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International #1438
Are you guys ironically or unironically racist?
Fixed Europe lads
Which is the more powerful Latinx country?
Your country
Why do tranners from the first world not put any effort into their appearance? Ours actually try...
Aliens land and earth and say they come in peace
I am a nationalist... for planet Earth!
/fr/ - le fil français
ITT: We rank Western European independence movements
1. Your country
Why does all the good music in Europe come from the British isles?
So what exactly are we? Are we eastern european? Are we balkan? I mean we were in the eastern bloc
Are Egyptian girls really like this?
I am half Armenian (wish I were full Armenian)
Cockroach: The Country
Are hapas seen as the literal epitome of humanity in your country?
/onkelz/ ehemals /deutsch/
This kills the creationists
Sverigetråden - Slovenska vänskapsupplagan
Why are indians like this?
Thoughts on Gran Colombia?
Why did mutts destroyed such a exquisite race
Is this true, eurobros?
Being under 5’8
One Brazilian man has undergone 10 years of extensive (and expensive) surgery and body modification in a quest to...
178cm is normal height
Why is Japan so much safer than other countries? what is their secret to peace and prosperity?
Gay person BURNED ALIVE in Latvia
These countries have seriously hurt Russias feelings. What should we do about them?
Why are white women so pleasing to eyes of thirdies?
"Japanese mothers are essentially in heavy competition with other mothers who want their children to get into the elite...
What are you listening to right now, Dab Forums?
Unironically, why do you hate Islam so much? Why can't you respect the religious beliefs of 2 billion people?
So true, one Swedish soldier is worth 1000 Germnans
Depressing and creepy regions in your country
/ita/ - il filo
What's the equivalent of "nigger" in your language?
Which of these countries do you foresee winning the AI race?
Guess the country thread
There are 270,000,000 Indonesians
This is what burgers eat for breakfast
Does your country also suffer from an acute lack of high quality chocolate girls?
I never heard gunshots in my hood
Finland, the savior of Northern EVROPA
Why are these niggas so sensitive about their food?
If you don't buy crypto you deserve to be poor
What do you know of the Marsh Arabs?
Now that the dust has settled, are they still relevant?
Why do Arab women lust after Turkish men?
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
I suffer in the third world where everything is cheap
Countries with this phenotype?
No nordic prosperity
They're not perfect, but overall it is undeniable that they are a force of good in the world
Sverigetråden - Darknessupplagan
Who actually won the Balkan wars?
Which country should I set my tinder to?
Was is a mistake?
I've never been to movie theater. Does this happen in your country?
I'm a 21 year old virgin in Brazil
Why do bongs keep them in power?
/balk/ + /v4/
The Japanese army was the most honorable army. Out of the 21,000 troops in Iwo Jima, only 200 surrendered...
Can we all agree on something?
We have to find a way to increase Japan's birth rate
Are you afraid to die?
What the FUCK is wrong with americans?
Well, Dab Forumsners?
We want out of the EU. You can keep the Slavs, we don't care
This country's government will collapse today, how will you celebrate?
Do you have any black friends? I have 2 very close black friends and several acquaintances
Why do white people have small noses?
China set to report first population decline since 1949
Is Europe actually a continent?
Did Dab Forums made you actually dislike certain cunt...
This isn’t Switzerland, it’s my city
At which height are you considered tall in your country?
One day, I will get a gf and ill beat the shit out of her
I want to kill myself when i hear this Spanish accent
This is the UK
Your country
/islam/ essentiell /deutsch/
How do you say this sentence in your language?
Whites: has a narrator, a second self whilst he thinks
/fr/ - le Francophile
Yeah, I am thinking based
Do you support panslavism?
How would your family react if you brought home a German girlfriend?
Did you know that Gordon Ramsey named the baleada as the best dish in Latin America?
I think everyone here is a loser and never had sex
>muh Japanese birthrate
Your country
Should i join the military?
/mena/ /شأشأ/
What's that? "deliberately importing third worlders is a bad idea", you say?
Question for East Euros
Oil use
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #245
Would you give up your nationality to become Japanese?
Just defended a twitch streamer in youtube comments section
Check out joe's instagram
Imagine living in France
You motherfuckers like to talk about muh heritage/ancestors army accomplishments
I was talking to a European lady
We've all heard the designated shitting streets meme countless times over the year, how much truth is actually in it?
Why are we so gallant and noble?
This is a small bottle of vodka called małpka (monkey)
How come manga is so much better than comics in the west?
What do you Chinese diaspora feel when mainlanders refuse your love for China?
Tell your first name, Dab Forums
Fix Europe
We won, Asianbros
China needs to grow larger
Whats going on korea?
Vgh... I kneel
How are Blacks seen in your country? Give it to me fair and square
You wake up in London
You. Have you been to Finland? If not, what’s your excuse?
Thick thighs, hips, and tits
You. Have you been to Croatia? If not, what’s your excuse?
Draw Italy from memory and post it. No cheating. Rate others
How will your country be affected if India collapses?
I love australia, but i will always be Chinese first, australian second. no amount of seething will change this
Why don't you give Nord women a chance?
Want to buy music
Do you want to find love in russia?
Thirdies are suffering
Say something nice about the country above you
I live in a first world island of my country, I feel like I belong to the global middle class...
Westerners entered the dead end of the civilization
Do tomboys exist in your country
Sverigetråden - Preliminär valborgsupplaga
Pets of/int
/Tabakkonsum/ ehemals /deutsch/
Daily reminder: tinder passport is free in april and you still have 4 days to sext qts from all over the world
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Post WW2-era propaganda for or against your country
/mena/ /مينا/
Pic related is BULLSHIT
Why do women follow Indian spiritual shit when it’s anti women
/esp/ - Hilo Español
People from Scotland, Ireland and Wales, can you speak your country’s native language? If no...
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! You are not allowed to eat pork! Don't drink alcohol either!
China is evi-
Belgians are POC and you will treat them as such
Today got dumped for having an uncut penis
Where do you realistically see your cunt in 10 years?
What's America's endgame here?
Does anyone else here feel tingly inside when someone from a developed country replies to your post?
This Jean Christophe Napoléon, the current descendant of Napoleon and pretender to the throne of France in right
Would you like the military to be in power in your country?
Are you proud of being the nationality/ethnicity(s) you were born or do you wish you were born something else...
Britain's BACK BABY
Villainized in youth media
What's the point of having a job in Europe if the government steals so much of your salary?
This is not a ps2 game. this is a photo of an actual street in sweden 2021AD
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Are you scared of white people? I find that there is something very strange about them...
Indian Variant
How does one go about meeting Japanese (or perhaps korean/chinese) women to date and ultimately marry...
Ways Japan is better than the UK
How would you feel if you find out that aliens have been reading this board since it started?
How did they lose all of their global influence to Northern Europe?
17% of the American GDP is healthcare spending
I just realized racism makes no sense. If you truly think some people are inherently dumber and more violent...
Which country has the biggest chimp brain on Dab Forums?
Race (human categorization)
Post ur favourite pizza & age
Wtf is happening in India
All boards need flags
Hello i am from india
What's the most based part of of the dallas-fort worth area? Might move there for work. Yes I'm from california...
When is there gonna be a /us/ board?
How would you fix the English language?
/fr/ - le francofil
America has roundabouts now :)
How do people in your country feel about the three biggest east-Asian countries?
Wake up in the third world
Does this happen in your country?
What is life like in rural Argentina?
Andrew Yang
Removing Aspergers from government ID
America's SOVL Belt
Edition Mardi Maroilles
More people are fleeing racism in America and finding happiness in Japan. Is Japan the future?
How popular is Italian food in your country, Dab Forums? Do you ever eat it or make it?
I lay awake at night being terrified by the concept of death. Does this happen in your country?
/feels/ covid edition
I hate americans so fucking much first American I see in real life I'm gonna crush his fucking skull with my boot
Why does Mother England have such an impressive colonial legacy compared to France, Spain, etc?
Hey bros help me i think i became an Israelboo
People in India assign each other "brown numbers"
Can somebody explain to me why Norwegian men look like pic related?
/mena/ - /مينا/
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Get me the fuck out of this country bros
When you talk to my flag, keep in mind that I'm whiter than you
Half-Southeast Asian half-White American raised in Japan. My life was cursed from the start
Fucking had it. Canada's flag is so tacky...
This place is so Americanised
My biggest cultural shock was discovering people from other countries don't eat rice everyday
Why don't white americans have more children? Did they already give up on their country...
Do you want to visit France?
Why are they so fucking cringe
/lat/ - hilo latino
Taiwan's rivers and lakes have dried up
Mfw reading the Cultural Revolution page on Wikipedia
How would you fix it?
Have you ever been in a fight?
Show beaches from your country
Are Asian parents really as strict as media portrays them to be?
Non-whites be like
Your country
What is your opinion on american boys?
In the US, Latinos assimilate to black culture and Asians assimilate to white culture
None of us will live long enough to witness the fall of USA
1. country
Canadian replies to my thread
/luso/ + /bra/ + /br/
This board has made me hate myself
Question for white anons who like brown "women"
I am an Indian living in the West
1. country
They stole my foreskin
Why west-north european "men" so feminist, pro lgbt, democrat, anti-gun and dress like this?
What happens here?
This is unironically the best cheese in the world and "european" faggots who disagree can go back sucking your refugees
One face one race
We are going for N°1 BABYYYTY
Why russians, brazillians and other latam countries like postpunk music so much...
Describe the West in one image
I believe the United States is a force for great good
I suffer in Sweden
Your cunt
What it could've been if Brasil remained this way!
Just found out russia and georgia aren't staunch allies
Say good things about mexico
What country is comfiest to be a English teacher in?
/v4/ + friends
This isn't Switzerland
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2592
Your face when Americans say things like;
% of Japanese girls who are virgin at some ages
Does your country recognize Palestine, Israel or both?
What happens here?
Why such big differences?
Why do Americans love this dumb bird so much
/ita/ - il filo
Do weeaboos really believe Japan is more interesting than India and China?
How tight is your cunts border? can people just walk in and out like it ain't no thang
Dab Forums at a construction site
Why don't they just combine? I don't get it
Are the BLM a spit to their struggle?
List of spanish scientists
Why do thirdies love destroying the environment so much?
Why do blacks live in the same poor condition in every country they inhabit?
Why are they so brown?
Pure Germanics don't exist South of Schleswig-Holstein, only Celtic mutts
Dab Forums posters/redditors like you are always hellbent on shitting on Japanese cultural stuff like anime, manga
I drank American beer for the first time
Do you have Trap/Rap in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Who is the most famous Dane?
Sverigetråden tummen upp upplagan
Sverigetråden - Koslekupplagan
How do people show arousal in your country?
People cant drink tap water in his country
Fastest growing US states
Daily reminder, Turkbros
How is the US so dominant on pretty much every front? Economy, military, research, technology
Are french white? I think no
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Asian penis size
How do Americans actually live?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Latin women belong to Massive Serb Cock
Americans want to deport this Peruvian girl
Peak Iberia
What is the best economic system to transform a third world country into a first world?
How common are blond south Italians?
Create a kit for your country
/deutsch/ Glück Auf der Steiger kuuhmt
You ain't fooling nobody
National anthem thread
If you lose your wallet in your country
Country is one of the best hubs of tourism in the 60's, enjoying a relative amount of peace and wealth...
Islam is winning. You colonized our countries and we are colonizing yours
Aya has something important to say
Warm places for wealthy White people to retire?
Do you have a bidet, Dab Forums? why or why not?
Even the son of god is not good enough for whitoids
VGH ... The German dream
/lat/ - hilo latino
What went so wrong in Haiti?
What did Jesus look like?
What are some places you would like to visit in your country?
How can you tell apart italian americans from hispanics?
/mena/ /شأشأ/
The most misunderstood place on earth
You are tasked with ending the LATAM drug trade, you have around 500 billion dollars...
Sverigetråden - Bert Edition
Your country
What's the average height in your country? How tall are you?
/fr/ - Le affairofil
How did this North African phenotype come to Latin America
Why are you so fucking retarded?
Non-white French people usually call the white persons «Les Français ( The French people)»...
Will white boy summer heal America?
/ita/ - il filo
This is what japanese children get to watch on TV
Nordic anons, what’s your life like? Are nordic people really as socially awkward and introverted as they say?
Well, he's got you there
Shit tons of Italian Restaurants and some Greek ones in this show
It MUST be bigger
America's golden calf
Post a pic from the 3rd biggest city in your country
What are memes like in your country? Post them here
Why don’t they like each other?
Listen to people talking
Cold countries vs Hot countries immigration
Does it happens in your cunt?
Walkable cities
Do Euros really?
Guess the country
Why is this hairstyle so popular among women who are attracted to black men?
Uhm... Indian bros, u okay?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Post your cunt/ethnicity and song lyrics that perfectly describe you as a person
Do Brits argue about AmericaniZms amongst each other...
1) Your cunt
What are journalists like in your cunt?
Have you heard reggaeton in your country? what is your opinion about it?
Calls his or her parents by their first name
Post a webm from your country
It was kino
/balt/ & /ausnz/ #244
Je ne sais quoi
Crazy how this continent is so much more interesting than everything outside it combined...
Kurva anyátok
Does your country have a region that's known for its "tough" people...
Leddit edition
How many Muslims are there in your country? What have been your interactions with them?
Why does Djibouti have so many foreign military bases?
/deutsch/ am Abend
BBC's 100 Greatest Britons
Japan... i kneel
Who is culturally closer to China, Korea or Japan?
Draw the USA from memory and post it. No cheating. Rate others
What is your country opinion on greta? my mom and dad think she is based but I see most people seething at her
Redpill me on this gorgeous country Dab Forums
Ugh... the pizza of Poland
Sverigetråden - Puppet Master-upplagan
Indian posters are very fun and it makes me sad how used they are to getting called subhuman. It's wrong...
Post burgers from around the world
Are women in your cunt npc too?
How looks your house?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Faces of Dab Forums
Why don't Western countries have this type of girls?
What do people in your country do in the summer?
Which one is preferred in your country?
Is this a problem in your cunt?
Why we’re (or not) western
Dab Forums themed skribble thread
Rice or Noodles?
Uhhhh Norsebros???
We need a symbol, I think we can use something from the rich heraldry of Europe
/ita/ - il filo
Is this the most aesthetic flag?
/Med/iterranean and friends
Hey Dab Forums
Would you consider Pashtuns asians?
My ancestors
Scandi countries with a population of around 6-10 mil are political powerhouses...
/fr/ - le francofil
Did you know that the national hero of Albania is a Christian guy who hardcore fought Ottoman Empire ?
Spain and Portugal go to WAR
You now remember how edgy the 2000s were
/mena/ - /مينا/
Can I pass as a local in your country?
Your cunt
There are firsties on this board making less than $20,000 a year
Your cunt
Kurva anyátok
An undersea train tunnel between Finland and Estonia is a step closer to becoming a reality...
WTF do Americans really do this?
Do they like each other...
A united Korea declares war on Spain and Portugal
Is this the right outfit for me to wear when I visit your city?
Sverigetråden - Trådstart-tan
Should be a single country
Give me ONE reason this can't be real
What aspect of your country are you most proud of?
Is the phenomenon of anime triggering gender dysphoria a thing in your country?
Muslims are scared by this flag
News headlines:
Be born in America
Your country has historically NOT been as good at war as Sweden has
Do girls in your country like old men?
Eggs cooked in baby urine. A delicacy and secret to long and healthy life
European Blue Card Discussion
How do people combat balding in your country?
Borneo is the only island with 3 different countries, say something nice about it
Internationally speaking, do people play skribbl.io in your cunt?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Which one sounds best and worst?
Do people in your country share? or are they greedy?
Do you invest in crypto in your cunt?
Why Japanese building look like this
Did you know that Brits are Nordic...
I wish I was Russian, Greek or Turkish. Persian or Georgian would also be cool
I unironically love Turkey
A britisher was driving his Rolls Royce on the streets of Calcutta, he was running late to his 4:00 pm tea...
Map thread
/ita/ - il filo
Good morning int, what did you have for breakfast today?
Can i pass as a local in you're country?
Why are germans and poles obsessed with each other?
Why do Germans love digging trenches in our beaches?
Why are we so smart?
British webm thread
/dixie/ + friends
/fr/ - suprémacie francophone
/deutsch/ FRÜHSTÜQQSaufgabe
What do you call this in your country?
Do Americans really?
What would you personally do to get a Russian gf?
What happened to India becoming a superpower by 2020...
ITT the best of Dab Forums
Why are sudacas and latinxoids like this?
Me as a Latin Euro speaking to anglos
Why are Americans obsessed with our schools?
The smartest man of all time was Anglo
No way
Why is hangul so unique?
Hey Krauts. I got a job offer to work in a village close to Rostock, how are things around there?
Can i pass as a local in you're country?
Russia: SOVL
Why are germans obsessed with work?
What do you think of the flag of Vietnam? Do you think it gives you an oriental feel?
This is a 10/10 according to youtubers
Do Americans really?
Why are their housing prices so expensive?
/brit/ anime edish
How do Japanese feel on the fact that the richest man in Japan is ethnic Korean?
Yes, I have fantasised about saving her. Okay, I do it a lot...
Does your country have a "Space Force"?
Do French people really?
My small town had practically non existent crime in the 80/90s, people could leave their home and cars open...
/Krautchan/ nicht /deutsch/
Were there any sightings of aliens in your country
/desi/- Based Dravidians edition
UK salaries are lower than they were in 2004
Asia number 1 is China, number 2 is Japan. Where is 3? Is it India or Korea?
Ayy lmao why dem finn niggas do be like dis tho
Why Has the West Been So Successful?
Why were the nazis so hateful towards Slavs?
I think japan is good
Why are japanfags like this?
If kpop and anime didn't exist, would these two countries have any relevance in the world today?
Why is East Asia badly balanced? China, Japan, and Korea...
Why are whites so weak?
Four way race war between blacks, whites, asians, and latinos
Does this happen in your country?
A Spanish man travels to India
I am an Indian
America appreciation thread
How do we make it bigger?
How popular is reddit in your country?
Whats your cunts greatest military victory?
Have you taken the vaccine yet?
Daily reminder that Americans do not worship God, but this man. They are all destined for Jahannam
/esp/ hilo español
Calling the cops when you have a problem with someone
Did your country have any double-digit IQ leaders?
Why do people around the world fall in love with k-hotdog?
Which language is the most beautiful? and why is it Persian/Farsi?
If you had to choose, which would you rather live in and why?
How do we fix this dumpster fire?
Does your country have high mountains?
Your cunt
I hate being a brown pajeet because it is impossible for me to be like by Asian girls...
Why is this """country""" allowed to exist?
Do you love Finland?
Why are they so poor?
Despite being supposedly a modern developed country with one of the highest living standards in the world...
Does this happen in your country?
Imagine being Israeli
What do you think about the Kypchaks (Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs)
Sverigetråden - Knegupplagan
Wait do Americans really have to pay homeowners association fees for (semi-) detached houses? Lmao
Arabs really are the most ambitious, visionary people out there
Kurva anyátok
Latin America is the part of the world with the smallest amount of Muslims...
Are Amerindians Asian or their own race?
What's the worst possible insult in your language?
So this is the power of the Finnish and Norwegian mutt?!
/med/ - Mediterranean general
What was your country's war with the US like?
Our wilderness is filled with demons, native spirits and human-animal hybrids...
Where'd the vocaroo thread go?
Don't fall for the Latinas meme
I am officially a murtad, does this happen in your country?
What happens here?
How the fuck do you say 仁 in English
Why do Georgians look Arab/Turkish...
Uhhh ameribros?
Why is Korea so great?
I hate this board
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2591
Democracy is the best form of governm-
/ita/ - il filo
How do you pronounce VGH
Int Confession thread
Why do Americans think tyrannical government is an immediate and ever-present threat staved off solely by guns?
Asians do you feel safer now that redditors have masturbated together in order to end hatred?
So this is the power of Norwegian men
1. country
Westoids should be glad Indians only sent peaceful southerners and northerners
In what ways is your country Africa-tier?
This is amazing
My full blooded Anglo sister went to California and married some mexican midget. I'm so god damn mad right now...
I did not like how the Attack on Titan manga ended recently. I thought it was quite bad...
Im 178cm TALL MAN
I’m seriously confused
/mex/ - Hilo Mexicano
Hanzi edition
What the FUCK does your flag symbolize?
Mfw Latin Americans call Americans "mutts"
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I'll never own a house
G.....gaijin San
Is it true that in America, blonde-haired...
Meanwhile in Paris, France
/balt/ & /ausnz/ #243
/нoчь/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Even the Holy Bible begins with a woman doing something selfish and retarded and dooming man forever...
Italy lovers
This is the flag of china
There is a gas leak in my apartment
How can I find love in Germany?
Brits can pay 8 quid for a full english breakfast that would sustain the most starved nordestino
1. Vagene
Here's your trad Midwest/southern American gf bro
My fellow Americans, men of the world over: what is actually wrong with eating bugs?
The Japanese invented the word "good", "like", and "fond of" by combining 2 other Japanese words...
International Relations discussion
What happens here?
Am I playing a dangerous game
You know remember that weird high school classmate of yours who posted modern warfare 2 commentaries on youtube and...
Chinese people are beginning to copy Indian speech
The Dīn-i-Ilāhī (Persian: دین الهی, lit. "Religion of God")...
The quality of any flag is inversely related to how racist they are
This is such a wonderful, fascinating country!
/lat/ - hilo latino
Imagine being Korean
American drivers
Why do anons do this? >>143803267
List of spanish scientists
This is literally the only place I've ever seen people say spain, france, italy, and portugal aren't white...
What happens in Russia's Jewish autonomous Oblast?
/fr/ - fil de lapine
What should a tourist do in your country to make the locals as uncomfortable as possible...
International dinner
Faces of /int
/Mena/ arab
LatAm Drug Cartels
Yes we're obese
Tfw no IHOP steakhouse bacon
Shartoids think this is a normal meal
We got too cocky whitebros
Which are whiter?
/brit/ calm edish
ITT post your ancestor
Does your country have soft power skills?
Germany's finest women of 2021
Samuraibros we got too cocky
Iconic Art
Dutch... the language of the gods
Recommendations for a first drink
Americans actually believe that they live in the best country
What is like to live in Faroe Islands?
Why are Russians so beautiful?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2590
What is the appeal of Asian women exactly?
You are reincarnated in your next life as a citizen of one of the Polynesian island
Does this happen in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Truckers in North America make $50k+/year
What is the difference in the pronunciation of H, J and X?
Question for germans
Russia... I kneel
How much do I have to pay in Latin America to buy a girl that looks like this?
Hey user what are you doing? :)
Why is everyone here a depressed incel wagecuck?
Are men with Asperger's forced to work customer service desks in your country?
Do you like spicy latinas?
/Vocaroo/ Thread!
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement