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International #1434
I suffer on planet earth
Which countries in Europe have short noses?
/lmao/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - le francofil
Have larger oil deposits than Arabs
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which nation do you most want to see fail?
The Voices of Dab Forums
Do you have people cosplaying as Vikings in your country?
Is he really that big in Europe? I’ve seen him be described as the most important living french novelist...
He doesn't have his own wizard school
What are your country's 10 biggest companies
Do people care about fitness in you're country?
/f/ - le fil francophone
White people give their daughter's bf condoms
I was born a Hindu, but I have accepted Buddhism instead as a far rational explanation
Οk so I've decided I'm going to move to South America...
Do German women like yank men?
No, this is not Yalta, Crimea
Spain (and Portugal), Islamic once again...BUT Istanbul becomes Constantinople and Christian
Do papuans look like africans?
I'm white but identify with aztecs
Post a photograph that represents your country's aesthetic
This is your average fight at Japan...
Do they really?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Is there racism in Brazil? Seems like there isn't to me. How did they do it?
Are Dutch girls really that ‘loose’?
What do you call this in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
/Mena/ arab
You wake up in America
Do people put paper in their toilet, knowing this will clog the pipes and make their landlord cry?
/Med/iterranean General and friends
/Ramadan Thread/
N-no finnic people aren't the master race of europe
Why do Italians have semitic noses?
This man was Portugal's last hope at saving itself... yet he and his descendants were poisoned
Do Ameribros really?
Countrymen seething about their country’s capital city
Sverigetråden - Malmöupplagan
Bongs be like: the minorities are blocking the pipes again better print a brochure in 12 languages
How come?
Why are they so manly?
You cannot suffer in Italy
Do you have science believers in your cunt?
Why do you care so much?
How did their friendship become so strong?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why are Russians such experts when it comes to making shitty depressing cities?
You thought this is Paris, France but no, this is Poland
Is trooning yourself up some sort of rite of passage in burgerland once you reach a certain age?
Why did the "Muslim"...
You wake up in tokyo
Average day in the life of a thirdie
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is schizofrenia common in your country?
/fr/ - le fil français
Post favorite African countries
Need a guide
Google '(Your city) street fashion' and post the first image
Why do so many young Euro's, especially women for some reason, want to come live here...
Does this happen in your country??
ITT orange and red countries explain themselves
Why do European car manufacturers not make trucks?
Which European country has the most attractive citizens?
Do you respect Germany?
You are the leader of your country and you receive an unconditional surrender from the country above yours...
/balk/ + /ro/
Russia is a shitho-
Why are americans like this?
Tfw used to think Russians are smart until I heard this midwit
I am not even an English native speaker, but it triggers me how internet pop culture ruins the language...
Lovest thou Israel?
American thing good? It’s really european because europeans founded america
Recommend me some nice and simple meals from your country, state or region, Dab Forums
Norwegians are superior to Swedes
Wow.. korean girl. i kneel
Why are spaniards so religious, reactionary and anti-science and anti-technology?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Sverigetråden för svenskar samt brödrafolk
Gf for Dab Forumsbros
We are all losers in our respective countries
Why do Indians spend their free time simping for old-money billionaires who don’t even know they exist?
Does anyone seethe at your country? How do you feel about that?
Ehy are they like this?
Why do they hate each other so much online?
I am muslim and i eat Haribo despite knowing it contain pork (gelatin) my parents know and they told me "its...
Kurva anyátok
Get colonized by European country
I just learned that refugees in Germany literally aren't allowed to work
Does this level of virtue signaling happen in your cunt?
How much is considered expensive in general in your country for an average citizen?
Eiernockerlausgabe /ck/ später /deutsch/
In Finland we have puuro for breakfast...
Who would win in a fight: Finnish or Swedish bimbos?
Are you a virgin?
Am I the only person that prefers shitty looking commie blocks to brand new suburbs? I wish we had more here though
Is it common for men and women to be virgins past 20 in your cunt?
In Spain, Nafris get 4700€ a month from the government just for being nafris...
"european" sports
South Africa
1. your country 2. your thoughts on blasians?
Sverigetråden _tråden
Poland quite literally just walked west
Any cool songs?
What is life like in the idyllic remote areas of this earth...
Imagine the smell of estrogen
Learning Japanese
How muttified is your country?
So, who really invented borshch?
Where are you ameribros going to emigrate to once the US officially becomes a failed police state?
Main divide in Islam is about who should be the Caliph
Could you survive on this level of neetbux in your country or is it too little?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Favorite Hair color?
Finnish folk costumes. What do you think?
How many of you actually live in cities in your country? Is that normal?
What attracts girls the most in your country?
I never left the encircled area in my entire life
I surrender to the Anglo-Saxons
Why do actual Africans seem to dislike African Americans?
Why do only Western/Majority European countries care about the lives of black people?
North Italy
What cunt do you want to find love in, Dab Forums?
Is your country celebrating the bicentenary of his death?
Yes, I'm brown
Actually this buildings spreading over the Oosaka
What would you do if you saw a Japanese person?
Why do they suck Russian dick so much? I noticed this on Dab Forums, reddit, even twitter
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #234
Kurva anyátok
Who do you guys hope to see in the afterlife?
Japanese royal family drama?
Oh! Navalny returned to the nest :3
My gf just told me her ex had a 23cm penis
Magda Pegowska's ""daughter"" now
/nederdraad/ - (_))===============D ~~~~
Why is it that immigrants in America mostly identify as American after a few generations but immigrants in Europe...
/ita/ - il filo
Stalin's great purge wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't killed off all the talented philosophers...
This is how Americans prepare for a trial verdict
Is wrestling popular in your cunt?
Why isn't Brazil a more popular tourist destination...
Do you think Iran will become secular in our lifetime?
I can kill you with one punch
Poland and Swedish apreaciation thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why does Dab Forums hate UK posters?
Lel, and you thought China was a threat
Our Empire is gone forever
Why is/was France such a weak military power?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
France is 30% non white
Do people like guns in your country?
I love Shanghai
Technology and cars are so expensive in Brazil, bros. I suffer
Post pictures of your ancestors :^)
Post an axe from your country
RIP to this Chad of Chad
Are Czech refugees or identitarians?
Happy birthday Leader, you're missed
Have COVID restrictions gone too far in your country too?
/v4/ + friends
There are so many foreigners in Poland despite covid that it's starting to feel surreal and makes me wonder what will...
Wtf, housing in Britain looks like THAT?
Why does racism correlate with happiness? Does this happen in your country?
Chad loses again
Americans can literally buy a mansion 20 minutes from the centre of Houston for the price of a studio apartament in the...
ITT we laugh at the Ottoman """""""EMPIRE"""""""""
/lat/ hilo latino
What makes hapas so unstable? Is it just an American thing?
How come girls in Japan don`t shave their pussy hair? its like a forest down there, not cool
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Americans really
I just learned about what the Germans did to the Jews
Is it the only good part of america?
I love Tokyo :3
Why don’t Greeks follow restaurant orders?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
The bad guys of history
What are som good insults from your cunt
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Owning a gun makes me feel powerful and manly and popular with the ladies
/deutsch/ großer Armin es ist
How are arabs viewed in your country?
I could never love a fat woman
I’m 27
What do CS graduates look like in your country?
Eurobros. Do you miss having your own national currency? I sure do. Euro just lacks sovl
Czech government has blacked rosatom from participating in contract competition To build a new nuclear power plant for...
A new plan to divide ex yu countries again to secure eternal peace&love in this part of Europe at last has leaked out
Sverigetråden - Eldnationens upplaga
1. your country
This country is full of fat ugly women
Pic related is the bare minimum for getting a gf in the United States. Would you qualify?
I just learned about what the the Americans did to the natives
1. Your flag
How do you call this in your country?
What about its building?
This is my dream
Why do this garbage board and reddit and anything else in english keep censoring anything slightly related to criticism...
EU Attitudes on Immigration
Danish incel architects complained about Oslo being an ugly city...
Did you laugh when the lady asked for help?
Can jews have blue eyes?
"blablabla french surrender, french has lost many battles..."
How is this Brazilian user wrong?
/fr/ - le fil franchement sympa quand même on est des gars bien
60% percent of russian posters are actually women
What is the best way to COMPLETELY erase British English from my memory and replace it with vastly superior American...
Did your parents ever beat you when you were growing up? I got beaten by my dad with back scratcher, toy sword...
I heard your country don't have Umeboshi
Unlike Westerners, Indians use their hands and water to clean their bottoms. First...
Try to find good femboy porn off Pornhub
Can’t spell democracy without the word demon
If you country had slavery at some point or colonized someone you are the antagonist in world history
Why is Turkey in Europe, but Russia is not?
Don't make us angry m*dslims
Explain this frenchies
I can't stop watching youtube videos about Tokyo , the sheer size of it is hard to wrap my head around...
Turkish girls
How commie are they really? Is it just a LARP at this point?
/cum/ + friends
Post the most based man you know of from a country that touches your own. For me, it's Pancho Villa
I don't actually care about what race you are
I'm Arab and I have a cute white girlfriend
What does your country look on average?
Amazonia is immense and humanely impossible to destroy
Are indians simply the least lucky race?
Rate my map of the USA areas compared to Europe, in term of mentality and wealthiness
Hey china please use this flag
First thought when you see this flag?
This is what the avarage Ylilauta user looks like
Kurva anyátok
Nafri and Turk immigrants in the west literally look like some weird looking version of meds...
Why do Nafris inspire such fear and anger in Europeans? Europeans cross the road when a nafri comes near them...
Yes, I'm brown
Mexican/American here, I'm 28 and live in california I speak fluent spanish...
/fil/ - filipinas
Do euros actually have to wait 20 years for medical procedures or is that a lie American conservatives tell me?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Dear Americans, please stop making your news to be majorly about racial problems
4th most subscribed black YouTuber just got busted for being pedo and sending nudes and pictures of his own shit to a...
In Korea, men have to pay for dates
National Attire
To what extent are black people discriminated against in the US? Is it as bad as the news indicates?
Your country
What is public transport like in your country?
1. Country
Which area of Germany is the best part?
Make your femdom gf
/ro/ + /md/ + /aro/ - Firul Nostru
/ita/ filo edizione micio
/frühschicht/ später /deutsch/
Is there like this idea of art by the alphabet of your language?
Why do people dislike skyscrapers?
East asia so strong and sexy
Sex Tourism Thread
How aesthetically pleasing is this phenotype to women in your country...
Hello fren
Being a Muslim in Japan is hard
I don't get it
1) your cunt
Average White woman in Southeast Asia
There are only two types of people in this world
Do you know him?
What nationality is this?
Lebanon has no Arab genes. Very few speak Arabic in Lebanon
Will USA do to us steal the amazon what it did to Middle east to steal oil?
/lat/ hilo latino
Are hair transplants common in your cunt? here they are very common thanks to easy access to turkish surgeons
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Mexicans always call the fat kid "gordo"
Chose next Japanese emperor
What country has the best philosophers??
22:19 CST anything general lol I'm a little drunk thread post whatever you want (faces of Dab Forums?)
Technically, Japan is still an Empire because we have an Emperor and still hold nations like the Ryukus
Its incredible how different this place is culturally from the west, they might as well have been aliens...
Is she still doing activism? Also does she have a bf yet?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why was black music so historically influential pretty much all modern popular music genres were either rooted in it or...
There are no white people in Brazil
Ah, the rolling hills of NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, home
What's the worst minority group in your country?
What's it like to live in a free country? I wouldn't know, I'm American
American children are taught to memorize "Five Tomatoes" because it is vaguely similar phonetically to "Five Two Eight...
What attracts girls the most in your country?
Swedes are the Japanese of the west
Korean Royal guard
What do they think of each other? They don't seem to hate each other but I doubt they love each other neither
1. Your country
Only United Statesians will know this feel
Americans are boarding up their windows and doors right now
Biden fed the Japanese PM a fucking burger... Why are they like this?
Do your country also have a very clear North-South divide?
How long do you think Xi Jinping will live?
Mutt can't pronounce his own surname cause it's in a foreign language to him
Do you want int frens?
I suffer in Brazil because most girls are whores
/Mex/ - hilo mexicano
Why are there so many white asian mixed couples in london
Can we all agree imperial japan was a fucked up place to live
Anons who have traveled to Japan, are the girls actually cute?
Devil wears Prada in Colombia
Chinese people seem to have no filters. They'd say exactly what's on their mind
How close is your country to becoming cyberpunk?
This girl had one of the highest grades in ENEM (Brazil's standardize test for admission in the majority of superior...
Are zoomers still extremely racist here? Or is that only the old people?
How are fat women viewed in your country? I think they can be the perfect wife
A land free of Kings, a land free of Emperors. Truly the land of the freest people on Earth...
"I'm going to Wing Stop, what flavors do you guys want?"
What is it like to live in a country with good public transportation?
Why do Anglos hate Russia so much?
When did you realize Australia wasn't intended for humans to live in?
Are Czechs refugees or...?
I read, speak, and write ancient sumerian and ancient egyptian. only problem is nobody else does. AMA
Serbian contractors in Toronto bring stripper to worksite
What’s the difference between north and south Brazil
Anglos are so obsessed with Nazi and Japanese "war crimes" so they can deflect away from thier own innumerable crimes...
Why is the brazilian diaspora so small?
Name one good Triple H match
What was your country's 9/11?
The Primary Chronicle reports that, in the year 986, Vladimir of Rus' met with representatives from several religions...
Broooooos it’s so chilly what the fuck
How come European jews were so based and Israeli jews so unlikable?
How can a brownoid like me compete with this?
I really want to try Berliner
Sverigetråden - kweenupplagan 2.0
Will int make more flags once we have settlement on the moon and mars?
Israel literally has ED-209 from Robocop 2 patrolling their borders how the fuck do they get away with it
Sex in Brazil
/ita/ - il filo
Just saw a cartel video of a child getting is head cut off
/fr/ - lundi soir
México superpower by 2025
Wahrhaft /deutsch/ - Adolf-Hitler-Geburtstagsausgabe
I just make Americas great, you're welcome
I wish I were black
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
You have to learn the language of each country that neighbors yours
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What does the streets in your country look like?
Anyone else excited for the upcoming season of USA?
You guys realize America is far right compared to every other developed country, right? In any western European country...
Ameribros why do you love guns so much?
Why do men dry the tip of their penis with their shirts after urinating?
Nuke them
Based and funniest posts from Dab Forums ITT
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2585
Do you love Japan?
Why do Chicanos reject white America and integrate to black America instead?
Whu aren't you learning chinese?
This is what the average swedish woman looks like. Thoughts?
How do i make my country great
Hands down, Poland and czech republic are central europe
Why are eastern euros in general so fucking stupid? They think conjecture is the same as hard evidence...
/cum/ + friends
/deutsch/ national
Why do Iberians deny their Arab heritage?
Thai Edition
Read about how Russians murdered their Tsar
Why is there a feud between Africans and African Americans?
/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro
/brit /
How's the obesity situation in your country? 1/6 of Brazilians are overweight to obese now
Brazil would be much better without the slaves
Well that settles that
1. country
I want to move to Europe. Eurobros how can I marry a girl from your cunt so I can get out of this shithole...
Post MENA & MED girls
What does Iran want from the USA to not hate the USA and vise versa what does USA require of Iran for USA to not hate...
/fr/ - le francofil
What games does Dab Forums play?
Why do so many white men fall for Asian women?
My internet speed will increase from 500 mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s tomorrow for the same price
Kurva anyátok
Meme countries
The UK is the worst first world country
Did you (great)-(grand)parents fight in a war?
Try to become a jew
I know the Greco-Turkish rivalry has been a meme for some time now, but what do Turkey and Iran think of eachother?
What's your opinion about the French champagne?
How do we increase this phenotype worldwide?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #233
Is it possible to suffer in Brazil?
After many decades of skyscraper-ban, the first skyscraper is being constructed in Budapest
/lat/ hilo latino
If you identify as anything other than your nationality you're a mega cringelord
I'm trying to learn Brazilian Portuguese...
Tfw you beat sweden on a internet cat clicker
Which country has the best good looking men?
Why is Alaska a state but Puerto Rico isn't?
Do non-whites get a leg up in your country?
Post your face when Israel does a thing
1) What's the most popular fast food restaurant in your country?
Post em
What's the best way to eliminate poverty in Latin American?
Every single post soviet country is a poor shithole
Would you buy Chinese luxury car brand Hongqui?
Italian shocked, America rocks !
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
What do people in your country think of this motherfucker?
A single American woman managed to cancel the entire British royalty
/Med/iterranean General and friends
Why are Europeans like this?
Sverigetråden - Yuis upplaga
Are you a Lettophile?
Dab Forums roadtrip
Which one, Dab Forums?
You wake up in South Brazil
/ישר/ -/이스라/ -/इज़रा/ -/isr/ - מהדורת מזרחי אנון
Now that the dust has settled, who mogs?
Post game characters from your country
Faces of Dab Forums
Texas, 29 million people, is richer than all the countries in grey
Your cunt
Your cunt/region
Why do French people love black people so much?
Why do greeks and Russians have similar alphabets...
Destroy third world countries
If you havent eaten octopus galicia style, you havent lived
Why is it that Europe has a larger population than the US...
Your country
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I don't suffer in China now I guess
Why aren't all the yellow lands within one (1) country? Was/Is it autism?
"Obesity passports" considered in UK
Literally everyone I know under 30 is depressed, spends all day wageslaving and spends over 50% of their salary on rent
Bro why did Mexico want to sell this place the nature here is god tier
Do frogs really?
There is a Transgender battalion call "Suomalaisilla ei ole penispataljoonaa" in Finland
They made penis inspection day a real thing
Why do Europeans beat the shit out of extra Europeans in 16th-19th very hard ?
What happened to Sweden culturally these last 60 years? What has made them act the way they do?
Tfw just remembered that on time my mom tried to cure a cyst on my skin with magic
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
The water in my city smells like cum. What does your water smell like?
Indian niggas be like:
/balk/ + /rus/
/ita/ - il filo
Will the world be better or worse under Chinese hegemony?
Sverigetråden - Landsfadersupplagan
Americans are laughing at us. How is that possible? It's supposed to be the other way around. I don't feel so good
"Americans shoot things and they blow up and the like, so as you’d expect, they make movies like that...
Do My Little Pony aficionados shoot up workplaces in your cunt?
What are women in you're cunt like? are the national stereotypes true?
Free Tibet
These guys are like a fucking plague
Are Arabs/Turks/Pakis the most hated people in Europe...
In russia, feminists alter gender neutral job titles so they would appear female. Basically a reverse latinx situation...
I have a fake british accent besides Engrish since I learnt English through British series...
Is gardening popular in your country?
Why does the world hate red haired men?
Why do the French have no respect for old trees? I say demolish the cathedral and let the forest live
Brazilians, what is the leading cause of poverty in your country?
You go to octoberfest with maria
Here's your white nationalist, bro
When ESLs confuse prepositions and "how" and "what."
What are your hobbies?
Germans and Russians have gone through so much together I consider us brother nations
Does Dab Forums have a preferred hair color?
Hey anons, I have the options to move to either Salt Lake City or Denver for my job. Which one should I choose?
Why do femoids make themselves ugly with plastic surgery and make up?
Look at this new masterpiece of the rabbinical propaganda industry
I'm brown
Only females can wear towels in mixed sex onsens, malss must go in naked
Europeans, how does it make you feel knowing that without us non europeans...
Yo bro, my GPA 401K Ivy League SAT DMV!
You get a GF from a country below you
What's the best meme you ever created? Me, it was
Which part of your country causes massive amounts of cope, seethe, and butthurt from everyone else?
/fr/ - Le Fil francophone
Is your country a good guy country, or a bad guy country?
How would it split guys?
Would you convert for a muslim gf Dab Forums?
How do you call this race in your country?
Great education system
Why do women like islam and Muslims so much?
What went so wrong with black culture?
Sverigetråden - Ritsus upplaga
Japanese love thread
How do I go about stealing the imperial regalia of Japan ?
There are so many non-white children in my town now. They weren't here 10 years ago
Is Dab Forums ready for the TVRKISH CENTVRY 2023 cCc?
Gated communities are such a fucked up third world concept
Do you want to immigrate to America?
Wtf? I thought western europe was full of nonwhites?
Is Indian the worst race you can be ?
Why doesn't the USA grant Ukrainians asylum considering Russia is threatening to invade them and they are in a state of...
Australians are always complaining about how much they suffer...
Ukraine, a-are you ok?
Just learned about people with brown eyes
WTF In Sweden they learn Sex education in 4-6th grade
How many chimpouts are we gonna have?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Americans really just have to step outside to see blacks?
Life is better sober. Do you agree in your country ?
What do Germans think about this?
Great people
>Hey mehmed make me kebab!
/tr/ - bokistan edisyonu
Literally whats the point of living if you will never feel the touch of a soft loving japanese woman?
Why is milk too spicy for them?
1. country
I hate being ugly so much
I am turkish :)
Do you have TERFS in your country?
Are mentally ill women common in your country?
Be me, American born Chinese
Why are Jews so high IQ? What is their secret?
Chinese internet trolls are now trying to turn Japan against America in comment sections by saying stuff like "we...
Thoughts on New Zealand?
Why are germans so mean to him...
I was a Soviet soldier in my previous life
Average ancient greek face
Name one terrible thing in history your country is to blame for
What the fuck is wrong with westerners?
Mfw sudaca flag replies to my post
Why do Med men react like this when they see white women?
Do they still hate each other
Is it gramatically correct in your language for women to speak differently
What is the message?
Disliking foreigners means ur insecure
Coffee and Beer = manly drinks. Tea and wine = womanly drinks
They killed jesus
What's it like to live in Finland?
Mamma mia
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil
They are creating an american style super league for the top football clubs in europe
Before int I used to think all nations (especially the firsties) revere and adore Americans...
Some horn Africans legit look South Indian
Question to Europeans:
Zoomer dead from blood clot 1 day after getting vaccine
Is there anything more attractive than Russian men?
Why does Finland have NO historical buildings or landmarks?
Me serving drinks to British slags in Algarve
What’s the QRD on Myanmar? Who are the good guys...
Is the White Race is actually dying?
Do Romanians really?
Christians of Dab Forums, what are your thoughts on Islam and Muslims?
Need help w/ children names
AI girl sings Finnish song in Japanese
Is institution of slippers is still not discovered by westerners?
Machen sie das wirklich?
Give me a proper explanation as to why this happened, and why 2
Are we really that bad?
What happens in southern Belgium? Why does it have fewer people than the rest of the country?
What are some stupid superstitions or traditions from your cunt?
/Med/iterranean General and friends
ITT: Post dead trends that need to come back in your country
Describe your country in one video
Your country
What are some cool faces you can make with your fancy non english key boards?
This shit can't be staple food
What do you think of niger?
China, Taiwan, Korea, and recently...
The average Australian makes more money than most other people
Are there any countries besides Russia where men are beautiful andd women look like ugly goblins?
Vietnam put passion into this rant and then janny deleted the thread a minute after...
What goes on here?
Why was Australia there in the first place?
Is there nothing really uniquely Serbian?
When's the last time you earnestly celebrated your birthday? Do you still? What age are you?
Does your country just make shit up as it goes a long (is it red)?
/esp/ hilo español
Is this a common sight in your country?
São Paulo carries brazil on its shoulders
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement