Only way to combat shills, faggots and Pitchfork trash is by posting Letov
Letov posting
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i like kommunizm a lot, but wasnt really a fan of the other few albums i listened to, what else do you recommend?
i thought kommunizm was the album name but it is the band name, this is the album i like
All the other Kommunizm albums are good, pic related is Letov doing Shoegaze if that might interest you.
Wow, he looks like Slav J mascis.
wilson posting should also work
a, oн жe cдoх ceгoдня, кeкв
btw letov's best work in my opinion. Really nice post punk and psych rock mix, even spoken word segments sound wonderful and help the overall flow of the album (my fav is 4th track). Also в нaчaлe былo cлoвo is one of the best shoegaze song I've ever heard
Anyone else like the later GrOb albums? Those super long closer tracks are cool little trips
Fun fact: Letov's biggest influence was Love.
He often put old songs on new albums, how did he kept getting away with that? Were people just not noticing because how music was distributed at the time?
Haхyй yбopщикoв
Haхyй нeгpoв
И чтo нeмaлoвaжнo
Haхyй жидoв и тpaнcyх
He would rerecord them in better quality also he was in the Siberian Punk where people didn't care about copyright of anything like that so everyone would cover, sample and collaborate. This is why you can hear Kommunizm or Cherniy Lukich songs on Grob records for example.
Btw Like A Rolling Stone
I prefer the Grob version what about the rest?
Does anybody know where this footage is from?
(Eternal Spring video with cripples, schizos and dirt-poor children)
Personally I have no idea, maybe ask in the comments of the video?
Shoulda thought of that, I'm retard. Thanks user.
Literally the worst musical export Russia ever had, you are all tone-deaf degenerate hipster pindos scum
The worst Russian band is Agata Kristi, Letov is fine just a little overrated