It's over Manson bros

It's over Manson bros

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havent been on Dab Forums for a year but this transphobe had it coming

thought that said Reno Sheriff's Department at first glance

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lmao same


This can be good for Manson cause if they find nothing is wrong then Mansons name will be cleared

or he ends up in jail being beaten and gang raped like r kelly

Well if he does he deserves it. This is a Win Win situation in my book.


That's what many have ben asking since this start. Get officials involved so his name get cleared and these cunts get ridiculed. The guy is innocent, there's nothing to fear.

Funny how you SJWs think this will bring him down.

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I'm finna screenshot this for when he gets arrested

Even if he's guilty it accomplishes so much nothing to keep harping on slimy Jew producers and run of the mill weirdos when quite possibly all of them are involved in truly sickening shit. Things about show business are far worse than what a limp wristed leftist or some SJW cumdumpster can imagine.
Rose McGowan dated the guy for years. They all know more than they let on. It's getting pathetic at this point. Both on the part of them trying to pass their stupid ARG as real life and dumb fuck fans who keep thinking it's real.

Free my nigga

w*ite women are garbage, he deserves it.

what's wasteriskite

That'll teach you to date adults more than a year younger than you and to have untreated emotional problems shitlord groomers. Men deserve no compassion or understanding

Out of all the horrible things Manson has done, from rape to torture, transphobia is where you're drawing the line?
Neoliberal zoomers are something else

the thumbnail image looks like nicholas cage

Hateful language is worse than rape you retard

despite all my rage

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he's got nice hands - sign of intelligence