Rate Barack Obama's music taste

Rate Barack Obama's music taste

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>The Weight
>Not The Band version

Contrived af but no less so than half the charts on Dab Forums

>only tracks
>no albums


Sir Duke is the only good song on here, and even then it's one of the weakest songs on that album.


what the fuck kind of playlist is this lol. if you put this on shuffle, it could be my favorite things straight into lose yourself by eminem

Someone curated this for him

Obama lives on the edge

i didn't see sublime on there

it almost feels basic but something about it.. it just feels cooler than the average taste... is this what this nigga bumped when he got lit tf up in the frigging WHITE house? god, i bet he can dunk

carefully chosen by some staffer to appeal to a cross-section of American demographics. There's no way he genuinely listens to half that shit.

0/10 music taste
0/10 president
simple as

other than the beyonce/jay-z crap, its not bad


Made up af/10

You idiots seriously think that this is anything else than PR and MKT fanservicing liberal voters?
>Inb4 b-but Springsten

> no k4000

Clearly. Politicians are almost universally non-musical by aptitude & temperament, and I can't think of one who had remarkable interest in or taste for it.

I have only listened to My Favourite Things from that list, can't rate it.

I don't actually think he listens to those

No way Obama listens to Brooks & Dunn in his free time.

bill played the sax and listens to jazz


I can believe Bush's ipod playlist that leaked back in 2005. It was mostly just boomer rock and country

ha ha ha more like Maxwell, am i rite

>John Coltrane
yep, this guy is going on my based list

Probably put together by some staff wonk, but he had to have okayed it, and I could see him listening to about half of these
Sexy Sadie would have been better?

slit your wrists

In 2014, Trump declared Peggy Lee’s nihilistic contemplation of suicide and disillusionment “Is That All There Is?” as his favorite song. “I’ve had these tremendous successes and then I’m off to the next one. Because, it’s like, “Oh, is that all there is?’” says Trump. “That’s a great song actually, that’s a very interesting song, especially sung by her, because she had such a troubled life.” Yeesh.

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>Not the Band's version of "The Weight"
bad take but I'll allow it

Right? I can't imagine that pleb even actually listened to SITKOL

his pr team made this up 100000%

Not bad his intern has decent taste

Obungler listens to Buyers Market

>beyonce so they know I'm down with the kids
>let's throw some surface level coltrane and davis on there to give myself a whiff of sophistication
>Stevie and B.B. to let the brothas know I keep it real
>Throw on Sinatra and Fleetwood Mac for that moderate boomer appeal
>Let's get Bruce in there too, maybe with a shot of me with no coat and rolled up sleeves to let the folks know I'm here for the workin' man!
>Michelle! Get it? Cause my wife is Michelle? Look at my wife and family everyone, I'm certainly not a homosexual

It's literally his entire political identity encapsulated into a small list of songs. What a predictable twat you are, barry

>no Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia
You forgot your guitar m8.

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Really cringey. Most corporate and manufactured president we’ve ever had besides bush may

Not Bad Barack, not bad

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based af, soul vs obamas soulless

came here to post this

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>Dude Looks Like A Lady

double dubs don`t make you not retarded

How do you do fellow kids and black people/10

why beyonce

She based

>Grown man
>Jay Z

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she wasn't even the best girl from destiny's child

Pretty generic late boomer taste sprinkled with some younger musicians to make himself seem more hip to the kids. Nothing too surprising


>The Kinks - Lola
wtf, is he trolling us bros?

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You're watching VH-1.

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His children made this list.

no, but since her dad was planting her, the other girls don't matter

Yea I'm sure his zoomer daughters love Frank Sinatra

Which is to this day an absolute disgrace but there we go

Sir Duke is amazing but everything looks manufactured by a team of social media experts

Nixon was famous for music being a black hole to him. He reportedly only had a vague idea of who Elvis was when they met at the White House.

I wonder what the senile pretend president likes? Kek.

based, i love obama

I doubt he's paid attention to music since Oh, Pretty Woman was on the charts.

Eh...it's a decent "middle aged alcoholic burnout" song.

omg she a man!!!!

holy based

Don didnt really listen to music

Kek, based. I hate the fucking Blumpfkin so fucking much.

Not entirely sure but I don't think he meant Trump.

Or, you know, just put on Somebody Else is Taking My Place if you prefer young cute Peggy Lee.

i'm pretty sure he did

A bunch of songs from the 70s and 80s which contain a self important but classy vibe (a vibe Barry clearly spent most of his life trying to cultivate) as well as Jay z and Beyonce, because he knows them both personally. Yeah, he listens to this

Samefag and please remove yourself to your containment board.

This makes me so happy. I'm sad he's gone, but it makes me happy that Biden got in. The two of them were an amazing combo. You just know Joe is down with the culture and listens to cool shit like Kendrick or J Cole.

Playing it safe (the safest way possible)

Trump passed the cognitive test with flying colours, and Biden refused to take it. Cope.

>and Biden refused to take it
The last time he released his health records was in 2008, more than a decade ago, and lest we forget he almost died back in the 80s and had a major surgical procedure before modern minimally invasive surgery existed--they literally had to saw the top of his head off.

his daughters probably got him into it

keep weeping, dumbass

Trump lost

Can we help him find it?

>A bunch of songs from the 70s and 80s which contain a self important but classy vibe
Surprised Eminence Front isn't on there.

cognitive test
>Are you Donald Trump?
>The father or the son?
>Close enough, you pass

These are our “elites”

My only observation is that it was clearly meant to be alphabetical but he (let's pretend it was him) went "oh shit, I need some songs for the chicks" and slotted in Michelle and Rhiannon

Obama used to dig Howlin' Wolf youtu.be/TJoLeMmhhg0?t=193
This is how you get the press on your side

He seems more like the type of person who listens to mungo jerry all the time.


? But it's as far from a secret as is possible. It's so balls in your face that it is the only conclusion even by people who like him a lot.

dope & change outta __

Politician's public persona is completely made up
All those songs were put in there to appeal yo a different american demographic.

Let's put politics aside here, but these are some pretty good song picks.


Obama has good taste because he only got into politics at about 35. He'd already grown up and lived a full life, whereas most politicians start much younger

I'm positive I remember some other time where he mentioned his favorite musicians and it was more slanted towards 70s funk/R&B which actually makes sense.

Higher Ground is his best ever song.

I liken it to how when you're alone in your room you can listen to Taylor Swift however you want but when you're in the car with your bros you can't do that, you're obligated to crank up the buttmetal/brocountry tunes.

It’s a lot more convincing than some of the other ones.
There’s at least three of these and the other two were all ultra modern pop and rap.

I could buy him listening to Aretha and Stevie. Fleetwood Mac, Sinatra, and Brooks & Dunn? You've gotta be joking.

>OnLy PeOpLe WhO sTaRt ThEiR CaReEr LaTe CaN lIStEn tO mUsIc!

>mmmuhh mmmmmm mmmhhh

Sound of you sucking Obama and Michelle's dicks

>At Last
Beyonce just can't come off as a soul queen and make it believable. She can simulate the vocal style adequately but there's always something essential quality she's missing.


*Living for the City

Etta was a real hood bitch

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dubs of truth

Yes and so was Diana Ross. Beyonce is a fucking thespian who went to art school and her dad managed and groomed her for stardom since childhood, no wonder she can't sound real.

normie but decent

Dropped already, that was quick. Rest of it looks like it was made by someone who only listens to his car radio, you're fucking pathetic if you think this was worth sharing at all.

>sir duke
>one of the weakest songs on that album
t. obliterated pleasure receptors

Wait why is 80% of this stuff elevator music?

alright I listened to the whole list. here's my commentary.

>The Weight
Ok an actually pretty good start, I dig this tune.
>The Thrill is Gone
Overrated, he had better songs.
Boring overdone and overproduced 2000s TV commercial music.
>At Last
As user said, she has the vocals but not the soul of soul so to speak.
>Only in America
F150 commercial music.
>The Rising
>Lose Yourself
It's ok but he has about 10 better ones than this.
>Luck Be a Lady
Actually pretty hilarious song and Frank's delivery helps. 8/10
>Always Tomorrow
>My 1st Song
Some boring mumbled gangsta cliches over a static beat and the vocals are pushed back in the mix so you can't make them out anyway.

Bit sad that the meme STD factory sings one of the best tunes on here. Not for the facepalm-inducing lyrics but it has an ok melody and is at least something normalfags would listen to instead of smug hipsters.
>My Favorite Things
Not as good as Giant Steps.
>Freddie Freeloader
I guess there's not much to say about this album that hasn't already been said.
I still suspect the dude's singing and guitar were just window dressing and it was really a vehicle for a cool synth hook somebody came up with.
As Beatles tunes go, pretty C-tier even though it's cringily obvious why this song made the list.
>Cherish the Day
Bad 90s lounge/spa sound system music.
One of Stevie's early adult career efforts and a little generic; he had yet to develop his own distinct sound (too much like Jackson 5 there).
>Sir Duke
Yeah it's catchy but I still prefer Superstition and Higher Ground.
>Beautiful Day
Sounds like generic turn of the millenium radio rock and so horribly produced/compressed it's painful to listen to.

In all the years I've been on Dab Forums I'm absolutely certain I've never seen Sade or Gloria Estefan mentioned in a thread.

Coltrane, Miles Davis, Stevie Wonder, and Sinatra are good. The rest of the tracks I recognize suck hairy nuts

>The rest of the tracks I recognize suck hairy nuts
What tracks are those?

kek this

Aretha's is superior in every way, even the founder of ISIS knows it

ITT: Boo hoo why didn't his list have any buttrock on it

No it's not, aretha robs it of the bite and genuine sorrow the band conveys.
You are actually retarded.

I've definitely seen a few Sade threads, mostly in the vein of "holy shit why didn't you guys tell me about her". Can't say I've ever seen Gloria mentioned.

>The times they are a CHANGE'n
What a faggot.

As user said she's pretty much 80s-90s New Age-core if you happen to be into that or like watching Nordic Track product demo VHSes you found at Salvation Army.

>Not albums
How trite


Two other examples: Feelin' Alright and Higher Ground. The originals were slow and the delivery sarcastic/jaded, the, if you will, individuals covering them apparently wanted to throw a rave party.

'course some might take issue with post-Capitol Sinatra aka increasingly turning into schlock pop



The Times They Are a Changin' is ok but not Dylan's best. The lyrics are a little more on-the-nose than one usually expects from him and there's not much melody or tune.

I wonder if I'm the only person here who realized that the line about blocking the doorways was a reference to George Wallace standing on the front steps of the University of Alabama to prevent its integration.

he knows both of them personally

And Jimi Hendrix blah blah blah. We know.

How is after listening to all 20 of these, the one that's stuck in my head afterwards is Rihannon?

I don't hate them but clearly not what the original artists were going for.

That guy is a fuckwit though

He has such basic bitch taste. Excluding politics.

>former pleb in chief

He knows both of his daughters? That's a real accomplishment for a man like him

>bill played the sax
barely. he took it for about 5 minutes when he was a student, then brushed it off again during an election campaign to appeal to blacks

...and *reluctant sigh* Bono

Didn't he shit in a tree for weeks on end in college
How did that guy become president

I want to shoot you until your head is nothing but mush

he claims got to a point where he was practicing it like 6 hours a day, but then gave up because he realized that to be the best sax player, he would have to practice way more than that

fabricated like most politicians


Miles Davis, John Coletrain, the list goes on

Some people are too busy to seek out music, probably the case with him.

Exactly the kind of playlist I would expect from a Half-Black/Half-White person. It's like an AI generated it.

>U2 Beautiful Day

What a fag. He’s literal worst than plebbit

Both of you are based as shit but what about Superstition

on a side note, i don't know why not every president ever does this. like it's free relatable-ness to voters

user it's 2 verses and like 50 choruses