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International #1420
/balk/ + /rus/
Is there a more cucked country than japan?
The King of the White people
Muslim anons, what made you stay in Islam (if you were born into a muslim family) or convert if you did?
What is it like to live in one of the first world countries?
Can they understand each other?
I want to learn another CENTRAL EVROPE language
I was having a piece of pizza at the pakistani kebab near the beach yesterday...
Greece is dead, thanks for coming
White People
Here in russia we raise traditional women so they could eventually marry a Chinese Man...
/2nd world general/
Let's settle this once and for all, which Islamic country has the best women?
Always thought Xi's name was pronounced "si", like in Spanish, "si senior"
Would you eat bugs to solve world hunger?
Why do americans do this
/med/ - Mediterranean general
How popular is manga in your country?
How do they sleep at night knowing that they got utterly humiliated by Germany and it was thanks to British resolve...
Well Dab Forums?
So true
Is Holocaust Denial a problem in your country?
Me reading thirdie posts on Dab Forums
Is this true?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Real nigga hours
Why does Dab Forums hate Africans despite never having talked to one or been friends with one...
Sverigetråden - Falla av
Mu country has seen better times
Are imageboards popular in your country?
Is China better than your country?
Will slavs ever know suffering?
Titles video in English
Are there any LARPagans in your cunt?
Sometimes I wish we LARPed as ancient Greeks before they did...
Attention to all brownoids
Does your country have super clear river like this?
Are dominant women common in your country?
Tfw no thicc brown gf
What do you mean Brexit means Brexit?
Your cunt
Would you rather search for a woman in your country or abroad? If abroad, which countries?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/v4/ + friends
Sweden getting its shit fucked up by China
/sören/ ehem. /deutsch/
How does one get a secular Middle eastern gf? What are they like? Which nationalities are easiest? I want one so bad
Save jews from Germans during WW2
What do you call a 'toll road' and a 'toll booth' in your language, Dab Forums? How common are they in your area?
Why are Josh Luna so based?
So why is Japan the most loved country around the world?
User, are my eyes hazel, gold, honey, chestnut, caramel, amber, cinnamon or chocolate?
/isr/ - /ישר/
Mormon Global Domination
Why are the Japanese so bad at humor?
Why are Asian women like this?
How is life in kaliningrad?
Be medoid
This is hate crime
Haha imagine if it gets too stuck and can't be removed hahaha imagine if they can never remove it ahaha
Dragon Ball banned in Valencia because muh Sexism
Why are they proud of being rapists when in reality 99% of them are rapebabies?
Be me
How well has ur cunt managed covid?
Post the first image that comes to mind when you think of Europe
Music thread
What's your favorite Turkic nation?
Kurva anyátok
Is Sri Lanka nice?
China has created and spread the coronavirus and Japanese ship is blocking the Suez Canal...
How the hell did they got away with slavery while Americans are taking all of the blame?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #203
Korea right now. Japan can sell canned air to them
Which country has the most attractive and kind women ?
The red area had more murders than the entire blue area combined (2015)
Are asians cucking blacks?
Let's apologize to Russia
Could i pass as a local?
Let's talk about US imperialism
Why does he hate frogs so much
I suffer in Brazil
/desi/ - Happy Holi Edition
Brazil shall be an Empire once again!
Are young people in your country finding it impossible to buy houses?
Why are they so charismatic? (irl)
Terrorist attacks in France
Oh shit, Iran's fucked
Finland please explain
You can unironically buy a house for 1 dollar in Detroit
Why did the Spanish colonies of Latin America split up, while Brazil stayed united?
Brit self-hating Asian schizo, I summon you
Is this true?!?!?!?!?
Does this happen in your county?
Do you believe beauty is skin deep?
How often do you see people of a different race in your country?
Hop in user, We will take back East Turkestan
I suffer in mexico
Why did the decolonization movement not take root in North America to decolonize the Americas from European colonists?
Why is Asian culture so popular in Latin America?
Dab Forumsernational soyjaks
Do people in your country workout/bodybuild?
What is being a student like in SK and Japan? Is it really that bad?
What does the Dab Forumsernational community think about him?
Will native Americans ever reconquista their land from European invaders?
Who's the most famous person in your country?
Why were the British colonists so against race mixing?
Would latin americans like to move to the UK?
Do you visit your country's subreddit? Be honest
Das rite!
Americans be like:
This place is a shithole
Post great French people
White people be like:
I really like Portuguese and I really want to make Portuguese friends. What do?
How do you tell the difference between a Chicano and a 'real' Mexican?
Do Chinese really?
What types of exotic fruit do you have in your country?
Ohnononono assblasted ugly brit girls
Imagine waking up at night next to your wife and looking over and seeing this...
What do bongs actually lose if Scotland secedes?
Is peru the safest country for tourists?
Do you have ice cream tubs like this in your cuntry?
What's it like to live in Mexico?
You wanted a PS5 for your birthday but your dad could only afford the country of Poland... what would you do with it?
/lat/ hilo latino
Do people in your cunt fall for the electric vehicle meme?
How are short men viewed in your country?
Do you have hopes for your country?
Full tutorial on how to move to Argentina
If Canada had Alaska and Greenland, it would be a better country
/ita/ il filo
Why havent you converted to Islam yet?
Look at me, I'm the Irish dancer now
Have you ever dated a girl with depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder before...
Chicano said the word "man" like 50 times near me
No nukes. Who would win?
What do you call a drinking establishment in you region or language?
Sverigetråden - Diagnosupplagan
Why should I move to Spain?
The depth of your eyes say more about your potential than any other feature. I don't care if you are white as snow...
/Int Chat/
Do americans really
How different will the EU be in 20 years?
/Empire/ general
Why don't you have a well paid job?
/Mex/ - hilo mexicano
I have a filipina gf, and I will marry her soon
/meta thread. Regarding racism/
Thirdies be like
How would you fix the argentinian economy?
Who is the fifth column in your country?
Spain, please say a polite goodbye to your Bongfriends ITT
Egyptians look like that?
Norway has tv shows like America too
Do you trust a Japanese person?
The anglo has such an inferiority complex towards the french they desperately try to claim credit for German and...
Ai generated faces thread
Westoids be like
Why were all pirate British and not Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Dutch?
Lol how can japan and korea cope with this?
Man, I'm reading the Bible and I'm just wondering how cucked christians were. Jews were absolute beasts...
Do you love Germany?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Here's your tropical paradise bro
Asian females are not like this. you are deluding yourself
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I just want a cute femboy boyfriend. Is that too much to ask for?
They used to think syrians aren't white
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ + friends
Son, we come Europe/America barefoot pass mountains, to make child better future. We nothing but work hard 30 years...
/lat/ hilo laitno
What would happen if all the refugees, immigrants and other migrants from Latin America...
This gentleman has become a Brazilian Youtube star
Sverigetråden - Tuttupplagan
This so the American toadline bulldog, aka the ‘toad bully’ or ‘micro bully’...
Who is your favourite Russian person?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why americans looks like this?
Be finn
Do the British feel remorse for it?
Are you allowed to say the n word in your country...
I love Argentina, I want to move there. Yes, this firstoid will eventually be living there with you
Race is a social construct
Yugos look like that?
Americans go to prison if they don't keep their alcohol in brown paper bags
How do even the darkest looking Indians have facial structure similar to Europeans while Arabs for the most part have...
So why don't gypsies have their own country but meme countries like Latvia, Moldova and Slovenia do?
/ita/ - il filo
What kind of chips do you have in your country?
Name my band
It's slow life here in North Dakota. Wouldn't want it any other way bud
Why don't arabs want to help their palestinian brothers? Surely they can spare a few km^2 of desert?
Why yes, I am entering your country without your permission, how could you tell?
Why can't the English, Welsh, and Cornish pronounce their 'R's?
Has anyone told you your accent sounds bad?
What does Kurdish sound like to non-Kurkish speakers?
Mexican girls are ugl-
This is an average Greek from Crete. He's the spitting image of the Ancients. Why do you still doubt our heritage...
Do euroids really?
International childhood
Inform me how to migrate to US
/deutsch/ langsam in die /nachtschicht/
Do Russians feel sorry for it?
Post your WW3 Coalition Predictions
I may be offered a post-doc position at what I believe is a fairly decent public American university
Why there are so many serial killers and mass shooters in the USA?
Why do they love communism/socialism if they are already poor? Do they want to be even poorer?
This is dressing modestly according to muslims
Post Memri
How common are depression and anxiety in your country? How do your countrymen cure it?
/fr/ - le francofil
What's the stupid part of your country that wants independence but would collapse immediately if they got it?
You wake up in a small town in the middle of Amazon rainforest
Rate my map
What's the most butt hurt country?
I am absolutely not convinced that all the recent China-shilling from European flags is an organic occurrence...
Its Indo-Turk, not Indo-European. Indo-Europeanism is Pseudo-History
Give me one reason why shouldn't there be open borders between these nations
Are people in your cunt returning to their pre-christian religious cults?
Why did the Americans allow the French to have nuclear bombs? what were they thinking?
Would you live on an atoll?
Why do Meds love China?
/dixie/ friends and usa of south
You wake up in Brazil
The greatest leader in history
How do you celebrate Palm Sunday in your country?
I found love with a Brazilian-Japanese girl on Dab Forums but lost her forever
Do people in your country like living in Pods?
Would you have a Mexican gf if she was white?
Every day that goes by I feel more enamored by this country and its people
How are bureaucrats being treated in your country?
Board is worse than ever
Takes your seat
Have you hired prostitutes in your country? Tell us how it was
Do you try and choose goods made in certain countries? I try and buy EU and American/Canadian goods...
Could i pass as a non-local in ur cont?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Every day that goes by I feel more disgusted by this country and its people
Imagine falling asleep and never wake up, unable to see, feel, think, etc forever. That's what it's like to be dead
Let's have a respectful discussion about America
Does this happen to you?
Your flag in Nordic version
Why are hispanic americans culturally irrelevant?
Would it be offensive to ask an Indian man what his caste is?
I am afraid if I move to the USA
Reminder that despite the Brits bragging their good vaccination program to the Europeans...
Britpunk thread
Average paraguayan narco
/fr/ - le francofil
1) ur cunt
Idk what language to learn, maybe Russian or Finnish, ples help me pick
China messed with the wrong guys
Are drugs decriminalized in your country? Do you think that's a good thing?
Let's have a respectful discussion about Russia
Do you guys think covid is going to end by the summer? would be really cool
My Iberian genes tell me I should BREED her asap. Are your genes like that?
/ita/ - il filo
Bigger economy than the rest of USA combined
Is Portugal a small country?
Is Eastern Germany a nice place?
What people think rimjob & anal sex in your cunt???
Based or cringe?
Which one of these countries would you call a "protagonist of human history"?
Imagine wanting to immigrate to America in 2021
/deutsch/ am Abend
Every day that goes by I feel more disgusted by this country and its people
In Latin America if you don't like reggaeton it gets 40% harder to have sex
1% :C
Anyone else a migrant or thinking of migrating in the future?
Your country
/cali hate/ general
Do you love China?
Brazil, finest country in the earth
German class
/desi/ - Night Edition
1. Your country
Your country
Nordics are liars. Especially Finland. They are not the happiest countries in the world
White people larping as natives
Do arthoes exist in your cunt? They exist in mine
Post your national dog breed
/lat/ hilo latino
Kurva anyátok
Americans, where do your ancestors come from?
What's wrong with European vaccine programs?
Mfw there are countries where is pretty common to travel abroad even for poor people
Literally no reason for them to be two separate nations
Your cunt
Why do they act like they aren't german?
Jomon or Yayoi?
Would you do this to your gf?
What do people in your country eat in the morning?
He still refuses to believe that North Vietnam has four seasons
Ok, there. I fixed the Americas. You're welcome
Do Americans feel sorry for it?
She makes a good point, Dab Forumsbros
What did iranian meant by this
What's going on in Russia?
Lmao so the German diet is better than the so called """"Med diet""""""
Is your country diversifying its racial portfolio?
Why people larp to live like in ancient times, isolated in the forest...
Are they western?
My first language is French but I speak with more confidence and charisma in English. Does this happen in your country?
Reminder that hating the USA doesn't make you an interesting person
How do I stop being racist, misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic?
Do you know someone who commited suicide personally?
Back in Japan...
Is the Portuguese Risk autist happy?
Why are western Europeans so evil?
Jesus this country fucking sucks...
Has your international culture been destroyed by newcomers?
Live in a country full of tall people
Which countries are Latin America? Which countries are not Latin America?
Indigenous Peoples
Traditional Chinese buildings are gentrified into McDonald's
Polish communist churches
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Girls like this, how common are ethnic girls like this in your country?
France vs Britain all out wat minus nukes
Japanese people are happy if you love japan
Which ethnicity has the cutest women?
Why didn't France go Protestant?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Do foreigners fit in in you're country?
One chance at life
Let's just call it Spainezuela from now on
/deutsch/ am Spätnachmittag
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Irrelevant Countries
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Your Emanuel Kant
Kurva anyátok
Do you want to live in Nepal which
Why are westeners like this
Belgium selling Chocolate in the shape of Congolese hands
We should just use the arctic trade routes...
/Int Chat/
Do people still use cameras like these in your country?
Japan is actually having massive economic and productivity growth
Sverigetråden - family guy
Which unification movements do you support?
Shots fired
/deutsch/ am Nachmittag
Is it racist to marry non-white women?
How will black boys ever recover
Do Brits really???
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
German humour
Name YOUR culture
Why do people hate sweden so much?
I kneel
What are the best nationalities of players in online games?
This is a 6/10 in Mother Russia
Firsties wish they could live here
/esp/ - España
You wake up in Norway
Thoughts on Arab Christians Dab Forums?
I still dont get it; why are half their postrrs under the uk, german and dutch flag?
Why do brits and french hate their capital but foreigners love them?
Most thirdies on Dab Forums actually grew up in priviliged gated communities
How does one suffer in Europe?
It's over
Finnish Interior Minister. She likes video games and has a collection of hundreds of old Nintendo games...
Do any of you feel like this? I feel like this feeling is the same even for people in different countries
Does your country/city have many tourists? What are they like?
Both are West Germanic
/deutsch/ Wohin Ausgabe
How can you be depressed in a country that literally invented anime, manga, Nintendo, ramen, and Japanese women?
/fr/ - le francofil
What's your favorite flag?
Be me
Finnish 'food'
/Ita/ - il filo
Greek be like My name is shskaodknsksjnkas
I hate Mongolia is part of the East Asia
Animal thread
Finland is not the happiest country in the world
Brazil is whi-
Anglo devils are murdering the noble Gaelic language as we speak!
Is it possible for a country like Somalia to become 1st world in 40-50 years...
BBC's program Top Gear visits Ushuaia, city in Argentina
Australian kids learn about drugs and sex from a giraffe in the back of a dark van
My country has only 1 season and its Summer
Indians are raising the Dab Forums telegram and saying that white women were built for big black indian cocks
My life has no purpose
Will Africa ever become rich?
Comfy temperatures and mild summers
/Int Chat/ - formerly known as culture pals
Whats you opinion on American culture?
Do we really?
Do you have caucasian eyes?
Yes, i WILL learn the language of the country i'm immigrating to
/v4/ + friends
Why are southern croats less white than Bosniak muslims?
Be burger
Why are they so easy to ragebait
Be Russia
/deutsch/e Mark
What cunt has the hottest men?
Is this true elsewhere in Europe ?
Reminder to you southrons
What went wrong for the western "man"?
The finnish phenotype
Average Russian
What will this guy do when 3 million HongKongers immigrate to the UK
Hey everyone, this is drunk mexican, here to answer some questions or talk a little
Why do Scandinavian countries have such a low fertility rate?
From expats to illegal immigrants in one fell swoop
Why can't they take the slightest bit of banter?
What are you doing to stop Asian hate?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Chinese zoomers are interested in reviving traditional culture and de-Westernization
Ti tényleg nem tudtok fonalat nyitni???
How do we stop him?
Not European
My sworn enemies
Why are Asian families like this?
When did South America become tranny central?
Tfw no KFC $20 family fill-up with smashed potatoes, gravy and fluffy biscuits
Is it true Indian-Polish relationships are very
Heritage Thread
Americans, what it is really like to live with black people?
Why do americans love to build ugly, overdesigned mcmansions?
I just found out in most countries they don't serve KFC with rice
Ethnically chinese
First Association Euro Bread
I cannot stand African-American "culture", rap music and ebonics and shit
What do you think about Mexico?
Reddit: The continent
This is the greatest fighter on earth
I want to have an American daughter that looks like this
What do you guys think of South Korea?
Why don't Asian Americans hate each other?
VGH Asian culture: watered down disney cartoons and the cheap and shitty version of pasta...
Whats your favourite dragon ball character?
Why are white people so bad at fight 1 on 1?
What went wrong for the asian "man"?
*stalls world economy*
What is your nose type?
Are croats retarded?
ITT make yourself in picrew and name your favorite country
South Africa
Americans want to deport this
Um akschually sweaty, the first day of the week is a monday
I have to admit, it's actually kind of crazy how much influence the Chinese have in Australia...
Are you for or against race mixing?
Wtf Russia
Why are mexicans like this
What age is the female cut off in your country Dab Forums?
White people are being genocided
We are so irrelevant and yet we make so many people seethe just by existing, why is that?
Be mudslime
Why do americans love criminals so much?
Guess the country
I've developed a kind of anti-white sentiment since I browse Dab Forums because of how they refer to us...
/lata/ INO
Imagine a world with a billion Americans
How do people cope with balding in your country? Personally I cope by saying that i won't need hair in life
Got some jokes for you lads
Fuck women
How do Asian Australians and Asian Americans differ?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
There are 1.4 billion Han Chinese people in the world
Are your countrymen meat eaters, or vegans?
Declares war on islamo-leftism in france
Post the average woman from your country
1. Your cunt
What would your countries starter pokemon be?
Omg white people
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
ITT we post half Japanese half MED/Persian girls
Post your favourite naruto character
Accept apology?
How new are video games to your country?
O Canada
Once again the Anglosphere proves its superiority
What goes on here?
This is my class in the end of second grade
KARA BOGA posting unironically saved Dab Forums
How many years do they have until they're reintegrated into the People's Republic?
Hey you got some Mcdonalds? I'm actually super hungry can I have the fries?
Why is Spain the best??
Which country has the most racist people?
Brown men worship this
When did you realize globohomo was a good thing?
Why is CHILE the only relevant 1st world country in South America? It shits on the others in every statistic
ITT: Dab Forums posters your recognize
Which countries/regions do you think have the most overrated women?
Do you have people like this in your country or are they an american exclusive thing...
Are people in your cunt converting to their pre-christian polytheist religions?
Where would you buy a pizza if you have 3 pizza shops in a street?
Which country acts the most American and why?
user kun, I'm scared of going home alone. Could you take me home, please?
30 minutes until European Summer Time
In med countries wine is treated and taxed like a grocery you can buy a bottle of local wine for under 2€
Post funny Dab Forumsernational photos
Do people small talk with strangers in your cunt?
ITT: Post 80's music from your country
Does this happen in your cunt
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How do we save tomboys from the global homo
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2564
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #202
You can only post in this thread if your country had the largest empire ever
This is the perfect Asia. What should we do to make it possible, Dab Forums?
It's ok to be brown
Why are Europeans so anti social?
What subscriptions do you have? I have Hulu, Sling, HBOMax and Paramount+
The nationalism of almost every country in the world is centered about being butthurt about at least one of these three...
Why is japan like this?
UC BERKELEY works for China
Well Dab Forums, drinking at the wheel is it?
My country has the lowest IQ people in the world
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
It's the 44th anniversary of the Tenerife Airport disaster. To celebrate, post "We're going" in your native language
Is east of your country better than west?
Watch american tv
Name a better cuisine than Italian. I bet you cannot
Do white people really?
French may be darker than Germans on average, but their light look much better
Why don't European countries accept more Latin American immigrants than African / Arabs?
Does your country have a East/West or North/South divide?
Did your cunt ever experience Beatlemania?
Why does Việtnam use the Latin alphabet and not kanji?
Be something else than finnish
No one of you guys know jackshit about French cuisine, cannot blame anyone on this board...
Americans look like THIS?
Why do yt people eat raw meat?
Do you prefer buying and consuming thing from your own country?
Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Why is Europe so divided?
When was the last time you got blackout drunk?
Are italians ugly or handsome?
I have very stupid dream
Which is more developed overall, Latin America or MENA? They seem extremely close to me
I found this white whore outside my house and need a name
Did girls rate the boys in your classroom when you were in school? If so what position did get?
How long have you been searching, Dab Forums?
/dixie/ Frens and 404s
Be a third worlder
/deutsch/ Meine Ausgabe
Do Latin women like Asian males?
Have you had a girlfriend of foreign origin, Dab Forums?
I'm unironically scared of ever visiting this part of the world knowing that they're all macho 200cm tall Chads that...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Qposnka ediciq
/ita/ - il filo
Such a small country for ruckuses so big they makes headlines every once in a while
Why is brazil the best country in South america?
Our Prime Minister is trying to sell our country to World Economics for some reason
Why is it so hard for people to acknowledge the fact different races and ethnicities are more or less intelligent?
You got a license for that, mate?
Why does South America hate Paraguay so much?
شأ شأ mena
Has your country even been treated poorly by Britain?
Does your country have an equivalent to the Ivy League? Meaning a group of super elite...
Probably the only European country I visited and still respect
What actually happens here?
Germany literally being the heaven on earth
Take a shitty wooden boat across the atlantic full of disease, shitty food and bearded men
It kinda sucks being 5’10” and mildly autistic in the world’s tallest country
I don't like the Finland
Islam in Europe
Life is beautiful, my friends
I tried this thing for the first time today and it's disgusting. Why do Americans love it so much...
Sex traders be like
Why are americans like this??
I don't get it
What is the origin of your surname?
This is a 18 year old Swedish girl
I suffer in Spain
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What country has the meanest posters?
/Int Chat/
The hell is their problem?
Name 5 Swedes
Which way, white man?
IMMEDIATELY END the cultural GENOCIDE of the Irish people in Northern Ireland...
Date a filipina
/v4/ + friends
Supporting China is an indicator that you are a third world disgusting shithole
What's the most rare ethnic mix?
/ita/ - il filo
I wish I was Latinx
Huge influx of Indian shillposters on financial outlets
Is your country full of BUNDA men, or BOOBA boys?
Do you like your cunt bros?
/lat/ hilo latino
How do we solve the testosterone problem in western countries?
1. You're a cunt
Your cunt
I suffer as an Indian
Is this guy from brazil or philipines?
Here's your coastline bro
You want a cute japanese gf too don't you
Are Soy Chads a common thing in your country?
Un pays
I'm polish now
Should white people even be allowed to speak non-white languages? Seems like it would be cultural appropriation
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement