Most popular topsters on Reddit

What does Dab Forums think?

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It's pretty bad taste but so was mine when I was 14. Hopefully he grows out of it but in my experience redditors and normies in general never do because at 14 I knew I knew nothing about music and wanted to expand my taste and understand music better and this guy probably calls anyone who encourages him to do that a gatekeeper.

I think you should go back

Yeah i know, it's really bad because all these albums are popular. Hopefully he starts listening to this obscure ukranian electronic shoegaze folk noise band that was active in 1976 and made a limited release of 10 bootleg vinyl copies of their album. Just like me

Is that your chart?

Drain Gang AND Loveless? Gtfo with that unloveable, unbased, unfiltered, unlistenable trash heap garbage. I’m the real based god and anyone who enjoys music agrees. Slat.

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but dude everyone knows: if album is good then album cannot possibly also be popular

this chart is nightmare fuel my guy

>tfw not a single one of my favorite albums is on there

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There's only 8 good albums in what is otherwise a sea of garbage

Holy embarrassing
Again, kys

incredibly entry level, also
get out

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>literally just took a Dab Forumscore chart and peppered some albums he likes in between
This is just a redditard with no ability to enjoy things that haven't been approved by a group consensus.

If this is a Reddit topsters were the fuck is Weezer?

subbed it out for CSH

Everyone who has Spirit that high as at least OK taste in my book.

it's an average 20s white boy with "ecletic" taste that has been listening to music for 4 years at most

> no k4000
homophobia is alive and well

"Individuals" don't exist
Don't even bother to resist
Submit, conform, follow the norm
Obey the majority
Your group mentality

Kiss ass, kiss ass
Kiss ass to your peer group

hmm a lot of that looks suspiciously similar to the charts you faggots post. so it's plebian when it's reddit but it's patrician when it's Dab Forumscore? cope.

Basically me few years ago

"I like what Fantano likes and read "ALBUMS YOU MUST LISTEN BEFORE YOU DIE" -lists"

looks pretty similar to half the charts i see on Dab Forums
really gets the noggin joggin doesn't it