Why was the first wave of black metal so much better than the second wave?
Why was the first wave of black metal so much better than the second wave?
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what was the point of making this thread
Literally none of those albums are black metal.
Because you like thrash.
Literally all of them were part of the first wave. The Norwegian shit came later.
Cause it doesn't exist. Outside of Venom coining the term for their album, "black metal" was about as vague of a term as "power metal" in the 80's, if you root around enough you'll find documents calling Motley Crue "black metal" because they used pentagrams, 1st wave doesn't exist as a genre really even if some of what's usually considered it comes closer to what would become black metal than others.
You forgot the best first wave album.
post this in the /metal/ general you idiot
If rap and ugly women can have countless individual threads, metal can have a few.
Nah, metal shouldn't be relegated to a single thread when we have daily threads about rappers and pop stars. Suck my cock.
Dab Forums used to be metal, we need more metal on this board
i'm a metalfag retards. Dab Forums is a lost cause and /metal/ is in desperate need of content.
/metal/ is a shit general as are all generals, it's just memes and image dumps, posting in metal is practically it's own form of shitposting
for me it's track two
I'd consider Bathory black metal,, but none of the others
The tracks where Messiah sings are the best. Also those inverted colors are really fucking cool.
The first wave was Sarcofago, Bathory and early Mayhem, not Slayer and Venom - they were just influential on the genre, but musically were completely different
Venom coined the term and Slayer were promoted as a black metal band early on.
coining a term means nothing when musically you don't fit the bill. Hell the Slayer album you chose is probably their closes to traditional heavy metal too
I really like Maniac on death crush but something happened to his voice later on it changed. The riff at 0:51 in the track I posted is one of my favorite of all time
in the early 80s black metal was a catch-all term for metal bands with satanic imagery, it wasn't considered a genre or a sound
because it hasn't setted into a single style yet...
Listen to that Sodom EP and tell me its not. Sounds like second wave BM even, fucking dumb cunt.
more badass riffs and more stylistic variety
anyone who knows what black metal is supposed to sound like knows that this is not black metal. you can argue about their musical merits but referring to them as black metal is inaccurate. it does a disservice to both the bands you're talking about and black metal bands. my guess for the reason why you think the so called first wave of black metal is better than the second wave is you're a retarded diapershitter who got filtered by extreme metal
Venom isnt BM
Don't quote my post faggot, you're obviously a poseur based on your trip and usage of zoomer terms, you don't know metal either you emo haircut twink.
Good post. Fuck tripfags.
Literally none are black metal except bathory.
Slayer is like maiden and priest worship on show no mercy.
That would've been a good show.
all of that is trash and not black metal
I dunno OP, maybe you just like thrashier side of bm. I get it, even if I'm more of an atmoshit kind of guy.
>you don't know metal either
you're coping. hang yourself.
picrel is a 1 band per album chart I made a couple months ago
fuck off tranny
you call this "emo"????
You sure do got a purdy mouth
Yeah ok there's some ok stuff there, lots of trendy stuff too, either way I'm not taking the opinion of someone who uses the term diapershit unironically very seriously even if they do throw in Iron Maiden and Riot. Metal is never going to be a scene like the hipster or pop or rap scenes that is focused on trends, it's just not, people have to stop trying to make it that way.
>The Norwegian shit came later.
what a fucking genius you are that the 90's came after the 80's.
Only Bathory is real, the others are just different takes on thrash metal.
And Venom is just fucking gay
rent free
What the fuck was this meant to prove? That you only listen to entry level metal?
tfw cronos was 18 years old when venom released welcome to hell, and he still looked like a 70 year old woman back then
I love British genes.
>Yeah ok there's some ok stuff there, lots of trendy stuff too
you're using the word trendy here to mean "anything I don't like". these albums are only "trendy" in niche subcultures, and practically everything is trendy in a niche subculture somewhere, making your usage of the term completely meaningless
>either way I'm not taking the opinion of someone who uses the term diapershit unironically
diapershitter is an archetype of metal listener that clearly exists, I've seen them at concerts . perfectly valid term for describing a very real phenomenon. its a funny word for people that don't ever move beyond their heavy metal/thrash comfort zone.
>Metal is never going to be a scene like the hipster or pop or rap scenes that is focused on trends, it's just not, people have to stop trying to make it that way.
non sequitur
>rows of extreme metal
>entry level
you should kill yourself, or better yet, tell me what albums you would replace with le epic underground albums from the same genre, and which albums you would replace them with, explaining why they are better. if you can't, I'll be forced to assume you are gay and retarded.
you losers love to criticize but hate to post albums of your own. curious.
I wheezed
in this way cronos is like a reverse euronymous, who looked like he was 15 until the day he was put out of his misery and would still look 15 today
Been a while since I've seen a tripfag seethe to such an autistic degree. Literally every single metal album you've listed on that chart is genuinely entry level or "classics", which is fine for someone getting into the genre. But don't pretend you have any clue what you're talking about.
>Been a while since I've seen a tripfag seethe to such an autistic degree.
dont use all the memespeak at once!
>Literally every single metal album you've listed on that chart is genuinely entry level or "classics", which is fine for someone getting into the genre. But don't pretend you have any clue what you're talking about.
You're forgetting that I barely claimed anything in this thread. I don't have to pretend to know what black metal sounds like. OP did not post black metal. simple as. you are genuinely stupid
cool anime reaction image dude
Why hate on subgenres of BM; blackened thrash in particular because its so involved in the development of the second wave of BM?
Only asking because Apocalyptic Raids is so dope and for the record I like all music except rap
>rows of extreme metal
>entry level
Yes, extreme metal can be entry level
>tell me what albums you would replace with le epic underground albums from the same genre, and which albums you would replace them with, explaining why they are better
None of them, I don't think any of them need to be replaced nor do I think any albums are particularly "better," you just brought them up to prove a point as if you're more well versed the in the genre than everyone else, when in reality your taste is pretty stock standard. Basically what I'm saying is, everything you're trying to accuse me of being, is exactly what you are, except the music you listen to doesn't at all warrant that elitist attitude.
>you losers love to criticize but hate to post albums of your own
Again, wasn't criticising anything, your taste is just basic
also kek that you told me to kill myself and then followed it up by laughing at my kronos joke. This is why being anonymous is way better than being a tripfag, because you can laugh at losers like you
You have Poppy on your chart bro, you're a poser.
Poppy was good when she was doing art pop, but her metal is not good
This chart is fucking terrible lmfao. Listen to more music
>and for the record I like all music except rap
based boomer
everything here disqualifies you from posting about black metal ever again except maybe Transylvanian Hunger
Of all fucking burzum albums why do you choose this one. Trying too hard to be contrarian while also simultaneously being a pleb.
>lil darkie
Absolute garbage taste. This feels like something that someone would make and post in the catalog to bait people but it's real and you're an elitist tripfag with below average music taste.
>pulse demon
You dont actually enjoy this album, you just fell for the meme.
You're wrong, considering most people these days start off with black metal and never check out anything before. Trad,NWOBHM, and thrash are all unironically more underground than black metal these days and have been for about a decade, it's pretty funny to witness but that's what happens when something becomes "hip". SJWs even pretend to love Burzum, that's how fucking hip black metal is now.
I gotta at least respect user for still holding onto the whole "pretending Pulse Demon is one of my favorite albums" trope from wannabe music elitists. I feel like that spot has been replaced recently by Daughter of Darkness. I've seen that record on so many zoomers' charts alongside shit like Tyler The Creator lately and I do not believe a single one of them has ever listened to it. Seeing Merzbow was a nice throwback
>you just brought them up to prove a point as if you're more well versed the in the genre than everyone else
wrong. I would never claim that. look at the context. the dude was acting like I knew nothing about the genre. you don't have to listen to obscure artists to know what black metal sounds like.
>when in reality your taste is pretty stock standard
im not under any illusions that these aren't a lot of the first albums the average person finds as they get into the genre of metal
that album rocks faggot
>Listen to more music
what do you think im doing??
>Trying too hard to be contrarian
I just like the album Belus actually. songs like glemselens elv are so mesmerizing
>You dont actually enjoy this album, you just fell for the meme.
actually I just enjoy listening to pulse demon. I would never claim it has much artistic merit though. I don't care enough to find out more about other noise music, I just listen to pulse demon(usually in the background) when I'm in the mood.
>considering most people these days start off with black metal and never check out anything before
you're just making shit up. this is simply not true of anyone I know in real life that listens to extreme metal.
the only reason you people think that I think my taste is better than yours is some weird projection or something.
I literally just said OP did not post black metal and called some people faggots and suggested suicide along the way. I suggested that OP got filtered by extreme metal and called him a diapershitter, but that simply does not make me an elitist. I don't think my music is better, I just think its good. OP clearly isn't able to appreciate black metal and thats gay and retarded. multiple other people in this thread said similar things about how maybe he just prefers thrash, those albums are thrash, etc, which is what I was saying albeit in a more venomous way.
Idk who they think they're fooling by putting harsh noise and dark ambient albums next to the most mainstream and mundane shit like Tyler the creator or the strokes.
Along with daughters of darkness I've also seen "le creepy dementia record xD"
come up a lot in tourists charts. The age old habit of putting something you'll never listen to on your chart for indie clout continues. And that's sadder than any form of elitism or gatekeeping desu
>he couldn't possibly listen to more than one genre of music. thats impossible
really dumb accusation. if I cared about what you people thought of me I wouldn't post a chart under a tripcode. I already knew more or less what was going to be said about the chart when I posted it.
also where did your mention of the strokes come from? no strokes album to be found on that chart. I listened to one strokes album and it was ok at best
Caretaker I can MAYBE buy a little more consider that it has a whole meme around it so a lot of zoomers probably have listened to it just to say they have. There is nothing like that surrounding Daughter of Darkness. It's just a 6 hour long drone album from 10 years ago. Even drone fans probably haven't listened to that album more than a few times in their life
Because you're offended by Nationalism
>that album rocks faggot
It doesn't though. It sounds like someone with a very baseline understanding of metal tried writing a metal album. I could tolerate it on her last album because it felt like a one off gimmick that took everyone by surprise - but when it's your entire schtick, you're gonna need to do a whole lot better than 3rd rate Rob Zombie riffs and Avenged Sevenfold leads
how old are you user, you talk like a teenager. gotta be 18 to post here sport
I am 18 sport.
>I literally just said OP did not post black metal
>OP clearly isn't able to appreciate black metal
>but that simply does not make me an elitist.
fucking kek
cringe as fuck, you literally weren't even alive when 9/11 happened
>you're just making shit up. this is simply not true of anyone I know in real life that listens to extreme metal.
Wrong. Black metal is the new Slipknot, it's what everyone gets into when they are uber edgy and is what leads to people saying the same shit about how "hurr durr diaper shit", metal is about a lot more than scaring mommy and daddy and there is a reason many people go their whole lives being metalheads, most edgelords will retire from the genre once they get laid and become pussy whipped to some bitch who makes them get a haircut, and contribute to the idea that metal is only edgy music because they never bothered to listen to Black Sabbath or anything that didn't have death growls.
I wasn't directing it at you. I was directing it at tourist hipsters as a whole, which is a subgroup that you fall under.
Caretaker still sucks though, its classical music put under different filters and I could have made it in 5 hours with a vinyl ripper and a DAW. Nothing of value in it.
I'm not sure what is worse though, a hipster lying about taste or one that convinces themselves that an album is really scary or abrasive. On the topic of daughters, their comeback album was one of the most cleanly produced and inoffensive "noise" albums I've ever heard but it's heralded as something totally terrifying. I hate tourists with a passion bros...
>the dude was acting like I know nothing about the genre
Judging by your taste I really believe that you dont. I originally was on your side with the fact that most of that isn't really black metal, but after you posted your chart all credibility was out the window. Reminds me of something I'd post in 2010 when I started listening to metal
let me guess, this kid learned all he knows about black metal from Lords of Chaos
making a claim about genre definitions has NOTHING to do with elitism
his post is really saying "why is thrash better than black metal"? which is gay as fuck
whatever grandpa, would you just die already? jeez.....
im still not convinced this is common. people wear the shirts more nowadays as a fashion thing but listening to black metal in the privacy of their own home when nobody is there? not commonly done by people who have never listened to traditional heavy metal
>judging by your taste I really believe that you dont
it doesn't take that many albums to get a general understanding of basic genre definitions.
never watched it. sorry that I don't fit into your goofy caricature of a person
Because thrash is good and tremolo picking is bad
>his post is really saying "why is thrash better than black metal"? which is gay as fuck
black being better than thrash is a personal opinion and you acting like there's objective fact behind it is literally the definition of elitism
it's funny seeing literally children arking up like this. You've got school in the morning, go to bed and let the grown ups talk
>it doesn't take that many albums to get a general understanding of basic genre definitions.
If you only have the most basic understanding of genre definitions you cannot have a valid opinion on the genre
There is a metal general? All I could find is some retarded bong posting his own face over and over.
Yeah, that dude has his phases. Wish it was just his face being posted.
I've reported him many times for avatarfagging but expecting a mod to do his job it more than optimistic.
He's actually permabanned, he just evades. Keep reporting anyway. We had something similar going on earlier last year and mods just started banning on sight because he used to cause trouble literally 24/7, 7 days a week and that guy eventually fucked off for the most part.
>Dab Forums x
>filter image md5
you know the mods are useless and he won't go away why can't you just do this?
I'm banned but your post made me seethe so much that I had to give you a (You)
If this is bait it's brilliant, otherwise you're a prime example of why tripfags should be gassed you fucking nigger genre tourist
Reminder that first wave black metal did leather, spikes, corpse paint, satanic lyrics, lo-fi production, breathing fire, goat heads, pentagrams, and inverted crosses first too.
Get fucked Norsefags.
>anyone who knows what black metal is supposed to sound like knows that this is not black metal
Why? Because it doesn't sound like utter shit like most 'trve black metal'?
Iugh, please no
>the first wave did all these things first
lol that's cute
>Bathory is black metal
>but not Venom
Come on now. I love Bathory and vastly prefer them to Venom, but their debut is a pure rip-off of Venom's "Black Metal" album.
>both have goat heads on the cover
>both have a song called Raise The Dead
>both have a song called Sacrifice
>Welcome To Hell has a song called In League With Satan
>Bathory s/t has a song called In Conspiracy With Satan
It's so obvious.
the OG black metal band from the first wave was literally scandinavian
norsefags still on top
Influence does not make it the same thing. Bathory were 100% influenced by Venom I agree, but all the things you mentioned are superficial things based on imagery and song titles, not what the actual music sounds like
Fucking based
I can never take black metal's retarded 'image' seriously. They look no different to Kiss playing dress up
Bathory is Swedish, but they're the only ones. Hellhammer was Swiss (not Scandinavian) Sodom is German, Venom is English, Slayer is American, and Sarcofago were Brazilian.
>posts bathory
>Get fucked Norsefags
the difference is that black metal is a genre of virgins, while kiss are giga chads
And Bathory are the OG black metal band.
Explain how Bathory sounds more black metal than Venom's Sons of Satan.
I was on my way to listening to black metal, but all of you are so retarded that turned me the fuck off. Go outside, get a coffee, go for a walk, get a life.
Kill yourself
Nobody asked genre tourist
Listen to more music
Black metal from 84
Never saw them as any more than a thrash band desu, the only thing that really makes them anything close to black metal is the raw production, but musically it's nothing alike
The only release of theirs I would say is close to black metal is In the Sign of Evil, which wasn't until 85
Not even close to black metal, their first album was still mostly rooted in classic heavy metal
Black metal for sure, but their first release was 86
Bathory are the originators, black metal is norse
Sons of Satan sounds like Motorhead. Their style of playing is still rooted in bluesy chord progressions. It's still more extreme than what came before it, don't get me wrong - but with better production it could easily fit on a Motorhead record.
Lol I just want to listen to Hellhammer. What's the point in arguing about genre autism faggotry? I don't believe that concrete sub-genre categories held any weight in the eighties. Death Metal established itself by 89-90, and Black Metal established itself as anti-Death Metal. Any extreme metal before that was just 'metal' that wanted to be more abrasive and obscene than Iron Maiden.
So basically just, fuck your genre autism, and stop trying to put a fence between things that are clearly related. Genre categories are a distraction. Stop discussing this faggotry.
you like thrash, not black metal lmao
Who says it's not both, genrefag?
The term "black metal" just meant Satanic thrash from like 1982-1987 and it wasn't until Euronymous and his militant autism came along that it came to mean what it means today.
jilemnice occultist > ritual
>and for the record I like all music except rap
allow me to rap-pill you real quick
at the core it's all about the rhythm between like vowels
It wasn’t. Only Bathory and Slayer were good out of that pic
Quorthon was Swedish
This deserved trips. So close.