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International #1437
How do Africans feel about their most successful man?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/Mauritius/ - 1st Edition
Your cunt
How looks you house?
This confuses, shocks, terrifies, horrifies, and enrages the European
Im white, I don't care what you guys say
What country has the strangest beauty standards?
Australia has a pink lake, it is very cute
How does a country develop enough to become first world...
What is your ancient genetic makeup Dab Forums?
You will always be Slavic and no amount of cope can change that
What goes on in portugal?
If i die from an asteroid that destroys the whole planet, or get stabbed in a dark alley, I won't notice the difference...
Anonymous, if there's anything really funny made by the Japanese. I've noticed that they have a kind of weird humor...
Tfw people around you grow and achieve their goals while you do nothing
Best place to live in US? State, town, city, etc. My vote goes to Wyoming
Oh you’re American?
Being born in Eastern Europe is losing the birth lottery
Is your country able to replace the population without immigrants? Are the local people reproducing?
Gyudon chain restaurants in Japan have a menu for the poor called morning set meal
Sverigetråden - Lappupplagan
Sverige and Suomi stands with Éire!
Would you marry a black tradgirl?
Why are you all such raving incels? What made you like this?
Your cunt
One chance at life
Nobody ever gives Russian cuisine any love
Do Americans really wear shoes inside the house? That's fucking disgusting
/mena/ - /مينا/
When I think of Russians I think of this girl and her world
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Wolves? yeah kill 'em
The United States of America is the greatest nation in the whole fucking world
Americans: *turn 18*
What are you reading, Dab Forums?
Reminder Iranians aren't white
Half of the argentinian population lives in poverty
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Albania gf make my heart go mmmm
1 (one) burger
How can they be more intellectual?
I heard that in the Middle East Tamerlane's seen as sort of their Hitler, is that true?
This is Dab Forums-lite
/deutsch/ Xanten und schöner Niederrhein- Ausgabe
Mexicans bbc be like
/ita/ - il filo
You can go back in time and kill one person. Who do you choose and why? I kill Martin Luther for obvious reasons
To the Republic of Tajikistan
When will they pay for Herero and Namaqua genocide?
Americans and other Anglos:
Are libertarians closeted trannies?
You will protect from those filthy turkeri, will you, user?
”Japanese people are civili-“
Why is China so nice compared to past superpowers?
/fr/ - demain boulot
Your cunt
Are men in your country like this?
Which city is the oldest in your country?
Do you respect Israel and jewish people?
Have you ever been to a dia de muertos celebration? are the best parades in mexico city?
I think about this image a lot
Sverigetråden - Kattlaupplagan
Do Germans really look like this?
I refuse to believe people do this
What's your honest opinion on Israel?
Ur flag
Do you think you would be happier in another country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2589
Can a 34yo man date a 17yo girl in your cunt?
Your cunt
Is it true that cows can wander anywhere in India and will always be safe, even around poor, starving people?
NOOOOOOOOO!!! You can’t identify as Irish American! You said in the other thread that along with your Irish heritage...
This is how the average italian looks. your thoughts?
What's it like to have a german gf?
Is Timur viewed positively or negatively in your cunt?
Kurva anyátok
What tune are you listening to right now user?
Playing some geoguessr knock-off because the real thing sucks ass now
Argentinians on Dab Forums claims to be living in the 3rd world
/fr/ - le fil francophone
How Greece ended up that way?
Why are americans so kind?
Your country gets a part of one country but has to sacrifice one of equal size/value to another. What do you choose...
Who was the most evil person in your country ?
Why are they poor?
Does this happens in your country?
There are women
Any tips for pronouncing/speaking your language?
Vocaroo game
Is your country g10?
Whats your favourite architectural style
/Med/iterranean General and friends
Do peoples in your country have acne scars?
/desi/-Big Floppa edition
Summer is approaching soon...What are your plans for summer Dab Forums?
Has your nation ever had a dangerous cult?
Is islam is the true Dab Forums religion
Peak Bong
Is India OK
Be walking around in france
Your country
Sverigetråden - Problemfria upplagan
Today is lithuanian independence day from Russia. Say something nice about us
Uuuhhhmmmm, fucking based!?!?!?!?
Why are swedes and pooroupeans in general such disgusting pigs who can’t shower...
Italy are you ok?
Is it possible to achieve happiness and live a fulfilling life without a trad slavic gf by your side?
Med niggas be like
India's economy is equivalent to a big European economy
I worship german women
Vgh... conservative grannies of AMERICA
Ramadan bros, how you holding up?
>there are people here who un-ironically put Latam and Africa in the same category
Isn't Russia beautiful?
Stop being racist
Why are cultures of Korea and Japan so isolated and closed off to foreigners? How can we replicate that in Europe?
How well do the men in your country pass as women?
1. Your country
Why are you racist?
This is an image of a meeting of brazilian channers
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Dear Mutts
Does this happen in your country?
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Your country
What's the correlation here?
The number of fennoswedish people is decreasing
Why is our anime so hated here?
So why is communism so popular in latin america today?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga upplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #242
I suffer in eastern Europe
Are you getting vaccinated?
Lets say you run really fast, can you run thru all the American cardboard house?
Yo, hund von Hitler, komm sofort hier und gib mir all dein geld
Why cant mexicans eat icy food?
Why are asian cities so souless?
How come this guy is able to find over 30 girlfriends at the same time, while I am unable to find a single one?
I suffer in america because.... BECAUSE I JUST DO, OKAY???????????
Millennials are now in their 30s and still own nothing
/esp edicion Españita
In 2017, Indians were designated the 44th tribe of Kenya...
Odio il lavoro! Odio il lavoro!
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Because of the Internet...
1- Your country
/lat/ hilo latino
Showering every day
/ita/ - il filo
What do you mean I don't suffer in Ukraine?
What are you supposed to give a girl during a first date in your country?
When was the last time you druk and what was it?
Mcdelivery is here
"excuse me, do you know where the international embassy is?"
Imagine being Korean
This is a proposal for a "redrawn middle east" by a 2006 fox news commentator and ex-veteran
I check different usa cities on badoo and almost all women there are not white. Is USA non white already?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does your country have conscription?
When was the last time you got really angry?
Does this happen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Aquas välsignelse över denna underbara tråd
Are you physically and mentally fit to enter your country's army?
How are muslims viewed where you live?
Was it cheap?
I suffer in Russia, specifically Siberain Russia
Why does racism still exist bros?
Do you like Iran?
Europeans eat their dinner at 9:00pm
Name 1 (one) thing these people have contributed to humanity
Why do 99.9% of the weird and fucked up news about India come from this place?
Russians still delude themselves that it wasn't a shithole
I used to be a wehraboo
Why is the Japanese economy stagnant?
Vietnam has all great American fast-food chains
Lads. I have fixed Western Europe
Most underrated country in Europe
/ro/ firul nostru
/éire/ - This is now your future
Why anime is so good?
Draw your country from memory
What should a tourist do in your country to make the locals as uncomfortable as possible...
Sorry for party rocking
/desi/-Man of inaction edition
Which country has the most racist cutie gf material grills?
How do you spot low-iq people irl?
Bad English is a sign of self confidence and strong culture...
This is a 16 year old
Dab Forums webm thread
Why don't these two countries unite?
Asian women like this phenotype
Today is freedom day in portugal
/fr/ - le francofil
We are latinx
Is capeshit / comic culture big in your country?
Why don't amerimutts accept their mutt heritage?
My City :)
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Kurva anyátok
ITT: post cucked laws from around the world
What 5 nationalities of players would you like to have in your squad in online FPS shooter?
Why Russians love pigs so much?
The English dream
Muhammad was definitely gay and trans-friendly
This triggers the american flag
So for those who have dated Asian grills, what are the differences compared to white women or the women of your country...
/skandi/ - Rosenborgutgave
Post your region's equivalent of pic related
Why are they so fat?
Whenever I hear feminine Japanese I get an erection
Shartoids think this is just a mid afternoon snack
If all Asian men looked like Sako Toshio maybe they wouldn't complain about women being uninterested in them so much
Do people act like nazis in your cunt?
Fuchs ehemals /deutsch/
Is UK really that bad?
/ita/ - il filo
Do amerisharts have Gods?
The best part of the world
England is one of the most densely populated countries in the world
How common/rare is your surname, Dab Forums?
As a half pakistani and half white person born in america, would i be considered just a higher caste paki diaspora...
Anyone else never reveal their nationality online unless you absolutely have to? I do...
What do you think about Poland? I want to know what other countries think about my people
Hair thread
Mediterranean Bros
Why are georgians so based bros?
If you get the vaccine of your own free will, and especially if you judge those who refuse it, you deserve to die
China can do literally anything and the world just lets them get away with it somehow
What happens in Iceland?
These are the food of my country :DD
Your cunt
Amerimutt entertainment
Sverigetråden - upplagan E N I G H E T
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Is this common in your country
So you know alot about countries, right?
What is your favorite Vietnam flag
I hate to admit it but the way they live is basically perfect dudes
Take a late night walk
This is mexico true form
I suffer in eastern Europe
EU to ban Bayesian estimation
This makes me laugh
What would a fantasy setting based on your country's mythology be like?
What is wrong with USA
Live in burgerstan
Do you like Korean Taegeuk symbols?
You literally cannot suffer here
Kurva anyátok
Thoughts on gypsies?
Iranians need to immigrate to Australia
Why is Japan getting poorer?
I have never seen cheese like this that has a "shell"...
We run Poomerica, simple as
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
We should kill all the rich people
How do we get the rest of the world to like America again?
What do women wear in your country?
Do you support Quebecois independence from Anglo-Saxon tyranny?
Florida men are real bros, opinions on them?
Wypipo be like:
I've never "gone out" on a Saturday night in my country
It's impossible to suffer in Alaska
How to move illegally to the us??
Do people in your country know about the holocaust?
From 0 (homophobia is socially shamed and legally punished) to 10 (gays are killed/legally punished for the sake of...
Dude, why don't you get an IRL job
Which flag gets the most (un)deserved hate?
Why are araps so fat?
Why do wh*Tes hate immigrants and refugees...
Why are more and more people leaving California?
How the fuck do you pronounce this shit
Brown girls are superior even in animated form
Whenever I see one of these, my day is ruined. They’re just so insanely ugly. This ugliness should be illegal
Suffering post
شأ شأ mena
Concerning the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia...
Muslims make my blooed boil
How would you saved them?
Why hasn't the Ummah united into a single caliphate yet...
Any other thirdies getting tired of seeing so many dead bodies?
What are your favorite languages, besides your own?
Say something about Belgium
Brazil anons, is the carnival basically a gigantic orgy like I see on porn sites...
The only remnants of the House of Sassan were the ones who fled to China and eventually assimilated and became chinks...
Why is every language these people produce is beautiful as fuck?
How is life in New York City like?
Has a history but entire history is being ruled by foreigners mostly steppeniggers
/Anglo General/
In 2014, 297.8 million pounds of Swiss cheese was reportedly produced in the United States.[17]
Does your cunt's people like to waste space as much as Americans do?
Lest we forget
For me, it's gotta be the American Southwest
There is a brown reggeaton narco shithole bordering the richest and most powerful country in human history
Your cunt
Do cis guys wear skirts in your countri
Need an asian gf lads
How do we establish a Star Trek like utopia?
Euros be like "oh no, i just got a very minor injury...
This is where the average browngentinian poster lives
I suffer in america
I have been here for eight years
What do you call this in your country?
/desi/ Good morning edition
The monkey paw shall grant you one wish. Dubs or higher and it will be gotcha free
ITT: Americans tell us about our country
Argentina confirmed white
Do Libyans really look this beautiful?
I have a pajeet H1B friend who works for LinkedIn in San Jose...
My salary? 115 usd / month
What is the explanation for this phenomenon?
One day Australia will be more populated and more powerful than any single European country
Nationality in video games
What does Dab Forums think of the hijab?
Japanese twitter thread
This is a Russian 'anthill' cake
I got circumcised to convert to Judaism and had trouble masturbating for a few months...
Has America turned every girl in the world into a boring liberal...
India appreciation thread
Would you date this fat woman?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
They’re coming
I propose a strategic alliance between the German and Japanese military to counterbalance against the Anglos
ITT We Post Apus 4
LMFAO imagine banning Picasso, Dalí and Van Gogh for being "degenerate art" when you paint like this...
Your cuntry
Muslim anons
What started the current asian hate? was it just corona?
Does this happen in your country
Chinese people believe that they're the most attractive people in the world and a common compliment among chinese...
Literally everyone I know under 30 is depressed, spends all day wageslaving and spends over 50% of their salary on rent
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
This confuses Americans
Why are Japanese homes shit?
Why are americans like this? Is it something in the water?
Brazilians, what are your thoughts on your fellow Afro-Brazilians?
What exactly is wrong with ame*icans?
Cardboard houses are bad because- because- BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE, OK?!?!?
Are assault style weapons legal in your country
/lat/ hilo latino
British girls
Do you drink mate , mate?
I'm worried about Dutch and Scandinavian languages
Why do europeans hate overweight people?
Saudia arabia is just a bunch of san-
I genuinely cannot wait for the fall of the western world
Country guessing game, continuing with picrel. Previous thread >>143725791
Do refugees in your country do thing like this?
Born into a very conservative family in texas
Norwegian men I kneel
Read about proto-mongolic languages on wikipedia
Why is only Europe livable?
You know what... I think I will come to Brazil
Why are Spaniards so atractive?
Is Manga as mainstream and normal in Japan as people say or is it still just nerd it but westerners are pretending it...
How do we fix their females .?
It’s an Indian world
/fr/ - Le Francofil
The United Nations killed 20% of Korea's population
Post average woman from your country
Wake up
Why don't Italians look like this anymore?
Have your people abandoned god?
Sveariketråden Karl XII-Upplagan
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Do you have biker gangs in your cunt? If so, what are they like?
A large homeless encampment alongside the 101 Freeway in North Hollywood is now a colorful village of tiny homes for...
Do you love Japan?
Based on my experience on this board
Does your cunt have a subreddit? How is it?
Summer is coming
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
What's your BMI?
Say something to them/about them
What do you think Europe will look like in 2050?
I suffer in America
How fucked are young people in your country?
Is it even possible to suffer in Japan?
What was 9/11 like for you, in your country?
Wait a minute. Are you telling me that British MEN look like THIS?!
Is it possible to get a MENA gf without religion bullshit getting on the way?
Do you think your country should have nuclear weapons?
Your country
/mena/ - /مينا/
Why are French people such fucking pussies?
I suffer in italy
Who said Japanese people are xenophobic. Nowadays...
Which languages make your head hurt when you hear them?
Mr president, I kneel
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do people like salty liquorice in their ice cream in your cunt?
Stop Asian hate
This is the average Brazilian, according to Japan
Why are women so beautiful
VGH the United States of Germania
Is the norf the last bastion of SOVL in the UK?
/deutsch/ Ein See-Ausgabe
Do you love China?
/ita/ - il filo
Which of these two languages is better and why?
Ask a mexican anything
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Are people in your country honest?
Hilo /esp/añol
US Ethnic Groups By Household Income
Mr. President .... I kneel
/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Does your cunt have a Norf?
What meds do you take?
Why didn't Sri Lanka join India at the partition?
/fr/ - Le frérotofil
Even back in the roman times the Alsatians weren't Gallic but Germanic
Dab Forums Dab Forums
What Country has the most handsome men in your opinion?
Gypsies stole my mom's credit card from her car at the supermarket parking lot today...
Kurva anyátok
Do people eat taco in you are cunt?
Summer is just around the corner
Sverigetråden - Jahys upplaga
What race would you say this girl is?
How has technology changed your society and culture?
Could they successfully invade Brazil?
I speak 4 languages: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English
54% Latvian, 30% Russian
Can Americans eat this? What about you non-Americans?
/desi/-Karnan edition
What is life like in Belarus?
Name a single country
Draw your country from memory
VGH... Großpreußen... die Weltmacht
Gigachad has very important thing to say
How popular is anime in your country?
One day the Russian pigposter will post a big in my thread too
Dab Forums in 1939
/lat/ - hilo latino
What’s Dab Forums reading?
Pigs tred
I'm cuban
Non-midwesterners dont know what this is
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #241
Is it true that Turkish girls are the easiest in the Middle East?
Mexicans = new WASPs
Why do they hate the son of God?
Why is everybody so mean to India?
/deutsch/ Samstag Abend
What is this phenotype called? Which countries have it?
Would you take in 100 million pakis or 100 million africans
How did France fail so badly in 1940...
Greece is keyed
I only shit twice a week
Porque las latinas son asi?
Why do Western-Slavic mixes always end up taking more after their Slavic side? They almost look kind of exotic
"wow user, how do you know so much about all these countries?"
Do white women really?
Why so much hate?
Why are asians so slim?
Greek women are angels
Raising a baby bilingual
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Dating culture
The country guessing game
Is suicide a problem in your country?
/lang/ - language learning general
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Describe your IDEAL gf
Another person is beheaded by a cultural enricher from Africa
What do white people actually eat?
What would you do if you were born in my country?
Why are they like this?
Did you know Russia is actually very poor?
Why do all other races hate us blacks?
Map thread
/ita/ - il filo
England has north England
Could he pass as a local in your country
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it
Sverigetråden - Död åt Venti
Porque los españoles aqui sois tan autistas?
Americans be like
Your country
Dis nigga calls you a faggot and insults yo mom, how do you react in you're country
1. Your country
Cute, handsome, tall, white, virgin European boy replies to your thread
Why are they taught to hate themselves?
In Finland the most popular pizza is what we call a Mexicana Pizza. it has pineapple, salami, and jalapenos on it...
Please get me out, I'm 26 and never had a job
Do you have brown women in your country?
Why do women love Paris more than Moscow?
Actually im more whiter than %80 of europeans but i want more
Post fights from your country
So are they Russians in denial or they actually have their own ethnicity, language, cuisine, traditions, etc.?
/Med/iterranean General and friends
Things that terrify and confuse Europeans
How are the regional relations in India? I know there’s a rivalry between north and south but not much else
For the fair and reasonable price of $3.255 million dollary doos this can be yours in Australia
Quick, draw your country shape in Paint from memory without looking it up and post it
Why are they so relevant?
Sverigetråden - Gyaruupplagan
Why do European have a problem with white immigrants?
Kurva anyátok
Why do they use the same stupid beat in every song?
Languages with gramatical gender
Damn, wypipo really do be like that
/ro/ + /md/ + /aro/ - Firul Nostru
WE WUZ EGYPTIANS, not the Egyptians
How are things in India right now?
Would you take this bet?
Racism is terrible
Hey Italian bros, what do you think of this guy?
Fixing Spanish
I want 60s-70s culture to come back
Does your cunt CHAD ruin his face with plastic surgery?
Why are cultures of Korea and Japan so racist and closed off to foreigners? How can we replicate that in Europe?
Brazilian men
Whats wrong with north africans Dab Forums?
Low energy gang
ITT: Dab Forums in 1789
Why does everyone else hate the anglosphere so much?
What doesn't matter in your country?
Do you love Iberians?
You're not interesting. Stop making threads about yourselves
/kadse/ manchmal auch /deutsch/
Why is this behaviour allowed by other countries?
In which country do you find girls with such facial aesthetics?
How are Asian girls so damn cute?
Does any of you actually have had an Dab Forums experience (living abroad, being friends with foreigners etc...
Have you ever met German girls?
Uh China bros?
Why are Scandis like this bros?
Dab Forums hair
Germany needs to be this big
I apologize for the armenian genocide
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Tfw can't decide whether to use British or American English when writing online
Does your country love Korea?
Post the city that should actually be your country's capital
What is the ideal height and weight for your gf?
You could wipe one billion (1,000,000...
Imagine being born in the first world
Sverigetråden - Kompispris-upplagan
This is what suffering in Brazil looks like, for future reference
If not for the spaceship, this would just be another boring old house in Antwerp, Belgium
1. Your country
Does your cunt have castles?
Post a view from your window
How do you call this in your country?
/was hamwa noch?/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
People in wealthy nation sees elephants in poor nation being hunted to extinction
/bra/ - Fio Lusófono
How common are shut ins in your country?
Does this occur in yout country?
Is every third worlder in this board a fuckin' oligarch?
Das Rite Jeezuz was one of us y'all. All you white cracks ass niggas opressin us real niggas
Is this common in your country?
Does this happen in your country or is it just a Brazilian phenomenon?
Do koreans really?
How did China do it? What's taking your country so long to open one or two stations for a metro railway expansion?
/ita/ il filo - impariamo il giapponese edition
What nationalities have you fucked and which would you like to fuck
Is it actually true that immigrants lower native wages? If so, can you post proof?
/fr/ - francofil
This is Japan national crest
What was "the big incident" at your school?
I wish I was Greek, Turkish or Russian
I am 24 and i have only fucked one girl in my life, the girl in the pic
I love and would die for the following countries:
Do americans really?
/mena/ /شأشأ/
What is the british dating scene like? I'm moving there in a few weeks
What do people drive in your country?
You cannot refute this
Why. Is. Korea. So. Damn. Obsessed. With. Japan
You wake up in a brazilian prison during a riot
So let me get this straight
How do people in your country feel about these?
ITT we do be talkin like they american niggas
ITT : your country shithole belt
Sverigetråden - Trådstart-tan slår tillbaka
Why is everyone defending these people? They have started 2 world wars...
Studies show that Japan is less relevant globally now than South Korea
Are Finns thankful or ingrate towards Swedish?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
We need this back
Name 3 interesting cultural things you follow or have followed in Korea
Post screencaps from your whatsapp
What is the language of the elite in your country ?
What would the world look like if it existed as an independent republic similar to Austria?
"Hangul nationalism" is the cringiest shit. Imagine basing your national identity on a fucking script...
ITT Height and weight
Do you love korea?
European replies to me
Press F
Visit russia once
Why are middle eastern cities so disgusting looking?
Greece is the worlds most beautiful country
Half Korean half Saudi
/deutsch/ Frühstüqqsedition
Post something you like and something you hate about the country above you
Sharts actually voted for this guy?
Average Arab "Male"
Why do people make fun of france with "surrender" jokes yet they have a very successful military history
Type the first word or sentence that pops into your head when you see this image, but in your native language
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2588
Is it even possible to suffer here?
Today's lunch in your country
What nationality/ethnicity generates the largest breasts on women?
What constitutes an "average, healthy lunch" in your country?
Post a 20th century painting from your country
Post underrated food from your country
Live alone
Are women in your country loyal?
Who is your favorite latinx? This is mine
I still can't comprehend how such a random country even exists. They're literally a mixture of all their neighbors...
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement