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International #1426
Have you ever met a black girl in your country?
Does your country have a circumcision culture?
Brazil inherited from EVROPA most of its culture, its language, and most of its dna
What are your thoughts on Chicanas?
Could i pass as a local in your country?
Why is Mexico so better than Spain? Aren't they supposed to be poor and violent?
Sverigetråden - Sovupplagan
/Mena/ arab
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Would this girl be considered white or black in your country?
What's his problem?
Why do former communist countries dislike communism?
Generally what genes or mutations is causing Swedes, Finns and Norwegians to look Asiatic?
Why are americans so cruel and evil?
I don't know why Euros like to mock us for being circumcised, isn't that better...
What US state would you recommend moving to if you are a white racist?
Number of Brazilians that have gone to space: 1
Eurobros, how do we comeback from this?
just be confident bro
Is Anglo-Americanism dead?
How much will the US in 2077 be like Cyberpunk?
Have you ever dated a girl with depression or BPD (Borderline personality disorder) before...
Really makes you think
Uncircumcised people
Post what your worst 3 fears are from when you know you exist to now in youre an cunt
So, is it worth it?
My childrens will looks like this
New dangerous Covid variant with 18 mutations never seen before just got discovered here in Brazil
Do you believe in the existence of countries and nation states?
Why do Japanese think they are more Jomon and pseudo-Caucasian when they have more strong genes toward Tungusic and...
/ausnz/ + /balt/ #216
No history
1. Your country
Would you fight for your country?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Wypipo be like:
Silly Kaffir...
Most irrelevant country in Europe
/nachtschicht/ später /deutsch/
Hypothetically speaking, what happens if it’s dissolved ?
I am sorry to ruin this boards fantasies...
Can I pass as a local in your country?
/balk/ Poker face edition
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Americans like this?
I notice that Asian American girls are always brown and fat and thier White partners always look like nerds
Post your speed test
Who are your favourite band from your country?
The Dutch & The EU
What level are you in your country?
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
Does anyone here actually have a seething hatred for America or is that just a meme?
Tfw mrbeast gets on average 60 million views per video
Post Dab Forums funnies
Sverigetråden - lövupplagan
Sweden is dead, we had a good run
What does this mean internationally?
/ita/ - il filo
In germanic countries, women don't care about your social status, only your personality and looks
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
What are your thoughts on Pakistan's national identity?
North african man
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do americans have "fupas" and why are they "poppin" it?
Give me ONE (1) argument against this
Imagine not being iberian
Non-Russian East Slavic countries
Firstoids have less than 20 cousins
Does your country have an 'architectural style' that can be found outside your country?
What happens in sri lanka??
I suffer in Wyoming
1. Your country
If Anglos are Germanic then how come Brits and Americans don't have the German and Scandinavian autism
In which country willI I find women like this?
Kurva anyátok
Why do white people refuse to acknowledge that Arabic food is one of the top food cultures in the world?
Imagine a world that wasn't pillaged by Western imperialism
Jesus fucking Christ, what's wrong with you people? Why are you eating fucking horses...
Thank you, Norway!
Bolivia is not 1st worl-
Can you see the night sky in your cunt?
Important message to all latinx
Why do South East Asians like Indonesians follow Arab culture? They are not in Middle East
What ethnicities are your parents?
/desi/-look at all these plebs edition
Who would win?
Reply and i will draw the avarage person from your cunt
/balk/ Putin edition
Hilo /lat/ino
Do you love Austria?
Asians or latinas?
I wish nuclear war would happen so I would live in epic Fallout world
ITT: describe a country with one picture, others try to guess
Tinder passport is free until 30 April trens
We need to talk about Switzerland
You wake up in The Bahamas
I still confuse danes with dutchs
Best looking women
The US has a humanitarian crisis on hand
People would rather stand in the aisle than sit next to me
Would it be worth it to learn French?
How come we never see liveleak of this
Why do Eastern Europeans have a reputation of making mistakes?
1. Your Latin American country
How common are science-obssessed, anti-religion, pro-enstablishment retards in your country?
If I had one life I would give it to China
Sverigetråden - Arga Apans Upplaga
Which one would you prefer?
/fr/ - le francofil
As a bavaryan (15cm, uncut), I don't feel welcome in /deutsch/
/deutsch/ am Abend
MSPaint Geography
Is this accurate?
Have you ever met an Indian?
Are you white?
Me on the right
How come when you look at Israel's street view it looks like any other Arab country...
"Austrians" are a made up ethnicity to divide Germans
Do people in your country prefer tits or ass?
Do you love Israel?
I want to move to USA, but im afraid to just get shot
Be American
Should Europe pay reparations to the nations it colonised? Why or why not?
Africa, I
Scary stuff
This thread translate own mother tongue straight English. Not allowed change word order, neither add unnecessary words...
What music genres are popular in your country?
Are they latinos?
Wow China looks like THAT?
Have you ever felt weak and irrelevant?
Are the Americans of Dab Forums willing to die for Taiwan (unironically)?
Do they really?
Is the US Latinx now?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ + friends
Do you support a free and independent Quebec free of Anglo-Saxon tyranny?
Is it true that europeans get naked with their (to swim...
I enter full time work for the first time in my life tomorrow
Your country
If the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed, what would Soviet posters be like?
In Finland if you do this. You can not be raped
The Netherlands need more immigrants, the GDP is growing too slow
Do countries like the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium...
I feel so frustrated when I read about what Uyghurs are subjected to
Horn Africans are literally white. Disagree = reddit
Do you hate your country? I hate my country
Why are most of the non-Whites behind European flags some kind of Muslim and the occasional Indian...
Sverigetråden - Rummelupplagan
/Germ/ - Pan Germanic thread
I suffer in my glorious warm sunny paradise
I fixed the world
Are they all mixed race to some degree? do non mixed south americans and mexicans even exist anymore?
What are some white mannerism you have? What white hobbies do you have? What white things do you like to do?
No one was able to guess what race I am yesterday
/ita/ il filo
Abusive boomer dad tries to be friend and talk with me
Tfw living in the most sacred region in Europe
In my opinion couscous is better than rice
This ugly hoe is considered 10/10 by our general and shilled by autists...
Why do Americans hate this man?
How do western countries benefit from third world mass immigration...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Russia came out on top in the world in the number of male suicides
Who would win in a war between these two groups?
/fr/ - le francofil
Lmao Morroccans come in mass to France just to get Sissyfied by the French
Stop romanticizing this country, it's shit
Their hypersonic rockets can reach any part of the Globe in 15 minutes
Do you guys just say it for trolling or actually can't tell Spaniards from latinos...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2573
Arab people have cute big eyes
I am half Armenian (wish I were full Armenian)
You have to allow immigrants from 2 groups in your country but get to ban everyone else. Choices are:
Will Europe and the US actually turn into Brazil/South Africa in the near future, or is it only racist fearmongering?
How do you say "you're so cute, I love you so much!" in your language?
1. Your country
Does this happen in your country?
From todays march on Belgrade
Why are white people called white and not pink?
/int chat/
Do Korean prefer Pepsi to Coca Cola?
Aw shit do whypipo really do this
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
Never won a significant war
Do people in your country like IKEA?
Why is English still an official language of the EU?
Why do some people praise rapists and criminals that died of overdose?
Do they really?
What are black people called in your language?
Where do girls with this phenotype located in the world?
Grandpa finally died!
Nobody loves India, we get bullied day and night
Is it easy to own a firearm in your country?
Why are Turks so nationalistic?
Do americans (from the usa) feel american or do they feel texan, californian, newyorker, pennsylvanian, rhode islander...
Wtf I thought this guy was indian but it turns out he's fucking italian
You have 10 SECONDS to fall in love with Germany
How does this cunt produce GDP like France and Germany?
Why are asians treated so badly in America?
Be italian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your ancestors
Which one of these does your country represent?
Why do Nordics look like mongoloids?
You wake up in iran
Why do Koreans look better than other Asians?
Tfw no loyal gf to love me unconditionally and rescue me from myself
I've heard there are many Indian in Japan?
/fr/ - le fil de la dépression
What do you think about this
Who's the smartest woman in your country?
How do you cope with Europeans raping your ancestors?
Found him bros
Turkish actress posts on Instagram
Sverigetråden - Flaggupplagan
Your country have their own chans?
Do people in your country typically sympathize with Palestine? How do people there typically view Palestine?
Yes, we need more people like this in the west. Think of the GDP growth potential
Femoids on Dab Forums
What happens in finland
User bullies my coubtry
Spaniards stress the difference between themselves and Moroccans to absurd amounts
Could I pass as local in your country?
Be hungarians
Scandinavia, you okay?
Japanese are polite, safe, inteligente, strong, social, unique, funny, humorous
/esp/ - Britoid concentration camp edition
How would your parents react if you bring home a spanish GF?
Who are some Dab Forums posters you encounter or see on here regularly or recognize (namefags included)...
Due to duolingo statistics the most popular language to learn in Sweden is swedish
Have you heard of anyone having two (2) religions?
Burgers dont see any problem with this
Go to sleep
Ukrainian and Russian models pose nude in Dubai
What type of pasta do you eat in your country?
China will become the next superpo-
Looses every world war
/ro/ firul nostru
/v4/ + friends
Should it be brought back under Swedish rule?
Does your country still have a STRONG grasp on its formers Colonies?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Name of this move in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
This is a Greek art from 480 BC depicting the legend of "Europa" - the woman after whom Europe is named
Europeans be like
How are you preparing for the Russian century...
Why are white women so stunning?
Experiences with Girls
Your country
Gamer fuel
What is happening Russian bros, did you guys found out how to clone Putin?
Which countries have you had IRL friends from?
How do we fix the Middle East?
Tell me about girls from your country
What keeps people going in your cunt?
Do you ever think of Romania? What's it like there?
What's the general perception of white women in your country?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
What are some Finnish traits (asking for friend)
Does your country do standardized tests?
Can anyone tell me where this >though meme came from? is this another discord forced meme...
They take gibs for 20 years
*Korean chirping intensifies*
/ita/ il filo
There is nothing that makes me seethe more seeing a country have the tricolor as it's flag, seriously...
Why do Koreans get so angry at everything?
Any Americans visited Siberia? Tell me about it
/brit/ + /Aus/nz/
If you could have women from five different countries transported to your house right now...
Tfw no delicious brown gf
Kurva anyátok
Tell me even one culture from japan which Korean did invented or educated to japanese
Why don't you have a russian girlfriend yet?
Conservative politicians in France be like "I hate immigrants they'll never integrate" but is a Nafri himself born in...
I would do anything for a white gf. Does this happen in your cunt?
Culture? Not here lmao
Mfw the sudden urge to learn Spanish kicks in again
You wake up in Moscow, Russian Federation
Do people use video game shirts in your country?
Do you have these in your country?
Your Country
This triggers the european
Why are black guys so much more based than white guys?
Geuguessr Thread
Type a random sentence or two in your native language/dialect to see if other anons can guess what it means
Post your country's most famous building
What comes to mind when you think of Thailand? I think of prostitution, jungles and trannies
Why does every japanese girl want to live in Carifornia
Who is the most loved minority in your country?
Continuation >>142634372
You have to move to the country of the post under yours
Texas is the best state in the US
Do you want to marry a trad wife in China?
ITT: Terms that give away you're from a certain area
Your flag
Damn, chinese gfs look like that?
How common are obese people where you live? Very common here
This is the future of the North Atlantic
What are some specific places one should visit the first time in Europe?
Guess what race I am
Hina is now currently performing an act known as "bukkake"
Itt describe your country with a picture or webm
How do Anglos...
Post lolcows from your country. Pic related is bluezão, an youtuber that made videos eating shit...
Red. White. and Blue
If israel has 5000 fans im one of them
Will they become Prefectures of China within this or the next century?
There is a 70-80% chance if a giant earthquake where I live within the next 30 years. It is called the "南海トラフ地震"
Japan bros
Do you have high t levels in your country?
Wh*te people be like this sun too spicy
Why they hate Trees?
Are youtube lectures actually helpful? Have you studied with them?
Is there a name for women who suffer from this condition in your country?
Dab Forums can't refute this
How traditional is your country?
Which country does yours enjoy the best relations with?
The eternal american woman
Where can I find cute big eyed Arab twinks like this?
What's going on in America?
Were/are there any muslim chivalry orders like there were templars, malta hospitallers, knights of saint james etc
/ausnz/ + /balt/
What is your favorite Korean martial arts? And why?
Do you Get Mistaken for a Foreigner?
>i suffer in latin america
Americans have a place called New Mexico
How come brown men love white women so much?
What appeal does China have to young white women? What makes them travel there to study...
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
I love Portugal
Tfw no Korean Christian gf
I became gay because I can't get women
We've come for your women: Chinese men seek Siberian brides
Wait what? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha what is that...
America will burn
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What’s your cunts GDP?
Girl does this to you
How come we have a few sudanese posters but no afghans?
Why can't they write well thought endings?
I want to live outside in future
This is my breakfast
A fucking criminal deposit in the middle of nowhere, no relevance, no cultural output, a glorified factory belt...
Who got the best deal?
A 1916 propaganda map created by the Allies during World War I
How does this photo make you feel?
Why do Slavs TOWER over their Western counterparts ?
First worlders don't know how lucky they are.. they will know what it's like to truly suffer
Why are they so rich and developed compared to the rest of Africa?
Are you forced to wear a Covid Mask on public places in your country?
Literally me. I am obsessed with Japanese stuff. does this happen in your cunt?
International Doppelganger thread
ITT we post the NATIVE, ORIGINAL people of the Americas
Imagine living in a frozen shithole that has 0 history and culture?
How did mexicans manage to lose this?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
When did italian girls becam THICC?
There are 28million people learning Spanish in Duolingo
Brazilians have a thing call "malandro"
Why dont europeans go to sleep at a healthy time???
It's been scientifically proven that it is impossible to suffer here
/fr/ - le francofil
Is called "Turkey"
Egypt is moving its capital city
Does your country have people like the Amish?
1. You are a country
/bra/ - fio brasileiro
Country A and Country B go to war
Is this really what Americans get taught in schools?
Dab Forums is having a big picnic, what does your country bring?
How come japanese cultural exports are much more successful than chinese ones?
/lat/ hilo latino
British women are hotter than ours
China Swede thread
/ibe/+/mena/ = /Umayyad/
What posting as a refugee on Dab Forums feels like.. sigh
The average china supporter
You wake up in Derry
Why do United Statians think sex is more harmful than brutally killing someone?
This. So much this
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
How's the plumbing In your country?
In spite of all its innumerable shortcomings and failings, I still love this country...
/international chatting/
Does this happen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Currently living in Belgium
Are you a diaspora?
/deutsch/ Flugzeug ohne Führer Edition!
I have never seen a white person
Here. I fixed Brazil
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
There will NEVER be war in Europe ever again
Why they won't breed?
Thoughts on Effina Hyatt and her handsome boyfriend? They're an international phenomenon
I just learned that sweden has no 24h stores or bars and they cant sell beer at the supermarket
1. Your cunt
Behold: the natives of Taiwan, ancestors of polynesians
If the US doesn't have culture, then why are you always complaining about the exportation of American culture
Why is China so racist?
I want to go to this country and have sex a lot
Why are germans like this?????????????
Would you rather have one million Arabs, Latinx, or Africans immigrate to your cunt
Will you be boycotting the 2022 beijing olympics?
/fr/ - ça parle français
The three protagonists of history since the beginning of the high middle ages
How many Mexican girls would you let into your country?
Why doesn't India nor Mexico have any Michelin star restaurants?
I suffer in europ-
Would you travel to Pakistan if you were a solo female?
Who Was More Evil
/lang/ - language learning general
When I was 12 or 13 my friends and I thought that American women looked like this (fuck you Hollywood)
/deutsch/ am Abend
Vgh.....French bros......what could have been
Stop being brown
Luv oy luv
La abominacion de los Americas
Does your country also start censoring it's oldest and most iconic brands because the modern americans told to do so?
I am afraid of the future of the world
Intrachinese stereotypes
What are the realistic benefits of mass immigration except for a possible economic growth?
Which country is most similar to yours, spiritually?
Your cunt tree
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Europeans do you celebrate Ramadan?
Just learned about Carthage
/ita/ il filo - EUC electric unicycle edition
Dab Forums and some other boards on Dab Forums are some of the few places on the internet where pseudoscientific race...
What is dating/sex with a white woman like?
What is it like to fuck a foreigner?
172 cm
Will you do that to your children?
How do Latin Americans feel about being colonized?
Why are people so obsessed with likes and followers? They even do stupid...
Be in a class called comunication and culture
1. Your cunt
Will european religions come back to europe?
DUDE i just LOVE the tedious doldrums of the American suburbs...
We are kings
Gypsy appreciation thread
How much do prostitutes cost in your country?
Do these guys represent accurately average people from their countries?
Why do indian girls hate indian guys so much?
I was wondering about rum in LatAm
Why is there so much resentment and hatred towards blacks, even in countries that don't have any of us (Russia, Romania...
Are they Nordic or Baltic?
All of my boomer family have had the AstraZeneca vaccine
This is what covid took from them
I'm being assigned to Okinawa, Japan
What's wrong with the US/UK/Japan? Why aren't they having sex like us?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are Americans so wholesome :)
What's it like to be a foreigner in Sweden?
/fr/ - le fil des gros LOLOS
The absolute state of this board
Which part of france have the most down to earth qts?
Why is this so common in Brazil?
Did you got the vaccine?
Rate my lunch
Why does Western Europe just mindlessly copy America in everything?
Do you stand with china?
Do you love France?
Yes,i'm semitic and native to the holy land
China is the future
Which country tries so desperately to be like another country?
Why do they love Regatton so much? It's stain upon all Latinos. As a cuban...
Brazil of Europe
Ancient humans
How do you call this in your country?
Fuck this shit i’m not taking it, it truly was for population control
I understand how France beats us, but why Spain?
Pay up germoney
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Why don't euros worry about preserving native Europeans...
Which country has boys like this?
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - 2016 upplagan
You wake up in England
Jeonse (Korean: 전세; Hanja: 傳貰), also known as Chonsei, Key Money Deposit[1] or Key Money...
How come no other species came close to accomplishing what HOMOS have accomplished?
Buenos Aires 1
What is the Prime Symbol of your countries civilization?
Stuck on an irrelevant dying shithole with awful weather and garbage people
Alaaah hu Akbaar!
How would your family react if you started dating an African girl?
How does one acquire an Dab Forums bf?
The sheer state of Reddit in 2021
Are there any cunts where phenotypes such as Korra's exist?
Immigrant appreciation thread
India bros. what is this blue stuff in pic?
Culture? You won't find any here
General MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito
How do you call this in your country?
Here's your study-in-russia destination bro!
This is how I imagine Finnish posters desu
Daily reminder
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Surely everyone will be vaccinated and the pandemic will be over by the start of summer, right guys?
How do Asians wear glasses?
Do you love Mexico? Serious answers only
What are the biggest reddit countries?
God, I can't imagine a single thing more disgusting than the eternal Brit...
EUbros, I don't feel so good
Why are Americans being so mean to asians?
ITT: Post a GOOD game your country has made
Kurva anyátok
What did Sweden do to enrage american filmmakers to make this?
Mixed people
Why yes of course my Windows, Office and all my games and movies are pirated, how could you tell?
So they're all the same group of people, just separated by imaginary lines, right?
What's the staple food of your culture?
The catacombs of MAGNA VKRAINIA.....I yield
Are you happy with how your country turned out on Alternate Earth?
/balk/ Cash money edition
Sverigetråden - Intelligensupplagan
What ethnicity is this?
For LATIN Americans, Bulgaria is the epitome of wealth.e
Eastern Europeans living in Western Europe, how much discrimination do you have to deal with (if any)?
Why, Europe?
Firsties work 10 hours a week and earn like 2000usd
/deutsch/ 2, jetzt noch besser!
Why argentines have vampires teeth?
/ita/ - il filo
Say my name
Are we the last major white country with a warrior culture and spirit...
Do Danes really?
Why are they better than germany?
Dab Forumsernational breakfasts
Your flag
Post the most SOVL thing from your country
A daring synthesis
What you mean I dont suffer in Greece just because i am surrounded by beautiful tanned women and live in 24/7 sun by...
Why are Russians move to the EU, and why is the Russian government trying to hide it?
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement