Tfw he died before he could discover Dab Forums

>Tfw he died before he could discover Dab Forums.

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>he died before he could discover Dab Forums

Actually no

Dab Forums's foundation and his murder are 12 days away. He could've started browsing this hithole in that short period of time. However, I doubt so.

>12 days

it's actually 20, and I'm fucking retarded

maybe he killed himself because of Dab Forums. predicted the future and how this site would end up destroying the internet

Nigga you gay

no, I'ma faggot

That’s sad indeed, we probably would’ve gotten some kino Elliott posts in early 10s

what makes you think he would visit this hellish place?

>not getting sad because he didn't get to record any more music
>getting sad because he didn't live long enough to shitpost on a retarded autistic indonesian image-evaluating forum

never change Dab Forums

who's that

Dab Forums would have saved him. You know he was a weeb at heart.

can someone please tell me



please guys

plase tell me when you figure out who he is

elliot rodgers

can someone please answer me

well he was killed by his hapa gf

no, youre trolling, its not him. can someone please tell me who him is

hapa? whats a hapa can someone please tell me what a hapa is as well answer now.....

answer now or else....

If he didn’t die we wouldn’t have Pheobie Bridgers to save us from white male privilege..