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International #1423
Race and social class
Why all monotheist religions come from this place in particular?
1. Your cunt
/brita/ - il filo
Which one is worse? Endless copy paste or unorganized slum
Animal thread
Average spanish family in 2021. Thoughts?
Brag about your city or town's interesting facts
Do people see spaniards as Chads or Virgins in your cunt?
I genuinely think racism is a disease
/juckt?/ einst /deutsch/
/med/ - Mediterranean edition
Opinion on the latest incel killer? This one is Swedish
Only eastern euro niggas will understand
Kurva anyátok
/esp/ - España
This is amazing. Road is actually under water. Wow
You wake up in israel
What is everyone’s favorite book?
If your country went by Italian logic, how many languages would it have?
Are Japanese really this racist?
How do you thirdies cope with the fact that probably you’ll never have stable societies and there’s no hope for...
Why is Brazil so much more impressive than the other South American nations? What is the secret to their success?
This is considered legal to fuck in western countries
How do you say "you're so cute!" in your language?
Do whites feel like black bulls in asian countries?
6.5 million people in usa believes in flat earth
Stop call them Latin, They are Hispanic Americans
Something bad happens in your country
Why this thing exists?
Opinion on the imperial family?
Southern italian class
Name the country
Which one will shock the most?
Do nordics really think they were romans or is it a meme?
Do you have nice weather girls in your country?
Would you prefer to learn Russian or Japanese, Dab Forums? Which one is going to be more useful in the future?
Your country
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
What does your country think of this man?
Korea Love Thread
What would happen if war happen between the US and China
The world would be a better place if ________
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Americans self-insert themselves into the commonwealth anglosphere family?
What's the next president your country will have?
Why do euros project so hard?
Would it be a good idea to move to one of these small island countries that no one even knows exists...
Are there even any safe areas in Brazil
I like white people. They are talented and smart. It's sad that I will never meet any white person in real life
Russia: *kills LGBT, Ukrainians, chechens and georgians*
Would the world be a better place if Russia was a superpower again?
What are some diseases anons from all over the world have? i have snowy vision for example
Do SEA really?
What do Brazilians and Mexicans think of eachother?
Know the difference, it could save your life
There is very little cultural difference between Chicanos and black Americans
Do you remember when you used to think foreiners were magic?
Are mail order brides a legitimate thing or a giant meme where you will get scammed?
1.Your cunt
YOU go on a blind date
Yes I'm a Muslim South American how could you tell?
I think it's about time we Americans embrace the increasing muttness of our country. It's not a bad thing
Everyday we're oppressed by the USA. Does this happen in your country?
What's the point of Western men prefers masculine square jawline for women?
What went so right?
How tall are you? Are you considered average in your country?
Anyone else find the current state of Native Americans in the U.S.A kinda sad...
Your country
Hispanic Nations
What do Euros think of American "food"? Anything you like?
Post your favorite Brazilian person
Show SOVL from your country
NanJ English Club
Why are anglosphere posters always the most racist
Are they white? Everyone says they're from the Mongol Golden Horde and that the actual Slavs (Rus) are in Ukraine
What don’t people from these countries acknowledge they look the exact same as each other
Post the lords prayer in ypur country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What's wrong with being chicano?
Do people in your country believe in the Uyghur Genocide conspiracy theory?
Which race has the biggest eyes? I think it's Arabs
Why is everyone so obsessed with them?
Soul vs soulless
Please nuke us. We’re sorry for 1804. Put us out of our misery
Sea Mexicans, what does mcspaghetti taste like?
I kneel
Does your country have overseas territories?
Small town Ameribros rise up
Who are the closest descendants of the Normans?
Why did the British Occupy India for 300 Years?
How do we cause global cooling?
Why does this happen every time i meet a finn?
/tr/ Ein Döner bitte edition
My ancestors meeting the first whiteman
Ukrainians from local gov subsidized training camps are heading off to war
Look, I'm a retard but wouldn't countries like Leafland benefit from global warming?
Does your country have a refugee crisis?
How oppressed would you be in USA?
Are there racists in you country?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Seriously lads why have you not moved to Singapore
Why did Greece fail so hard? Weren't they wise men and philosophers?
Do nordcucks really avoid eye contact and not say hello to someone walking past...
How do I learn to speak english
Dab Forums Dab Forums
Is galician a dialect of portuguese? (Or galician-portuguese i guess)
Will Dab Forums appreciate my map?
Do 9/10 Chads decide to turn into 5/10 girls in your country?
Pic related: the average Britbong
How can you suffer in Turkey when you're surrounded by girls that look like this?
Guess his ancestry
Who has contributed the most to science as a whole? Not being biased but I'd say UK ie Newton, Faraday, kelvin, Darwin...
So what does "freedom" mean in the American context...
Me entering Dab Forums and bullying all of you fucking incel dorks
How many of them could actually pass as locals in Europe?
Why do americans hate public transportation?
Did you beat the average for your country?
You wish to be a portuguese bvll?
/mex/ - hilo mex
1. Your country
Big tits bothers me
Asian Americans are self hating cucks
Dab Forums is useless
I united 8 countries into one
How is this possible to get such facial aesthetics?
What happened to change America from the heaven that it was in the 1950-70s into what it is today?
Why haven't you converted to Islam yet?
How do you feel about asian women?
I have a feeling the Mutts won't react well to getting replaced by China
شأ شأ mena
I get uncomfortably horny whenever I see nations portrayed as attractive women
What would an Dab Forums meetup look like?
Take italian citizenship
Radio Garden
/ita/ - il filo
Anatolians are the biggest cucks on planet earth
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
How do I get an indian gf?
Slightly drunk german here after some time
How do you feel about white women?
Sverigetråden - Sockerdrickaupplagan
What do you brownoids see in those blonde pinkos??
It feels like Germany is waking up
/fr/ — Le Francofil
Do American tourists act like fucking idiots in your Cunts?
Americans be like
American black Jesus
Dab Forums chat
Are you ok America bros? This can't be real, right? RIGHT...
/lat/ hilo latino
Why does this board have so many homos
What countries here do you see seething about your country the most?
What do you think of modern Indian architecture? It's often referred to as "Astro-Vedic"
VGH... my FRENCH brothers. Look at these FRENCH men, from FRANCE
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What explains this conundrum?
In what ways has Moldova affected your life?
Look, there he is!
Has your country ever done any genocide?
How do you feel about asian women?
Would you?
Romania of Western Europe
Chongqing has 16 million people
How come you never hear about Dagestan...
Do you have racist cults in your cuntree?
How can you even be an incel in Finland if the girls are like this?
One chance at life
Why do Mexico looks so better than Spain in every single aspect? Is it because of their amerindian blood?
Americans and their "heritage"
What's up with these new cigarette packs?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Next life I want to be a somali refugee ramming swedish asses. New every day. Boys and girls...
/ita/ - il filo
Are girls starting to go outside in flip flops and sandals in your country yet?
Wow user, how do you know so much about international culture?
شأ شأ mena
Rate my meal
People in the west cry that blacks and browns are used in media, they call it a jewish conspiracy. But what about Japan...
Sverigetråden - knegmannen
/brit/ + /rus/
Your countries opinion on black women?
Why are mexican shows full of white people?
Why are white people hated in the west so much? It's one of the reasons i will never move there
We need to have a sincere conversation on the problematic attitudes britons display towards Spain
Where is this phenotype common
Why do minorities litter?
Hitler unironically drew the fairest borders for the Balkans
US Capitol closed due to security threat
Rank them
Kurva anyátok
/lang/ - language learning general
Did you know that Britain once nuked Australia
I didn’t know Brazil was so diverse
These two people are from the same etnichity
Arabic speakers : is it any good?
Does your nation have any sacred institutions you're not allowed to discuss or change?
Is my phenotype welcome in your cunt tree?
The INDO-europeans conquered most of Europe. This is based
Go to germany on a holiday 5 years ago
/desi/ - Thambini Edicion
Is the greek penotype still alive in you're cunt?
You wake up in an Italian suburb
Uggghhh... the most Kino skyline
What are some good European skyscrapers?
What happens if you say the N word in your cunt?
ITT:you get a gf from flag below you
Uh oh bros
Can smart people be poor in your country?
Reading about the finnish school system
Red and white flags only
I'm so tired...
Sverigetråden - Svhoupplagan
Do Arabs, Turks, Pakis, and Persians consider themselves different races? Or do they have some self awareness?
/ita/ - il filo
/esp/ - España
There is close to zero cultural difference between Chicanos and black Americans
Post dangerous parts of your city
1. Your country
/Indo-European General/
Me in 10th grade. Can you tell which one is me?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Me browsing Dab Forums
So whats the inspiration for anime art? why japanese dont draw them looking like asians?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Nooooo not the buddherino world heritagerinoooo
/deutsch/ Freitagabend
Let’s grow a perfect world
Is this the end?
/brit /
Guess the country thread
How's zoomertalk like in your count? Here its
How do foreigners integrate in countries with meme languages like Finnish or Hungarian?
They just found Arab coins in America
During the examination of the bill consolidating the principles of the Republic...
Give me a phrase to vocaroo and I’ll say it in an accent of your choosing. Nothing too offensive...
*shines over Dab Forums*
Why do European countries ignore the gypsy problem?
What are the French planning?
If genetic engineering and human cloning would become publicly available to everybody in the world...
Why are Asian m*n like this?
Your cunt
Cars / ships = civilized countries
Liberators of the Americas
These things eat indian and arab babies
Suddenly, Indonesia
Your cunt
How multicultural and diverse is your country?
How do you like your coffee, Dab Forums?
So even girls like this live in poverty in Russia?
/deutsch/ am Abend
How do you cope with being poor?
German architect designed this small theatre. Rate this design from 1-10!
"The Communists destroyed traditional culture in China"
Land of the free
This is the best fruit in the world. Prove me wrong
Do you want peace and friendship with Russia?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Have you completed your pilgrimage to (st.) George Floyd Square yet ameribros?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is this patriot enough, Americans?
How come there are no historic white samurai for Netflix to make anime out of
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Why are Russians so immune to globohomo propaganda?
Are youngs in your cunt poor?
There are 800 000 muslims in Austria
French has genders
Kurva anyátok
The reason why you don't see more Indians here is because Hiro has rangebanned 90% of India through Dab Forums blocking...
Should they be independent?
Already forgotten
Realistically, when will India reach superpower status?
Wake up in Slovenia
*dabs on europe*
You're walking down the street when this man approaches you and says
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
What happens in Croatia?
Hiroshima, rebuilt brighter and stronger than it was before in less than a single lifetime
Why do they look med?
What is the worst ?
/deutsch/ Serval Ausgabe
The image that killed finland
Do you like American humour?
I like Scots
/ita/ il filo
Third world mentality
Why haven't you started a family yet?
Finland worship thread
Do you love armenia?
Build tall not wide
Your cunt
White people fuck
Scramble for Europa
/fr/ — Le Francofil
Would you rather live in India or sub saharan africa?
I suffer in India
How is he seen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Statistikupplagan
I don't get it
Germany thread
Is your country wealthy?
Do they suffer?
Gypsy threda
Iraq authorizes destruction of Assyrian monuments
IWO - I went outside thread
>m-muh oil!
Tell me about your country
Turkey thread
Just got back from the friday prayer
How do we increase gay acceptance in muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, France and UK?
You wake up in Athens
Society is collapsing
In Argentina and Brazil there is a form of Italian supremacy as they are the ruling elite...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2568
I'm about to become a millionaire at 20 and have no idea what the fuck to do with my money
Let’s play a game
Italians look like brown Germans
Do you prefer mountains or beaches?
A picture of my mother when she was 20
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
How are inter-ethnic relations in France? Do Nafris, Blacks, Meds & Gauls get along or not?
Gay sex thread on Dab Forums
Why do Japanese want to kill whales when the rest of the world agreed not to kill whales back in the 80s?
Your Height
/deutsch/ Schlafanzug-Ausgabe
What does Western European have such a strong tendency of Imperialism? The age of colonies aside...
Why are Russian women obsessed with turks
Why do people complain about the diversity in Europe when it's the most diverse continent on the planet?
Sverigetråden - Långhelgupplagan
Do you have a student loan? Are many people in your country stuck in a student debt?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Why are they like this?
Dab Forums chat
Swedish prison looks like that???
Do we really?
Why does the Japanese adore america after all the war crimes they did against them...
Why are these chinks so arrogant and annoying all the time...
>Industrial society and its future
/lat/ hilo latino
Russian women for me
Why does no one talk about German Sorbs here? Apparently they are related to Polish people...
Name three (3) Spanish dishes
Bros.. how do we fix this?
Mi sento felice perchè
What makes asian girls so loveable?
/東亞/ East Asia Thread
/ita/ - il filo
Why are non-whites like this?
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt. Opinion on Pakistan
The Brazillian government state sponsored horse sex porn in the 60s
Your move?
How come there is so many gypsies in Brazil and Argentina?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Be me
Why do white people have a weird smell?
/fr/ - le francofil
If your language's words mostly end in consontants its a white one
Is Korea a dying country?
There is a new statue in Budapest
National anthems of /int
You do realize anyone with half brain and money can get citizenship here pretty easily right
Name of these maneuver in your tounge?
Is the internet the cause for the rise in male virginity?
Why exactly am I supposed to hate China again?
Are women prone to jealousy in your country?
Want to make international friends
/v4/ + friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2568
How do westerners feel if an East Asian girl has dyed blonde hair and wearing color lens?
Watch a video of a white family eating together
Russia wtf?
What future do you see for Nordic languages?
I dont understand american "english", can one of you lads explain what this means please?
What happens here?
ITT: Dab Forums in a communist world
If russia joined the EU, and i mean in a subservient way where they can't really make decisions
That was the worst april fools we've ever had
Jesus died in Japan
Japanese man is such a cheater!
Choose your future, western man
Why is the UK always ahead of continental European countries?
/esp/ - Hilo español
How can the UK make a comeback?
Post castles from your country
Now that the flags are back on, who did you pretend to be on Dab Forums today?
Turks are Europeans
Do you guys have local websites that are the equivalent of Dab Forums? here, the closest thing is a forum...
Native American or Japanese? Dab Forums decides
Why doesn't Turkey love Pakistan like Pakistan loves Turkey?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do Albanians choose to be friends literal niggers over other whites like anglos in the UK?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
This is America
Flags are back
Your country
I'm Iraqi diaspora AMA
Russian girls, is this accurate?
Why is every ex-communist war torn or poor as fuck and corrupt? China is literally the only exception
What is the sex ratio on this imageboard?
/cum/ personalities
Being a white man and going to Asia to find a wife
Dab Forums be like
Lose weight
Wtf is their problem?
/lat/ hilo latino
Bear numbers are recovering in France but sheep herders are pissed
Kurva anyátok
Argentinians unironically believe they are "white"
Has your country ever done any genocide, eh?
UGH... as praias do brasil
In your opinion, which country has the best history?
I thought the french were spineless cowards
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #209
What went wrong for the asian "man"?
Dab Forums is better without flags
China overtaking Africa
How does one acquire a Latina gf
Pic related: the average Mexican
Guess the country
My brother died
Summer is coming europoors
Cats vs dogs around the world
Japan came out with a new law proposal a few hours ago
It takes the average American woman to earn $1,000,000 in 6 hours
Israeli's, do you ever feel bad about how the Palestinians are treated?
Is this the dumbest board on 4chinz?
/lat/ hilo latino
Having a southeast asian maid to serve you
Is it just me or do a lot of the black skinned Indians have more Caucasian looking faces than the lighter ones
Christian and pagan West Papua genocide and war against Indonesian Sunni Muslim occupation
What are they praying for?
Pretty shameful we in the West don't know anything about them
Why are countries in the American sphere of influence so successful and wealthy?
Bangladesh's genocide against Jumma Buddhists, Hindus and Christians
Japanese right wingers attack Christmas and Santa saying "Japan is not a Christian Country"
Do you have incels in your country?
Now that Dab Forums is flag-free, can we now stop pretending that we like China?
Did you know
What is Korean Christianity like?
Why Do white people seriously think they look the most diverse of all races ?
What's the best way to eradicate poverty in Latin America?
This is like 30 rupees, why is Indian food so good and cheap?
How come there are so many legendary Brazilian fighters, but almost no Latinx fighters at all?
Which country do you support in the Egyptian-Ethiopian dam conflict, eh?
Has self-inflicted ethnic genocide ever been tried in country history?
/fr/ - le francofil
Nation of larpers
Do upper class MENA people tend to be Whiter? There is a rich Arab dude in my class and he looks totally White
Is it true that east asians think that MENAs and whites are the same people?
Why are Chinese women so powerful?
Tfw Peruvian
How are Dominicans percived in the rest of latin america and USA?
/lat/ hilo latino
How many women in Sweden actually looks like Agnetha Faltskog?
Do you think a brown manlet latino will ever have a chance with a girl like this?
Who is more German?
Which side, judging by the countries supporting it, do you believe was in the right?
Thoughts on Sweden?
Argentina Obsession
I crossdress everyday. Guess my country
Since flags are gone, post the view from your apartment / house and others guess your cunt
Post the 10th largest city in your country
Must be reassuring to not have the g*nger gene in your system
I want to live in Tokyo
Why are japs like this?
Sverigetråden - Fotupplagan
Do beautiful korean woman like ugly bald russian dude
Success breeds jealousy
Average Spaniard
ITT: prove you are not Med
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
The Iberians messed up, if only Anglos, Dutch, French, Italians or Germans colonized these regions
I-I-I win less 300€ in Portugal than in the Netherlands, I suffer I swear
Calling black person "nigger" doesn't make me a racist
She actually started an onlyfans
Shooting in Madrid (Latin Kings)
The Death of European Culture
/ita/ - il filo
Post the most american picture you have
What do you think about indigenous people?
The world's tallest statue is in India and you've never even heard of it
I have a dream
What do you think about Africans?
Pervert: The Country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Cant eat meat tomorrow because it’s good friday
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/world of polska/
/cum/ - chile usa mexico
Why did he do it?(in your country)
Can't stop thinking about impregnating black women
Kurva anyátok
Is Atheist Israelis vs Jew Israelis a thing?
Police officer arrested for being a member of neo nazi group
Tfw no Bolivian gf
The first Europeans to arrive in the New World were Danes, Norwegians and Scots
Haha april fool's :DDD
Post pictures of your cities/country
I just want things to go back to normal
Why were greek statues so germanic looking?
/deutsch/ am Abend
This is what the average mexican woman would look like if we were colonized by the Dutch
/lat/ hilo letrina
I am from Bangladesh
Lose weight
How does it feel to be a brazilian?
Prove you're not Canadian
Why even in very violent american cities, they don't have walls around their property...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Is racism tolerated in your country?
What's the realistic alternative to these guys? Admit it, there isn't one. All of the other options are worse
Why do people ridicule Meds for looking like Arabs? If anything...
How many Alphabets do you know how to read?
Post pictures of your ancestors
/ita/ il filo
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Sverigetråden Libbeupplagan
شأ شأ mena
Post pictures of your ancestors
This is how the average dutch girl looks, just as a reference for you thirdies lusting over "dutch qveens"
This is the first time I fell in love with a black girl
/deutsch/ am Abend
Fastest growing religion of each country
They killed millions
Do you take psychodelics iyc
interesting religion, culture, rich history and people
The Death of European Culture
Redpill me on California, Dab Forums?
Italy is for
Americans are about to switch to based Pepsi
Dab Forums
Guess where I'm from
Just found out the US used to own the Philippines, so we’re we good rulers or bad?
1. Your country
Is it true that this country was ruled by Persians, Greeks...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #208
Japanese qt edition
Why do american call paki asian?
Guess my country
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Have you gotten the jab yet, Dab Forums?
What is the difference?
What do you call pic related in your language?
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement