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International #1404
Does your country eat eggplant
Most powerful empire in history
Ah, la belle France!
Why didn't Latin American people migrate to Europe?
Hapas are the final race
Mfw every european archievement is derived eventually from something they saw from muslims
Kurva anyátok
What is life like in Iceland?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #155
Do you love Hungary?
Why does my region makes so many people seethe?
Why is the Indian diaspora so successful outside of India
Why is Dab Forums obsessed with this country
Where you were born /int? I was born in Écija, a town in Andalucía which is miserable but livable
How popular are tattoos in your country among young adults?
I look behind me, I see my people, 1.8 billion strong
Countries you idolized as a youngster but learned to hate when grown up
/deutsch/ Nationale Edition
We must send them back to INDIA
Is there a negative stigma towards japanese animations in your country?
Smiling is creepy
1. your cunt
Indian man kept his arm raised in the air for 30+ years until India becomes superpower
What is their role in world history?
/ita/ - il filo
What messaging apps you use?
Itt we say nice(preferably) things about Algeria
I suffer in SUOMI
What a mess
How does one acquire a British gf?
How popular are things like stripclubs and pole dancing in your country?
Why is Thailand more accepting of trans women than the West?
Post your favorite European painting
What can Europe do to help those less fortunate?
Mexico Cartels
Do you like turks ?
Is it possible to suffer in Israel?
What is this phenotype?
Finnish people degrease their pizzas
China has only shit countries as allies
How is your life?
My favorite African country?
Just a reminder that my country has achieved more than yours
They really brainwash you in this country into thinking this is the greatest country in the world...
/fr/ - le fil /fr/anchement sympa
What happens in arkhangelsk?
Do you have ethnic homogenous towns or cities in your country?
Best literature of Europe
JUST IMAGINE... how beautiful everything in this counntry would be if it was not bombed... it would be ITALY...
Any streetshitters here?
Anti-nationalism is essentially illegal
/lat/ hilo latino
What happens here?
Mfw people belive that accient egiptians and Roman emperors were nordic
Hate beer(except malzbier)
The national village architecture thread
Tfw the British vaccine is garbage
Confess. Do you want it back?
Sverigetråden - Fridas upplaga
Is Turkic nationalism really on the rise or is this just an internet meme...
At what age do people in your country generally get married and start having children?
What does the US think of your country?
Russophobic Nazi incels
Europe Ranking
What are you going to eat tonight? (if you already had dinner, what did you eat?)
Why do a lot of Russians visit Turkey?
What can Dab Forums tell me about the ethiopian jews in Israel?
Be british
Why haven't you moved to Norway yet, user?
How are tattoos regarded in your cunt ?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Post WW2 pictures from your country
Basque General
For me it's the Grana Padano
Americans should be more grateful to their African-American population...
Do you like forests?
If you support China, you're on the wrong side of history
Do you wash your meats before you cook it?
What is the stereotype of Poland in your country?
Find love taiwan?
Ultra nationalist memes
Did you know that French men have large cocks?
Would you press it in your country?
Bongs vs Americans
Hitler considered them more Aryan than Germans
Is racism due to envy?
"You'll work for me one day"
Most people here never had sex
Grilled cheese is just an American thing, right? No one actually grew up eating them outside of the US
Change phone location/language to US
Have sex
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Inside Brazil's Most Dangerous Neighborhood (Extreme Slum)
China is pathetic
I am an actual incel (22 years old never had any romantic or sexual relationship or encounter ever)
Are baltic people slavs?
Are black kweens popular in your cunt?
Japan used to have a lot of qt Russian girls but disgusting weeb Anglo women are becoming more common
175 cm
Who's your country's Hitler?
How can Germans be so overpowered?
Poles, if your friends and family gave an honest answer, which borders would they prefer today?
American walks into restaurant
Sverigetråden - Grodupplagan
International dubbing
Which country has the best cuisine?
Why don't Meds eat a proper breakfast?
What number scares people on your country?
Do you love American cuisine?
Why are we Indians like this bros?
Thoughts on Jewish women?
Poorest country in Western Europe
Why is Norway so cool and Sweden so gay?
Are you racist?
I don't get it
Muh heritage thread
Arabic is not language!
Europe is so different than Japan with their obesity and drug epidemic and insane lgbt feminism culture...
This is the new EMINEM
/fr/ - Le Francofil des francopains - Edition de la haine du monde
Gekoloniseer deur Afrikaners uitgawe
/mena/ Middle East North Africa General
Nordic mythology is so cool
What's your stance on climate activism? Personally, I am frightened of desertification of the Sahara...
Why is balkans anti homosexual?
What does Dab Forums think about the kurds being buttfucked by us?
Same energy
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #154
Does your country produce any lewd Art?
Comfy Dab Forumsernational music thread
1. You're cunt
Proof that north-western germanics as Dutch Belgians and western germans are the true WHITE BVLLS of EVROPA
Kurva anyátok
Really makes you think
Is it safe to be like this in your cunt?
How do non-Mediterranean countries even compete?
100% accurate representation
I created a reddit account
Does this happen in your country?
1. Your country
What do you think about Finnish boys?
/ita/ - il filo
Do people drink monsters in your cunt?
Mysterious American Traditions
Why does the West love this?
/danmarktråden + /skandi/
Remember to never put weebs on the same category as humans
Seriously though, how do we get western people to eat healthy again?
/lang/ - language learning general
Do women look sexy in your cunts traditional fashion?
Why is the world stuck at the last stage now?
Why do people claim that china is anti-muslim if the ethnic chinese hui muslims (who have been muslims way longer than...
European folk music
You wake up in Texas
ITT we bully Germans
I'm leaving Christianity
India is worst country on this planet
Bald and bankrupt
Greece is a paradise that you simply can't suffer in
/sg/ - Schizophrenia general
Are you okay, France?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Do you love Iran?
Slavic women are so beautiful!
Do Protestants understand the concept of empathy or are they all about money and power?
The EU has often been described as a sui generis political entity (without precedent or comparison)
Russian don't show a smile to us even in emojis
Why Japan can't be forgived by everyone but Germany is not?
Polish boomer mum be like
Why does no one ever talk about them?
Is this the power of the Superpower that is India?VGH...I KNEEL
How's the job situation in your country, lad?
I wish I was black American
Why do so many people from here have china eyes?
Romania-sama i- i kneel!
Why do Hungarian women love India?
How come this country has so many lesbians? I'm not joking
Why do indians do this face?
What the fuck was their problem?
How are you celebrating womxn’s history month in your country?
Turkey's economy expanded 1.8% year-on-year in 2020 despite the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic...
Why are indian men so weak?
Please come to greece
Only 50% OF BRITISH ZOOMERS identify as heterosexual
Usa bombed a hospital in afghanistan
Germany is gay for France
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #153
Japan is literally the perfect country. They won the lottery of life by being born there
Study History
What ways did multiculturalism succeed for your country?
Realistically, what's going to happen to China in the next 20 years? No meme answers
At least you were not born in pic related
Be me
You wake up in San Diego, California
/isr/ - /ישר/
*blocks your imperial path*
You wake up in Thessaloniki, Greece
What do people do late at night in your cunt?
I suffer in america
Post who you imagine is behind the screen when you see a Russian poster
/v4/ + friends
Хyй нe cocëм, бoчкy нe дeлaeм
Name 5 states/provinces/regions of the country above you
Why are europeans obsessed with pork...
Just read about the Fritzl case. Why are austrians like this? Is that because of Hitler?
Do they? Do they really?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
I hate Greek diaspora so fucking much...
Do you like old leaders or young leaders?
>parents are Bulgarian immigrants
Kurva anyátok
Thoughts on american boomers on internets
Presenting: the comfy zone
Why do Euros hate them?
Mexican-Americans fully assimilate to black American culture
No wonder US is such a third world shithole
Nobody has the right to obey
What do people think of the homeless in your cunt?
Do commies don't realize how creepy thier culture is?
Today is his 90th Birthday
Despite being one of the poorest states, you cannot suffer New Mexico
Language question
Indian people were building this 2000 years ago. What were your ancestors doing?
Ywn conquer India
I hate that we have proto-semitic ancestry with them
We are inseparable brothers
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - BARA-upplagan
Why didn't african Americans immediately leave for Africa after they obtained their freedom and live a peaceful life in...
Before I liked Americans movies/series but it changed lately
Hilo latino
Why are anglos the only people who believe in individualism? Is it genetic?
Argenchads are BLACK
Whats their end goal
The man who DESTROYED India
What kinda wild animals have you ran into
Cunt Health
/esp/ - Hilo Español
/fr/ || fil francophone (francofil)
Persian, Iran, Abjac
Is it hard to find a job in your country?
Why haven't you moved to Russia yet?
Sends our religious crazies to the US
What are zoomers like in your country?
Country by size if each block represents 500,000 people
Tfw no turkish balkan rape baby gf
Since 2019:
How many kids is the social norm in your country?
Why are the Americas so violent?
How come Mexicans have such a weird fascination with death and skeletons?
Why can't you read Mandarin yet?
Hello. Does anyone here live in Montana? Is it nice?
/한국어/ thread
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Imagine still live with parents. First world countries only
Why do american companies do this?
Childhood is idolising Japan. Adulthood is realising Korea makes more sense
American literally have to beg money online and crowdfund funeral for their dead
One can not be Christian and a c*mmunist, however one can be a Christian and a Fascist. How do leftoids cope?
China yes went to the moon and mars
/world of polska/
Portuguese speak a retarded version of Galician which is a retarded version of Spanish
/zh/ - Chinese only thread
Bavarians are probably the most cringe sub-national identity
Europe and America;
The sad thing is, both these vehicles have the same MPG
Thanks to our retarded president the northern states of mexico will soon join the us.... how do you feel about this?
Americans will literally sue you for criticizing their McMansion
Western Yurop has lower fertility rate than Japan(except France) even though their fertility rate is already propped up...
If your country was important enough to get its own Zootopia animal, what would it be?
Internet Spanish
Why are people such hypocrites? Why does Mexico get no blame despite them having just as much of a bloody history as us?
How often do people get murdered in your neighborhood, Dab Forums? Do police ever solve the cases?
Italian "humour"
America will collapse in your lifetime
Alcohol bad
The queens of Dab Forums
Is there any country where this phenotype is not preferred/valued?
Why the fuck do people say Hitler was a white supremacist racist...
Who are most richer, Anglo-Canadians or French-Canadians?
Damn it feels good to be a Chicano, the most powerful race atm
I want to go to California. I want to find a gf there. I want to be sucessful there
Dab Forums memes are a hit on twitter right now lads
Intrachinese stereotypes
/ita/ - il filo
How Dab Forums are you irl
/desi/-/ देसी/
Why is there such a disdainful attitude towards Russians?
Japan is NOT East Asian
/brit/ - simp general
So, how do the French anons here feel about black people in France?
You wake up in Philippines
Cars should not have more than 50 kW
When my palestinian grandpa came to America in the 1950s, he got a job by lying and saying he's Italian
This photo was taken in Russia in 1910
Russia won
Why are you so poor?
Islam is forecasted to be the largest
I love China (中国)
God, why did I have to be born in this fucking shithole
Post your country's current 'formal' military attire dress
Omg I love Portugal, it's so beautiful
When are hispanics finally going to be woke like the superior intelligent whites?
How casual is sex viewed in your culture by girls from your country?
Are they socially retarded?
Does your country have a jewish diaspora?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2543
POV: you wake up in south america
/fr/ — Le Francofil
Who will win in a war between France and USA ?
Do Canadians really?
What do you think about the journalists from your country?
Let’s go boys
Do you feel safe in your cunt?
/Dyskalkulie-Förderkurs/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/ oder wahlweise /nachtschicht/
Average wage in Macau is around 7500 USD
The sole fact that the North Sentinel Island people live without government...
What is life like in favelas?
Are you tall?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Amerinoggers believe egyptians are subsaharan africans. Why?
All their shit is expensive for no reason and prone to breakdowns due to over engineering...
America but poor
Do people in your cunt like red heads?
Spanish politician from Seville Isabel Franco says that al-Andalus was a golden age where Muslims...
Who are the "Californians" of your country?
How are hapas treated in asia? People say hapas grow up to be weird in the west because they get treated bad...
What is your fetish
Jobs in italy
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Guess the country
Post your heritage
What do you usually have in your pockets?
I can't cope with the fact that I have ugly brown eyes
Not a country
Paris - Rome
How common are sigma males in your country?
Do you get meditate in your country?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
British food
How much pasta do I need to eat in order to become ethnically Italian?
Sverigetråden - Polispajupplagan
Nothing can stop us if we unite
Why don't Americans have military parades?
Be Romanian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #152
Gigachad, the continent
ITT: we try to get all nordic flags in this thread
Realistically speaking, how many American women are fat?
What's the easiest way to learn russian ?
I don't get it
Places where Germanic paganism was practiced by most of the population
Do you have the tortilla?
Why are they so artistically poor when compared to other western european countries?
/ita/ - il filo
Have you noticed this too?
Based af
/lat/ INO
Britons adapted Anglo-Saxon language. However, the French did not adopt the Frankish language...
Japanese will become the second most spoken language in the world
Your cunt
Does this happens in your country???
Portugal and Dutch anons- do u like Polish immigrants? Im thinkin about leavin my shithole of a country...
Would you move to Britain if given the chance?
Uk salaries are lower than they were in 2000 in real terms
ITT: we apologize for the worst parts of our country
What a goddess
This is a Brazilian woman
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Kurva anyátok
Punished thread
Do you like modern French music ?
SverigeTråden - GRETA VULT-upplagan
Sverigetråden - veganupplagan
Euroniggas be like
Would I be accepted as one of yours? As in, do I look like an average guy in your streets?
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Why Scandis speak English so good?
I suffer in europe
Faces of Dab Forums
Name 5 spaniards
Apart of the U.S, what other country celebrated black history month?
Yfw your wife cheats on you with a 23 year old rapper
How does Finnish language sound to foreigner? Is it harsh, soft, feminine, masculine, pleasant, ugly or something else...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2543
You really have to be a retard to fail a driving license test
/nachrichten/ ehemals /deutsch/
Mexico Thread
East Asia all build stealth fighters
Fact : it is not the role of a government to manage a virus
Be Peegypitan
Have Dab Forums taught you anything about another country?
Would you eat this?
Do you have a racist story when you went to USA?
There are muslims in my country
Asuka but andalusian
When will Japan and Taiwan drop their outdated and excessive traditional characrers and start using the far superior...
What does Rural areas in your country look like? Top American, bottom Russian
Russians be like:
I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe, then compiled the results
Why were the Japanese the first to try and copy euro shit?
One of my friends noticed my book being pirated at a major document sharing site earlier this year...
Sverigetråden C.H.U.D.-Upplagan
Itt we act like we are on r/europe
/ita/ - il filo
/mena/ Middle East North Africa General
ITT : We communicate using images, I'll start
"""people""" born before 2000
Why are us troops in afghanistan and iraq?
Is your country fat?
I've never been pulled over by the cops
When was the last time you had a date with a cute girl in your country?
This thread is dedicated to mexico
/fr/ — Le Francofil
Be nice to germans, they don't deserve the hate they get on this board
What do people think of prostitution in your country
How would your parents react if you brought home a black gf?
No they're not, the only ones doing that is China. Other Asians are just minding their own business...
How easy is dating in your country? Are you on any apps?
Do you support the GRAND PARIS project?
1. Your country
Our media says Israel is india's best frend
The US would be so much wealthier if we were next to China and India instead of Mexico
How do latinos on here cope looking like this? This is pretty much asian tier in terms of dating diffuculty...
Black history month is over
Americans don't learn latin in high school
Do americans really?
Why do nogs keep getting BTFO'd?
Damn....really makes you think
/lat/ el hilo panchito
Most of europe is third world
Is there any hope? I want them to succeed unironically
Guess the country and the ethnicities of these lads
Redpill me on Portugal
Why don't you have one?
If russians love their country so much, why are they coming in hordes towards mine?
Why are americans so kind?
I FUCKING WANT TO LIVE IN JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to your family in WW2
Why do English speakers call this guy "Plato", and not "Platon"?
Why do Italians on this board hate Brazilians so much?
Was he right?
Today is my birthday. Please, say something nice for me
Your cunt
Is there any other country that has obessession like this?
Why do western women love the slavChad aesthetic so much?
The majority of people in most European countries is opposed to immigration, especially from muslim countries...
Which european countries resembles Japan the most?
Indo-Europeans don't exist. It's just a Eurangutan myth to try to make themselves feel good
Post your favorite Quran verses :)
The people who live in commie block are poor people in your country?
Below-average height for every country in Europe except Albania and Portugal
Why are half the Polish guys I've met bald? Is everyone from Poland on chemo?
Americans really be out there expecting you to know where their irrelevant flyover state is
Brutally mogged
What is the cause of racism in the world?
Do you like being white?
A RED PILL from the Egyptian nation on Dab Forums's Ethiopian diaspoo infestation
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is France so corrupt?
Am I the only one that remembers china trying to pin corona on italy?
Swedes look like this yet call us mongols
Has a strong culture
My salary is €300. How do I cope with not living in the West?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
I actually think hijab make women sexier, anyone else like this?
In terms of human tragedy where does September 12, 2001 rank for you
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Based, truly the greatest leader of the 21st century thus far
Kurva anyátok
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
In the past decade or so, the EU has had three major crises to deal with
Moscow and Kiev Tinder
The holy trinity of
White girls fuck dogs
When was the last terrorist attack in your country?
Is Europe first world?
Why does English use 'c' so often when its pronounced as 'k' most of the time?
ITT post anything related to real life mysteries, unnerving horror stories and local folklore from your cunt
Now that the R*ssian janny is gone.... why are they like this?
/ita/ - il filo
Only 400.000 Americans died in WW2
Wake up
/sg/ - Schizophrenia general
Britishers are paid less than they were in 2000
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #151
Do You want a (You)?
Dab Forums posters you recognize
Italian boys can't be this cute?!
ITT: we apologize for our country's most embarrassing region
Sverigetråden - Här igen upplagan
Move aside, Murasame sama walking through
Which corporation rules your cunt?
ITT we post our favorite architecture from any country
Why are they like this?
>I suffer in America
I suffer as a jewish american
Do you love Japan?
Do they be like this in your country as well?
Monarchies should be abolis--
Are modern Italians not descended from Romans? It's look like different populations
The Burmese army just fired on and killed 20 protestors but nobody in the West cares
Why are they hated so much? There are a few Indians here and they are harmless...
Hey google nigger
You will never watch anything like Catching Up with the Kardashians or Rich Kids of Beverly Hills from China because...
Post Tiktoks from your country
It only takes 3 hours to travel over all of denmark
Kim Il-sung visited Poland in 1984 and he came all the way from Korea by train because he was afraid of flying or...
Your cunt
There's a country named after Domino's Pizza
Are you guys proud to be white?
/esp/ - España General
Reddit subhumans unironically think Baltic States are neo-liberal
Latinamerican immigrants
Would you date a Black QVEEN? What's your experience with them?
Eastern europe/slavic bros, is buckwheat kasha meant to just taste like nothing or am i doing something wrong
Do you love nu-japan?
How would you fix America?
Why do peopel bully our English so much? What's wrong with it?
Post who you imagine is behind the screen when you see a French poster
Why are they sucking Turkey's cock so much?
Do blacks in Canada, Europe and Australia larp as American blacks?
/jazz/ ehemals /deutsch/
Philippine is master race of asia
Muh coffee culture
Are wh*Te women in your country like this too?
POV: you wake up in Avfrika
Why aren't these one nation?
Be Peegyptian
1.Your cunt
/fr/- Le francofil
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Do people in your country hate Mondays?
Which race has the best looking finger nails? For me it’s:
1. Your country
Did the Americans really do this?
Subject your kid to torture because the government said so
In Korean culture, men have to pay for the woman when on a date
Do Australians REALLY?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Black christian BVLL vs muslim nafri virgins who win?
How do you contribute to your cunts stereotypes?
What do you need to be happy in your country
Living in the Balkans as a non-retard
Do you personally know any war veterans?
If your family hasn't been in Australia since 1880 and you aren't at least 5th generation you aren't a real Australian
1: Your cunt
Why are women from this country gold diggers?
Is twink death real?
Why is it very common in Europe/USA/Western countries
Do people wear masks in your country?
Why Russian commit suicide :(
Your cunt
1) You are a cunt
America is the best country in the world
I make steel dildos, what is your job ?
Imagine being a foreigner visiting Korean image board for the first time
Is the United States now in a position similar to weimar germany where we're the shitshow and all the other countries...
Kurva anyátok
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/+/romanian friends/
/TWG/ - Third World General
Which former colonies have the best current relations with Spain and which ones have the worst? Overall...
Would you be willing to date a Japanese girl?
What is the easiest EU country for a foreigner to find a job?
Coworker asks me a question
Bts come to brazil!!!
What the fuck?
Is having kids out of wedlock common in Japan or Korea? That seems to be the norm in the West this days
Latinx posters call me wh*Toid
Just read about america’s involvement in Afghanistan. Wtf why America? Why?
/kor/ /한국어/
What religion are you Dab Forums?
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
Why do Western women love excercise so much?
Do people in your country also change their race when they grow up?
Hilo de buena voluntad, ánimo y positivismo
Does this also happen in your country?
Do "men" look like this in your cunt?
This is Caesar Augustus. What nationality does he look like?
Why do so many non-white people call Americans "mutts" and insult them...
What would happen if they all met each other in the same room?
Reminder that Americans will literally try to sue you for making fun of their McMansions
Why does Germany make trannies seethe so much?
Brazil is not latin american
In protection of earth's lungs: 2030
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement