post your favorite radio stations from around the world!

Attached: radiogarden.png (903x653, 768.66K)

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thanks for the share OP, amazing website.

my favorite is FIP, don't know many radio stations, this one's broadcasted around here and is the most based in the available selection i have

There's one in Japan that plays serene Christian music I turn on every once in a while
Sometimes to get some ideas for songwriting I open up 3-4 tabs and set them to stations from various corners of the world, then I jot down moments the songs they play have in common

some of the things I've found

Attached: faves.png (323x405, 50.03K)

I'm listening to jean michel jarre in taiwan

Does this actually use FM or does it basically map online radio streaming to where their broadcast towers are roughly?

Because I like listening to football coverage of my local team which is only broadcast on FM for licensing reasons, the BBC website won't let you listen along

That’s based, like my listening to music on shuffle through the wall method

WFMU (New Jersey)
Radio Student Ljubljana

Attached: wfmu-dusty.jpg (600x787, 108.71K)

WFMU for sure
Has a great variety of shit and has never once disappointed me.

Attached: wfmu.png (1416x958, 2.06M)


I just listen to BBC radio 4.

site doesn't work it just goes
>>waiting for
>>processing request...
and repeats over and over again

try a different browser. mine works in firefox

Any recommendations for good Russian volnys?
Works on my machine.

online streaming, yes
Nice! There's like a bunch of them? Rock&Soul, Sheena's Jungle Room, Abu Audio..

its for adults. it has a very traditional liberal style.

Bhutanese radio sounds about how I expected it to.

The one I listen to the most is The Lot Radio, from Brooklyn, NYC, you can hear it on their website too

Attached: c175.png (175x175, 4.04K)


95.9 The Ranch - Dallas Fort Worth

Surely the greatest country station in the world

Attached: ranch1.png (271x177, 16.09K)

Can anyone rec me a good jazz/blues station?