Perfect albums

I'll start

Attached: Wu-TangClanEntertheWu-Tangalbumcover-1.jpg (320x320, 32.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Mingus_Black_Saint.jpg (300x300, 43.88K)

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close but those skits are exhausting

scaruff was right about this one.

Attached: images (11).jpg (320x320, 13K)

Attached: Second Life Syndrome.jpg (300x300, 93.23K)

K4000 - Day

ALL shit

Attached: mj.jpg (220x220, 17.55K)

Attached: Grimes_-_Art_Angels[1].png (300x300, 145.2K)

Attached: wallhaven-vml71p.jpg (8000x4500, 1.25M)

Attached: d.jpg (960x960, 286.81K)

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get fucked retards

Attached: B411E60B-B9A4-41A4-BF9F-27F5A13814A9.jpg (828x662, 341.72K)

They played the wrong chord in the third track
Fucking pentatonic scale wank. I can’t listen to anymore pentatonic solos.
Terrible stereos
Out of tune singing
All one note pop music and bluff from the bass

Attached: R9bd879ec1f61476832aaf2f60a7d80e5.jpg (953x953, 191.73K)

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Attached: 89994-yo-la-tengo-electropura.jpg (800x800, 59.36K)

This is objectively correct