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International #1446
।। desi।।
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Thank you netherlands
Why is their english so good?
There is a group of people in india who identify themselves as Indo-Anglicans and unlike Anglo-Indians these people are...
/ita/ il filo
French worship the French revolution
Passive-aggressively uses deadname
Are the frenchies okay?
/liebe/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you Russian anons think that just maybe you actually are the bad guys?
What do European-Australians and European-New Zealanders think of European-Filipinos?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Post the average man from your country
Norway said mean things about our eurovision artist
What's it like to be poor in you're country?
Sverigetråden - Stormaktsupplagan
Hi, I'm actually interested in different countries and their traditions, cultures...
Portuguese mix red wine and coke and call it a drink
Russians when they try to smile
Singlehandedly creates modern world
The perfect evropa
The only seasoning I use is salt and garlic, give me suggestions
Mia Malkova is a Bollywood actress now
Itt countries with unfortunate geographic locations:
The absolute state of Dab Forums
Kurva anyátok
How are pirates viewed in your country?
Be opec country with highest grade oil available, even better than the saudis
Americans actually get spanked at school...
What do dumb tourists usually go look at in your country and what should they go see instead?
Actually qt girl from uni asks me to go get coffee together
Do Russians really think they are equal to America when Texas alone dwarfs their entire economy?
Whoever made this image, fuck you
Why don’t euros just build highways through cities? It’s much faster and more efficient
What do you call this in your country?
I fucking love science and math and I don’t believe in god
At what age do women in your country normally have their first child?
So if you’re not digging big holes at the beach, then what then ARE you doing at the beach?
WItam! Kto Polski?
Why can't Westerners make philosophical films? Only capeshit and reboots...
Advise me asian cities with old historical streets
Why are zoomers the most terrified of the coof while having close to zero chance of dying from it?
WFAF is the future
Every country in the Balkans has higher salaries than Russia
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What do you regret the most in life?
Edelweiss, edelweiss
What causes swedes to be so homoerotic?
My father found my bongs n shiet
Photos of your city that you took
Why do Russians look Asian?
Hahaha, white people really do be like that
Have Russian last name
That tfw when some assumes i live in england for the billionth time
If you push this button you can save this dog's life but all the Indians has to die
How many push ups can you do in a row?
Why isn't Brazil first world?
Sverigetråden - Touhouutgåvan
I suffer in Switzerland
How much mone you make in your country?
Why do leftist think canada is a paradise?
While usually I determine the country randomly, today I decided to try cooking pad thai...
It's not a comic it's a manga!
/ita/ - il filo
China is base-
Alright india what the fuck is wrong with you
Tell me about your country's "coffee culture"
Are women this confident in your country?
I hate China because.... uhhh.... I just do, OKAY!?
ITT: subtle signs someone is a thirdie
I’m manlet Jomon
Did you ever steal from your parents as a kid?
Why do non whites like spicy food so much?
Anyone else think it's absolutely ridiculous how heavily life success depends on your country?
Deutschland thread
You might think this is the third world, but it actually is Switzerland!
This board unironically blackpilled me when I realized I looked exactly like the twink meme
Is there really any real point for Japanese to hyper-micromanage everything?
Is your country safe for LGBT?
Why is your language so hard to write?
ITT we act like British people
This is Taiwan
I am a Chicano nazi
Can you name one intellectual thing that Spaniards are great at?
Do you like cock in your cunt?
Pakistan shit
How come Japanese cartoons are so much better than western cartoons?
Have you ever encountered Dab Forums memes outside of Dab Forums?
Small talk tier list
/Med/iterranean and friends
Well would you?
Thread for the discussion about fennoswedes
I celebrated mother's day with my mom by eating hot wings with her
Why are Indians like this?
Indian poop VS foreign poop
View from my house this morning. Lockdown sure has worked in this part of the city ngl
Kurva anyátok
Where does one find this phenotype?
This is the 51st state of the United States of America. Say something nice about them
How do you rate Dab Forums posters?
Japanese language make Japanese super
Why is this site retard
Your Uni's campus
Why is literally every single couple interracial in this show?
Rarely Used Currency Denominations
What are the main differences non-hispanics notice about different spanish-speakign countries...
What happens here? They seem rich. Is it a good place to live?
Green = soulless
Come to america
Does your country have an American military base?
>I suffer in Sri Lanka
Should Catalonia be independent?
How is it possible? I asked my parents and they don't have an Iberian parent...
The girl that I've been in love with for a year just told me that she wants to start a relationship with me
Wallpapers of Dab Forums
Could he pass as a local in your cunt?
Japanese loli culture is the pride of our nation...
I see no borders here!
I hate greece,literally just got harassed again by a cashiers hur dur why is a girl like you living alone
In what country can I find a sexy 4'11 brown girl that will bully me and flirtatiously make me cry...
My friend wants to migrate to Israel...
You wake up in Berkeley, CA
Google Street View thread - Post streets from your cunt
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2605
Do American schools really look this dystopian and sad?
Post Scandinavian women please
So, which country do you hate the most Dab Forums? And Why?
All this board has done is made me more racist and xenophobic, Help
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is so cute I want to cry
American media
The only person that remembered my birthday was some worthless fucking nigger
This world is the dream of all people
Why does Italy need an aircraft carrier?
This is how japanese argentine girls look like
I suffer in the urban hell of Essen, Germany
Honestly, which country do you think is more evil?
Can we have a nice heritage thread to finish the weekend?
Did you learn philosophy in school (in your country)?
Why do Italian Americans love Columbus so much when he was a Genoese Northerner...
My mother died three weeks ago
I’m a black American who grew up in a 90% black neighborhood in Inglewood, California in poverty. I had no father...
Weather gets warmer
Itt: countries you have a love/hate relationship with
Frenchie bros
What went to terribly wrong?
Which country ACTUALLY has the best nature/scenery?
What do you think about inter-ethnic marriages in China?
Who's correct?
Is polygamy common in your country?
Sverigetråden - komediguld-upplagan
How did they become land locked?
This board is dying
La naganaga es M E X I C A N A
Why do americans pay taxes but dont get any public services?
Do you have nice cuisine in your country?
What music are you listening to in you're country?
I can't stop weeping over the majesty of the Indian state. JAI HIND
Your cunt
I don't get this country
I cannot understand any of the posts in /brit/
I'm probably the only Brazilian favelado who acess this board
/nachtschicht/ TOTALER KRIEG /deutsch/
Post some military propaganda from your cunt
Why do so many African-Americans claim descent (or some kind of "connection" to Egypt [and sometimes even Israel]) when...
What policies can Scandinavian countries implement to better integrate their Somalis?
Sinoboo thread
Are women lonely in your country?
/mena/ - /مينا/
1. Your country
I'm 23 and never kissed a girl
Dab Forums Dab Forums
Latam unification
I can't fucking believe how Americanized the world is. We destroyed everyone
What is the Western world?
Post desert places from your own country
This is the Harpy Eagle, the national bird of Panama
UK: 46% of babies born are from mothers with foreign backgrounds
How do russia can be this based?
/cum/ - Canada, United States of America, & Mexico
WTF Black redheads are a thing now
Rows of people waiting for leftover food in argentina
Is mining crypto common in your country?
Happy victory day
Why didnt iberians left a genetic legacy in their other colonies like they did in latin ameri?
If trips your country will be cursed with the worst fate imaginable
/dixie/ southern usa and friends
Does your country hate faggots?
Why are they so quiet?
Common currency is good because... it just is mkay
Do Asian girls like Mexican guys?
What percentage of Greek women look like this?
Did this happen in your country, too?
Toronto is more expensive than London and New York. How is this possible?
Name 5 cities and 5 famous people from the country of the poster above you
Sverigetråden - äktenskapsupplagan
This is the prime minister of Portugal. Literally a fucking Mexican
Rome Total War remastered released yesterday
/Iat/ hiIo inmune al ctrl+f
Why are they so poor and brown? literally africa-tier
Did I act like Chad, guys?
Does you country have a fat problem?
Russia stro-
Our women are obsessed with Turkish men
Why would any self-respecting brown...
Aren't Americans worried that Mexicans are taking over their culture and leading...
I want to find love in Japan
Why are Europeans so tall and handsome?
What causes such high crime rates in Belgium, France, and England?
Watch youtube somali dna tests
Mfw he can't speak 3 languages
Post countries where it's impossible to suffer in
Japanese culture
Can you guys translate this in your language?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I’ve lived in Germany
So let me get this straight
How do white guys do it?
Dutch people are so tall they get hired as light poles abroad
I hate greece
/Fernblick/ auch /deutsch/
Ching chong ping pong
/bra/ - Fio Brasileiro
Keep your gayass robots out of my country
/mena/ - /مينا/
Finland is populated with white women
Swiss guard
Average IQ by board
/fr/ - le francofil
Walk around in france
Daily reminder this is not a mediterranean country
Are sword fights making a comeback in your cunt?
Tell me about Europe
Chile is mine, it owes me a living
In Poland, you can buy a statue of a Jewish man with a coin for good luck
Just post int related webms
Is making frens easy in your country?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
And then one day, for no reason at all, refugees stated flooding Europe
Imagine having small balls
I've been browsing scandinavian news websites for the past 30 minutes and my conclusion is that nothing ever happens in...
German international footballer, Matt Hummels
This was the most benevolent Empire the world has ever seen...
Sverigetråden - /fa/upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
I thought Muslims don't care about race?
Why do Brits and Americans act like their entire country is blue eyes and blond when most their country is brown eyed?
Do you have anti homeless architecture in your cunt?
1944: 14 year old black boy executed by Americans for murder of 2 white girls:
The lidl cashier called me a dumb nigger because I forgot my credit card again. Everytime this bitch humiliate me...
Please come back
You will never creampie a girl in her childhood bed that her parents bought her while she was still their little...
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Post your tv
Do people in your country get upset about caricatures?
At what age do women in your country normally have their first child?
Post the most well known jew from your country
The top 9 largest rockets in the world currently in operation or development are American
Can we ever be frens?
It’s storming near my house and the muslim kids in my neighborhood are screaming allahu akbar when it thunders
Can you name 5 armenians ?
Are the people of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece White?
White women worship thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #265
I have a serious problem with my mental health but i can’t afford shrink or therapy here because it’s so fucking...
The Romanian economy performed above projections once again, registering a 6% growth rate in Q1 2021
I don't plan on ever getting vaccinated. Is this common in your country?
What do "people" in your "country" generally think about this boy? Is he seen as ultimately evil?
Imagine the eu war
Dear Euros: buy our cars
/fr/ - club sélect de philosophes et d'intellectuels de toute la francophonie
Sverigetråden - scooby-doo upplagan
The martian surface
Is it true that nordic girls are more bold and assertive than anywhere else in the world?
South americans are taught that this is one continent
Did you fuckwads know that if you hover your mouse over a flag, it shows the name of the fucking country?
/mena/ - /مينا/
Why do Americans get so mad when you tell them that you hate their country and the American hegemony only caused harm...
You wake up in Niger
I got selected for the green card but I'm not sure about moving US...
Before learning English, I used to think that hate against Jews wasn't a thing since the WW2...
Uhh Hebrew bros, I thought only Jews can be Jewish??
How do you call this haircut in your language?
/mex/ - hilo mex
Europoor niggas be like: air conditioning? yeah, we have fans in europe too LMAO
Are Turks better than Arabs...
$100 000 is a common salary in USA
Do you love Mexicans
I want to come to germany because of the wom-
Why do mosquitoes exist? God I fucking hate these little shits so much...
The picture that represent Western-Europe in a nutshell
Rich manlets are getting height surgery here. Apparently it adds like 10 cm
You may think this is Switzerland
Do girls do this in your country?
Why are they so unfunny?
Hilo latino /lat/
Switzerland? Stockholm? Paris? No, this is Amsterdam!
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Most handsome countries
Would you legitimately be willing to date a wh*toid woman?
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Fredupplagan
Yoncalıya girmek için yaş sınırı gelsin edisyonu
Your country
Are people in your country genuinely afraid of Hell?
/Med/iterranean and friends
What do you call this in your native language?
Why do Muslims fast?
Are the Swedes really?
Asian Girl Appreciation General
My friend is a Turk who works in a kebab and he told me that he spits in people kebabs sometimes
Flag rate thread
America's second largest burger chain is returning to the UK after 20 years with a promise to steal market share from...
The paradise on Earth were everybody is free and happy and all the dreams come true doesn't exis-
I want White gf
/deutsch/ am Abend
/dixie/ - Southern US and 404s
Watch a random [4K] Tokyo walk from district A to district B
How did men get away with being hairy monkeys up until last century?
Looks like covid is finally over bros, everything is opening up again
Technically not landlocked
What women do you guys think are the most beautiful? I think indian, iranic and some ME women are the most beautiful
The Celtic languages will be extinct within 100 years
Every Western country - US, Australia, Canada...
Can he pass as a local in your cunt?
Your cunt
Been playing Resident Evil Village and am loving the setting
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
This is how Turks and other Arabs treat their women
Your cunt
What is it like to be white?
Why are there so many latinas in american porn?
I am not "brazilian", I am not "latino", I am Nican Tlaca from occupied Pindorama
Sverigetråden - Mammaupplagan
Why so?
Countries that call it "español" are literally just wrong
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Have you ever fired a military rifle before?
Wtf was his problem??
For the first in my life, I finally had sex
Do working class elderly people look happy in your country?
Faces of Dab Forums
Happy Mothers' Day!
Racial Differences
I can't wait to visit Scandinavia and see famous iconic places and features such as ...... uhh
Pasta dishes from your country
Eyes of Dab Forums
What's the difference?
Has a king
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Poland?
Name a country with a more interesting history. Pro tip: you cant
/balt/ + /ausnz/ #264
Interactions With Asian People
Why do so many English guys have this hairline by the time they're 23 years old?
Do ur country celebrate international labour day?
Szüzek be tranyók ki
Sverigetråden - prinsessupplagan
Nanachiausgabe aber ehemals bekannt als /deutsch/
The perfect MENA
/ita/ - il filo
Itt: post Dab Forums related pictures with guaranteed replies
How is life like in Bangladesh and India? Is it as bad as media makes it out to be or what?
Vgh, your Royal Highness, I kneel
What they studying?
I didn't know Macron was THIS based
Millions of Turkish women go through this every day
Does your country have peace-barriers?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Kingdom of the Franks (481-843)
I suffer in Nordic counties
Ching chong ping pong
What happens here?
What is Dab Forums opinion on New Zealand?
1. Cunt
One day
They greatly overestimate their significance on the world stage
/esp/ nanachi edition
Reminder that PPP GDP is better at comparing countries than nominal GDP
How do you say "hey, you're so cute! I think I love you" in your language?
Post the most american picture you have
Why do Turks and Iranians get mad when you mistake them for arab
Sverigetråden - K-onupplagan, Yuis utgånga
Brits literally banned hugging
Did you know that a lot Southeast Asian countrys still popular WW2 Japanese military songs?
Why do only shithole nations like Romania, Bulgaria, Moortugal and Shitaly defend the EU?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2604
I'm a Syrian Arab Muslim chadfugee in Germany. Ask me anything!
It's another episode of wasting my day on Dab Forums
Achievement unlocked: demolition expert
Races naturally segregate even after apartheid ended
How promiscuous are girls in your country?
I hate my life because i live in greece
/fr/ - le fil français
Imagine living in a country where this is a common sight outside
Opinion map thread
Asian male White male friendship thread
The world would’ve been a better if the Germans won WW2, literally anyone who says otherwise is a coping tranny...
Gammelfleischskandal /Deutsch/land
Do girls still sometimes wear chokers in your country?
Today let's see what Dab Forums thinks about Japan
Polish wages
/cum/ canada united states mexico australia
What did your country do during WW2?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Denmark hates Russia :(
Any Angl*s care to explain why they treat Scots like shit...
Speak the same language
What does Dab Forums think of the Irish Republican Army?
Make fun of Mohammed
Do you love rice?
When did you realize that Italy is the Japan of Europe?
Do you regret voting for the leader of your country?
So, um, what's happening in Croatia?
Google Image search 'Indian Shit Festival'
Are women bratty, entitled, and demanding in your country? or are they nice?
Why are thirdies such russiaboos...
/lat/ - hilo latino
Britain is the biggest weeb nation in Europe, we love anime, manga and Japanese video games...
Why are Britroach posters so anti-Asian? What the hell we do to you bastards
/ita/ - il filo
Happy Europe Day!
If Muhammad wasn't born, then
Slavs deserve reparations
Is Russia considered western by non western countries?
Can someone redpill me on these countries. What are they like and what's their relationship?
Sverigetråden - Volvo
Thoughts on Poomerican supermarkets?
Happy Victory Day, Russia!
A russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar
Sverigetråden - Sidan 10 upplagan
I try to learn modern greek
International animal
Huge Japan - India controversy
Why are Americans so obsessed with race?
Just some mexican who drank too much vodka. AMA
This is typical lunch in UK
Brown and poor
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement