What is your honest opinion about these guys?

What is your honest opinion about these guys?

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they're fine
I have a neutral feeling about them like almost every other artist I listen to that I dont like a ton

They're fine.


the version of Step with Danny Brown and Heems is much better than the album version

Like ‘em a lot. Listened to them a lot when I was younger, probably some nostalgia speaking but whatever

Their newest stuff feels like it’s fallen off. Harmony Hall/This Life was the closest I feel like they’ve gotten to their roots, the rest has been pretty mediocre since Modern Vampires.

GOAT indie pop album coming through

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That's a great album but couldn't get into any of their others

i fucking hate them. loathe them. despise them, their plinky-plonk cutesiness, their pastel boat shoe style, their shaved faces, their preppy fans bopping up and down and smiling to their shitty graceland positivity obama vibes. i wish ISIS had hit one of their shows instead is how strongly i fucking hate this band and their godawful music.


modern vampires of the city is one of my favorite albums of all time.

reminds me i'm old and not hip anymore :(

That’s not The Postal Service

Even though I was front and centre of Pitchfork-core 2008-2013 I somehow never actually listed to VW, I only got to them a couple of years ago.

I don't have any nostalgia for s/t or Contra, I find them pretty plain and forgettable. However Modern Vampires is one of my favourite recent records, listened to it for a month straight during winter last year and it always reminds me of that time, taking the train into the city in the snow etc. Father of the Bride was great too, very easy listen.

i kinda feel they were a band of diminish returns. i know its not popular view here but they're albums get less good. 1 is amazing,2 is great, 3 is still a good album. and then... meh

honestly a fantastic band, at least until the last album
I have both S/T and Modern Vampires rated 5/5 on RYM
I don't think its consistently downhill but I agree their earlier two albums are underrated compared to Modern Vampires

>I don't think its consistently downhill but I agree their earlier two albums are underrated compared to Modern Vampires

no i was prob over simplfiying. i think the sad thing is as they got "muscially" more skilled, their music got worse if that makes sense.

boring women music

last great american band. koenig is a genius

i think ezra is an awesome dude and is really talented but once rostam went his ego went pretty unchecked imo. rostam made elevated them to a whole new level when he was with them. those first 3 records are flawless without a bad song

This. Fucking gayyyyyyyyyyy

actually funny and based descrip

Rostam was carrying hard

Fantastic band that unfortunately is probably past their prime

not very good
liked them when i was 16, but even when i listened to them again at about 18 i cringed at their (((shtick)))

i always thought (((they))) got away with the wholescale rip off of frican music really easily...white rich boys - i mean only they and (((paul simon))) got away with it.

got away how? it was endlessly fucking debated back in the day, always brought up (even you, 13 years after their debut album). there just wasn't this culture of instant punishment like we have today

was it? i was pretty young so maybe i missed the controversy. i agree they wouldnt et away with it now without having to beg forgiveness after every show

First two albums are fun
Third album is bland
Fourth has some great songs but is ridiculously bloated

>ywn be listening to Vampire Weekend, Glasvegas, and Oracular Spectacular & laughing at viral videos about hipsters in comfy 2008 when the recession was still called the "credit crunch" and you still assumed things would be back to normal in 12 months ever again
Simpler times, I look at those CDs in my collection now and the sheer amount of future we've lost inbetween makes it feel like 30 years ago, fuck

Feels bad.

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Nice music, but the lyrics I've heard are a bit corny and posturing.

The musical equivalent of a college kid who attends an Ivy after spending his childhood in elite private schools while living in Westchester and spending his summers on Martha's Vineyard.
In other words, complete and utter trash.

singer just yells vowels



I like them, no tmy faves but their self titled was cool and contra havent heard anything else though

Thats not the lyrics

I have fond memories of oracular spectacular fuck me now i gotta re listen, congratulations is the motherfucking GOAT though
