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Her voice is unironically good. Can't even blame her for singing exlusively about lard because the moment she made a song about being fat her career took off. Now that she faded in popularity i hope for a punished Lizzo comeback in the next five years, this time in a better shape


Attached: 106769736_324299042067100_858529611217048447_n lizzo bikini twerk.webm (384x480, 2.94M)

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no wonder the americans love her.

based massaposter


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you are racist and misogynist if you arent immediately aroused by this image. we can use technology to determine whether youre aroused and failure to be will result in detention in an education camp

arousal has nothing to do with believing one's race is superior to another race or hatred of women

looks like youre on the wrong side of history, fascist

how am I a fascist

What if I’m aroused because I’m disgusted?

I must be Joseph Goebbels then


Lizzo is a beautiful, healthy, BIPOC, but the racists want y’all to think she’s unhealthy simply cause she goes against white beauty standards

theres already a thread for this

i'm a racist and a misogynist and i'm still aroused by it

Attached: 773.jpg (859x960, 218.04K)

what's a massa?

master in black language

ok, thank you for the reply.

she's bi?