What is Beyonce's deal?

What is Beyonce's deal?

Attached: bey icy.webm (1024x576, 808.91K)

coomer kino and good voice wasted on "boss bitch" type music for 14 year old girls

being a black rich woman

To look like a white woman because Jay z has a snow bunny fetish.

She’s a hardcore satanist, and it isn’t even a conspiracy


Lol look at that Becky wig


Attached: 3d250194-5f2d-4afb-a04a-0ae177452a99.jpg (1000x555, 66.06K)

Never really liked her, but she does look amazing here

Just imagine the kind of logs she cuts with dem thangs

jesus christ

i don't really like her music neither her as a person but if you don't want to fuck her you are genuinelly a faggot

Thats really the main thing that matters

Attached: bey ivy.webm (940x1080, 1.23M)

Since when is this bitch this juicy?

looks fake desu

nigga by how that webm looks like and how fluid her tits move it looks way too natural
besides she had twins so make sense why she got so thicc

if you think her ass is real you’re retarded

Attached: bey ivy1.webm (1280x718, 714.38K)

why the fuck would jayz cheat on her

Isn't jayz practically music weinstein?


Worded it dumb, but like he fucked alot of "aspiring singers" if they wanted to advance their careers

Attached: bey ivy2.webm (1920x1080, 982.08K)

Vigilant Citizen