Why Dab Forums hates him?
Why Dab Forums hates him?
Because mu
who wouldn't?
he is a hateful bigot
I do hate him as well, just wanted to know other people reasons
I hate him for reviewing black people fairly decent
I don't. his sense of humor is obnoxious and he became too much of a poptimist, but I respect him for not just regurgitating Dab Forumscore, rymcore and pitchforkcore and actually appreciating genre classics unknown to typical indie audience and even some dadrock.
He's biased against deftones for some reason, probably because his ex liked them or something
And deftones are really fucking good so his opinion means jack shit to me
the balding
He overrates trash music (Bullie Eyelash). And is an SJW-faggot
Based. His review of the latest Deftones was embarassing.
He's a spineless son of a bitch that tries to act like he's smart.
The reviews on Dab Forums.fm are pretty good. Based advertising.
because for some reason people seem to care a lot about his opinions lmao
I've never watched a thing he's done, but he looks annoying
Opposite of this is a red flannel for white male rock bands.
You should all check out Dab Forums.fm
Nu male sjw pandering faggot
He totally ditched any sembalance of being cool after he was threatened with being cancelled
why was he threatened of being cancelled?
Just google fantano fader
I don't hate him. I hate every faggot who keeps posting him and any other reviewer here.
because he has a bad taste
Why is there a thread of this man every day?
This one is an ad for Dab Forums.fm
he got all fake and gay after the fader article
Why did he do it bros?
his opinions are trash like 90% of the time
Because he is the embodiment of this board. Opinionated and snooty despite being thick as pigshit.
>deftones are really fucking good
They had ONE good album and even white pony had bad songs on it
The way he talks about albums is interesting until one day you watch a review for an album you know pretty well and the whole thing falls apart.
what the fuck is pitchforkcore you mean like country music?
he's Jewish
>Why Dab Forums hates him?
Because I want to listen to music not brainless critique of music.
no k4000 day album review
> he doesn't know what pitchfork is
Hes a reviewer and thats enough
based lainposter
what the hell if the point of a music critic? Either you like something or you dont
we have like 2 threads about Fantano every day, im starting to think he post these himself
he is not biased, that album was fucking trash. deftones themselves are a shitty metal band.
white male rock bands most of the time suck, specially the ones he reviews, except for prog and metal, art rock, and some punk bands, they are all shit
what the fuck is "Nu male"
the channel thatistheplan got him in a lot of hot water with fader. some shitty news site like Vox and Vice.
some e-girl said swans are boring.
it is a curation service most of the time, npc's dont have the time to indulge in multiple projects or art pieces, so they have someone do it for them, and then mindlessly agree with him because they just seek validation.
He's a retard.
>so his opinion means jack shit to me
If that was true, your post wouldn't even exist. Think about that for a second.
>Dab Forums.fm/reviews
Gotta love when one faggot thinks they can speak for an entire board