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International #1425
Japan is so Americanized we adopted prefrectural flags. (Obviously inspired by American state flag idea)
>Canadian "holidays"
Did you miss me?
Political correctness is just western imperialism in disguise
Post the loser thing of your count
/fr/ - parle le français ou casse-toi
Based doggo edition
Would Russia welcome a Peruvian like me?
I don't get it
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
How can Russians be single when there is an endless supply of poor...
Did you know? The largest statue of a hindu deity is located in Indonesia
/nederdraad/ - doe er wat aan uitgave
Slovenes are tall
Is it morally justifiable to abandon your country and emigrate to a better one rather than fight to make it better?
How do you say these in your language
Is it true that people in Amman are just as liberal and degenerate as comifornians?
France invades your country
If you could go on a date with a different, brand new girl every day of the week, but each specific day...
España.......beautiful climate, beautiful beaches all around, hot babes........my ideal home :)
Are saunas popular in your cunt?
Can any Turks here translate what this says?
What are Dab Forumss favourite games?
Sverigetråden - Mårdupplagan
In Denmark, you can look up how much each politician gets paid, how much they pay in taxes...
No, non sono daltonico, so il mondo è nero e bianco
/deutsch/land Ausgabe
Is polytheism still a thing in your cunt?
Do you like armenia?
What do you have to say for yourself?
Spain, Italy
I unironically love the Netherlands. I'm a Dutchaboo, I love their cities, their infrastructure...
Dab Forums is full of brainded muslims, from MENA to SEA and their diaspora in Europe, North America and Australia...
How do we punish Brits for poisoning the world with their vaccine?
Is there a lot of racism in your country /int?
Järjestelmä tarpeeksi on mua lypsänyt
Well Dab Forums?
'Human rights' are just Western cultural imperialism
What's the best place for a summer vacation?
Hey guys make sure to check my new video about what it's like to drink water IN JAPAN
Muh harsh Nordic winter
How good is Dab Forums with math ?
Do you have neo nazis in your cunt?
This is what Italy used to be about. I'm going back to my roots
Did you miss out on teenage relationships Dab Forums? How does it feel when you look back at it now?
ITT : stereotypes about your country that are 100% true
People say that I look Italian
Dab Forums irl insights
Do you have international friends?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Name a better flag design
Why do indians do this?
How many people actually buy the Dab Forums pass? It must be loads of people...
I hate women but I love women's bodies. How can I overcome this duality?
Why does this make italians seethe?
I never had sex
Sverigetråden - Regleringsupplagan
How often do you see trans people in your country
EU covid recovery plan
Japan = paradise on earth
Your country
Do not contact Iranian women edition
Why do these weirdos act like each other is an alien race?
600,000 French civilians killed
/esp/ hilo español
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2572
Hello brother did you know Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world
Post third world markers, I'll start
/v4/ + friends
I never seen snow
Why are American hallucinations so angry?
Is this the peak of European entertainment? Will you watch?
/fr/ - le francofil
1. Cunt
Why are white women the most masculine on earth?
Be me
Heres your ancient aryans bro
ITT we compliment Australia
How often do people in your country masturbate?
Your country
Is there anything more pathetic than people who leave Islam?
AmeriKKKan education
Its fucking snooooooowingggggg fuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
One of the best living conditions on the planet
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Is this meme true?
You awaken in rural America
I got caught masturbating in class back in middle school
What happens in 2036?
What is the difference between russian, ukranian, and belarusian culture and language?
1. Your count
Countries that recognise the holodomor as a genocide. It seems random, why is this?
Favorite Country Besides Your Own?
Kurva anyátok
Why do they look like bleached mongols?
So how are you coping?
Croats are Meds
Most "White names" like Sarah and John are actually just localized Middle Eastern names that comes from the Bible
Do people in your country store food in case something bad happens? I just started doing it myself
Why do commonwealth anglos hate us so much even though their head of state is LITERALLY a German?
Does your famiry know you browse this website?
I wish i studied something with more employability chances like Engineering or Information Technologies...
Get some fucking culture, holy shit
Is it just me or all non-white male have white fever?
Fuck spring
Many public American schools (if not all) have this shit called ROTC which is literally a navy club in which you larp...
Does you country suffer from this?
1. your county
Is our skin really yellow?
1. Your country
Why do right wing incels care about Germany so much?
/ita/ - il Filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #214
Behold: the natives of Chile
Is it actually true that thirdies admire this guy?
American office building interiors
At what point did you realise that your people are actually the bad guys?
Do you think would be liked if they were a 100% Christian region like Latin America?
What cigarettes do you smoke in your cunt?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2572
I heard someone say "latinx" in real life today
"Fuck timezones"
El gato
Japan-Dutch frenship thread
MENA and LATAM have the best looking women, you can't dispute this. Nobody else can compare to light brown women
What are the implications of this for the United States?
/Desi/- Day of the rope edition
I want commit suicide
Patriotic thread
/lat/ - hilo latANO
I found his Instagram
Why isn't Pinxy as a term getting more traction on Dab Forums? I think it's really funny hehe
Do people in your country drink Coca Cola?
Why is Australia rated so highly using HDI despite being a total shithole...
Will you drink the poo?
How can people stand living in this hell on earth?
What causes this in America for this to happen?
Islambros, how are we recovering from this one?
How would you fix sweden?
Why is Canada first world while Mexico is third world? What does Canada even produce? At least Mexico manufactures shit
Hey wyboi stop hating asians
Why are these guys so aggressive and threatening with their miltiary forces
1. Your cunt
TIL Denmark is racist and xenophobic
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Pojkrumsupplagan
Dab Forums is slowly becoming Dab Forums
This is how i look like , would you be my fren?
Any arab can explain this?
Tea Preference
How many sexual partners has Dab Forums had
What are French peoples opinions on our French cowboys?
10x as many German women were raped in the Rape of Berlin compared to the Chinese raped in the Rape of Nanking...
Imagine being german and refering to germany as the whole continent of Europe
Damn, europeans really be like this
Average greek phenotype
I rather take 2 nukes than what happened to Germans
The German historian Oswald Spengler proposed the theory of High Cultures and their prime symbol...
Why don’t they post here?
What is this phenotype?
Are the police reliable in your country?
ITT: autistic shit you do because of your nationality
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
No matter the country or culture, we can all universally agree that red is the least attractive hair color
According to a study done by top Israel university...
What do Moroccans think of this guy?
Wh*ters do not understand that all empires have disappeared
Are UFO or UPA sightings common in your cunt?
What are they like?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Is it possible to go outside without at least one smelly homeless fuck aggressively asking you for money/spare change?
What did black people mean by this
What happens here?
Argentinian leaders
Why does everyone seem to be unaware of French Turks? They are 600 thousand, the second largest diaspora in Europe...
Sup Dab Forums
/lang/ - Language learning general
Do you want to find love in Mexico?
This is the definitive tier list, if you disagree, than you're a nigger
I'm scared they'll do it again
Tell me something I don't know about your country
Your cunt
What the fuck is Japan's problem?
This is a mentally ill board
What happens in mozambique?
I just found out Putin proposed changes in the Russian Constitution last year directly inserting religion into it...
Is Speedy Gonzales racist towards Mexicans?
Celtic people of Hispania
I just poured libation and offered a hymn to Jupiter father of the Gods...
Norwoodtråden - Sverigeupplagan
Could people have predicted this headline 15 years ago?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
What's with russkies and all the ((((((( )))) (((((? I don't get it...
How phat has the finns brappers gotten after the all the massive amount of mämmi they've eaten this easter?
/ita/ il filo
Yes or no? Is Mexico based?
Why do Americans call this Lay-gow instead of leg-oh?
21 years old
The British Isles were and will always stay everyone else's cum disposal...
In which country can i find a girl that looks like this? (but isn't a mentally ill attention whore)
1. you country
What's your country's equivalent of the CIA?
Would Mexico be better off had it been annexed by the US?
In Thailand there exists a subculture where men larp as Mexican gangsters
Why are Black Brazilians so poor?
Is Britain really the world’s least racist country?
Why are Indians so based?
Are sleepovers with friends a thing in your cunt?
/int chat/
I breathe
Do modern western college students actually study critical race theory?
Choose your fighter
Do thirdies really use these things?
How close are you with your siblings? and how close are people in your country usually to their siblings?
The Joker is now a part of a reality TV show in India
What is the minimum wage of where you live?
POV: You're a white tourist couple who overslept in their beach house in Brazil
Kurva anyátok
I sufer in Brazil
Do you prefer Southern Europe or Northern Europe?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How the hell do I GAIN weight?
That one day when flags were off confirmed my assumptions
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
When was the last time you met a black person in your country?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Have sex
/fr/ - le francofil
I love my fellow SGIF <3
Rank them based off attractiveness
You can only post ITT if your country causes massive amounts of butthurt by just existing
There are 150 million Italians in the world
Why do they keep importing muslim immigrants when they can import latinamerican or hong konger immigrants?
Laugh at Italy thread
/lat/ - hilo latANO
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Do white people really do this shit?
Wtf am I
Average 55 year old British woman
Why are Asian genetics so strong?
Does your country produce unique soft drinks?
How Netflix is creating a common European culture
This is a 41 yo Ukrainian woman
The british phenotype
Are you guys really racist or it's just shitposting?
/ita/ il filo
Why do posters on Dab Forums pretend that they would live the good life in based 50s-70s America...
If brazilians say "funk" they don't actually mean funk music but hiphop?
Be me
>Be Norwegian
Argentina is the most based country in South America, no contest
What do pigs sound like in your language? Nöff nöff for me
You cunt
Your country is Brazilian, will be Brazilian forever and there’s nothing you can do about it
What's the most intimate thing you did with someone who's same sex to you?
Is this true, bros
/desi/-Cryptochristian edition
Sverigetråden peter av sverige-upplagan
Ok autists, its settled. Here’s the objective, final truth whether you like it or not
How do the militaries of these four countries compare?
Englishmen look like that
The italian phenotype
Do japanese really?
/bra/ - fio brasileiro
How can white women even compete??
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How cancerous is your country's YT trending tab?
Are night walks common in your country?
/dixie/ - retard gorilla niggers
Why does every single Mexican look like this?
Post the best of your country's natural beauty. Bonus points if it's not nationally protected
Yes I'm a nafri
Who would win in a fight between Germanics and Meds?
How do I get a qt Turkish gf bros? Or is it over?
Check European music charts
Why can't capitalism create wealth in Detroit like it did in the rest of the country?
Only one blue subregion
Should Israel become a country of immigrants and diversity considering they are a wealthy 1st world country?
Who would win in a fight Mexican Cartels or ISIS?
Can a brazilian monkey easily go to the Russia? I dream about it
The EU is dying
The good thing about being brazilian is that you aren't afraid of hell, can't be worse than here
I feel like if the soviet revolution never happened Russia would the cultural capital of the world. Do you agree?
You wake up in Spain
Who was wrong here?
Can amerilards stay in their shitholes and mind their own business?
Your cunt
Post your pet Dab Forums
Do you feel your country has historically overachieved or underachieved?
What type of migrants does your country usually get?
Kurva anyátok
Which eastern european country is most comfy to visit? For me, it's belarus
Is domestic abuse common in your country
/ita/ - il filo
What is going on down here?
What country has the most overrated girls?
American white girls with fair skin and black hair
Most sacred town in the muslim world
How does a rus fag get asylum in a country that doesn't want to eradicate all gay?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why does the EU exist?
How would you rate yourself out of 10 personality and looks wise?
Can we enter the V4
Which country has the sexiest women? For me it is slavs
How is your relationship with your mother, user?
Why are they so atheist and irreligious?
Mom Turkish
My grandma just scolded me because im thinking of quitting school due to mental problems and she is worried that i'll...
Come here to party, no one gives a fuck. Corona you say?? LMAAAOOO sorry i cant hear you the music is too loud...
You're cunt
Up the RA!
Comfy third world
Is fast food really that expensive in Finland that two cheeseburgers for 7€ is a good deal?
/esp/ - el /esp/
I got fucking sacked from the army because of a comment i made on facebook years ago...
Ask anything for a Brazilian who is learning to cook, because he just left his parents' house
How common is your last name, Dab Forums?
We fucking won
Imagine being in that room and they let you do anything you want
Does your country have this?
I would kneel to this
Do Amerimutts really think circumcision is anything but some camel fucker tradition?
Your cunt
Do black americans circumcise their sons?
What's the best way to win over a dutch girl
What kind of problems do they have?
Do people in your country LARP vikings and grow out long ugly beards, pretend that -20°C isn't cold...
Do you have problematic numbers of white and Asian students in your country's advanced school courses?
3rd largest economy in the world
Sverigetråden General Lee upplagan
Some rich first world nation should unironically buy southern italy as a holiday resort and civilize it and valorize it...
Back when korean dramas became popular in southeast asia in 2000s, the male actors looked like this
What is the most irrelevant /region/department/state/province in your cunt?
/brit /
Is it possible AT ALL for Germany to recover its reputation from WW2?
1. your country
Where does “French” come from?
The most beautiful people
Why aren't you learning Japanese yet, user?
Imagine if this actually happened
Who's your country's Sargon of Akkad?
Why should I visit your countryn as a tourist?
Imagine the united brown superpower
So Chinese troops are amassing troops at the bruma...
Have you ever met an American in real life before?
/ita/ - il filo
Do people in your country support the secular government of Bashar al-Assad...
What's wrong with Spanish youth?
How do they differ from mainland China, culturally speaking?
/brit/ - Punjab Girlfriend Edition
I am not ashamed to admit that I find small town America extremely soulful and comfy
Today is my birthday, Dab Forums
WW3 predictions thread
Just a reminder that if you are talking to an American there is now a better than 50% chance they have been vaccinated
How many races there are? What is your head canon, user?
The Pajeets of South-East Asia
Language has grammatical cases
Wait, so diversity and individualism were right all along?
I just masturbated for 3.5 hours straight
Guess the city
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Do women have souls?
Tier A: Slovenia, Czechia, Estonia
You will never be a tall white American Chad playing in the football (handegg) team
America gets too much hate
Does this happen in your country?
Have you submitted before the BSC yet?
/danmarktråden/ + /føryar/
How are interracial/international marriages viewed in your country?
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
What do Russians (slav) think of their ethnic minorities?
From where those fuckers will take 2 trillion dollars??
If you were the Leader of North Korea, what would you do?
Why don't they have any culture? Surely some should've developed by now
Sverigetråden - Lärkans upplaga
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2571
Which is the favourite pokemon in your country?
Sverigetråden - Mongoupplagan
Do non-Western countries have these flags in their emoji library?
Brazilians are white
Do you think he was a great leader?
Kurva anyátok
Meme aside which country have the men with the largest sausage?
Would this man pass as a local in your cunt?
Which piggy is gonna get the knife first?
Do you like Croatia?
Japan is unique and Japan is Japan
Why france b anned paternity test?
This says so much
American actress Elizabeth Olsen shocked the world with her testimony about Serbia...
Why is america porn so aggressive?
How the fuck can most Murricans NOT speak English so well? Honestly...
Which countries does this not happen in?
I don't think I've ever heard of a famous Russian food except for vodka
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why is japan so backwards?
You have done a racism, the predator drones have been dispatched
How are there so many Israeli Incels when they are surrounded by women like this?
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I hate living in a reddit country
Do people in your country trust this man? I don't
The boys of the Russian Federation
My gf is so wet and horny I literally can't handle her
Worst experiences abroad
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Sverigetråden _ Family guy
If you're not from these countries you can't go to Heaven
This Japanese athletess had lukemia and had just recovered. She is now going to compete in the olympics
Scandinavians are still freezing
My ancestors
Did you know that Norway is massive huge as fuck? Pic related is Innlandet county, which is bigger than the Netherlands
Most religious man in the west
just came inside a femoid some hours ago
Just crossed the border into mx let's see if my flag changes
/esp/ - España
No, I will not respect Jap culture
Least religious men in the middle east
Why are femoids like this? Is beatings actually the only option?
What flags are your favorite (You)s? For me, i love Italian and Mexican (You)s
ITT: how do you imagine the poster above
Do bongs really?
I just saw the video of those two scandinavians girls that got beheaded in Morocco a few years back. I'm crying...
Much older than the Pyramids. Who built it ?
Post your dinner
My nipples are brown
Why would anyone fall for whytoid women?
I just want ya'll to know that if you live here, you're my bro
How much history homework do finns get?
Be zoomali goverment
How are cops in your cunt trained? Picrel is from America police training
Flags are powerful things
Who would win in a hypothetical war between Christians and Muslims?
Average white sinoboo
Post your country's de-facto president
Green radioactive water
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Well Dab Forums?
1. Your country
Yes I'm a nafri
This will be the richest country in Eastern Europe
Polish music is really cool check it out
Russian! What a fucking language! The absolute precision and sonority equalled by no other tongue in the world...
How widespread is piracy in country?
What are some Australian inventions besides the boomerang?
It ain't easy being a young amerikkkan nibba
/med/ + friends
Miau miau :3
Why are Scandinavian people so non confrontational and reserved?
Post pics from your country
/v4/ + friends
Why westerners won't respect elders?
Just be friends ok?
America only became a superpower because it was lucky in terms of Geography
Spaniards confirmed Gigachads
What happens if I move out of Canada and don't pay my government student loans
What goes on here?
German heritage
/ita/ - il filo
I would die for Poland
What do you think about the Varg family?
Which nation do you hate?
This is Vancouver Island, the largest island on the West coast of the Americas...
Kurva anyátok
Does the Byzantine Empire hold cultural significance in Greece or do they shun it in favor of, say, Sparta and Athens...
Do you love Mexico?
/deutsch/ früh morgendliche Ausgabe
Mexicans of Dab Forums, how accurate is this?
I know that Russians hate Russia more than anybody else
1. Your cunt
I'm afraid of living there, especially if I would have a daughter
Do people listen to him in your country?
Chineses fishing
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Are asian men the most hated?
Which nation is the best in Europe?
What are some weird things about zoomers you've observed? I'll start: censoring words like p0rn, n@zi, r*pe...
Would you date a nationalist girl from your country?
You wake up in Cantabria, Spain
There are people on this board who literally killed somebody and got away with it
The original Dutch are dying out. Only 2% of the Netherlands has pure Dutch roots
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Which one of these mediterranean countries is the best?
Is it true that you can't suffer in this area?
I have to pick my wife in 2 years
How did these cowards manage to obtain any amount of power and why did continental Europe allow these cowards who fled...
I feel like im disappointing my parents
If you don't like Texas, you're a fag
Why do south americans have all their movies and series dubbed by México...
What is your hierarchy of values?
Faces of Dab Forums
What souvenir should i get from your cunt?
1. country
Most attentionwhorish cunts on here? My vote goes to the japs and koreans
Why does Russia continue to use soviet iconography despite the collapse of the USSR...
Do they?
What is the rationale for triband flags, why are they used so much?
Why are Eurangutans like this?
I realized
What does it mean when a European has a nose like this...
What happens here
New Worlders
Japan is the only country left in Asia that still uses seals instead of Western style signatures
How would your parents react if you brought home a portuguese woman?
You’re cunt
Hispanic America
How true is this?
His flag has lies written on it
Are they a superpower yet?
Can any of my fellow leafs redpill me on Quebec? Thinking of moving because alberta sucks
Are they white East Asians or brown Southeast Asians?
Will they be allies and friends in the future? Or Russia's fate is bound with China forever?
Do you have kids?
Why do non-Americans seethe so much because of what Americans wear?
Why do Italians have big/semitic noses? Oher meds may be swarthy but they have regular Euro noses
Your cunt
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Sverigetråden- Badupplagan
Muslim hypocrisy
You can only post ITT if you live in a blue county
Western dominance in technology is just a blip in history
To all non-norrherners? Which nordic cunt do you wish you were born in?
Sweden: Nooo you're asian
Why is he considered good looking? He looks average to me desu
Only thirdies can post in this thread
Some gypsy in his mud hut has faster speed connection than the majority of the w*Stern world
Why were the Portuguese giving their names to literally everyone they ran into?
I wish I was born in the 3rd world paradise
When the Chinese take over you'll realize how benevolent we were
Why do diaspora asians risk their lives for zogmerica?
Why is it that the area in Brazil that was colonised by germans/northern europeans is much richer and has higher living...
Firsties can work at mcdonalds and still earn more in a month than a engineer thirdie with a PhD
/ita/- il filo
VHG.. the streets of Qatar, the richest country on planet earth
What's going on in canada?
Why are they like this?
Do you find latina women hot?
Ribbentrop took to shouting at the Turkish Ambassador in Berlin, Mehemet Hamdi Arpag...
How do MENA people manage to look through the window every day and not jump from it?
2nd most spoken language in south america, thoughts?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #213
Swedish tank faces you
Do you drink mate mate?
Canada is SLACKING
Why are we so based?
What the fuck is this "latinx" bullshit? When did it become a thing and what exactly does it mean??
How the fuck can most Murricans NOT speak English so well? Honestly...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Why are they so violent?
How we went from this
What are some spooky mythological creatures from your country?
What are their women like?
Cultures ranked in terms of most soul to least, top to bottom
Does your country empower women?
Alexander the Great conquered the known world at the age of 25
Are Penis's Shrinking in your country?
No, we will not institute universal healthcare
Why does Dab Forums only go for the 1% of the 1%? Here she would be a 7/10...
This will be Egypt in 2030
Do you get shamed for waving your flag in your country?
I just learned Americans pay more in taxes for medicare and medicaid than Europeans pay in taxes for their entire...
Is my city SOVLFVL or soulless? Please be honest
Dab Forums chat
What would your parents think if you brought home an asian girl?
Last thread was fun, let's have another
What do you call this in your /cunt/?
1. your country 2. do you have these in your country?
Makes absolutely everyone seethe
Are breast implants common in your country?
What do you think about galdrastafir/Icelandic magical staves?
/mex/ - hilo mex
American niggas be like
Dab Forums career thread
How would your parents react if you brought home a Mexican woman?
White Sun of the Desert is a 1970 Soviet film which tells the story of Soviet soldier Fyodor Sukhov who has been...
I plan to do a 40 day trip through europe once I get my master's degree (in ~1...
Almost 4000 deaths everyday
Sverigetråden - politikfria upplagan
What does the average class look like in your country?
Thoughts on China fishing on America's backyard?
Kissing your kids on the lips
Is it acceptable to date older women in you're country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Dab Forums webm thread
/lat/ hilo latino
How common is your surname?
/nachtschicht/ auch /deutsch/
Women make hundreds of thousands of dollars whoring themselves out on OnlyFans
Do women do this in your country?
Why doesn't Europe have its own social media platform?
Do europeans really?
How long to learn Korean?
Well int? which one do YOU support?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Americans think that this is a healthy diet
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement