Here’s your replacement
Here’s your replacement
i hate niggers with every fiber of my being
mayo racist
Niggers tongue muh anus
If i had a choice to kill all niggers but i die too i would do it in a heartbeat. If i had one wish its that all black people are frozen under ice for all of eternity
>brother works in IT
>company tell him to work from home to save money
>5 years later company exports 90% of their jobs to shit hole India
>year after that they lay him off export his job to Indina
>2 months later they rehire him at 30% pay increase.
Thwy had 25 people trying to do the job he did. It may not be today or tomorrow, but they'll good back to whites when you cant afford to just throw shitskins at the problem.
Shit tier university
All her courses are already out dated tech
Shut the fuck up, you homo erectus missing link looking ass nigger.
You just know cause shes a nigger with a Comp Sci degree one of the FANG companies will hire her for $200k a year to get the WOKE points.
yet you're still a virgin
no one cares
go back there
They're already doing so, they're just changing the way things are structured.
Look at SpaceX. While NASA is hiring minorities and women like OP's pic related, they have to increasingly contract out the hard stuff to companies staffed with white men, like SpaceX.
I think it's a good time for white guys to start businesses. Forget about trying to climb the corporate ladder. Forget about big corporations altogether. They're living under a 24/7 drip of free cash from the fed, which allows them to hire tons of useless people.
But at the end of the day society will still need small and medium companies that actually build actual stuff that actually works. You can't run those companies with twitter activists and diversity committees.
Who gives a shit god niggers on Reddit are even more insufferable than ghetto niggers like nobody fucking cares you did a thing thousands of people do every day but they get lionized by the s oyfags
Niggers are a nuisance, great for destruction.
Few and far between. I met a couple black females in my engineering program, they were actually nice and dorky. Not headed for R&D world, but I scan guarantee you’d rather work with them at a 9-5 than the average pajeet.
>computer SCIENCE
proof science is bs
She’ll make $200k a day and won’t even need to code.
Good for her for completing it tho. There are probably less than 1000 black female CS degree holders (not counting online diploma mills) in the country. But still, she probably coasted off the same benefits she’ll coast off for the rest of her career.
So does reddit just mass up vote any picture of a nigger?
>Educated memeber of minority, willing to learn and work in an actually productive and useful part of the labour market, and thus being a net contributor to society.
We should be angry because?
Also, you got it wrong, because she's clearly not chinese.
Same here, we should start a club or something
yes they do
>we should start a club
We could get matching Hugo Boss outfits
Something tells me shes more interested in showing off her achievements than actual comp science.
So why is that news? Anybody can do that, especially if you are low IQ nigger or Jew, they practically run those universities.