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I feel like I could hang out with you bros in this thread. There is already a good vibe. Much better than the vibe in the other shit threads on this board.

pure ear-kino

Love when I randomly hear this playing on the radio, that's when you know summers just starting
Get me out of this cold miserable winter already please

Simpler times.

this music video is my mental representation of what the 90's were like and how happy the world around me was

I miss my ex bros

Did you know the girl in len has autism

crying bros

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We must go back lads...

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I still remember that summer. I still remember VH1 pop up video. I still remember getting PlayStation magazines and getting hyped for games that would wind up sucking because you could imagine them being cool in your head. Mortal Kombat Special Forces is the one that comes to mind, but it's possible I am off by a year or so. My friend who lived far away came to visit and stay with us for a week and it was magical. We went and saw Wild Wild West, and it was kinda disappointing because it wasn't even close to as good or comfy as Men in Black, but it still felt good walking out of the theater. Later we went to some nearby star viewing place that had a big telescope in some building that wasn't open. Then we got mango ice cream.

this song makes me feel so fucking nostalgic bros. like everything is gonna be okay if you only live in the past and ignore the present

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even the album art was comfy

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Eh, for me it was the early 90's not 1998-99. By 99 everything was east coast vs west coast rap and all that stupid wigger shit. In the early 90's we were wearing surfer and skater fashion instead of trying to act tough every single millisecond of the day.

Wish the thread wasn't moved. Dab Forums is a shit board filled with shitters. There has to be some greater cosmic irony in it though. Here we are all these years later, indulging in our self defeat.

september 10, 2000 last good day on earth

This, 92 was a kino year

blah blah blah beat
every sentence rhymes with eat


L - A - T - E - R that week

Hello Dab Forums-Dab Forums bros

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Is mu also a pol board now