Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
>normalfag friends love playing Apex, but only on fucking PS4 for some reason
>weeb friend only plays coombait games with microtransactions
>best friend hates competition and even plays games like LoL or Starcraft only against bots
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Yes but now when we hang we'll play our own shit, like my bro will take the PC and I'll take the Switch and my homie will take the TV for PS4, usually for FIFA
I honestly hate normie games, and my friends aren't RPG enough for the games I like. So I understand that yeah. Luckily my brother is a complete clone of me, and likes everything I like so we play those games coop together.
Yes thankfully I have like two friends who actually like playing a variety of games that aren’t garbage.
A good thing to do when putting up with bullshit like people who want to play ranked overwatch for 7 years or league is to let them continue their brain rot while you go on and experience the plethora of god tier single player games that exist.
You have a backlog, get to it.
I wish Risk of Rain wasn't the only multiplayer roguelike I could rope people into
>It's rotting your brain if I don't like it
The hell kind of retarded logic is that? They're video games, it's all about wasting time.
Apex doesn’t have crossplay?
I don't have friends outside of online randos I met playing games i like
It does, OP is just larping and pretending like he has friends for some reason.
I think he means that all those fast-paced stressful online games rot your brain. I agree with him.
my entire friends group is enslaved by league of legends, and i kind of stopped talking with them over the years since all they do is play league 24/7. feels bad, i'm particularly bad at making new friends as well...
I only have a laptop and can't run anything decent on it
>One friend plays strictly normie shit like LoL, Fortnite, Apex, Raid: Shadow Legend and whatever "cinematic" crap
>Second friend basically only plays Resident Evil and whatever shitty "feelgood" game comes out.
>Third friend only plays the most grindy brain dead shit imaginable. Runescape, Roblox, Vindictus, Archage, and Black Desert are all he's played for the last six-ish years.
>Fourth friend has played nothing but WoW since Cata dropped. The only other games he's played are League and Hearthstone
>Last friend plays whatever I want to play, L4D, Dead by Daylight, Dying Light, Borderlands, Minecraft, Terraria, etc. but he's fucking terrible at every single game he plays and rages super fucking hard.
You agree with someone with no evidence of such claims? Pretty sure that's how superstition and cults start, don't be that kind of person.
Ok? So just emulate old console games. Friends are overrated and really only for kids.
So basically you're mad no one else refuses to play solitaire with you judging by your nitpicky list there.
>play games with friend
>He always complains about how he feels like he's wasting
>When he's not playing games he's just shitposting and watching Netflix
>Never does anything productive
>Occasionally will ask me about a new game, but if I ask him anything about gaming I get the "idk man, I don't think I'm into games anymore" which is not true because the retard puts like 5 hours into valheim each day
It's so annoying. I don't even play with him anymore because hes so annoying
They only play wow user, I hoped they would stop but Blizzard claimed ownership of their souls, but they suck at everything else.
>L4D, Dead by Daylight, Dying Light, Borderlands, Minecraft, Terraria, etc.
I can't read for you, you have to learn how on your own.
The one trick league/fortnite/overwatch/multiplayer game as a service player is kind of like that guy who rewatches the office nonstop.
There’s a metric ton of different experiences you could be pursuing with friends (which you most likely would enjoy more) that are not being pursued. Speaking from personal experience, people just don’t like trying things that are new to them.
After rewatching the office 5 times, I’m not trying to watch this show again. Maybe I’ll do an episode every now and then, but it’s not going to be my go to. I’d rather do something new and engaging. Same shit applied to videogames.
If it’s all just a way to waste time for you go stare at the wall.
I don't have any friends to play with, I only play with my gf. Lots of stuff she doesn't like, but sometimes it works. Currently playing Deep Rock Galactic with her, so that's nice.
I struggle playing with friends because of I have none.