Huh Kanyebros?
Huh Kanyebros?
Good. Kim is mine now.
Didn't they already do this like last year?
this marriage lasted 6 years longer than I expected so bravo
Our chad is finally free from that illuminati ass family
She couldn’t handle all the red pills
this, 7 years is very long by celebrity standards.
Kek my company was gonna wire their new summer house in Harrison. Looks like that's of the menu now. Good riddance imo. Don't need any niggers in idaho.
the next album is going to be either amazing or a complete fucking mess. im leaning more towards the latter one.
Kim was the worst thing that ever happened to Kanye
He is free at last
bound 2 get divorced LMAO!!
Kim is a ho, and her family is full of hoes. How could Kanye fall for a ho?
You think Ye and Catlin ever smoked J together?
she probably gave great head
Why do celebrities even bother marrying?
What’s the fucking point?
kanye is a massive autistic coomer user
that's great i am so happy for him!!