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TV and Movies #1492
TV and Movies
Hell is overflowing! And Satan is sending his dead to us! Why? Because...you have sex out of wedlock...
I’ll be honest
Casting time
When did Scar Jo become so based?
Christina Applegate
I am Iron Man
Where did everything go wrong?
I’m a 6’4 guy but this floored me
Youtube kino
A black man trying to get home to his dog gets stuck in a time loop that forces him to relive a deadly run-in with a...
The meme that ruined Dab Forums for good
Kenobichads... we back
Is this the greatest ending in all of cinema?
The butterfly effect
I'm a 28 year old man, living in my parents attic who is still obsessed with 'The O.C.'
Have you ever experienced a real life “glitch in the matrix”
Space Cop
Etika biopic in the works with Spike Lee directing
It's up
Any movies about women?
It’s kino
Capeshit comics get a fuckton of movies and series
He has subtitles permanently turned on even though he speaks that language
Us italians have our families and the church
Is Blade Runner 2049 an adequate sequel to the original?
This wasn't that bad actually
I want MEW Huntress to pin me to the ground and braap in my face broos
Honest contenders for worst film ever
Just watched the 2003 miniseries + the first 2 episodes of Season 1. Coming from a Trekfag perspective...
How is this racist? Bunch of fuckin cry babies
Why do late night talk shows suddenly feel like Dear Leader propaganda platforms...
He cute
Why is it so hard for some dumb mother fuckers to just keep their mouth shut and get a lawyer before talking to the...
Doctor Strange 2016
Kinos on HBO max?
The Witcher: Blood Origin
First Horror Kino in decades?
This fucking piece of shit ruined what could had been a great kino horror show
Here they are, the Breeders
Hey Joey, Earth to Joey. Are you in there? It's your move
What went wrong?
Asian chad in the new doja cat mv
ITT: Rare cases where the remake is superior
Sophie Turner
/who/ - Doctor Who general
Why did he do it?
Are all anime fans emotionally stunted? It's all childish and immature
Character travels to a foreign setting
Well hello, beautiful
What am i in for?
The only way he got this role was because he got touched up by everyone on the set...
Post Confederatekino. I'll start:
Best Jeff Goldblum flick?
The older you get the more you realise Donnie was wrong
There are people right now, on this board and to this day, still think that Godzilla beat Kong in Gvk...
Why was this scene so f*cking based?
Good. All capeshit must go
How the fuck does he have a career? Send him back to bongland
I refuse to believe people are paying for porn
Was a turbo thot for her zaddy joker in the first film
I got a problem here
Are there any vampire movies that are actually good?
GT is better than Super because it took more risks and actually progressed the Dragon Ball story instead of being a...
What are some of the architect's greatest accomplishments?
Family Guy yourself and post the result
Grown ups 2
Why were there women in this film...
Why do we hate HDMI again?
Was it REALLY that funny?
Was the Snyder cut the mission accomplished moment of cinema
I didn't know 1984 was based on real life
Ken Burns Hemmingway
Who is the best character on The Office and why is it Jim Halpert-Beesly
Captain Marvel 2 starts filming in May
Is this guy ever coming back?
Reboot disasters
Contrary to popular belief, Jefferson Starship and Starship are different bands, not the same
Whos you favorite youtuber film critic? mine is pic related
Cartoony explosion sound effect
It’s a shame it had such a short run...
Is it possible for anyone to be /our-guy/ as much as tom green?
Thoughts Dab Forums?
Times you were the Cruella
Pufy vulva
Kinos that portray unconventional relationships?
Funny video pranking grizzle bear in the north
Kino deaths
He Lives
The great debate
I'm working on a new movie
Press X to pay respects
How do you feel knowing that we are all currently experiencing an actual American-borne Kaiju Renaissance...
Imagine a three way with Blossom and Bubbles then Buttercup is in the corner, tied up...
If you're fat you should die
Late Night Kino is back!
Is there any explanation as to how these guys are invulnerable to firearms?
Quagmire in real life
Uh can I get a quote on a respray because my car just got KEYED
Has the ending of a show ever made you this angry?
Have you met any celebrities from the entertainment industry Dab Forums?
Why did they make Hannibal into such a homo in this show? Like yeah he fucked one woman...
RIP Young Blood
Casting for this flick must have been a bitch. Finding so fine a dubs
/goji/ - Godzilla & Kaiju General: Reptar Edition
Ben Affleck will never play Batman again
Has there been a movie with a homeless main character?
One protects you
*mic drop*
Why does Hollywood love this visual so much? Even the new American Godzilla movie did this, with his atomic breath
Post you're webms
Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep
What are some cute and comfy films?
Itt: characters who are LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY you
Is this even possible?
What films require you to rewatch to get the entire picture?
This movie ruined me
Any good movies about war crimes?
Is tim pool part of a white male radicalization process?
What is the OPPOSITE of 'kino'?
You know the nazis lost right?
Movies about the observable universe?
I'm rewatching Sopranos and I can't stop thinking about Meadow
Why is Hollywood obsessed with big boobs
Is it kino or cringe?
What are the best episodes of shows I'll never watch?
Law & Order: Organized Crime
Could a female joker movie work?
What are some good movies that actually show cops as normal people? Not infallible heroes and not irredeemable scumbags...
Is Mackenzie Foy a good actress?
Bam Death Prediction Thread
Taking a man's livelihood away from him is akin to killing him" - Dave Chappelle
40 years later and it still can't be beaten
I’m at the point where I’m officially sick of the MCU
What does Dab Forums think of The League?
Real life capeshit: Based or cringe?
Cumtown general #3 - dab on the autist spammer edition
/bb/ Big Brother Canada 9
Other bad musical adaptations that are praised by normies desu I think all of LSH is shit but the movie is the worst of...
The pirates of prosciutto, the brigands of braciole
Apparently you cannot bruise ANY guy with a homophone of /kro͞oz/
Actors falling in love with their co-stars
Monster chads and Christ bros rise up. The Sneeder cucks on suicide watch
Is karl pilkington based?
Nicest guy you'll ever meet
Is Sophia Lillis a good actress?
An entire country at the brink of civil war over a cold?
Cumtown thread simply to trigger the autist spammer
Welcome to our first film class zoom meeting, I'm your professor this semester. Let's start with an ice breaker...
The first YouTube video was uploaded 16 years ago
This was a middle class paycheck in the 90's
Fight Club is about toxic masculinity
Size-Change Kino
Tell them how you killed our baby Amanda
User I don't have your cable but I saw a nice free couch on craigslist I will help you pick it up
/KSG/ - Kevin Smith General
This turned out to be a real shitshow
Serious question: How the hell does Netflix continue to exist?
Who’s your favorite American Dad side character?
Less than two years until Avatar 2 kino
Movie has parents getting a divorce
My god. This movie is terrible. How did people unironically watch this scene without having to puke...
Why did Jameson not rat out Peter?
*is the funniest comedian in 2021*
What went wrong?
Was the Empire really a Human Supremacist organization?
Was the show TCAP really entrapment?
Realistically speaking, what you do in this situation?
For me it's Bubbles
I've been calling this the most overrated film in existence...
What did he mean by this?
ITT: Non-Americans with Big American Energy
FUCK Game of Thrones and FUCK Attack on Titan
Shiva Baby
Cast him
Are you still watching sassy black man and crippled white boy?
Which of the two is the walmart great value brand actor of the other?
Why do fans shit on this costume so much? I think it looks pretty cool
Chris Stuckmann's top 10 films of the 2010s
Anyone else use a projector in their kino station for cinema like experience
Cast the greatest sci-fi novel ever written
Herr Himmler, I've come to bargain
Do people actually find this funny? Or was it just that there was nothing else on the 'telly' in Britain at the time?
Pick a film
What were they thinking???
What’s best for the Star Wars franchise?
What Dab Forums media best sums up the 2000s?
Why does Dab Forums hate Amber just for being in a bad relationship?
How can this scene be fixed
Hes clearly getting butthurt from the criticism here
ITT: Dead careers
What does Dab Forums think about American Dad?
What does this scene mean to you?
Is this show worth it ?
WW 1984 Rape Scene
Why did it have so many N words? People weren't that racist in the 90s
So where are all the sketches and memes taking the piss out of Biden? Oh that's right, they don't exist
Is it kino?
Who the fuck will pay to see this
/goji/ - Godzilla & Kaiju General: Sometimes Friends Fight Edition
Who does Dab Forums think about her?
So does this get good at any point or is it all "Orange man bad" type drivel?
Movie ends
What is this bitch even on about? How sad of a creature should you be, to talk like that??
Why did so many journalists shit on this movie...
Sexy devil empowered a young girl and gave her tasty butter
How does Disney keep winning with Marvel but keep stumbling with Star Wars?
Which fantasy/sci-fi series would you want to see get adapted next?
Post awesome baddie deaths
Knives Out bad only because.....The Last Jedi bad!
Movies about incurable diseases
Why are there not more Revolutionary War kinos?
/xeno/ - Xenomorph General
Trips decide what movie I watch
This is it right here
ITT: Sony email hack greatest hits
/who/ Doctor Who General
This is the best BOTW line up
What's next for Sofia ?
Darren Arronofsky's and Frank Miller's Batman: Year One pitch from all the way back in 2001. Would you watch it...
Any good movies about fighting against alien invasions?
What anime would actually work in live action?
ITT Concept albums you wish had movies based on them
He's not funny
Post kinography racists will never understand
Balding is so terrifying that almost every famous/rich person gets a hair transplant
My friend told me this film had a load of weird serial cosmic horror shit in it like the evangelion movie but in like...
1 episode in and it's really predictable and safe, should I continue to watch?
Dude, 1950s suburbia is bad
I'm a literal homosexual non-Christian (raised Christian) who openly mocks Christianity on historical and philosophical...
Never has a story about black people ever proven that it's inherently LESS lucrative than Black Panther...
Your sex has officially been withheld
I'll get you your 50,000. Please dont do anything rash. I need this fucking job, Mr. Seid
What does he represent?
Why has The Spmsons becmome so poltical?
The Wire
You Ain't gonna Disney Plus me!
Has a couple of nights where he can't sleep
The Postman
Christian Bale sucking Portman's foot
Movie has an alternative more wholesome ending
What hershlag movie should i watch tonight?
Justice League Screenwriter Chris Terrio Is Super Pissed Off
Give me a Simpsons episode to watch right now thats not Sneed
What are some medieval kinos that show life of peasantry in all of it's beauty?
Juststarted season 2 of the boys. And god damn i cant wait to see this bitch die
GOT plotlines that went nowhere thread
How you holding up Dab Forums?
Are you guys ready for this deep adult drama?
What name should he have gotten?
Spends four episodes using soul trap on a dead mudcrab
What is your favorite Korean film?
Will we ever get anyone like peak Sharon Stone again?
You are given carte blanche to do a deus ex movie
Do ye fear death?
It's a Truman bites the inside of his cheek and is in mild pain whenever he moves his mouth to talk or eat episode
Operator, get me doubles
What caused this?
Props to Sony for not making another fucking streaming service
What is it about Millie that pisses off so many /tv fags?
Yeh bro im a massive cinephile
Every day, I pray for a return to late 90s - early 10s morality and sensibilities
Like .. hello?
Movies that have aged remarkably well?
Bayformers are the quintessential 00s blockbuster and perfectly capture the feel of the aughts
8 exes isnt that much
Scorcese BTFO
I just want to go back to the 90s and stay there forever
I just watched this kino. It's relevant more than ever due to the current scamdeminc and the great Marxist reset upon us
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW claiming to be Dab Forums veteran oldfags who have never watched and never...
Pick up a pastry box
Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?
Who are some of your favorite actresses and did they do nudity on film...
Do you guys prefer watching movies with your mom or your sister?
Frodo, wake up
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Steven Spielberg’s 20 Favorite Movies of All-Time
Has anyone ever been so mindbroken as the result of a television show?
Napoleon Dynamite
Arrive at his house
Quentin Tarantino announces his tenth film
Not great, Bob!
This.. This is no country for old men
Christian Bale Reportedly In Talks To Return As Batman
Am I bad at geography or do these actors not even remotely look or represent Germans?
I want to marry her bros
Why is he having trouble finding good roles?
I was knighted you know
How long until we get a proper high budget Warhammer adaption?
I just finished God Only Forgives
ITT : DC/Marvel characters that deserve their own movie but don't have one
Will it be Kino?
Character spits out their drink
Now that the dust has settled... Did it deserve the best picture nomination?
Surpasses kino
This made bri'ish people piss and shite their knickers in the 90s
Is this soup, or a salad?
Did you enjoy the movie waterworld?
Saves cinema in your path
Conservatives can't do come-
Kim is best female character in an American TV show for the past 10 years
What is the funniest movie, Dab Forums?
What would you like to see in the inevitable warcraft sequel?
We laughed at GOT
Stop, my invincible son
Who would you cast as the titular lead in the upcoming bust out hit film Batgirl ?
Eric Roberts Appreciation Thread
Well, I believe in truth. But I'm also a big fan of justice
Why is Hollywood so racist?
Itt smiles we couldn't protect
Jupiter’s Legacy | Official Trailer | Netflix
Images that saved Dab Forums
Conspiracy documentaries
Rewatching simpsons
17 years later
Proceeds to crush you with her thighs
Cast him
Save this franchise. Go
Natalie Hershlag, Hebrew: נטע-לי הרשלג; June 9, 1981
/wars/ star wars
Funny webms
These secret Christian elites are taking over America and the World by doing nearly nothing!!!
What's next for her career?
What does she have that Gal Gadot doesn't?
Peak USA network
‘Spotify is quietly removing Joe Rogan’s podcasts, as he’s seen as problematic by staff’
"Durmstrang" sounds Germanic
Are stunts the soul of cinema?
Business news
This is rey our Imperial Highness
”Ah! These Nordic barbarians are culling their population of whales? I’m going insane!”
Will we ever get a biopic based of My Twisted World?
ITT - Opinions you have, that you're tired of pretending you don't
Film Cameras
Skyler was a horrible wife
New 4K TV arrived today
So I've watched this after a suggestion from Dab Forums, it was good, I enjoyed it...
/goji/ - Godzilla & Kaiju General: Best Frens Edition
What is next for them?
ITT: Scrapped ideas, early draft scripts and other abandoned premises
Post the first "violent" movie you watched and at what age, pic related 8
Steak and eggs
What is the explanatiln for this?
Whats the /tv consensus on January Jones?
WB prevented ZSJL from releasing in China
Twin Peaks premiered 31 years ago, on April 8th, 1990
What does Dab Forums think of actor Adan Pearson?
RIP Paul Ritter - where is my sticky?
Women watch this and buy chess boards
I didnt like the godfather or apocalypse now
Do you chose your meal depending on the film you watch ?
Hyper normalisation
What business was he in exactly?
MCU bros
Jazz Thread
Do americans really go to prom like in the bloody movies?
What went wrong?
Literally no good movies released in the last 3 years
10/10 latina gf asks you to cum deep inside her while she's ovulating
You like huey lewis and the news?
How come there were no movies about emo
'user before i accept the role. pitch me your movie idea'
Actors at peak JUST
Who here unironically thinks modern Family Guy is funny
How's ZSJL doing outside the US?
Black James Bond
Just finished the wire, what other kinos am I missing?
Why are they afraid to speak the language of Mordor?
ITT: Scenes you've killed millions of your potential babies to
Looking forward to this show all year
Engineer claims the core exploded
Dab Forums bros, now I really need your help. I'm searching for films that are really good at building tension...
We almost got Margot Robbie in ZSJL
In 8 months MATRIX BROS
So how did Hammond bring back extinct plants?
Jacques Renault dead
What's next for Gina Cumano?
New MST3k
Sharp objects
Character goes to bed
Any good documentries about the Northern Ireland troubles?
I like in movies when the bad guy from movie 1 becomes a good guy in movie 2 and helps the hero
Who will play him?
How often does he lie?
Is this worth watching? Thinking of watching it for the bantz since I'm a mad lad
Wtf is wrong with redditors?
Our girl is gonna win bros
What are some examples of the most pointless cameos in shows?
Is film elitism based or cringe?
Who would win in a fight between Darkseide and Thanos?
Kaczynski if he Chad
What is this face trying to convey?
Student film
What did Dab Forums think of her performance as in Fargo S3 as Nikki Swango?
What are your favorite ASMR kino?
Female prison seems comfy
Mortal Kombat
I miss Ellen
Pulsar map is incorrect
What am I in for
Never watched any capeshit movie
Who are some good actors with amazing norks?
Does anyone else have trouble watching movies or shows? I just can't pay attention and I get bored very easily...
What is Spacewood?
I'm a drug addict," he told Hitchens. "I'm a person that, if I have a drink, I can't stop...
The cute girl from work that's in a long term relationship keeps texting me memes at all hours of the night...
You know its true
90's/early 00's waifus were just better
I want to punch all of you in your faces
Why has Korean cinema been mogging America so hard in recent years?
What happened to Eliza Dushku?
RLM is heckin' cancelled
Grow up and constantly hear people use doc martin as the cliche of a sleep inducing show that nobody in their right...
It's not supposed to make sense, just enjoy the atmosphere!
Are you excited for the new Louie Theroux kino?
This guy isn't even American and he is tearing it up on Snowfall
Well, Dab Forums? Why?
Rate my casting
How possible would it be to have a Godzilla vs Cthulhu for a movie?
I got this card as a present. What kinos should I watch?
What would you do in this situation?
It is behind me isn't it?
Donnie Darko
Family guy is ba
I've just watched Artemis Fowl, the movie is not bad but damn it, I hate child prodigies so much...
Cursed young mike stoklasa
Unironically how do you respond to someone quoting you and posting a suoyjak?
The Stand [2020]
*shitty MKUltra circus music starts playing*
New Justin Theroux series
Join, just do it
/Who/ - Doctor Who General
Who's your SNL waifu? Past or present. For me its Victoria Jackson. Really cute!
Do you agree with the 1985 shitposters, Dab Forums?
Roastie does mentos + coke experiment from inside her butt
W-women are ugly without makeup!
Best Spiderman?
I've watched Druk, Tenet, Gentlemans, I'm thinking of ending of things, Marie and Malcolm
Meet the Mini Pufts from Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Dab Forums is a Sydney Harwin board
Fuck you, my invincible son
Kino actor house part 3
I know I'm late to the party but jesus this sucked, I liked Infinity War too
ITT: Favourite Family Guy (Golden Age) Gags
What is the most obscure horror movie you've seen? Just watched pic related as well as Killer Workout yesterday...
My world has been shattered
RIP Paul Ritter - where is my sticky?
The 2000s are never coming back
Super violent, but still manages to trivialize war without truly condemning it
Has he walked yet?
/ewg/ - elijah wood general
This nigga made gen Xers shit their pants
I know its retarded and im not a Dab Forumsfag but i cant enjoy laura dern because she dates black guys...
If you could recast it who would you replace Jerry with?
I refuse to believe this masterpiece was cancelled because "Inside baseball". What the fuck actually happened?
I just finished the show for the first time, i was left staring at the screen like a tard. if he was whacked...
Worst JRE guest?
Most celebrities are intelligence assets
Name your
Godless commies are inadvertently turning America back to God
Find out he drives with two hands
What are some religious kino?
Supernatural ended in your lifetime
Mr Floyd
What went wrong?
We need a Tom Cruise, but blonde
Arrive at his house
Are you excited for Captain Marvel 2?
Am I really supposed to believe Sauron wouldn’t post ANY GUARDS AT THE DOOR OF MOUNT DOOM?!
I don't care that 500k Americans died. I just want my life back and to go to the theaters again
Why are some people so weirdly insecure about Zack Snyder's movies...
How is a man with one of the worst chins/jawlines considered attractive?
Why do all Australian actresses lie about their age?
Just shave it bro!
For me its Commander Philippa Georgiou, schwing-g-g-g-g... amirite fellas?
Itt: hollywood redpills
Now tremors, that was a good movie
When sooomebody loved me, everything was beautiful
A man and women fall in love and get married
So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Monk Versus Pysch
Euphoria is my favorite show I can’t stop rewatching it
Will she be ok?
ITT we recast the Power Puff Girls
Did Sean do anything wrong?
Kino adaption when?
Most kino weapons
Fuck you, Joel. I’m team RiffTrax
How can one men have so little respect for himself and his legacy?
What's the scariest movie ever?
Cinemassacre's Monster Madness
What game would work as a movie or series?
Uxas, Darkseid, Steppenwolf, Desaad, Granny Goodness
Walter Olkewicz (Jacques Renault) dies
There’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world...
What the hell Rick why is our creator molesting a baby doll and why do they have images of naked children in the adult...
Funny video of dying roastie after scooter crash
Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema
Any other examples of a hero who’s universally hated by all?
Who would you cast in the inevitable The Legend Of Zelda movie?
Manic Pixie Dream Girls
Sarah Silverman
Lord of the rings was supposed to be dystopian
Name one sitcom character better than him
For All Mankind
How true is this statement?
Does anyone else believe Star Wars Rise of Skywalker is actually a really good movie...
What was her name again
Why didn't they go back and help Hitler?
Do you agree with his statement?
Why do so many Hollywood celebs date teenagers or women in their 20's...
Yeah, I'm thinking absolute kino
This might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. The writing is so tight. Mike is such a good sport...
Wednesday night... the perfect night for a Druk thread
What are the most kino movie endings?
This dumb boomer
How swole do you have to be to protect celebrities?
Kino actor houses 2
We dont allow crackers in this theater
The only based character in Game of Thrones that stayed based till the end and didn't get character assassinated by...
/goji/ - Godzilla & Kaiju General: Monkey Slayer Mode Edition
Watching this for the first time
"Look Boomer watching this show, you can still be a badass even though you're old!"
2 movies with only Godzilla in it: huge letdowns where you couldn't actually see monsters fighting and humans...
Why were so many ancient romans degenerates
/bb/ Big Brother Canada 9
Would this axe chop space wood better?
What did we think of 'teen sex comedy but with girls'?
What did they eat?
Caesar kino
Is Paris Hilton unexpectedly based?
This show is lazy and retarded...
What do you think of Quartering and his opinions of modern film?
The Expanse
Is Zendaya hot yes or no?
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!
Have they made any kinos?
In an interview that dates from a few years back, Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood...
RIP Gary
He’s suppose to be a loser
Baby puft
The new Powerpuff Girls show doesn't look too good
They ruined Carl
Jupiter's Legacy
ITT Music Videos We've Masturbated To Countless Times
Why are zoomers like this?
What actor has the most kino house?
I mean since off-topic bullshit is allowed >>149230394
Will we see more of the First Order in the future Star Wars movies?
Do you like real girls?
Is Jerry Seinfeld actually in purgatory? Why does his apartment break reality?
I fucking love this movie and love how it makes redditors seethe
User, have you *penetrated* anyone yet?
Tell that to Robin’s snapped neck
"Why yes we do kill criminals how could you tell?"
Classic =3 was the best era of youtube and internet
What's next for cavill?
In your opinion who gave the best performance in this film?
Orcas, what the FUCK is their problem?!
Admit it, this was a funny skit
Haven't seen this. Getting high as shit tonight, is this a good pick?
What's this movie even going for?
Dude what if the bad guys weren't really bad guys
Society is collapsing
Starlight vs Stargirl
Skins thread
We need a weapon for our high tech organization’s henchmen
What the fuck?
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
One simple word, SOUL
Should zoomers be allowed to watch flicks?
Marcus Luttrell
Zack Snyder said this is the team he wanted to introduce
Do it anons, I’m writing a movie and need some ideas
"For this role, I want The Rock"
Titbros, how are you holding up?
TV shows that make you want to murder your entire Bangladeshi family. I'll start with an obvious one
What the FUCK did I just watch??
Kino interviews?
Is this Oliver Stone’s best?
Why did they invite a mass murderer onto a talk show?
Luke, did I ever tell you about the wacky adventures I had while you were growing up on a moisture farm?
What the fuck
What are the worst film reviews you've ever seen?
This is the opposite of kino
Suddenly the Game of Thrones ending isn't so bad
Dab Forums humor thread
Is Mona the worst TV mom?
Bane's infamous meme-spawning exchange
Left: SOUL
What is your favorite movie with Scarlett Johansson?
What does Dab Forums think about Cobra Kai?
Will we ever get an MCU series as good as Wandavision?
They’re not celebrities. They’re not royalty. What the hell are they?
Mom found the lost media
Jre used to do badass interesting men
Is Goldeneye the best James Bond movie? What is your favorite?
Tell me good things about Terminator 3
Any movies out there with some serious unexpected twists?
Is stranger things worth watching?
Why do people Asian women complain about fetishization in media when they make stuff like this?
You're telling me these motherfuckers were sustained on a diet of leaves? Get the fuck outta here...
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
I'm in the mood for some Lovecraftian, dare I say Eldritch kinos. Any recommendations?
Um... Bridgerbros?
These two were 10/10 on The Wire
How come no one ever talks about the fact that Christopher Nolan co-wrote and produced Man of Steel?
Why isn't there a live action remake of this
Whats her best movie
CGI peaked in the late 90s
I supposhe.... Harrenhall's off the table as well?
What is Venom's pronoun(s)?
User, will you watch my new movie?
This is a kaiju film, prove me wrong
Who really killed The Office
Say it. Outloud
Name my band
Why was the bf such a loser?
Such poise. So graceful. Magnificient
ITT: Kinos that actually changed cinema forever
Which one?
This is why Drive (2011) was such a great movie: the soundtrack
Does Band of Brothers hold up?
ITT: Characters you fell in love with
Japanese anime movie
May I, stand unshaken
Why does Dab Forums pretend this movie is good? Is it because it has a funny looking series of posters? It's not good...
It wasn't that bad
Is this the most alpha actor in the history of Hollywood?
Turned of the movie at this point
This movie is a masterpiece
Best war movie
The hubris
ITT: Pregnancy kino
Yeah... T1 is way superior
Name a better sitcom?
Well, Dab Forums, was The Office really THAT bad?
What will the future hold for gimmick interviews?
Everyone always talks about this ending scene
What the fuck was his problem?!
Did Roy save Deckard because he knew he was a fellow replicant?
Welp tthe reviews are in (spoiler: POL BTFO)
Robb Stark Presents: People of Color!
What would you have done in his situation?
He could have saved them if he tried
Move aside Grogu (formerly Baby Yeed), there's a new baby in town
Why was the cgi for Iron Man (2008) so good compared to the later movies?
/goji/ - Godzilla & Kaiju General: Oga Edition
The age of Marvel is over
The Office Inspires Murderers To Kill Family
*shitty MKUltra circus music starts playing*
What went right?
Prove me wrong that Dua Lipa isn't the most highly advanced singer and actress
I just saw the joker and don't get it. Is it supposed to be an incel movie or a socialist movie?
Drop this shit while you still can
Why is it that this guy is always the least funniest person in any comedy movie hes in?
'Better Call Saul' Final Season Delayed Until Early 2022
Whitout God everything is pointless
Is cinema as an artform dead?
ITT lines that make every screenwriter in the world whisper a reverent "FUCK" under their breath
Captain, I have analyzed over 500,000 rap songs from the early 21st century and I can assure you...
What did the simpsons mean by this?
What's your favorite religion kino Dab Forums?
With driverless cars and trucks on the horizon and homes full with automated technology isn't this overdue a remake?
89 Columbo is better than 70s columbo
Any movies that can encapsulate this horrible feeling of geting friendzoned? fuck dude...
Reminder that 5 years later and Dab Forums is still too stupid to understand arrival
Is there a single good Yuro movie from the last 20 years?
You laughed at us Games of Thrones chads, you said attack on erencel was superior kino...
The machines are turning one of you, into one of these
Looks like kino is back on the menu boys
Christian Bale joins THE FLASH
Did he make it?
Name a more kino movie critic
Was he right?
ITT movies that make retards feel intelligent
Name his next masterpiece
Is it kino?
Cinemassacre's Monster Madness
Oops!..I Did it Again
Imagine being a Korean Actor and an American keeps taking all your roles
Why is Batman TAS the only media that got the joker right...
Movie > S2 = S1 > S3
/who/ Doctor Who General
Are sex scenes in movies necessary?
It was still better than any of the prequels
Hehh... maybe if i cast myself into my movie with chads, i become chad too!
American humour in films
Unironically cast him
What was young Luke thinking here?
You guys told me this show wasn't kino
Women and children first!
What's the best Bond movie?
Do people unironically like the Snyderverse or it's all shitposting?
Why did Peter jackson fear Ol' Tom merry Tom, Tom Bombadil'o!
What went so wrong?
What country is Saruman supposed to represent?
Apologize right now
Manhattan (1979)
What’s Hollywood’s obsession with Big Boobs
Rewatched this and just realized that the whole future humans/outside helpers thing was established as the core part of...
Tony soprano is modern julius caesar
So i have corona. give me movies to watch you healthy fucks
Is it even legal to ask your employees to come in on saturday, let alone sunday?
Is it good
ITT we post innocent white people getting killed by minorities
You can't abandon ship as the captain because.... you just can't OK??!?!?!
Where was she in The Thing (1982)?
Name a worse movie critic
Last threads
Does anyone else struggle playing with friends because of different preferences?
Video Games
The Elder Scrolls
Video Games
Ylyl built for bbc edition
Fuck living in germany
Guilty Gear Strive Thread
Video Games
Kratom Bros, what can I expect?
।। desi।।
What's the first word that comes to mind when you see this picture?
Video Games
New soc
Video Games
Dab Forums has racist little brains
What was his fatal mistake?
Lady Dogemitrescu
Video Games
Do you think he regrets his actions?
TV and Movies
3,50€ meal in Spain
/fr/ - l'illustre fil francophone
Half of the people here would get their life in order if they listened to him
Here’s your replacement