Kratom Bros, what can I expect?

So, after reading the previous Kratom thread I bought some. It's getting delivered this evening. What do I do with this green stuff? What is it, and what can I expect? What do I do with it?

Attached: KRATOM.png (2100x1500, 860.3K)

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My dad takes it.
Says it takes the edge off.

Its honestly what ever, your body builds a tolerance to it fast.

Take too much and you'll get a terrible headache

Also stimulants are for niggers

throw it away and never look back

if you're using it for harm reduction, it's great. if you're using it recreationally, it's terrible.

Nice pain killer/energy boost

Good luck having normal shits ever again though

You should try adderall, mein nigger
Its a drug for a working man

irreversible damage to the pancreas. watch your poops turn grey over time. the buzz ain't worth it. if you gotta' get fucked up, just drink. much more sustainable,

I'm not larping, I swear by my mother's life
My cousin took this shit and died in his sleep at age 22. He was perfectly healthy but took (((kratom))) for his (((anxiety)))

you're gonna shit rocks and develop a tolerance pretty quick.
Read through subjective effects OP

fuck off you dumb nigger brain. there is already a thread on this shit you nigger jew chang. heroin is bad as are all opiates like this. the addiction wont be fun. lsd and weed are the only decent drugs, rest are trash.

Put it in your butthole

>just drink.
dumb. that shit is toxic and deteriorates your body too nigger. lsd and weed are the only good ones and that's why the feds hide it. alcohol is to bring a man down, not help one.

heroine for cowards with similar withdrawal

smoke weed instead, or better try to source the issue in your mind/body and better your life


if you pack it tight you can fit a gram in a size 00 capsule and not have to scarf down powderized horse shit.

Stick it in pooper

>if you must
read the whole statement you drooling fucking imbecile

Just take a tbsp of it, throw it in your mouth, and quickly wash it down with water. If you have a scale, start with about 4g. You'll need to increase your dosage as you go on. If you're not currently an O addict looking for reprieve or someone in pain, I recommend you throw it in the trash and don't look back but do what you will. Note that there is a threshold at which it loses its potency so you'll need to dial in your dosage.

I hate 24g a day every day for 2 years now. It's breddy gud.

Nice feeling. Better than any anti-depressant or anxiety med. Take it when I wake up and in the evening. Warning though taking too much puts you to sleep. Start with a teaspoon.

Waste of money, bought it just for keks. It tastes like shit, I physically couldn't do it more than once. You feel very mellow at first, later nauseous and hot. Are you a recovering junky? Just try it to see how it is and then sell the rest to nogs/muzzies.

Don't stick it up your butt and don't take too much. You will have fever dreams that suck. Since it is an opiate, it causes constipation. I alleviated this and also efficiently used the powder/leaf by swallowing the plant matter. I recommend doing this, tons of fiber.

>My cousin took this shit and died in his sleep at age 22. He was perfectly healthy but took (((kratom))) for his (((anxiety)))

Really? That's too based to be true.

x (doubt)

Until it stops working and you're alternatively grinning and frowning at strangers on the street, vacillating between saying "what's up?' and "Hello".

No hangover with Kratom. I haven't drank since I started taking it. Bad for the alcohol jews.

I've been taking the same dose daily for pain for years now. Still works just as well.. I only dose once a day after work just toss and wash. The extra fiber gives me good strong poopies.

If you start taking it multiple times a day you are asking for trouble.

I've been taking the same amount for 5 years.

Been taking this stuff for 5 years,
about 15 grams a day, my tolerance is through the roof.

It takes the edge off great and is always a nice thing to come home to after work. Nice hot yard waste flavored water.
Every time I try to quit it the first few days are nothing but rampant depression and irritable behavior.

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>muh lsd and weed enlightening
>that's why feds hide it
Stfu basic bitch stacy. Imagine being this fucking clueless on nature of psychs and (((who))) really pushed it with the (((counter culture))).

There's no way to take it without it tasting terrible dont even bother

just taper your dose slowly over time. Kratom works even if you take only half of your usual dose I found. I don't get why the anti-drug fags shit their pants over it.

You'll get addicted if you keep taking it, you'll feel like shit the next day and your hair will eventually start to fall out so take it easy I guess.