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International #1414
How long before China steals ALL of Brazilian aviation technology? Two years? Three years?
There are females right now looking at this board
Norwooding at age 20
/lat/ hilo latino
Manlet countries
Why does no one care that in 30 years 50% of jobs will be gone due to automation?
Faces of Dab Forums
Europeans don’t poop
Why are minorities in America so insecure about their ethnicity?
Your country
There are people in this board that are nearing 30 years of age
Is life in SVVEDEN as good as it seems?
Russian male in Russia:
/ita/ il filo
Your counrty
People in Mongolia don't know Mongolian script but people in Inner Mongolia do
Do japs really
So is he Allah or Muhammed or PBUH...
Sverigetråden - Incelupplagan
Sorry babe I can't go to your party with all your supermodel friends...
Japanese reliable engineering
Wow. Americans are right, China is the evil country
People here give their kids names like "Floor" and "Siemen"
What do you think of Biden's first two months as president?
Typefaces used to represent countries
Do you love American mythology?
Thoughts on the Catalan phenotype?
During Stalin's rule, Soviet propaganda painted Finland's leadership as a "vicious and reactionary fascist clique"
Your cunt
Are we just gonna stand back and let China ruin deserts?
Norwegian ""men""
I'm from Sicily and the amount of "lightskin black americans" i've seen on the internet who could perfectly pass as...
/fr/ - le francofil
Jesus christ, how do they keep doing it?? I wish are own countries were that well run
Why are chechens so based? Is that why russians hate them?
Thirdies actually have a bin in their bathrooms that they throw their dirty toilet paper into
What's your favorite geography?
Should we forcibly relocate all the whites on Earth to Australia and quarantine them...
Why haven't you moved to Russia yet? What are you waiting for?
Don’t give up manlets!
Greetings from (Impoverished Eastern European City)!
Which country hates your country the most?
Imagine white man who is shorter than me 177cm lol
Kurva anyátok
Prove him wrong (Hint: u cant)
Did you know there is a brown immigrant under the norwegian flag? Did you know he's massively desperate to fit in?
Opinion on white women
How to get mexican gf?
Man is older than 24
Redpill me on sminem
What are the most common surnames in your region? Is it common in neighbouring countries too?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Anyone else on Dab Forums who grew up or still lives in the hood?
Your city has no soul if it doesn't have trams
Could they pass for locals in your country?
I unironically thought every house has a dishwasher and a washing machine until I moved out...
I will never live in a bike friendly country
Post what averege family in your country looks like
/esp/ - España General
Japan is not Asian
Do you get assault on in on broad day light in your country?
Sverigetråden - Bitcoinupplagan
Which place is better to live?
Is religion dying in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Post the most Chinese webm you have
I’m looking for a picture of a blonde Irish girl sitting next to a Brit girl on a bus, please help
Faces of int thread
Does this happen in your cunt?
Yuropoor salaries
Why is Dab Forums the only decent board left...
Noticed the Chinese diaspora get incredibly incensed that they are disliked around the world
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This is the port of Valencia. It is Chinese
/ita/ - il filo
How are white people treated in your country?
Watch video on the Chinese-US summit
OK So I decided to make some italian food today, because yesterday, I was beaten up today at the parking lot. IN HEAD
My cat died
Dab Forums SEETHES uncontrollably at my country but the fact is they only do it because their irrelevant shithole pales...
Post the most successful countryman you've met
Why is Japan the bastion of degeneracy?
Are people still allowed to hug each other during funarals in your cunt?
/lang/- Language learning general
If you can born a different race, what would you be?
/brit /
1 million views in one day
Your cunt
China solves its incel problem
My ancestor :)
Who would win in a fight between a samurai and viking?
/v4/ + friends
Once I finish uni i will move here and make a 100k+ salary
As an Australian zoomer I will answer any of your questions about Australian zoomer culture
How the fuck is America so much richer than Europe?
/isr/ - /ישר/
Post an average female from your country
How the FUCK does Pakistan manage to have 225 million people yet remain completely irrelevant
I find brown eyed people a bit creepy because I cant see their pupils and I cant tell as fast where they are looking at
Wait a second
What is the reason why white people are so bad at fighting?
Wolrds Happiest country 4rd time in a row
Is it over for these guys? Be honest
Honda or Hyundai, lads?
I look down upon all you brown eyed losers. get eye mogged, fags...
Crime in El Salvador down -75%
There are allegedly around 6.5 million Finns, right? That's out of a 7.125 billion humans. That means Finns make up 0...
Number of Vietnamese restaurants in America:
A Chinese YouTuber made a video of her making a fermented cabbage dish called "paocai"...
What are ethnicities in your country that can completely LARP or pass as another ethic group ?
Post favorite Dab Forumsernational cinema
Megeszitek hát a szaromat, hogy nem tudtok nyitni ka-t!
Why do russians easily absorb American media and culture compared to other europeans...
What would a world ruled by meds be like?
How to permanent residency in the USA?
This state has more SOVL than the rest of the United States combined
Is Pakistan MENA?
Manny Pacquiao is gonna run for president next year and he will win a landslide
/cum/ - canada unitedkindom mexico
What the hell is a "9/11 face"? What is your 9/11 face?
Is it true that europeans sit around all day eating fancy jellies?
Post cool facts about your state/int/
Do Americans really?
The Korean government and its politicians seems to like China a lot...
"High-speed trains are impractical and wouldn't work here"
How many people wear masks in your country?
How difficult is it to learn Russian as a native English speaker?
I'm YOLOing it. Suggestions? Advice?
Ask a brazilian street neet anything
ITT we compliment Australia
Why don't you install Japanese language into your mind?
Which race are you?
How does the rest of the world view us Mexicans?
How would you react if the USSR reformed?
Does your country have public memorials?
Yep, it's chinese cities thread, post em
Brazil has Amazonia
ITT: post god tier countries in this thread
Japanese "men"
Nigeria willingly committed to being a weapon-free state (no nukes)
Why is Putin's name more well known than Xi's...
Post Interesting maps
Oilfield jobs literally suck
/WeWuz/ general
French women weigh 15 kilos less than american women on average. That's 30 pounds
Ok i'm starting to feel a one party state the way to go
1. your country
Woah... Pre-American Koreans were CHAD
My country is doomed
Does Dab Forums love Taiwan?
What does the average couple from your country look like?
Why are they so famous for their humor? I don't think I've ever seen a funny British poster here
Gypsies of the western hemisphere, universally derided diasporic shitholers
Where are you from?
Is there ONE country where m*n won't stare at my giant slobberknocker tits?
What would you assume my ethnicity is?
Do you support the re-establishment of the Japanese Empire?
Is it true that Canada is better than USA every possible way (other than weather)?
What is the offensive term for blacks people in your country?
Why does Azerbaijan’s national anthem sound like they’re preparing for a final battle against a horde of undead...
Despite being stereotyped as poor, lazy and aggressive in American media, I love these panchitos malditos
Sverigetråden - Krossade hjärtans upplaga
/cum Canada usa Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
Japan literally did nothing wrong in WWII
Post your country's favorite leader
Leafs, what's your favorite province? I think Alberta is based and Newfoundland seems 10/10 comfy...
Why haven't you kneeled before China (Zhōngguó) yet, user?
Is this phenotype common in your country?
I don't get it
Faces of Dab Forums
The IA saw I'm posting from Italy with italian language and italian keyboard so made my skin darker than it is...
I am thinking of conversion to Islam anons. What do you guys think?
Do you have a beard, or are you clean shaven?
/lat/ - hilo latino
It's such a powerful image bros
I learned that German can unambiguously answer a negative question
Why america hates iran?
/deutsch/ bei Nacht
Is this phenotype common in your country...
Are people that watch vtumors hated in your cunt?
California is the richest state in the U.S.: the rest of the states are just seething on Dab Forums. Any words ?
Watch east asian videos rating other countries attractiveness
Why can't they drive?
Does Russia really look like metro or stalker???
You see this guy in your city. what do you do?
What's your country's official gay capital?
European """banter"""
How do we realistically stop China?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Feet of Dab Forums
Serious question, how can america be first world when half of it looks like this?
Be black American
Kino rivalry
Is your country a net food importer?
ITT fake countries
I fucking love Finland so much. They're like us, but not shit
You know one of the great things about France? If you live there, you aren’t African-French, Arab-French...
Post your best muscic from your country and I will give feedback
Sverigetråden inceldampupplagan
You are a cunt
One shot at life
Would you like to lick a Chinese pussy?
I am half Armenian (wish I were full Armenian)
What's their bizarre obsession with wogs, particularly Italians? It's near sexual lmao...
I don't understand american culture
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2556
500,000 dead in America from COVID
Blackbros, we got too cocky
Does this happen in your country?
Bazowa Hiszpania
Incel epidemic
What are some of the best pickup lines in your country?
ITT: post oldschool international memes
What the fuck is wrong with westerners and japanese culture...
Wtf the sun isn't casting rays anymore, I wonder why
Be white teacher
Go back home Mexico we're full!
I’m team Incas. You?
What are some soy university degrees?
Your country/state
Post heartthrobs from your country
Why do Belgians kill women so much? The reason for Eastern Europe is obvious so it's not even worth asking it
Why aren't you living in Norway?
/شأشأ/ /mena/
1. Your country
Do Afro-French people experience racism by Euro-French people?
Does your language use the Oxford comma?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Based monke
If you had a chance to go to the moon, free of charge, and you can go there and build stuff as a job, would you do it...
ITT: We try to guess each other's names
Look here guys, it's a soooviet vaccine
/fr/ - le fil du soir
Friendly reminder that the Swiss alphabet doesn't know the letter "ß"!
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ INO
Tfw american
Why are germanics incapable of being civilised?
I am NOT fr*Nch
Do you love American culture
What is the general perception of this country in your cunt? How has that perception changed in the past five years
/esp/ - España
I want to be turkish :(
/aryan/ general
How do you explain this?
Your country
His “country” doesn’t have a Senate
/ita/ - il filo
Why does everyone in this country want to destroy it even more than Nazi Germany?
This racial dilemma poses a serious problem for white America. Civil war between whites on the one hand...
Do you enjoy Japanese food?
Post at least one woman from your city
I love filipinxas
/brown/ general
We need to stop putting these sissies on a pedestal...
“Did ew eurpeans know dat we ‘ave the bes vaccines and ew are floundering...
View of the now
Do you feel proud to be Canadian?
Yes, I'm white. Deal with it
Sverigetråden - isbjörn i newyorkupplagan
He is Estonian
I sufer in britain
Why are Asians the least likely minority to own a firearm in the US? They can legally do it and protect themselves...
Hi jews!
Memes aside I really would love to have this guys as a President. Have you read his story...
International demographic
This is a rundown of the FACTS:
Are californians the worst type of americans
Would you want the Roman Empire to reform as seen here if it meant dealing with all the muzzies?
/fr/ - Le Francofil des francopains - Edition des ordres monastiques
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono:
Why do they keep locking down? Are people not getting the vaccine there?
Reminder that the cure for Covid was found by two Turkish scientists
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why dont americans celebrate easter?
Why do they hate JAPANESE people???????
It will NEVER be the 10s again
My fellow Americans, what is your ancestry?
Any other immigrants or diaspora here? Are you also thinking of going back to your ancestral homeland?
I'm a personal trainer in an area with both Mexican and Brazilian diaspora. Why is it like this...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #189
Books that explain the world
Are nukes useless?
Why is everybody suddenly talking about anti-asian stuff? Did somebody do something?
/International Chatting/ thread
Post universities from your country
I wanna look like a norse God. I already have a full beard and a shaven head, Im 6'2 and Nordic (from Finland)...
شأ شأ mena
To all my Asian friends
High taxes
Why do gang rapes in an Indian village become global news while a gang rape in Denmark is only mentioned on the...
Here's factual evidence attractive German women exist
In the near future, European women will be less desired. What is the likelihood of, let’s say as an example...
How the hell is Argentina still poor if its full of Spanish and Italian descendants?
Kurva anyátok
Why are Spanish incels so opposed to this?
Your country
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Matgeekupplagan
Genuinely curious... How many homosexual couples (gay or lesbian) do you know from your country? Are they married?
Is Japan like in the animes?
It is impossible to suffer in Fra-
I wanna go to firenze by car maybe later this year but driving for 18-20 hours seems like torture
Free Healthcare
Fuck they doin ova der?
Do you like Finland (Suomi)?
Modern France is a pillar for Europe. I kneel
/fr/ - le francofil
Do Americans really?
Brazil is not Latin American
What do Russian women smell like?
WTF Japan?
Russians nonlonger consider themselves europeans
Which Muslims assimilate best?
Is there a logical reason why they aren’t one country? I can’t think of one
First worlders have to move out of their parent's house when they turn 18
It it weird that English has so many consonents which are missing. It doesn't have ऋ, त, छ, ड़, द...
شأ شأ mena
/ita/ - il filo
Only 70 percent of newborn babies in the UK are white
Handwriting thread
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Indians actually think that they have the best English accent
What do athletes from your country look like?
Do you like Croatia?
This country is actually pretty based
International animals
Are EU supporters more educated in your country too?
Realistically speaking, wow can we turn these into a superpower again? Getting kinda tired of the whole lazy...
Just learned about steak and kidney pie i wonder how does it taste like
/egypt/ - the egyptian thread
Does Japan have LGBTQ+ culture like it exists in the west?
Sverigetråden - Schackupplagan
US gonna turn into Brazil!!
A picture is worth a thousand words
What's your internet (since it's not accurate) iq Dab Forums
Are they the good guys?
Describe your country and n one picture
I have black eyes and the second most common surname in my country
It'd really do be like that
They look like Slavs
How are they able to buy up everything and their fucking cities look like something straight out of bladerunner??
I want to marry a black woman
Do you want someone like him to become your country's leader?
200 years ago: every country has its own traditional way of dressing based on beliefs, climate, and culture
Wtf europe sucks
What's it like to be a citizen of EU?
According to americans, the opposite of consumerism is being poor
They can't handle banter. Very sensitive people
/fr/ - le francofil
Look how they massacrated my boy
Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia or Iran?
Japan über alles
Wtf South Korea and UAE?
How many japanese flags are actual japs and not english teachers/proxies
Cold War II Map
Covid cases are increasing in my country AGAIN. Does this happen in your country?
Indians be like:
I am a time traveller who knows the world in the future
I'm moving to Germany
Kurva anyátok
Hey Dab Forums i ran some calculations on europe
Visit Afghanistan. It’s safe
Americans celebrate the day of some random saint but not easter
Bro, east asians are so smart!!
Do you respect your police force in your country?
What is going on in Denmark? Even the liberals are going full anti migration
Do you have nazi trannies in your country?
Look at this cute frog :DD :D
" I have this romantic idea of finding some undiscovered beauty out here...
Stop bullying Sanna
I hate all Finns except for the one based Finn that makes racist posts
My grandfather is from China. Is it possible for me to claim Chinese citizenship somehow?
Sverigetråden - Nården bröders
Name countries that are better than Japan
Wow, arabs and africans but no nordic prosperity? Tänk juu Finränd!
Regular Croatian soldiers standing next to Italy's honor guard
La creatura
/ita/ - il filo
Americans use credit cards for most of their purchases over debit or cash
Should modern secular nations remove religious symbolism from their flags?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why yes i'm british, how did you know, was it me accent?
What do kids in your country watch on tv these days?
/esp/ - españa
Thoughts on China?
White or Black
Hello? 你好嗎?
What are Dab Forums's thoughts on the Greco-Turkish union?
Beer thread
Is this where babies come from?
What is it like to have a NEET gf?
Do you love Poland?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Bapшaвa.. i KNEEL
None of you are probably going to believe me but an older White lady took me home and molested me
What are gypsies like?
What does Dab Forums think of turkish people?
Germans still make the best cars
You wake up in RF
If Europe didn't brought africans on it's soil it would be safer than Japan, how does it make you feel ?
Killed 2 white people
Why is graffiti so common in Europe?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lang/ - le général de l'apprentissage linguistique
This is Tanzania's acting president. Say something nice about her
/fr/ • Haddock
If I say "yo yo gaijin!!" in front of you in Japan , what happens to me?
How are obesed people treated in your country?
The UK is turning into a left-wing totalitarian shit hole
Do you support the re-establishment of the Japanese Empire?
Fuck off we're full
Klaus: you're going to become a uniform equigenetic race that lives in a more efficient and sustainable way that...
Why does Italy have so much corruption?
I want a trad wife
/dixie/ - Southern US + Friends
This is the thread for the discussion about Finland
Hands of Dab Forums
Come home Asian man
How are transgenders perceived in your cunt?
Countries you hate the most
Draw yourself mspaint
How much does it cost to get your wisdom teeth out in your country?
Germany's Volkswagen just ended its battery partnerships with South Korea to go with China
White women scare me
Why are my country’s public service ads and schools so racist?
I heckin love bacon! more bacon! can't live without it! delicious bacon!!
France–Spain border
/med/ - Mediterranean General
I am thinking of conversion to Islam anons. What do you guys think?
How will a unified Korea look like?
It's amazing how rest of the world gets along with each other in the absence of westerners
Faszér nekem kell minden reggel nyitni buzeránsok edition
Why did it fail
Why do Japanese insist on using a writing system they barely understand?
Why are island nations always the most evil?
It's fucking -4°C out, can't even go for a ciggie without my throat hurting...
Why are Indians bullied everywhere?
Spaniards will literally say shit like "yo lo he hecho ayer"
Are Japanese fathers not ashamed that their sons draw cocks and pussies for a living?
Your country
Honestly, how do brownoids even do it?
American student going to Montreal
>You will NEVER live in Australia
Tick Tock
Realistically speaking, how do I get a cute, warm, intelligent and graceful indian girlfriend?
Muhh Comfort Women/Muhh Gibs N Reparashunz
/lat/ hilo latino
Varg is starting lose it again bros
Does this happen often in your country?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Why are arabs so fat?
ElimiNations - Euro Edition
Yes, I'm white. Get over it
I was watching a Japanese YouTuber analysis, and he was saying that Korean culture basically has no idea of forgiveness...
Why do they always say they love Italian men...
Is this version of South Asia perfect?
What the fuck is wrong with French people?
What happens here?
This is what cooming does to you, seek help or ngmi
Is alcoholism a problem in your country
Does Dab Forums like Taiwan?
/cum/ + friends
Is your country growing more diverse?
Princess Fawzia was born Her Sultanic Highness Princess Fawzia bint Fuad at Ras el-Tin Palace, Alexandria...
Name a SINGLE great Swedish composer
What do white Russians think of the Asian population (Kazakhs, Yakuts, Kalmyks, etc.)? Do they get yellow fever?
Sverigetråden - Garbo-upplagan
Name a country that went based to cringe at light speed: I’ll start
Did you know that we Indonesians are western? :)
I hate this place. Day 11 so far
Are mods proud of themselves?
America doesn't have any culture
Tfw you realize that the greatest part of the North american people have never eat a kebab during their whole life
Less than 10 million people
You'll never be Med
Slavs BTFO
Infertile and weak nation
"Salaryman" has become the number one dream job of Japanese children for the first time in history
China was at its greatest under a monarchy, as all countries are/were
Why are Japanese like this?
Has the popularity and cultural influence of anime in your country increased or decreased in the last couple of years?
Do brits really?
/International Chatting/ thread
You guys actually interact with people irl?
Thoughts on food delivery girls in Japan?
How do Asians feel about being fetishized and loathed at the same time?
Is this accurate?
Calmly shoots down all your arguments
Name my band Dab Forums
How do you niggers cope with aging and the passage of time? It’s killing me
90% of the GDP in the western world is nothing but speculative papers
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
What did saddamn hussein, gaddafi and afghani leadership think about 9/11 prior to Americans attacking muslim countries?
Vocaroo thread
Are the southern halves of these states ever considered "the South?" They definitely speak with a southern accent
Room mate is watching the quiet man because he larps as Irish
Why do sexless incels worship this country so much?
Clean it up you fucking faggot
Pakistan is a shitho-
⊕ W H I T E ⊕
What country has the most obnoxious gays who cannot comprehend how repulsive men being gay is to normal people?
Why do Americans green screen their president walking?
It's crazy how superior this particular state is compared to the rest of USA
Oh you think you're a fan of the US? Name three crimes we committed against your country
I hate being American so much it’s unreal
Sverigetråden - Moggupplagan
Bluer = more SOVL
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Krauts ruined and destabilized the world
Latin Americans have the blood of all the world's races
What are the differences between these two countries?
Honestly really want a British gf. They seem polite, charming, friendly, and cute...
Let's pray for the based guy that killed noodlewhores in Atlanta...
/ita/ - il filo
Guess the country
Do you know any people who are like this in your country?
Why is Josh Luna such an incel when his brother (who looks very similar to him) got that white gf he always desired
I don't know about the rest of you but I'm sick and tired of burger posters on here being racist...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I am against the unification of Europe into a single state...
What the hell is going on in Myanmar?
Why is Spanish such a bloated over complicated language?
Can we have thread to post international girls? Especially /med/ and /MENA/
How different is living in the UK vs Ireland?
How different would your cunt be if communism won the cold war and usa seased to existe in 1991?
What do they call this in your country?
Brits be like "yes I live in a first world country"
Do Czechs REALLY?
/fr/ etc
On the balance, how was he?
Remember man, you are portuguese
Post the most stereotypical UK photos
You Will Lose
Your top 5 Arab countries?
What are the suburbs like in your country? What kinds of people live in them?
You really hate to see it
What Dab Forums whould answer?
This makes Mexican nationalists cry
Less than 30% of Americans have English/Welsh or Scottish ancestry. How do old stock Americans feel about this?
My wife will be Russian and there is nothing the janny can do about it
Why is Dab Forums polonophobic?
Do people age nicely in your country?
International names thread
African Americans are the most influential people in the World and have been for the past 40 years since Michael...
The Rivalry between US and European posters is retarded
Why do Americans blame black people for all the problems in their country?
What is your opinion on Romanians?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Memes aside, does he look Nordic actually?
You are third world Americans. Deal with it
Why don't Europeans value diversity?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Paradisöupplagan
Are you ready for the 3rd world invasion?
Why do they say Russia is a poor country when their GDP per capita is almost the double of Brazil?
Do people in your cunt pretend they're Irish and dump green shit into their rivers for today?
Nords people really be like "those darkies are trying to steal our history!"
How are we so different despite being so geographically close?
Kurva anyátok
Wypipo be like:
3rd lockdown
Why did the Spaniards, French and Italians fail to re-romanize North Africa?
I am going to buy cheese to the cheese shop tomorrow
/Empire/ general
How much money do you earn per month after taxes and monthly spendings?
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement