Only God-tier drumming allowed

Only God-tier drumming allowed

Attached: flowers of romance.jpg (700x700, 56.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wish I knew more drumming albums

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what do you recommend op

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Taking the easy way out.

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hell yeah

Rashied Ali beats the fuck out of his drum kit for 35 minutes

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Attached: slayer-reign-in-blood.png (1000x1000, 1.76M)

i came here to post this fucker

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Attached: sleepwhenyourdead.jpg (900x900, 29.38K)

Attached: BeastieBoysLicenseToIll.jpg (500x252, 22.23K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (512x502, 129.14K)

Does this count?

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A love supreme
A love supreme
A love supreme
A love supreme
A love supreme
A love supreme


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bongo rock - incredible bongo rock

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good thread

Attached: Folder.jpg (200x200, 48.22K)

arguably their best

arguably their worst

in terms of drumming it definitely wins

Girl Loves Me especially

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i only know this album sorry guys

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based selection.

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pic related + almost all of Tool's discography (except for most of Undertow)

Also anything Meshuggah > whatever gay Jazz you hipsters will post in here

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another screamo album with godtier drumming

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Does this count?

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Going Blank Again too

Any Joshua Redman trio release with Brian Blade, any Vijay Iyer trio release or any Walter Smith III record with Eric Harland on it. Good drummers usually shine on smaller format releases.

Nobody posted spiderland? Legit my favourite drumming on any album. Ride - nowhere maybe comes second place but after spiderland it's uncertain.

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>dude buddy rich lmao

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