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International #1412
Should we fill in our hole with water?
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
Whats your cunts prefered religion
Recently inherited a lot of money. What countries should I visit first?
Dab Forums... are we the baddies?
Portuguese girls at my uni are stuck up
What's chad like in your country?
You may not like it, but this is the correct way to perceive America's states
Thank god Vietnam won, imagine if we had another south korea
Return to monke brother
What happens if the US ceases to exist?
What is does your NEET habitat look like?
Do you love Norwegians?
Where are you fr-
Why do American commies think Scandinavia is socialist?
Jinnytity edition
Does this happen frequently in your country?
1. Your cunt
Really makes you think
Do you support Texas independence?
China is not Americaniz
Destroys your monarchy
What do you know about Oman?
How do we get America to stop occupying Japan?
Why do americans kneel?
Why does 80% of jav seem to depict incest, rape...
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Russians, is this true?
Lack of self awareness and cherry picking in nation state form
México. Home
The reason the Americas (North + South America) are so “obsessed with race” is because the entire concept of race...
Is Malaysia the most developed non-oil baron muslim country?
Yes why I do lust after non white women with Caucasian features. How could you tell...
Post >yfw you found out pooh sheisty and spottemgottem linked up
Is it even possible to suffer here?
What is the greatest scandal to have hit your country in the 21st century?
"American higher education"
Is there still hope left bros? Or has China already won?
I suffer in Southeast Asia
So how fucked would the world be if these two joined alliances? Assuming they go fully ballistic
Talk to a westoid about his city
Uhm... Nipponbros???
When did this board turn into Dab Forums meets Dab Forums
A bland European looking dude steals the queens
Is this a realistic depiction of the future?
International Opinion Survey
Post things no one outside your region knows about
Your cunt
If arabs are semites then why don't they have bigger noses than jews?
She's right you know
Poland is extremely xenophobic
Is it normal to be a ghostly white pale boy in your country?
Do girls actually prefer taller guys in your cunt?
Nuking China is bad because the people live under a dictatorship and are brainwashed
How do we stop the white boys Dab Forums?
Percentage of the population that plans to get a covid vaccine in different countries...
Yes, I am Turkish
Why is Japanese fashion so disparate compared to the rest of the world?
Florida edition
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Choose your swedish girlfriend Dab Forums
How racist are people from your country?
Say a normal word in your language that you know is profane in other languages
Can Amerislobs explain why they love tipping so much? I thought you people were against socialism and free handouts?
Does your country have high speed rail?
What is brasil was real?
What is exactly wrong with capital punishment?
What’s your favorite country other than your own? Pic related
What happens here?
I thought Kebab was one Turkish dish I didn't know there was dozens of different versions of it all over the world
Do you love Malaysia?
Inshallah in my lifetime
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Which country is the true heir to the Roman Empire?
Why do they still hate each other?
When will they realize that they would have been better off being ruled by Spain and Portugal
It's fucking over
Is this a common look in your country?
Sverigetråden - tuttupplagan
There are "men" on this board, who can't grow a beard
Japan actually has underwear inspection in schools
To be fair
What is the difference between a bloke, a chap, and a lad?
How Reddit almost CRASHED the Economy with a meme
ITT only the gayest languages
Was she a fascist?
Is circumcision still practiced in your country?
Does your country resemble the left more, or the right?
Left: european and white
Why are muslims so much cleaner than Europeans?
Race and nationality
Do modern Brits still hate the French?
Who was the back stabber of your cunt?
You can NOT suffer in the USA
Why are Mexicans always so defensive about their food?
Turns out Germany is only successful because of us Southern Europeans. You're welcome, Germany
Which Hispanic American country is most Spanish?
Why is North Africa much more developed than Sub-Saharan nations?
/ita/ - il filo
Being born in an English speaking country is LITERALLY a handicap
Do people in your country UUOOHHH??
We are the manlets of europe and even then when i walk past a latin american immigrant i feel like a giant
Why so many westerners sympathize with the Russian royal family?
/International Chatting/ thread
Who was in the wrong here?
That's rite Italian boys
Why is Dab Forums so schizo about vaccines? Just take 'em
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I hate what america has becomes. will the chinks be a better global hegemon...
Have you ever experienced culture shock?
1) your ethnicity
Foreigner who has lived in Finland for 28 years explains racism there
Is driving a v8 car frowned upon in your cunt?
What kind of BOOBA are most preferred in your country and culture?
Mexico or Brazil: which is surperior?
You know to be honest, I’m starting to have a hard time believing the US is only 50-60% white
Sverigetråden - Pekoras upplaga
Out of all the Latin American countries, Brazil is definitely __ one of them
Do you have black people in your country?
Do you have a big nose?
Hilo de lamentaciones
Why are they so unaesthetic? Even most of their historic architecture is drab, ugly, and depressing
Be me
Why is everyone like that?
What are you doing to make this a reality
Sort By: Bump order
Risk bread
What do you think about this woman?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
So what is your take on COVID-19?
Literally no general of our own
Is relationship between minors legal in your country?
/ab ins bett/ bald wieder /nachtschicht/
Are you tall in your Country? At 6'1 I feel taller than most people when I walk around...
Kurva anyátok
How does this image make you feel?
You are gay?
/fr/ - le fil du soir
Do we suffer or not?
Are pakis european?
Cucking entire continent out of sea access
1. Your mother's cunt?
What do people here look like?
Are these kids what Euros are so scared of?
This map really shows you which countries are really free
Why women age like milk? I bet Belle Delphine will look like a grandma in 2025
Do zoomers in your country copy retarded american movements they call dancing on social media?
How come you never see Australians larping as random European ethnicities, the way Americans, Canadians...
What's the point of calling this country Egypt if they don't have a pharaoh and don't build new pyramids
Pigmentation aside, do you think Italians and Germans look similar?
How would your friends and family (in your country) react if you dated a black woman Dab Forums?
/NTO/ general
/ita/ il filo
I'm almost 30 and have never been outside my country
For me
Greatest briton thread
Americans don't wash their anus after defecating meaning their butts always have a faint aroma of feces
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
This person does not exist, but if she did what would be her ethnicity, religion and nationality?
Which leads me to add one remark: That the number of purely white people in the world is proportionably very small...
Why does some Latinos look like Arabs?
Literally just americans
Is Japan overrated?
Why does this man make reddit seethe so hard?
Is Russia in Europe?
Favorite burger
American movie or tv show
What a women like in your country?
N Korea
/interpals/ Thread
Why are they so nice?
Is this the most underrated country?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
10% of Germans look Nordic at most
Europo el finado
Average Brazilian man. A glimpse at the future everywhere
Do you have actual sex education at school in your country?
If you’re from here, congratulations, you’re the only countries to successfully invade Bongland
Sverigetråden - SVHOupplagan
Pale skin
/balt/ & /ausnz/ #185
Paris is not a bad and dangerous place unlike memes on Dab Forums
If Americans have and always had bad weather situations like tornadoes or hailstorms in certain regions...
What is your country's version of the name John?
Did you know that 15% of the entire population of New Zealand lives in Australia...
Are you ready for the post-brexit British Empire?
How would your family feel if you brought home an older girl from Switzerland who is in her 30s?
Seen or saw?
Kurva anyátok
Could we pass as locals in your country
Do you want to find love in Germany?
Do they make any decent products at all or is it all garbage like defective baby milk formula and exploding phones?
How come china is so good st creating technical workers but innovation there kinda meh...
Peshawar, Karachi, or Lahore?
How are gay homosexuals treated in your cunt?
/ita/ il filo - chissà perché non cancellano mai i bestemmiatori
Firsties don't fucking suffer
Is it true that young people in South Korea think it is hell?
Faces of int
/fr/ - schizos général
TLDR: The best genes of Europe were sent to North America and the trashiest to South America
Dab Forums heritage thread
International deserts
Sverigetråden - södra latin
Why ?
According to the eleventh edition of The Encyclopædia Britannica...
How close is South Asia to being monolingual in English only?
This is what linguistic perfection looks like
Albania became the first officially atheist country in the world in 1967
How do I convince my country's officials to take more East Asian immigrants?
Irish gal moves to Paris and bases her entire personality off of it
Draw a picture of how you imagine the phenotype of the poster above you
What type of nose do you have?
First worlder gives self help advice
Do you like Swedish people?
According to a new report by Russia’s state statistical agency, Rosstat...
Stop having sex
I have 3 names and 2 surnames
What's the point of speaking any language other than English?
Reminder that Dab Forums is a pro race-mixing, pro LGB board and Dab Forumstards trannies are not welcome here
This is a 10/10 according to brown men
Why are Western Europeans more scientifically accomplished than Eastern Europeans?
Sverigetråden - simonupplagan
What is your country equivalent to Deano?
America has no culture
Would you like to live in America?
Would you rather be Russian or American?
Many people travel to China and Japan, but they do not come to Korea
Can Serbs and Croats tell their languages apart? Do they sound slightly different? Is the slang/common words different...
Is Great Britain the best first world country to be born into?
What's happening in France?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Chinese cursive
/fr/ - le francofil
Virgin Leavetugal vs Chad Stayspain
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is sushi popular in your country?
World War II
VGH China
Iran is arab
/interpals/ Thread
What are the most popular types and flavors of ice cream in your country?
Who was in the wrong here?
I don't get it
Are you tall?
If you're a Croatian from this country, why the fuck are you not in Croatia right now?
Humunuhurmunuhu humunu humunurhunumumuhuhumur
What national stereotpes do you conform to?
Teacher I want kill Japan people
Las malvinas son argentinas
Shut offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Why yes, I'm Portuguese. How could you tell?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
800 years of oppression from a country of sea farers, ocean explorers, maritime merchants...
Anyone else on Dab Forums unironically white?
Do people like thrash metal in your cunt?
Why yes, I'm Finnish, how did you know?
Sverigetråden - dampupplagan
Did you get your mouth soaped as a kid? Is this a thing in your country?
My dentist wants to yank out my wisdom teeth. Does this happen in your country?
Best country in the world, fuck off
Do russians really?
How do Slovenes feel about Slavoj Zizek?
I'm ugly
British people, can you elaborate on November 5th for me? You guys burn Guy and do fireworks
So is this the asian NATO?
Martians are the best
Get nuked
Wtf Russia, they were just walking
Most russian girls dream about becoming a Chinese Man's property
Kurva anyátok
God: "I give 1000 times intelligence of Einstein OR 1000 times charisma OR 1000 times musical talent of The Beatles...
In which country do you find the most guys with long hair?
Muslims and ((( ))) of Dab Forums, have you ever been tempted to try pork in any way, shape, or form?
ITT apologize for something your country did
German woman meets Englishman
What's stopping you from moving to Norway?
/ita/ il filo
Why does everyone fucking hate us?
No more lockdowns, and how's your cunt handling this pandemic shit?
I always regreted not learning french in middle school but now i have to chance to make a french course at my...
Mexicans be like
Thoughts on most common body type among turkish girls
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Draw yourself mspaint
What are the Black people living in your town like?
Be German
Mergan Markle has been elected 47th president of the United States
/lang/- language learning general
Does your country sell arms and weapons? Are you proud of it?
World's top 3 worst languages
Muh nordic heaven
Why is Italy full of Moroccan and Nigerian scammers and why don't the police stop them?
There are 226.000 muslims in denmark
I am 21 years old and cant understand the concept of what is left and what is right
Me gusta mucho el pan, ¿a ustedes también??
Why do Germans have the small country syndrome?
Can you go to jail for fapping to a drawing in your country?
North vs South India Thread
Pakis call indians black
Your country
One EVROPE... from Lisbon to Vladivostok
Your cunt
Do Africans really need so many countries?
Russia is the Africa of Europe
Do Algerians really?
What are some famous cults from your cunt?
This is the most retarded writing system in the world
800 years of english oppression yet their spirits could never be broken
/Lener/ auch /deutsch/
Imagine the world with 7 billion Americans
What kind of people do live in these American pods?
What's your favorite foreign dessert?
Latinxs cry about racism and discrimination in the US
/map/ - map thread
Why do black people start dancing randomly?
Why do white people in Japan dress like this?
Was 60kg in 2020
/fr/ - le francofil
Are you ok China? That looks serious
Why does no one want to live in Finland?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why do men have nipples?
/luso/ o fio lusófono
Why yes, I do browse Dab Forums while attending online classes. How could you tell?
What is the age most of your people lose virginity?
God this company is based
Why are Europeans so obsessed with American culture?
What are generals like in your country?
China wont escape the middle income tra-
Be American
I know nothing about New Zealand. What are they known for?
Go to the bar for a drink
I just paid $10 for two psychiatric appointments that would cost $800 in the USA
"Turk" doesn't exist, "Turkey" is a fake state
Why are their provinces Africa tier? Have they seen Poland?
/v4/ + friends
How can we make Japan a better country?
I thought it was the other way around
I'm a christpilled trad paulinian proto-catholic, where can i find a tradwiferino to breed and save the white race?
This sentence is 70% arabic
Those are the new European countries
Why is British cuisine so bad?
Finished duolingo course for a language
Russia... Dating service. Loots of cock-hungry (9/10 in the West) MILFS of any shape and taste
Steppe Girls Thread
Kurva anyátok
What has been happening to Eastern Europe's population?
Your parents give you the entire country of Spain for your birthday
/Kaffeezone/ nebenbei /deutsch/
Realistically, how do we stop China?
Divide the planet between Russia and Asia
Why are you dark skins coping so hard?
Did you hug a cute China girl to prevent racism in your cunt?
5/10 asian girl and 5/10 white girl. Why is that?
There are people over 30 in this board
It's all over for Japan. Korea won the culture war. WON!
Is this proof that America causes everyone in it's borders to go complete insane even if they weren't born there
Guess the country
Why are they so based?
Be me, half brazilian half jap
Why do Americans hate Asians so much?
How much money does your parents and you earn a month?
Will China take a refugee from America?
/ita/ - il filo
France still the number one for cheese, we won bro, it’s over
"ate" and "eight" are pronounced the same
Left is Asia, right is america
Oh no no no no, looks like the whole world gonna get fucked tomorrow. Fuck fuck fuck
Differences between Korea and Japan
Could you be an American soldier?
Countries better than Germany
I'm getting a referral to a gender clinic today. How are health services for transgender people in your country?
You're cunt
Britbros... is everything okay there?
Letter N + 8 = night
Why do Europeans buy expensive cars with manual transmission? Just add a little bit and get auto!
Do you love Ukraine?
Would your cunt be better off with a social credit system?
Do men in your country have good facial structure? I thank God every day for my barbarian genes
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/balt/ & /ausnz/ halp nz edish
Why do the French make so many films about pedophilia?
What causes the american phenotype to be like this? it can't just be race mixing
I make 250 dollars a month working for some guy in the US managing his YouTube channel...
16 years old
My country has the most disposable income in the world
I just found out I’m 20% Milanese. Italian bros..I’m coming home
Do gayboys exist in your country?
How to get more views
How do you cope with not being a Nordic?
How can anyone take this seriously?
Why is this shithole of a country still exists?
I’m literally not even gay why do I keep masturbating to fembots?
Ancient Greeks were white
Why are they like this?
What are some forgotten massacres and genocides that nobody talks about?
Which of the big 3 has contributed the most?
Genuine question...
Who is going to stop the violence in Burma?
Which one Dab Forums?
If you live in Jakarta and refuse vaccination (of $10 vaccine from China), you get fined Rp 7,500,000 ($519)
I dont have any respect for anyone working in "IT"
Do you believe in aliens?
/tug/ - fio de Portugal
Tinder in disguise (but for losers)
Do south koreans really
Is this why French people are always so butthurt at Anglos 24/7?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Why are americans like this?
What are your theories?
Korea-sama, I kneel
British spelling is too complicated
In my economics class...
I was born in Dominican Republic :(
Are you more pasta or rice ?
Fellas how much are you tipping?
Any advice on how to impregnate European women being an Indian with an Indian accent?
Anyone else on Dab Forums unironically black?
Who are worse: weaboos or koreaboos?
I'm obsessed over a certain country
If I'm from a rural state that's 99% white do I get any mercy during the impending americaust?
Big bunda is returned to it's rightful place
Let me shatter this last cope of yours mutts
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Do Ukrainian people look this dark? Aren't they Pale and Blonde like Russians?
If Jerusalem were to become a city-state today, would you be for or against it?
Are East Asian women in Hijabs common in your city?
How different would your country be if the world looked like this?
Actually falling for the jawline meme
Sverigetråden - Tuttupplagan
Is your race replacing another?
Which one is better and why?
Do they like Brazilian women in your cunt?
Your cunt
Do russians see themselves as europeans?
Define Brazil in a single word
Tfw no Taco Bell Quesalupa
Why are the Europeans suck grouchy faggots on this board?
Do you like American cuisine?
The low birth rate of Japan is a big problem. How can we solve it?
Search "Early Life" section of prominent Southeast Asian figures
I don't get it
Be a native american in 1500 on the coast of Brazil living your happy life as usual
Why do white women have such masculine faces?
You wake up in Brazil
1. your country
Biggest economy
Do you love China? 你们爱中国吗?
/lat/ hilo latino
Remember Argentina used to be 85% white and the rest light-skinned mestizos
Will Asian beauty standards come to dominate since the west is collapsing and China is growing stronger?
/neetschicht/ manchmal /deutsch/
Do non-Americans understand the subtle humor of King of the Hill?
Greece is the Colombia of Europe
You know what's scary Dab Forums
Why yes, I'm American
Mexicans look like THIS?
Truck driver in Japan
Why do they keep raping the rainforest and genociding the natives...
Why do East Indians look like brown white people?
What is your flag's general like? Sweden's is full of degenerate losers and various deviants and retards...
White women are literal angels
What do interracial couples look like in your cunt?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2552
When will they apologize to Latin America?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Between the three countries, which one has the most native influence?
Your cunt
I always laugh when I read Europeans taking shit about America
Sverigetråden - alagarupplaganupplagan
*ruins the lives of everyone in the entire world*
You wake up in 1021
What you accidentally had sex with the poster above?
/Portugal/ - fio dominical
Love Japan, hate anime
/fr/ - le francofil
Anglos are filtered by gramatical genders
What did mexicans mean by this?
Is it normal to be a 21 year old kissless hugless handholdless virgin in your nation state?
Kurva anyátok
Left: european and white
Your cunt
Germans be like
Why do Russians here post like Westerners?
Koi fish live in street drain in Japan
I stand with my Peruvian brothers. We have the same
Here is what the Earth would look like if all the ice on it melted
What shoes do you wear?
What is the most reddit area of Spain?
Some women spend $100 on lipstick and they don't see a problem with that
Are doctors respected in your country?
What's with Americans, they're fat and dress like children
Claim they're oppressed
Are East Asian women in Hijabs common in your city?
/interpals/ bread
People wearing masks while driving alone in their cars
Sverigetråden - Potatisupplagan
Is Australia the best country in the world?
Belgium is a real country...just because it is m'kay??!!
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Dab Forums 4cc housekeeping poll
"Tell [the Spaniards] to begin to pack...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your country
why yes sex is my preferred method of colonization
Americans have mostly Germanic, Irish and Anglo-Saxon genetic heritage, just ignore the spics that think they're whites
Are nazi girls common in your country?
What does it feel like to be Irish?
Is Attack on Titan popular in your cunt?
I am Caucasoid
I'm gonna move to brazil
FACT: Persians are the most beautiful women in the world
Are dominant women common in your country?
Why did Dab Forums make history repeat itself?
/esp/ - hilo español
My name is [jac] but you must write it "Jacques", the four extra letters make me extra special!
How do the woman from your country perform in the military?
How do you bridge a 10-year hiatus in your cv (in your country)?
German: ja
1. Your country
/ita/ - il filo
Dab Forums humor thread
How do you workout in your country during corona times?
How are gays treated in these countries?
Sverigetråden - flickvänsupplagan
Do you love America?
4th highest population in the world
Do you want to live in Los Angeles?
How do Mexicans feel about these memes?
Post the military of your country ITT
What do castles in your country look like?
Is this true british bros ?
Channel between France and England
Would you flee your country in case of civil war?
Why are white people so beuatiful?
No one knows about Swedish history outside the Nordic countries...
Kurva anyátok
1500s German map of the new world
Why are Gringos like this
Why is this allowed?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Do you have anti vaxxers in your cunt? What are they like...
Your country
Hello Dab Forums
Why are Latinos and Muslims happier than everyone else?
Sverigetråden - dagen innan kneget
Is your country a good axe?
Why do Germans do this?
/fr/ - le francofil
/Kretschmann/ so wie /deutsch/
Do white people really?
Brazilian diaspora
Do you trust the press in your country?
Finland is Based
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #183
How do I move to america?
Post mosques of your cunts
I find Arabs significantly worse looking than Indians to be completely honest
Please Swedes bro buy Normandy apple pie, you can buy in Picard in Sweden
There's my favorite regular. What'll it be today sweetheart?
When did you first learn of the existence of the Japanese media?
In your international and cultural view, do you kneel for QVEENS?
Why do Polish people look so deformed
Japan, explain
I have been thinking about studying international relations for when I move to europe from argentina next year
What specific cultural aspects allowed Swedish women to become like this...
Your onest hopinion about Finland?
Why are they like this?
Which language is worse?
Country called 'Russia' never existed until 1991
America, yes
My favorite rivalry
/ita/ - il filo
There is no reason to hate them if you're non-Muslim
Post your lunch today
Itt: artificial countries that were literally made up by other countries
If commies never took over china and china kept allying with the US, china today would be worse off than india
Does this happen in your country?
It seems that English pipo are mad because of the french cartoons
Did your country fall for the F-35 meme?
T rex
Why does southern Spain look so... poor?
Is sheep a popular meat to eat in your country? I have a halal meat shop nearby, they sell god tier sheep
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
Please visit my country. No, PLEASE come to my country or I won't be able to feed my family
Descrive your country
Do Swedes/Nordics live in such commieblocks or is it just 3rd world immigrants?
Superpower never
/deutsch/ Touhou Ausgabe
Gaytriarchy when?
Why yes I do walk from location to location in video games
Dios mio
Do Mexicans have a east coast vs west coast mentality like the US does?
Russia is the savior of the white race
Your annual salary
Mfw Muslim homophobic racist neo nazi fascist
You wake up in Russia
Why do white people worship this place?
Gas prices already up $1 in my area, what the flying fuck is going on? Is this everyone or just isolated to the US?
Fuck Marry Kill Impregnate
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement