon and Dragon cartoon?
You have 2 sentences to Pitch a comic/cartoon idea
This is what you should be angry about
JSA Storytime: GO JOE
Batwoman Thread
Are the Godzilla comics any good?
Expectations for new Avatar show in the future?
Symbiote Sunday thread!
Was it kino?
How do you feel about awkward misunderstandings in your comics?
Would Catra and Adora be good parents?
Movie states that changing events in the past will not change the present just create a branching timeline
Poison Ivy
Who was in the wrong here?
Does anyone here remembers this cartoon?
This triggers Dab Forums
He turned evil because the cloning device was made for the Mauler Twins...
Animation Domination General #1: Who Cares Edition
Character arcs, development and depth are all meaningless platitudes that result in mediocre writing
It's all so tiresome
Jennyffer episode 2
How did Civil War succeed where Dawn of Justice failed?
When did you realize this?
Another person has committed a mass shooting so he can be with a cartoon girl after he dies
Doesn't this go against Ian's own cartoon mantra of, "If you can recognize it, it's on-model"?
How would you reboot the Simpsons?
Daily reminder Captain America is dead in the MCU too. Far From Home listed him as dead
If you were on the infinity train? How high do you think your number would be? I'd probably get the mid-50s at most
Why do Superman and Batman get to wear their classic costumes but not Wonder Woman?
Lake Thread
Annual Usagi Yojimbo Storytime 24
Blind Girl
Would you watch a Western harem cartoon?
Years later this is still the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a cartoon
Do women think being an alcoholic is cool?
Have they ever met?
This would've made for a great Saturday morning cartoon, I think
Why doesn’t Marvel use him much anymore or give him an ongoing?
Audiences cared more about the death of a C-lister like Iron Man than Superman
Oh no
Does anyone actually beleve these pricks?
Look at some point we have to accept that Dab Forums is a lost cause because of crossboarding...
Boomer comics thread
This year our company will be making strives to feature more black writers and artists
Could a Space Jam film with solely female characters work?
The new lady Bane will unironically be better than her predecessor...
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic-Sunday Funday
Who is the best Robin?
Miraculous Ladybug
What did she mean by this?
Hero that represents America is a fat ugly black woman with smelly dreadlocks who probably hates wypipo
Marvel and DC are going out of business, and they are selling their characters off individually...
Is Avatar: The Last Airbender overpraised by the people who grew up watching it?
Where the fuck is S2?
How did Preschool Shit end up being more interesting with higher quality art, ideas, & variety...
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Doom canonically daydreams about chaining women to his basement
Sorry handsome we're all out of burgers but I made you some sweet cherry pie
Did anyone actually like Rocko as a kid? Nickelodeon advertised it a lot and aired it a lot, so naturally...
Why is Wonder Woman iconic?
Meatcanyon does it again
Which Justice Leaguer has the worst fanbase?
Comic book movies are only good if you don't watch a lot of movies
I'm going to post three sets of images of monster designs from Owl House, Amphibia...
Stone Throw Sunday
How on-model do you like Dab Forums fan art to be
Eda thread
In the end who was ultimately right?
Why does Joker make letterboxd and twitter so mad?
Why animated shows are so horribly boring in these days?
Spider-Man/Deadpool vol 3
Death Battle
Would Clark and Kory have made a good couple?
Would Marvel ever make a R-rated Thunderbolts similar to James Gunn's Suicide Squad?
Eternity represents all time; all the variations, all the quantum possibilities
Which one of these fine ladies should Richard "Dick" Grayson marry and have children with?
It's sunday
Sharon Carter
Today is Superman's Anniversary
I was fermented to be a bread, Kal
Dab Forums hated it
So what happened if you were on a plane or boat when you got snapped...
If he could just have the shrapnel removed like at the end of the third movie...
Runaways #35 storytime
Here's your Disneyland Captain Marvel Dab Forums
Draw your couple Dab Forums
Weekly Dab Forums creation thread
GREATEST COMICS under 20 pages?
If toons were sentient creatures with lives, careers, and families...
Frozen III should just be a graphic novel at this point...
Lol wouldn't the seed get in the way?
Screencap thread
Here's your new Captain America bro
The Bad Batch
Anyone knows why this was canned, after only 6 EPISODES??!
Rorschach has his come-to-God moment when confronted with a pop-art latex dress that shows off where you're getting hot
Who was in the wrong here?
Is IDW's 2019 Transformers comic good for (you)?
Tell me about your fetishes Dab Forums
Franco-Belgian/Eurocomics Storytime
Dab Forums General Drawthread
I thought from the grimdark style and the way tubby millennials fawn over it...
Harley Quinn
Why did they decide to fuck up their continuity so bad? You look stuff before twenty years ago...
We're No Better or Other Stupid Tropes
What went wrong?
Why are these the best X-Men outfits, Dab Forums?
What went wrong?
How do we save Dab Forums?
Post DC's best damsels in distress Dab Forums
This is the new Black Cat, say something nice to her
I want a gf like Webby
WTF Disney
Do you buy into Grant Morrison's "theory" about magic of symbols and shit?
Arlo the Alligator Boy
He was right
Why did this show have to be so goddamn preachy?
Onyx Equinox
What are they looking at/reacting to?
Is it the best superhero movie ever made?
Dab Forums is laughing at us again
Why is it that when a male creates a show for Disney they push their self inserts into /ss/ while when women create...
Floppy Hate Thread
Toonami General #6
What are some titular janitors that appear in cartoons and/or comics? Thanks in advance
He doesn't main Mikey
Why is her hair blue?
2000 Dreamworks VS 2001 Disney
Is Daria an arrogant, entitled spoiled brat? She whine a lot about how miserable she is...
Toonami General #5
Deciding to usher in a new age of shows where it's everyone but babies (Total Drama bullshit, We Baby Bears, etc)
The Hub was much more enjoyable to watch than CN, Nick, or the Disney networks during its run
Toonami General #4
I've heard it's a fucking mess. Is it worth reading at least for general knowledge of the state of modern X-Men?
This is definitely a win for neurodivergent people everywhere
Why did they turn the show's title characters into idiots?
So what's the joke? That he's a pedophile?
How would you make road to El dorado 2?
How would you like Marvel to expand on Red Skull Peterson?
Toonami General #3
What a fucking disaster this was post-Battle for Mewni
The paternity test is in: you ARE the father of Luz Noceda!
Let's play a game!
What are the best post apocalyptic comics?
Are we ever going to get a mainstream cartoon that has:
Astonishing X-Men
Toonami General #2
Look, fuck you, fuck the plane you flew in on, fuck dem shoes, fuck yo socks,fuck yo fairy faggot accent...
So, why do people hate modern animation again?
Dab Forumsnfessions thread
Post superior ships that got screwed over for inferior ones. I'll start
YWN have a dommy vampire gf to take you on walkies
Why did Dab Forums hate this special? I thought it stayed true to what made Rocko a classic...
I've never seen a single episode of Steven Universe...
ITT: Bad cheesecake
Bros.... I’m starting to find bald ladies hot
Silly huntress, that's no way to store important information
Dipper Pines is awesome
Here's your what-if episodes
New Final Kino soon
Alright here it is. What if Venom Possessed Deadpool storytime
Husbando thread
What do you guys think of this show?
Questionable Content
Itt: Characters you are becoming or came
Garyc sketch
This is one of the most text book examples of queerbaiting I’ve ever seen. I’m glad this show is cancelled
Can we have a brown girls thread?
Oh Embeeeerrr one day remains
This dialogue is awful
JSA Storytime: GO JOE
Toonami General #1
Zemo is an idiot
Be 100% honest, did you laugh?
Adam West/66 Batman
This was pretty good
Does anyone care about the Fat and Furious cartoon? S4 was just released. I'm about to watch S4
Dab Forums harps on modern cartoons for all being self inserts and thus bad
Lex Luthor... but good
Who’s your favorite female character in American Dad?
We don't have HBOMax over here, but I gotta ask
Remember that time when Jack Drake and Captain Boomerang killed each other...
Shouldn't Magneto be one of the most powerful possible comic book characters? Since everyone's blood has metal in it...
Whats your favorite halal cartoon movies?
Behind the scenes content
Why did comics become so dark, melodramatic and violent...
How was this any worse than Thor decapitating Thanos after he was already depowered and crippled?
What are your favorite gender swap episodes or comics? Why are good ones so hard to come by...
I want some unbiased thoughts on this show
Why are Dab Forums to Dab Forums adaptations so awful? Is there a single good video game cartoon?
Was Earth One Superman suppose to be autistic?
I only have ONE question... Why are 80%> of the couples inter-racial??
Transformers General
What went wring ?
Amphibia or owl house?
Doesn't know what a book is
Duck Thread
For those who were born between 1999 to 2001...
In a way, I'm glad the old Justice League International lineup hasn't been brought back together in any recent comics...
They will never let a Black man be Captain America. And even if they did...
Why do twitter artists pretend this has an effect when minors can look at their art freely by just not using an account?
Black Widow
Want to make a comic
From the far away land of 1992
(Lust Provoking Image) >irrelevant time wasting question
I may be a mutant, but I'm still human
Cursed Dab Forums images
Is Real Ghostbusters worth watching? It seems they are now free on YouTube
Superman and Batman: World's Funnest Storytime
Hank Hill was actually fairly attractive at one point
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement