>there are anons reading this thread RIGHT NOW who haven't played skyrim
What's your excuse? And don't tell me it's not available on your platform of choice.
The Elder Scrolls
the combat is so goddamn clunky and lame that it was a struggle for me to enjoy the rest of the game which was incredible.
nice image from reddit
I appreciate when an artist draws themselves as ugly as possible
Why would you play vanilla skyrim?
I played it for a few hours around new years 2012 and ditched it because it was dull as shit. It seems to have been many people's first video game or something
That baby is coming out black
This comic while retarded is somewhat truthful, the fact that you can play many games with the joycon seperate in each hand is pretty nice I have to agree
they're actually just fat
Why is she covered in fleas?
It's a pointless timesink.
to the anons that somehow haven't played skyrim yet
don't waste your time
play literally anything else
>the rest of the game was incredible
Nah the whole game is about as clunky and shallow as the combat systen. There’s just so much of it compared to other games
Bethesda games are glitchy, ugly pieces of shit.
I play it on PC while sipping whiskey highballs, sitting reclined on a La-z boy
I dont know why, but I tend to play skyrim alot longer on consoles than PC
>switch user
>is a tranny
every time
I bought it for multiple platforms, thrown hundreds of hours into it, and absolutely hated it all.
Literally pic related
It's funny because as soon as you say this, those that love the older elder scrolls can't help but feel like they need to defend the combat because of their perception that skyrim sucks in comparison to the older stuff.
It's boring and there is nothing exciting to uncover. I got my fix of the open world meme with Oblivion, and Skyrim is not much better.
user, nobody defends the combat except for delusional Morrowindfags.
always hated first person rpgs since Morrowind, combat is retarded, I would've played it if it was an isometric one
I pirated it and finished it
Wasn't worth it
Didn't have much fun with it
It's an interesting quirk of the gameplay loop and having other options.
Skyrim is a very mindless game. If you play the game as intended, it's pretty much a never ending
>Kill->loot->kill cycle
For example, the only time I actually had a challenge in the game in the few hundred hours I've sunk into it (most likely) was a friend of mine made an incredibly bad build, with shit gear, and got trapped in a dungeon which suddenly made the game incredibly challenging.
>What does this have to do with PC?
Mindless games in PC tend to get broken up by other things you can do on PC - porn, funposting, other games, whatever. When it comes to a console game, you have to actually do something to change course of what you're doing.
Trannies can't into pregnant
>tried to play recently with bunch of mods that are suppose to improve combat
>you can feel the engine fighting against whatever the mods are trying to do at every change
The animations are scuffed, the camera is awkward and it feels clunky with the go to combat mods to the point where I just want to remove them, but then I remember that the base games combat is also not good. I WANT to like this game but fucking hell.
This offends me, but I can't quite say why.
Why is nearly every single female comic
>me cute
>but actually me not cute
>Gameplay """loop""""
When did this fucking retarded term start being common place? Is it because of all the fucks who play these online economy driven FPS games? Gameplay is gameplay, it isn't a fucking "loop".
>you can feel the engine fighting against whatever the mods
that's not the engines problem
Skyrim on switch gets you pregnant?
I don't wanna spend like 2 hours modding only to stop actually playing after 1 hour because FUCK dealing with vanilla skyrim's absolute slog of regular gameplay.
>Skyrim is 11yrs old
Holy fuck where did the time go...