>Thread Question: What's your favorite snack to eat while working on your webcomic? Water Read Oi! Tales of Bardic Fury to find out more m.tapas.io/series/oi/info >water=life
>What's your favorite snack to eat while working on your webcomic? I've found that working with ink and paper doesn't lend itself to snacking at the same time. Pizza grease just gets everywhere.
So im trying to make a team of characters for my comic idea “Dial H for horror” basically a super team of monsters that explore the world of the weird between universes. I wanna make a character who generates a flesh like substance for their power similar to hot pants from jojo. Currently my idea for other characters is a hardass wizard mummy, an egotistical and rich gadgeteer invisible man and the bride of the Frankenstein who is the heart of the team.
Working on some very, very rough storyboards for my comic, Froz Challenger. I liked how this sequence of pages turned out so I rendered it out into a gif. I'm using Krita's animation stuff to organize the pages. The blank space below the "page" is for notes. Here's a little context for what's going on: >Main two characters, Froz Challenger and Wyatt Wycked, are bounty hunters going after a bad guy >Bad guy's in this company's building and triggered its security system so he could go after the CEO >That security system has the building encased in thick metal shutters >Wyatt tried cutting a hole in these shutters using some fire magic like a blowtorch >Of course he opened a hole right in front of a concrete pillar >Froz freezes the wall on both sides (He's got elemental powers) >He then brings those two sides of ice together, crushing the wall >Then he melts the ice with the wall giblets inside it and poses heroically (he's got a bit of a complex) I'll also post some proper pictures of the characters. I'm still polishing up Froz's design so you'll get a WIP image of him.
don't mind me, just came here to answer OP and not shill my comic because I am trying to make a backlog of at least 4 chapters. Maybe also crank out a March of Robots thing if I can >What's your favorite snack to eat while working on your webcomic? Carrots, roasted salty peanuts and boiled eggs
>Alt Question >What drugs are you on while you work on your webcomic? Caffeine and nicotine are drugs and I am on them. My crippling addiction to sugar free energy drinks is going keep me working for low pay well after I pass away.
Maaaan, seeing your art level do a Kaio Ken x9000 this chapter has been awesome to witness
Daniel Thompson
Slow Tuesday morning for webcomics? What is everyone working on?
Jesus fuck youre right, what the hell? I must have messed up my settings or some shit
Zachary Ortiz
Question about your process, are you inking on translucent paper over pencil drawings here? It looks very nice
Solid artwork, but the figures and faces seem very unexpressive, if you had the same art but gestures and faces like a rockwell picture, it'd be a lot more fun imo
Someone told me thats its boring and cliche to just have your protagonist recieve powers without really doing anything for them. So I was wondering how I could make this idea more interesting? One idea I had was that the person who recieves the powers from another person has to sign some contract and then has to help out with all kinds of wacky demands.
Jack Morales
>Question about your process, are you inking on translucent paper over pencil drawings here? It looks very nice Thanks user- I actually bought myself a lightbox last spring and it makes all the difference. I pencil on shitty printer paper, then ink on Canson 98lb mix media paper, so it's nice and heavy. Can't draw digitally for shit.
Cooper Carter
Fuck you and your god awful series. It's not funny, or inspired, or original. It's like the very definition of wet garbage. Come back to the threads when your art and writing aren't complete and total ass.
Looking sharp user. That's pretty funny if you're going the superhero route. Maybe a legacy character has to try and live up to the mantle of his predecessor, but the predecessor is a demanding psychopath?
Brayden Long
MAD LAD. Digits confirm: art school students are evil. Cat ghost mode is cute New pages Ur gonna make it. So are you.
Admiral pizza is the greatest pizza powered superhero of All time. He has 3 action packed books, a smash hit videogame on playstation 4 made in dreams. And was mentioned in PMQ pizza magazine.
Admirals log: mailing out all my books from the campaign. Finally starting to work on pages for my next story and regular updates will resume. Admiral Pizza Dream Team Fighters 2 is progressing very smoothly, New and exciting enemies and gameplay features. A /hyw/ dating simulator a experimental feature: "console burst emissions" beams intense energy directly into your brain giving you the pleasant accomplished feeling of playing for hours in a mere few seconds.
>I feel like I know this chick Awesome, that's what I'm going for- part of why something like Archie or Love and Rockets has stuck around for so long is a sense of knowing the characters, or at least their types in real life. Trying to get that across visually too. Also >girls bulli u because they know you're friendly
Depends if they buy into the art school rhetoric or not. Most of my friends went to an art school, but never drank the kool-aid and got out of it what the put in. Then you do get the occasional clown who thinks stapling garbage bags to wooden beams is fucking profound
Christopher Thompson
I'll take the compliment. Honestly it feels like I've been stagnating a bit.
then you have to go hyperbolic time chamber and surpass your limits homie I myself am probably a pretentious art school ass hole. My teachers kept telling me to stop making comics and stop learning how to draw as they encouraged lazy losers around me to staple paper bags to walls and write 5 page essays explaining the concept and why it is genius. I used to have a chip on my shoulder about it but now I look back and laugh because now I make money selling my art and the guy all our professors kept telling us was a transcendent conceptual art genius is now washing windows at a car wash place. Similarly I had a friend in the fashion course who dropped out first year to do an internship at a small fashion lable. All the other fashion students spent years talking so much shit about this girl to me, saying how weird she was, and what a loser she was for dropping out, etc etc. Now this girl owns and operates the fashion label she was interning for and is making new designs and clothes for rich hollywood and music people and has fucking made it. All of the fashion school girls who spent years talking shit about her and doing what their professors told them to do are either low ranking secretaries or personal assistants, or have shitty jobs completely unrelated to fashion none of them are designers except for my friend who dropped out. What I learned from art school is that revenge is sweet and don't listen to your professors because most of them are bitter failed artists themselves who are crabs in a bucket and do not want to see their students eclipse them.
Art school is mostly a meme, and most places charge you like, $30K a year anyway, or more.
Christian James
>The game ending Fuck me, that is amazing especially the wedding!
Jayden Anderson
I know now. At the time I was dumb. I originally went to college for architecture but switched to illustration because I couldn't cut it when it comes to the physics and materials aspect. Knowing what I know now I would have instead gotten a degree in something like agriculture or I ideally I would have gotten an apprenticeship in something useful like electrical engineering or welding. But I was way dumber back then then I am now, and art school was the choice I chose.
It was actually a Jaime Hernandez book in the university library that inspired me to drop out of my architecture course and try to go in to comics as a career. It was 4am, I was bored of the tireless architecture slog, so I checked out the comic section of the library and found a giant compilation book of Jaime Hernandez's lifes work. I had never read comics like that and L&R was a huge inspiration to me. In hindsight, I wish I did not go to art school, but what's done is done.
>It was actually a Jaime Hernandez book in the university library that inspired me to drop out of my architecture course and try to go in to comics as a career. Fucking SUPREMELY BASED
I went to a comic signing he was at once and when he was signing my L&R comics I excitedly told him that his comics inspired me to drop out of architecture school and become a comic artist. Jaime just said "uh oh" and looked visibly distressed, then smiled akwardly as he handed my comics back to me. Then I walked away. True story. I will make a comic strip about it one day.
The king dream's he is a king And lives under that deception ruling, disposing and governing, and all the cheers he receives on the wind are written, and in ashes they get turned by death, such a terrible threat! Who would ever want to rule while knowing they are bound to be awaken under the endless dream of death?
The rich dreams about his wealth that so much care it provides him, the poor dreams about the agony of his misery and poverty, dreaming is the one who improves, dreaming is the one who steals and pretends, dreaming is the one who spites and offends, and in this world, in the end everyone dreams what they are and yet not one of them gets it.
I dream that I stand here Surrounded by this prison And in other dreams I saw myself In such a far better state What is life? A frenzy! What is life? An illusion! A shadow, a fiction! And the greatest treasure means nothing for all life is but a dream and dreams, dreams are.
How many pages should you have finished before you start uploading a comic?
Robert Hill
I honestly think that, at minimum, you should start with like 10. You can start with however many you want, but I think you'll probably hook more people in if there's a fair amount to actually read. If you just start with a few pages, there's not necessarily much incentive for the reader to come back.
Grayson Jones
A better question, for the prospecting comic artist (myself) who doesn't actually read many webcomics: How BIG should an update be? as in, how many pages is reasonable to drop at once? I'd prefer to tell things in an episodic format and I feel like leaking things one page at a time would be a huge drag. On the other hand, it might be overwhelming to unload 30-50 pages at once ala monthly manga releases, not to mention it puts a huge burden on the artist. What's the ideal?
That is what I've been grappling with too. You have to find a happy medium that works for you. Fact is, all the current hosting sites cater to page a day updates. All their algorithms expect you to update frequently and often. Of course that doesnt work for comics like mine. I wanted to do chapter updates of about 30-40 pages, but it just isnt feasible. For me, I do about 7-8 pages biweekly. I used to do 4 pages weekly, but its till felt like a trickle.
This is kind of a circular debate that shows up a lot. It sort of comes down to what your comic actually IS, I think. If it is an action/adventure/shounen style/fighting/etc comic, a single page a week comes off at too slow. Two, or even three pages a week would be better, but even that can be kinda slow and even taxing on the creator.
Big batch updates are appreciated by readers, but it could take weeks or months from update to update. And generally speaking, you really want to keep your audience engaged with frequent updates. I think that might be the most important thing. But you almost have to have a massive buffer to make most of this work. Which means you have to have a shit load of work in before you even start posting at all, or you have to be really fast to keep a big buffer up.
Brandon Wright
I guess I like drinking tea, though that's moreso because I got in the habit of drinking it than anything else. Water is pretty good too.
Shit, I'd be lucky to be able to produce a page a week. I mean, I'm sure you can do a page a day if you're doing some "relatable" slice of life comic with stick figures, but if you have to draw actual characters and action, I don't see how I could possibly do more than two pages a week, even if I worked as hard as I can.
Of course, it's fine if you can afford to do it full time, but who the hell can do that?
Julian Nelson
People can live with one update a week, but rationally, that's only about 50-ish pages a year, which is maybe a chapter or two, if you're thinking in manga terms, depending on how you break things up. That's really not that much.
Levi Jenkins
>but if you have to draw actual characters and action, I don't see how I could possibly do more than two pages a week 16+ is possible depending on style but the question is if you really want to invest this much in a hobby like this.
Carter Cooper
I'm sure people with more skill and experience than me can do it - and I'm sure that if I kept it up, I'd get faster - but I couldn't make 16 pages in a week if I spent every waking moment drawing.
Jack Brown
Thanks for the thoughtful takes. What's your opinion on webtoon? I've always thought it was a mobile pandering gimmick, but the amount of potential content you can include in that format seems to better facilitate large-scale storytelling and episodic structures.
Camden Hall
I dunno much about it, but it smells like a monopoly and an IP farm.
Ryan Scott
It is an IP farm and monopoly that has killed off other big webcomics platforms and independent webcomic sites. It has millions of subscibers and has started producing live action dramas and animations of some of their top comics (though they are only producing work by Korean artists)
You sound like you've been listening to Clownfish TV. Not saying they're wrong or anything, though.
Christian Stewart
I am just shilling what they said word for word.
Jeremiah Long
you see this shit happen with youtube. AFAIK they won't stake claim on your IP as their own, but its a similar setup wherein you get to use their platform -> they profit from the traffic and share some with you
and as with youtube this leaves them with total exacting control over what they permit / promote on their platform and clearly is a very competitive business model. I mean money's money, and readers are readers, but its a worrying direction to me. Plus their data privacy clauses seem icky to me. This is just my passing understanding of webtoons though, and tapas seems to be a similar deal. Am retarded though and please correct me if wrong
you're absolutely correct. They are doing it for a reason-it works and no one stops them.
Austin Fisher
so wait, are you saying that webtoons can police content through censorship/demonetization the same way youtube can? do they approach creators and demand "write your comic the way we want or we'll dock your pay"?
I've never heard of them getting that hands-on, but they certainly reserve the right to police with impunity. I have no idea what its like to have a big comic on a platform like that
Oliver Anderson
I thought I read once that webtoon has the right to license your work once you're accepted as a featured creator, meaning they could just pawn your IP off to some soulless studio execs without your permission. scary fucking stuff if true.
Ryder Diaz
Not that user but hypothetically speaking: If I want to create a webcomic and host it on a site, which site would be the one with the most creative freedom?
Jose Nelson
Tapas had me delete 3 pages of Purrvana a few weeks ago, after it was up on their website perfectly fine for four years. >pic related is one of the pages they wanted me to delete I assume webtoons probably polices and censors content similarly.
I've been using comicfury for a while now, though it's pretty small seems alright.
Hunter Mitchell
probably a personal blog. of course, that offers you practically zero visibility unless you already have a following somewhere on the internet.
Wyatt Allen
What are your thoughts about the same reoccurring villain over the course of several time skips? So the same person is the antagonist against the first hero, their daughter, then their great grand children?
Brandon Adams
Nothing will ever beat having your own site. Personally, I thought I might put mine on comicfury until I build up a following and/or decide to get serious, then get my own site.
Luis Moore
did you try pushing back?
David King
So, the only issue here is just visibility and if I can somehow use other methods to attract attention, then I'm basically golden?
Austin Taylor
yeah I can't speak as to whether or not that's true, they'd probably have to get you to sign some shit beyond the initial TOS, but that certainly sounds plausible. Nonetheless if you want somewhere to put your shit where people will see it, its not a bad option per se. What you described sounds like a Faustian bargain for sure
no, lol it's their platform. I suck at digital marketing and rely on sites like this to find new readers. I guess if people want the uncensored version they have to buy physical copies now :P
One day soon I want to make a simple wordpress blog site people can read Oi that's similar format to Adam Warren's Empowered site. I haven't done html coding since my neopets days as a kid so I'll have to take some time to figure it out, even to make a basic wordpress thing. I am planning on doing it after I finish the current Oi chapter. Building up a personal website is the way forward.
>What are your thoughts about the same reoccurring villain over the course of several time skips? So the same person is the antagonist against the first hero, their daughter, then their great grand children? I personally think that it would work greatly depending on what you're trying to go for. For example: If the villain is suppose to be both frightening and powerful, then it would work in that setting considering that the hero's family hasn't been able to defeat it previously over many generations.
Jack Morgan
>yep Hmmm, if that's the case, then it's possible to gather a rather sizable audience. Hard but not impossible given enough time and effort and with the right methods.
Camden Russell
I agree. I have used the topwebcomics $1 a day advertising option for the past month as an experiment from Jan 14-Feb 24 I think. January I got 3,683 views after getting 2,100 views in the two previous months. In February so far I have 4,659 views and the month is not even over. My previous high in monthly views was June 2020 when I had 4,596 views.
It could also be a combination of the tapas algorithm pushing my site more because I'm doing consistent weekly updates. I don't know, but a personal site is still the way forward and the Topwebcomic ad seems to be effective.
So basically the antagonist is a construct. While not particularly threatening in himself it's his ability to create human/machine hybrid abominations and his belief that they are the only way for humanity to survive that's the real threat. He gets defeated the first time and thought to be dead. Is found and repaired by a rich industrialist who shares his vision in the second part and eventually has his body breakdown. The third time it's a mystery on how he returns
Man. I'm learning more than I ever thought possible.
James Cruz
>I agree. I have used the topwebcomics $1 a day advertising option for the past month as an experiment from Jan 14-Feb 24 I think. January I got 3,683 views after getting 2,100 views in the two previous months. In February so far I have 4,659 views and the month is not even over. My previous high in monthly views was June 2020 when I had 4,596 views. Having thousands of views a month is a really nice start, if you ask me! Congrats on that, user!
This honestly sounds like a combination of Scientology and Doomsday and your typical Saturday Morning Cartoon villain: This combination can really work well together if done right, truth be told!
Josiah Smith
there are no bad ideas, user. only bad execution.
Brody Russell
i'm making characters based on Birdman and other rappers. despite what various people have thought (...a lot of people, really) my work and participation in comics communities has very little to do with MSPA. I was in it for the comic format, memes, and for the people who liked the old phenomenon, who all seem very nice
all my work is inspired by a wide swathe of culture to the point where being a fan of those things, is a sort of "reward" for starting to be a reader. anyway, i'm still working on putting comics together
That's funny, because I seem to see every successful storytelling francise pandering to their fans with a Chosen One. Batman inherited his money and psychosis, Mickey is pulling all the strings in every Final Fantasy universe and he got this power because Disney just gave it to him. Sailor Moon, Yusuke Urameshi, Harry Potter, etc etc etc is a Chosen One who got their powers because That's The Way It Was Written™
So, either latch onto your "aha!" moment, or don't work too hard in coming up with your superpowers, drama and edgyness. Someone out there already made a comic about Miles Prower and babies so stick with what you know you can write and don't get carried away with being something new under the sun.
My character? He's got all of his powers simply from existing. The rest is good writing :)
Samuel Cruz
BZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZ I see the hive mind has learned nothing from yesterday.
Work ahead, get a year's worth of material before you start posting.
Parker Campbell
What, are we not allowed to go to page 1? >be me, 33 years old big strong boy >sees my favorite niche webcomic thread made it to page one again >heave my glorious 467lb frame out of bed and waddle over to my rainbow glow Gaming Rig >the long journey has left me panting HARD but I am not ready to go down without a fight >use the last of my physical strength to swipe away the peepee jugs from the desk >the rest of this battle will have to rely on the strength of my spirit >I summon my commanders with my voice >"hey guys, that shitty webcomic thread made it to page one so help me bump all the Stevey Weevey threads and anything with She-Hulk" >always at the ready on discord, one of my subordinates dares speak >its that 12 year old slut Becky or whatever. I let her in because she'll definitely be bangable in six years >"b-but JLord87! s-spamming the boards is a b-bannable offense! The j-j-jannies will.." >the dumb babybox doesn't know my power >"I AM THE JANNIE AND YOU ARE NOW LOWER THAN MY FANNY!" >I begin releasing a long, chunky fart of pleasure into the microphone as I hear the sobbing and gagging of my underlings >they WILL serve me >and they will post cape shit until nothing remains on Dab Forums but licensed Marvel and DC content
Carson Evans
If it's anything like Terriful or Sevod then you're better off not doing it. Don't bless the world with your new garbage. Be better.
Michael Reyes
Start making pages. Start with short 1 page stories then build up from there. You can do it.
I like that the fart made its way to the underlings, that was a nice touch.
Gabriel Jenkins
Wow user. That was a great comeback. I really learned my lesson. Please forgive me.
Jesus, your insults are as sharp as a dull knife and I'm sure it reflects in your webcomic. No wonder there's stuff like Terriful and Sevod when the quality of the posts and the seething is that of a 14 year old kid who just found out Fortnite won't be adding a meme character he likes.
Gabriel Miller
let us learn from past mistakes and ignore those who wish to sow discontent
Michael Baker
Wow. Ignore people who's opinion differs. Such a hive mind. BZZZZZ BZZZZZZZ Grow up.
Ryan Price
>t. love in-jokes, would love to be part of one some day
>How to Get Good Over the Course of 60 Years by Admiral Pizza
Bentley Price
>Write and draw stuff that makes you laff Based. Making the comic you want to read but can never quite find is a good approach too.
Jonathan Watson
The thumbnail looks like it's an advertisement for an xbox game in a gaming magazine
Jacob Nguyen
Thank you to anyone who bumped my Concord Initiative storytime thread. Never would have thought it would still be up three days in a row and still be going.
>Deeny Doll >Dolly Death >Dolly Moth >Dolly Doom >Deeny Death (Her final gear has moth ears and a silence of the lambs style moth facemask covering her mouth.) Some kind of moth or doll based name is what I'm going for I haven't come up with anything good yet. I've been watching saint seiya and card captor shakira hoping for inspiration but haven't got it yet.
>have a really strong character in a party >he entered the party organically >in the thematic sense at least >can't have him just bulldozing through the section of the plot he is involved with >can't make him job to protect the plot because the notion that he is strong would be lost What do?
Nicholas Cook
have them encounter more resistance than expected? or simply let him kick ass as he was destined to
Add a stronger enemy. He doesnt have to job... just be preoccupied with Dark Fucker, destroyer of ass. he will triumph over Dark Fucker, and look stronger for the whole ordeal, while not actually stealing the spotlight.
John Russell
Phone autocorrect, but I do admire shakira for being a successful singer songwriter in 2 languages who also does her own choreography.
Moths are a symbol of death in Irish myth and the myth of etain is about a girl who gets turned in to a butterfly. Maybe Etain Eternity or something could work.
Nolan Foster
You can have him Gandalf and be forced to leave the party to deal with a greater threat or save someone in greater need somewhere else. Or have him get taken out with sleeping potion or something in the beginning.
Camden Harris
>The name Étaín (Old Irish pronunciation: [eːdainʲ]) is alternately spelt as Edain, Aideen, Etaoin, Éadaoin, Aedín, or Adaon. It is derived from a diminutive form of Old Irish ét, "passion, jealousy".[1] She is sometimes known by the epithet Echraide ("horse rider"), suggesting links with horse deities and figures such as the Welsh Rhiannon and the Gaulish Epona.[2] In Tochmarc Étaíne Midir names her Bé Find (Fair Woman). However, the poem embedded in the text, "A Bé Find in ragha lium" may be an older, unrelated composition that was appended to the story later.[3]
Damn, I didn't even know when I named Aideen that it was just an anglicized spelling of Etain. This shit was meant to be. I didn't know about Etain's connection to the mythological Rhiannon either en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Étaín
I'm trying with throwing his way characters that can disable him with relative ease in my draft but I wonder at what point my would be audience would just go "man, this fucking guy just gets disabled all the time. does he not have any awareness of his immediate surroundings?". I want him to be this cool and reliable brawler with decades of experience but if he actually was to fill in that role, most threats become excessive for the rest of the party or vanish.
I actually HAVE a Dark Fucker whom he is not supposed to be able to beat. To give an idea with a quick tiers reference, this guy would be a high B while D.F. would be a shambling low S when they fight. My concern is more with the medium fish that should be capable of being a source of menace throughout the arc he is in.
Adrian Powell
I have a webcomic and it is not well rated.
Logan Bailey
The examples I can think of are Kakashi in the Land of Waves arc, and Killua in the beginning of Hunter x Hunter and also Jiraiya. You either have these people clean up jobbers, or you match them up with a boss type character who is really strong and has a good counter for his abilities. Then the really strong guy can go "STAY BACK, ONLY I CAN DEAL WITH THIS AND YOU'LL ONLY GET IN THE WAY IF YOU INTERFERE" like gandalf vs the balrog or Kite vs Pitou. Or you can do the thing where the strong guy is operating at 20% of full strength because he has a fluke illness, or he has been going harder with no rest and carying the rest of his party on his back. There are many ways you can go with this.
Rococo Chapter 3 page 12 I don't know why, but it take forever and half for me to finish a somewhat satisfactory page colored, so I have been doing b/w stuff, but the engagement for stuff that's been colored and stuff that's b/w is really high, like I get 5 times as much for colored stuff, so I kept going back and forth on this stuff.
page 13 It took a while for me to come up some additional lines to the "magical girl invocations" too, I am just not a very poetic writer. It would be good if what they are saying come in some sort of rhyming couplets, because in-universe it amplifies effects of magic spells, even when the spell caster comes up with it on the spot.
More and more I am kind of foregoing toning and inking and just go for sketchy lines and cross hatching. I don't know if its something people still willing to read.
Good idea and good pages. I know what you mean that it's difficult to write poetic. It does not come naturally to me either. Rhyme spells are more powerful because people are more likely to believe something they're told if it rhymes. For whatever reason, rhymes have a hypnotic effect on us
This is all I got so far, this is full sketch line page, I am still working on placement of the word bubbles. This is the fastest way for me to draw a page, but its not very good looking, but I wonder if its good enough for people to read it as is.
this art is more than adequate my dude. I like your attention to detail. nice job. do you thumbnail your pages before you draw them? doing so could help you plan your bubbles a bit better.
Asher Barnes
Kinda, but it doesn't quite capture the final image. This particular page is denser than usual, because I did it while I was trying to keep the page count for this chapter under 40, in order to fit into Tapa's chapter page count.
Looks really good, I really need to start thinking about learning to do that myself.
I made this test title screen/page thing. Something seems off, but I can't really put my finger on what... I think I need more practice before I dive into this. damn those are nice man. sweet drawings
rhymezone.com/ has helped me out well so far. May it do the same for you
John Long
Nathaniel Russell
rhyemezone is great one of those old internet treasures
Zachary Harris
She looks like someone just activated her remote vibrator, if that's what you mean. Although as a reader, I just automatically assumed that was unintentional and carried on.
Nolan Stewart
>She lol, I guess I just need to practice more. Thanks for the feedback
Elijah Rodriguez
I'm gonna blow my fucking brains out if I can't improve my art or imagination for yet another year.
Mason Morgan
What do you think hyw? Working on more variations >Deeny Deathhead could be a good name, or just Etain. Moth's are symbols of death and decay in Irish folklore and the Death's Head hawk moth entering a house (the same one in silence of the lambs) was an omen that death was coming. I like the facemask and gray soot died hair better than the red too. And to match Dana, death's head moths have skulls on them.
just do etain and make her the embodiment of some ancient mick/phoenician spirit of jealousy reincarnated again
Jose Nguyen
Oi completely forgot about Imbolc because they are starving. Banshee Vale on the other hand has been planning this Imbolc celebration for awhile. Etain it is. Just like Hannibal says, keep it simple.
Nolan Green
I had something like that with Tamamo, who could have probably solo'd Azu and her party.
In my case I just made her unable to attack her directly due to code of honor. But it has to make sense in context.
Robert Hill
Backing you up on the soot hair, its consistent with the achromatic banshee motif
Dylan Reyes
Ty for the input. It works better for the story too. It's also consistent with the gingercide going on in western comic adaption media.
This is what i plan For sevod chapter 2 to look like, but i fear not everyone will dig up this amp up of quality, also spoiler for people that don't want their plot to be spoiled.
But user! The only way to get better at making comics is by *making comics*!
Working towards a finished piece IS practicing the fundies!!!
Jaxson Sullivan
Random gummies from my corner store, but I gotta quit that shit. But I have to be careful, I work i draw right next to where I do my solder work. Gotta avoid lead poisoning. I love those white monster energy drinks tho. Great sips.
Why the fuck is this garbage allowed on here? This looks like it has no effort put into it.
Aaron Walker
Just say fuck it like I do and do a page whenever you can & have the inspiration to do so. If you try to make a page when you're not in the zone, I think it's more likely that people will notice that something is off.
Jeremiah Morgan
Just before I go to bed. Special thanks to my artist. :)
I see you've learned absolutely fucking nothing from what I said. Why do you feel the need to add your garbage? Why not improve your art and come back when your stuff doesn't look like actual shit?
Looking good /k/omrade. Interested to see how your comic develops He'll yeah brother. Only thing that confused me was there being both a "#4" and a "#1 of 2" displayed prominently. I get what you mean, but maybe using two different fonts or sizes would help clarify what's going on.
Levi Thompson
Now that Valentine's day has ended, which couples got lucky?
So I am urged to answer this guy. >Welcome to webcomics. Why don't you look up to good webcomics? >I've been working on Terriful for seven years That is sad indeed. I mean, I've seen people who learned how to draw decently starting from 0 in half a year. Seven years? Mate, that is enough to become a good surgeon. Drawing is not that hard to do. >rather than consistently redo my art over and over Holy hell, it was WORSE? > As I've said before, the art picks up in Issue 6. So Id be interested to see what you say when it comes out in April. Well as I said after someone posted your recent artwork, I don't see much difference. If i didn't know it, I would say it's from first 3 issues. >I do black and white because color takes forever and Im trying to keep to a set schedule that coloring in greyscale is quicker. I get that, my point wasn't "I dislike it, because it's black and white". My point was "it is a bad black and white". As i said, it lacks contrast. You use like 3 values for each panel, and they are very close to each other on value scale. Furthermore, nothing is accentuated, everything is same, monotone, subject never separated from background. Hell, just simply making each figure slightly more light would improve it. Does it take 7 years to figure out? Is it valid critique? Or should I walkthrough each fucking panel and tell exactly how values should be changed? Isn't "make more contrast" constructive enough? It isn't even an "art advice" it's just obvious reaction to the disaster your values are. >Sorry they aren't more appealing? Well you can just say "sorry" to anything, such a way to handle any situation. > I've been told my style is pretty consistent by almost anyone who reads my stuff. Well I am saying something opposite. And I am out of your hugbox zone. You are in danger to confront lots of people like me in the future.
[ comment too long, i will continue in next post ]
Nolan Stewart
>I didn't want to do thise >thise Opinion fucking discarded LMFAO
Landon Cook
Oh right. Killua. This might be a time as good as any to actually watch Hunter x Hunter. I've always been conflicted about the disease trope, though. It's a nice way to hype a character but at the same time, I'd feel like a tease for using it.
What's your comic called?
Connor Harris
How insecure do you have to be to jerk your own poorly thought out ideas on someone's webcomic that just barely started? Like seriously. It's like you're saying that just because you don't like it, it's shit and no one else should like it.
Kayden Cook
>I'm not an anatomy expert. I knew you will only answer "anatomy" part, I kinda walked myself into it. How about "No dynamism, no life, no gesture, no readable silhouettes"? You're not an expert at those too, huh? >You seen to really have a problem with my art more than anything. And that's ok, it's not for everyone. Yes, it is a very bad art, very incompetent. It is for noone except people who don't want to hurt your feeling. And trust me, they don't feel urge to read next chapter of it too. There are webcomics with weak art, that is true. And some of them are still fun. Some of them are weak, but you can see artist is trying. You are not trying. You pretty much just say "go away, read another comic". Oh don't worry about me, I most definitely will, I'm not a masochist. But i am going to shit on it, because why not? It can't stand up for itself, so what will stop me? Some made up ethical code of your discord circle jerk? >Which covers? I'll admit I changed styles around a lot with the covers, but there are a few I outsourced professionally. I am talking about 3 covers odf 3 issues i found online.
>Another art complaint. Comic is at least 50% art, right? >Name the cliches. There are some I can see, some that are intentional, but I'm curious what you're noticing. Nah, it is all pretty pointless cliched story, nothing to pick out of it, it's all pretty bad and unoriginal. >I'm curious, do you know where the story is going? Do you know, that good characters are established on first pages? Both in literature and comics. Same goes to good conflicts. >Do you realize there's two stories going concurrently? I absolutely do not care, because everything is too boring and uninspiring to care. >Do you realize there's a huge amount of setup for the next arc? I do expect that, because dumping exposition is a common sin for bad webcomics. Good media presents interesting characters, that help audience to go through all the exposition stuff.
William Parker
Soren and Marine new otp
Josiah Bailey
>Ok? How much have you read I'm genuinely curious. It seems like you didn't get past like the first two pages. Because of those exact words, I forced myself to read much more. What i got from it is - more boring story, more bad art, and more irritation. >Ok. Sorry it's not all flashy and bright or whatever. It's not your thing and I respect that. So you intend to make a bad boring comic? If so... I can't argue, i guess? Can't say "I respect that" tho. >I don't make comics to please people. Why you are salty about people not liking it then? >I make them for myself. Why putting it online? Keep it to yourself. >I have a story I want to tell, and that's what I'm doing. Tell it to yourself, what's the problem? Why littering internet? >You don't have to stick around for the ride. I know it mate, and be assured, I won't. I only read few more pages because of your response. I will gladly kick this garbage out of my head and never remember it again.
>I'd love to see your comic. If you have one. I don't have one. >I told them no and I wanted to refine and redo what I had. I'm glad I did. As i told, I'm not a masochist. But i am slightly curious how it looked back then, I admit. >It's not a waste of time if we're enjoying doing it. I enjoy saying it is a garbage, so it's not a waste of time also, I suppose. >Plus if you think that's bad, guess who put forth the villain for the crossover. Honestly don't care.
And i doubt a single person does. You did succeeded in one thing - you wanted to make a comic solely for yourself.
Parker Robinson
>I didn't want to do thise. You made me. So I am urged to answer this guy. No one made you do anything. If it's that easy to "make you" do something, then I have a nice big cock I can "make you" suck. >Why don't you look up to good webcomics? Why don't you realize not everyone is a professional? Like seriously there's no way you expect everyone to be 100% anatomy expert, Marvel hire this man good on their first issue. Even professionals have early stuff out there that isn't as good as what they do now. Let the man make his comic. >That is sad indeed. I mean, I've seen people who learned how to draw decently starting from 0 in half a year. Seven years? Mate, that is enough to become a good surgeon. Drawing is not that hard to do. No you haven't. Stop talking out your ass. >Holy hell, it was WORSE? Oh wow you really DO expect people to be at the top of their game starting off. I'm genuinely baffled. How can one man be so dense? >Well as I said after someone posted your recent artwork, I don't see much difference. If i didn't know it, I would say it's from first 3 issues. It's still a WIP. That means work in progress of you didn't know.
Jose Nguyen
>I get that, my point wasn't "I dislike it, because it's black and white". My point was "it is a bad black and white". As i said, it lacks contrast. You use like 3 values for each panel, and they are very close to each other on value scale. Furthermore, nothing is accentuated, everything is same, monotone, subject never separated from background. Hell, just simply making each figure slightly more light would improve it. Does it take 7 years to figure out? Is it valid critique? Or should I walkthrough each fucking panel and tell exactly how values should be changed? Isn't "make more contrast" constructive enough? It isn't even an "art advice" it's just obvious reaction to the disaster your values are. It's been two days and this is the ONLY critique you've put forth that has any substance to it. Well part of it anyways. The choice of grey's I can understand can be hard to follow sometimes, so I've tried to change it around in later issues being made. I also started adding lighting and Shadow shading as well to distinguish them more. >Well you can just say "sorry" to anything, such a way to handle any situation. This reads like someone seething they dare not have a we'll researched response to it. >Well I am saying something opposite. And I am out of your hugbox zone. You are in danger to confront lots of people like me in the future. Someone else critiqued my art earlier and out forth actual commentary on things I can improve instead of "I hate it and this is bad". And we had a legitimate discussion and it was good. I know my shortcomings and fuck you for thinking I should sit in limbo forever waiting for my peak.
I'm not even going to respond to the others because it's more of the same. This is the only response you're getting from me. Go cry and seeth somewhere else and come back when you figure out what a webcomic is.
Lincoln Green
>How insecure I am very insecure, but I don't believe my personal issues are somehow quantum entangled to the shitty quality of his comic. >that just barely started? Dude. Seriously. He worked on it 7 years. With a team of 3 people. Even commissioned some pro artists, as he told. >and no one else should like it I never said that, do what you want to do. I am just saying it is shit, and I pesronally can't find anything appealing about it. And I tried, I did. I believe, many people will find it ugly, at least visually.
Jace Collins
>pesronally Sorry too much sangria.
James Stewart
those digits are freaking me out o_o >over a year ago today, Aideen defeated a moth. Soon, she will be reborn as one. What goes around comes around. It's like Madoka
Worked on it for 7 years does not mean he started at his exact quality right now. Dude how rigid are you. Please explain to me o wise one, how you would make a webcomic and when you think it's a good time to release it.
For the record, betz posts his stuff from years ago and the improvement is night and day between then and now.
Anthony Sullivan
>I am very insecure And that's the end of anyone arguing with you. Go take your meds and stop fucking with people online who make free content.
Leo Scott
>hen I have a nice big cock I can "make you" suck. Unlike you, I wasn't bullied at school, so for me conversations are not about those "smart" comebacks, sorry mate. Answer on essential things I am interested in, and keep your behaviour issues to yourself. >anatomy expert Seriously dude, don't cling to that, you're not an expert in anything. I get that "anatomy" hurts you the most, but it's not even the weakest side of your comic. >Even professionals have early stuff out there that isn't as good as what they do now. Yes, but they dont act like pussies when being critiqued, they don't suggest to suck their cocks, don't repeat "fuck off" mantras etc. but let it in and improve, and this is why we call them "professionals". If you can't draw good, you are able to at least take it like a man. There is no special skill for that. Any decent human can do that. >No you haven't. Stop talking out your ass. I did, why it hurts you so much? Heck you can actually check some online schools that show online progress of students, and you can see yourself how people can improve in few months. It's not that unrealistic, mate. >Oh wow you really DO expect people to be at the top of their game starting off. Dude, your work right now looks like a work of a person who can not draw to save his life. I am naturally amazed there is some sublevel of bad under it. >It's still a WIP. Okay I wasn't aware of that.
Jose Thompson
I'm half convinced this is just Betz samefagging trying to bait people into reading his comic.
Gabriel Ortiz
Need VR girl spin-off
Alexander Lopez
Nah. If I was it'd be a stupid way of doing it.
Carter Rivera
I'm getting the same impression.
stop replying to them then.
Jeremiah Russell
>And I am out of your hugbox zone.
FUCKING THANK YOU for calling this out. Circle jerking is the biggest issue of /hyw/.
Alexander Sanders
>It's been two days and this is the ONLY critique you've put forth that has any substance to it. Not the only. You don't have: - composition - gesture - silhouette - rhythm - shape - pacing - soul
>lighting and Shadow shading as well to distinguish them more. That is totally not enough. You should change your approach completely. It sounds horrible, like I'm some /ic/ freak, but you really need to go back to "basics". If you didn't fugure out values in 7 years, you are unlikely to do it on your own ever. >This reads like someone seething they dare not have a we'll researched response to it. Maybe, but how it changes the fact you can just say "sorry" for your every fuckup without trying to do something good? >actual commentary on things I can improve I also did that. You should improve everything. There is not a singe thing in your "art" that doesn't scream for improvement. You told you work on your comic for 7 years. This means you are at least 7 years old. I've seen 7 years old children who draw better than you, you should improve EVERYTHING. Actually, improve is inappropriate word. You should start. Like, take a step from zero. >I should sit in limbo forever waiting for my peak Dude I'm not talking about a "peak". That is just out of questions with you. I ask you to give at least... like something, like not nothing. Right now it is just a garbage, it's nothing. >Go cry and seeth somewhere else Yes, I am literally in tears. Your response was so sharp, I wish you spent like 1/10 of that energy on drawing. >come back when you figure out what a webcomic is It is a comic put out online. It must look pretty, and story should be engaging. Am I wrong? Seriously, am I wrong? Is your comic like that?
>This is the only response you're getting from me It is a pity tho, I know for fact many people here enjoyed our conversation. I can tell from all namefags taking off their names. Thats so sweet, they really do hate your garbage attempt at comic.
Thomas Miller
shitflinging is antithetical to a general like this. a lot of burgeoning artists are insecure and will be chased away if they perceive nothing but hostility. this inhibits growth and stagnates the inflow of content. a welcoming attitude at least encourages people to participate no matter the objective quality of their art. and the only way a /beg/ can improve is if they draw. therefore, I stipulate that /hyw/ being a hugbox is not an innately bad thing.
no, apathy is, circle-jerking is only the second one
Easton Baker
>Please explain to me o wise one, how you would make a webcomic and when you think it's a good time to release it. You talk like you never saw a decent webcomic made by an enthusiast. ANY webcomic in these threads is better than his. Ask artists how they did it. >For the record, betz posts his stuff from years ago and the improvement is night and day between then and now. Can you post it? He probably won't answer me.
What, you only talk to confident strong people? Most people on earth are in some way insecure. Where do you live, in some sort of reservation of supercool humans?
No, he is actually mad.
It's not hyw excliusively, it is a common issue. For the record, many comics here are fun and some are even beautiful. Not President Fartz's tho.
Reason of apathy is just bad uninspiring art and stories. You all are too used to it. If you don't have competition and high stakes, you don't have testosterone to feel happy. This is the other side of petting heads.
Asher Murphy
>He probably won't answer me. I don't blame him. You've done nothing but clog up threads and shitpost for two days. By the way, the namefags aren't turning off their names to not associate themselves with Betz, they're waiting for you to go the fuck away so they can get back to sharing their progress. Smacky already said he likes Betz's stuff last thread. Here's your link: m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-man-in-black-2010-2016/list?title_no=548755&webtoon-platform-redirect=true
Brayden Cruz
>a lot of burgeoning artists are insecure
They should be. Everybody starts out bad and if you're incapable of handling that simple truth you're never going to get anywhere. You can't learn from mistakes if you're unaware of them or outright ignore them.
> and the only way a /beg/ can improve is if they draw. therefore
If you continually draw the same thing the same exact way over and over again you will never improve. The only way to grow as an artist is to push yourself, seek out new information and experiment. And you'll have no reason to do that when you get praise no matter what you shit out.
Christopher Phillips
all right look you're breaking my suspension of disbelief here.
the probability that some random person would continue to engage with this line of dialogue after multiple posts and multiple threads is very low. now if we consider who is passionate enough about Betz's work to dedicate rant after rant about it for two days straight, the most likely culprit is Betz himself.
it has been demonstrated since time immemorial that a really easy way to self-promote on the internet is to engage in schizo sockpuppet arguments with yourself. by subjecting yourself to fake harassment and false controversy, you can stir up pity points within your community, putting eyes on you and attention on your work. this can bolster your standing in the community and generate interest in your work.
>he probably won't answer me you won't answer yourself because you were advised not to , and because continued engagement in this farce will only cast more suspicion and put your whole charade in jeopardy.
you need to do something fast to convince us otherwise here.
If you've been in the discord I'm pretty sure is Roadie and I've said as such. There's no charade here and I don't care enough to circlejerk for two days straight. You give me too much credit. I rarely post in the threads as it is, so why would I go and spend two days suddenly posting in the threads Non-Stop?
Also if I was circlejerking I would have actual arguments because I know my stuff. I wouldn't just leave it as "it's bad and I hate it because I do". How am I supposed to convince you?
Benjamin Ross
You'll have a hell of a time explaining why it is that kids who showed their schoolyard chickenscratch drawings to their friends in middle school and got nothing but "so cool!" and "can you draw me??" can end up becoming professional artists in their later years.
Your perception of how an artist improves is naive and amateurish and probably predicated upon insecurity. The only way we can master anything is by repetition. Yes, critique is important for artists of any skill level, but if you yourself are a beginner giving critique then you likely lack the aptitude yourself to understand the difference between critique that encourages vs critique that discourages. This is especially evident given your behavior across two threads. This is the biggest problem the /ic/ mentality, by the way, and it's why that board is full of crabs. You are demonstrating their flaws in spades.
Colton Ramirez
Timed post for when the schizo comes back. Timestamps should help prove its not me.
Owen Reed
>I didn't want to do thise. You made me. Wow user you're such a strong brave hero
>I am very insecure, but I don't believe my personal issues are somehow quantum entangled to the shitty quality of his comic. It relates directly to how you reacted to the quality of the Webcomic you dense retard. A more secure person could put forth actual well-structured criticism. Instead you see the perceived failings of an extremely niche Webcomic as a reflection of your own insecurities
Aiden Howard
Timestamp two. Proof it's not me.
Elijah Stewart
that's not proof of anything
Jack Bell
My bad Im trying to timestamp trap the other user and I just jump the send button when I see a post.
Nicholas Richardson
>You'll have a hell of a time explaining why it is that kids who showed their schoolyard chickenscratch drawings to their friends in middle school and got nothing but "so cool!" and "can you draw me??
Alot of kids/young teens draw and get praise but few of them improve past that level into professional skill. Most either give up on art or remain trash at it. I started studying from a variety art books when I began to see just how bad my middle school art was and how wrong the kids complimenting me where.
Austin Thomas
>Circle jerking is the biggest issue of /hyw/. No, you're just used to the rest of Dab Forums being a constantly antagonistic "no u" pissing contest. People ask for critique all the time (until some autistic faggot starts going BZZ BZZ for no reason), just because we aren't aggro 24/7 doesn't make it a hugbox you dumb fag
Juan Baker
a clever sockpuppeteer could just post on desktop and then follow up on mobile, right?
you're kind of stuck here
Daniel Fisher
Just get a tripcode or better yet post numbered drawings.
Luke Barnes
Yeah you're right. I don't know what to do. Why is one user so hung up over my comic? Like I know the art isn't the best but it's not as bad as he's making out to be.
That doesn't contradict my point. You (allegedly) went and sought critique anyway despite the abundance of praise. Existing in a vacuum of critique did not stagnate you, it motivated you to improve yourself.
Cameron Scott
Anyone has the gif of Ellie entering, seeing gurk and walking back outside? I need it to react to the thread.
Daniel Powell
>That doesn't contradict my point.
Praise without direction is meaningless. If you need continual validation to draw then you lack the drive to go anywhere as an artist.
Julian Ward
Thank you. Now please delete the post so I can use it to react.
So is the Terriful comic just shit and everyone is denying it and the user is right, or is it okay and one user is just being a asshole? And with either of those why the fuck is the thread not more respected than to waste posts debating on whether or not a webcomic is objectively shit?
I'm going to ask something very weird but, I have been thinking of this mega project comic I want to do, and I thought, would it be insane to hire a songwriter to have some animated segments for the story?
How expensive could that be? I assume absolutely nobody here knows but still. Since its such a big project I thought it could be interesting, I always imagined several scenes from it in a sort of "musical" way. Maybe I can try doing the animation myself.
I also think I'm going to need to revise the story a lot. While the general plot I think it's really good (wouldn't be writing it otherwise), the story might be too aimless or cliche at first. I need to add better points of tension early on.
>takes place in a small town in the northwest, early 1980's >mythical/supernatural creatures exist but are kept secret >main character is a panda detective and his satyr friend, they are investigating a series of supernatural events that are taking place
idk having talking animal characters, one of which is a mythical creature, kind of disrupts the mysterious nature of the supernatural, especially if the setting is an otherwise reality-grounded place like the 80's northwest (assuming you're talking about america/canada)
just me though, goofier concepts have been pulled off in the past
Zachary Bell
>having talking animal characters, one of which is a mythical creature, kind of disrupts the mysterious nature of the supernatural Lol what if the "supernatural creatures" were just regular humans who happened to skip through dimensions. Like Furry world's version of Bigfoot is just Bob Jones from down the street.
Jacob Anderson
Lol what if we abided by the board rules and didn't post furry content?
Caleb Miller
yeah i forgot to mention, nobody knows he is a satyr, because he hides it like grover from percy jackson
John White
Yeah, the anti-furry rule is engraved in stone, just like other important rules on the books, like the one banning racism or the one banning image macros and catchphrases (literally every meme posted here).
Jonathan Jones
Make it more early Cyber Age or late Atomic Age, the 1980's and 90's seems a bit cliche for a super-natural northwest. Other than that would read on your premise.
Henry Gutierrez
furry characters are allowed you dingus
Brody Jackson
There hasn't been any racism in this thread? And there's no rule banning "image macros and catchphrases", it's "avatar/signature use". While the memes may be obnoxious they're not really either of those things. If you're breaking rules to make a point you've failed.
Oliver Roberts
You do realize that furry characters are posted on this board all the time
Henry Cox
Echoing this, the pastiche of 80’s Americana has already been mined pretty thoroughly.
Brody Richardson
>early cyber age >late atomic age so early cyber age is like late 90's/early 2000's, and late atomic age would be around the 60's?
Isaac Rivera
Rule 3c bans yiff, not SFW furries.
Austin Miller
I masturbated to it, it's porn.
Owen Lee
Yeah last I checked there was a zootopia thread in the catalog.
On that note, how did Dab Forums react to Beastars
Nathan Hernandez
Like what do you think is under that trench coat user? Don't be naïve.
Landon Morgan
Pandacop is a nevernude
Daniel Richardson
Please critquite Admiral pizza. I cherish constructive criticism. I've been working on fundamentals, a few weeks ago I couldn't even draw a square. It will probably take a lifetime but maybe I'll get better. One thing /hwc/ taught me is, yes it is possible to improve. But for some, comics aren't their entire existence. Its important to have a life too. Eating good food, exercise..making love. Improving is cool, but let's be honest here- at their core..Comics and cartoons are silly and dumb as shit!!
Admiral he's not going to talk about yours because the user has some sort of personal vendetta against Betz. I'm even convinced it IS betz but I don't really have much to back up that claim.
Grayson Martinez
I deliver, naked oni. Let no one say I chicken out.
all the best foods end in -ito. burritos, taquitos, gorditos, encharitos, cheetos, fritos, doritos, burritos
Jason Jenkins
I'd drink that water
Tyler Hernandez
Carson Hughes
Daniel Wood
Burritos listed twice.
I’ve got my eyes on you.
Bentley Jones
A design for John E, among potential others. Note that this has nothing to do with the infamous webcomic that nobody likes, a sorry work of plagiarism that got found out after a few years. In fact i'll tell you how I came up with his name right now
Im already a fan, but i can give you my thoughts: your characters have simple and distinctive shapes which make for memorable and easily readable designs, you have an great way of keeping the hilarity coming, and your action panels communicate whats happening pretty effectively with strong poses, all things that really help keep my attention.
Sometimes pages get a little too visually busy/noisy for me, and my eyes have trouble making out what's going on. This is sometimes due to a lot of textures, a lot of vibrant colors, or just a lotta dudes all in one panel. Similarly, dialog bubbles are often arranged in ways that i accidentally read them in the wrong order, which gives me a feeling of having to mentally un-blender whats transpiring on the page.
All this said, you're doing a great job of playing to your strengths with your art, and by improving in a few key areas i think you can see some big gains. check out alex toth's tips if you haven't already: 10rulesfordrawingcomics.com/2013/11/alex-toths-rules.html?m=1
Im a dumby and not a pro by any means, these are just my impressions as a new reader. You bring a lot of creative energy and it's infectious
Draw Etain in her Death-hawk Regalia: Rebellion Mk II chrysalis form
Jason Martinez
not him but by what exactly? I'm drawing a blank and can only think of Stranger Things....
Noah Campbell
Admiral you need to think about shapes more. if you focus on just making more appealing shapes you'll improve. There are plenty of good artists who are messy and flat maybe look at some of them.
Nathan Lewis
Oh fuck he's back. Can't you go circlejerk your own bad opinions somewhere else?
Jason Clark
Stranger Things is a big one, but this also could be seen as a Twin Peaks riff, which has made a huge comeback in the past few years. Wonder Woman did an 80s thing, True Detective was 90s but similar vibe. Honestly we've been doing the 80s retro thing for longer than the 80s were around, GTA Vice City came out in 2002.
Hudson Reyes
>dialog bubbles are often arranged in ways that i accidentally read them in the wrong order,
This I noticed too, and am studying to change I'm writing a list of stuff like this. Thank you I'm working on basic shapes and rotating squares, I'm going to school myself on perspective and try some 3D backgrounds and trace details for more ambitious backgrounds. They're giving constructive feedback and being polite and I agree with them?
I remember as a kid having trouble writing the number 8, I'd just do 2 circles. I sat down and just practiced it over and over..now I can draw an infinity symbol!
>no cropped porn image >sad Fair enough, when or where is the rule34?
Benjamin Torres
>What's your favorite snack to eat while working on your webcomic? i try to stay as slim as possible, so no snacks 4 me. On other hand I decided to focus on actual comics and less of video-stories, this was the last thing i was doing, maybe i'll finish it later
It is late, but Happy Imbolc from the Oi sisters, a message of peace to the oni sisters and the rest of HYW from Oi! Happy (late) Imbolc, happy Spring!
is it a good idea to continue on a comic but redrawing everything because it looks horrible at first? also i can fix some panels i really had to improve and never liked
Leo Baker
Infinite redraw purgatory is lame as fuck if it delays updates.
Jose Cruz
yeah don't do it move on
Easton Gonzalez
>What’s your favorite snack to eat while you work on your webcomic?
Ah I see cool. (When I mentioned the color scheme I was giving out a factoid, just to be clear)
David James
New and last update for now for sevod. srg.the-comic.org/comics/57/ Now i am going to work on some animation for an event on newgrounds, and afterwards i shall begin working on Chapter 2, i plan to release chapter 2 when i am completely finished the entire series.
Essentially, an ex-soldier starts putting together pieces of a human trafficking conspiracy involving a shadow war between the CIA, Homeland Security, his ex-wife, and a bunch of his war buddies after he realizes he's been running protection for human traffickers where he also learns cat/fox/wolf girls are real.
first time seeing your comic and I just finished reading what you have up, you have some amazing stuff going and I can't wait to see where it goes, thanks for sharing some great characters and beautiful story!
Landon Gomez
If your comic gets too big, it might put you on the wrong people's radar.
Alexander Butler
When are you drawing the oi oni orgy comic?
Logan Ward
Wouldn't want to let the CIA know that you know about the catgirl coverup
Dylan Gonzalez
seethe more.
Evan Campbell
The Cat girl coverup is what Obama, Biden and Eric Holder's fast and furious operation was truly all about. The illegal gun-running was a front to cover up the truth: Chimera girls are out there, and they're hot.
Ryder Gomez
Somehow im much more interested in this comic premise now
Julian Flores
Question, does anyone else give little titles to their characters that are more for flavour than any real meaning?
Jaxson Moore
If I had the time, money, and absolute will too I would probably retell the story from James's point of view. James is an ex-Green Beret, who, following an IED explosion received a traumatic brain injury which causes him to see the main character as having fox ears and a tail. Everyone dismisses him as crazy up to the point he starts speaking sense.
Hello, Elon.
Juan Collins
Oh yeah, James also has anime pyrovision where he thinks he's the main character of the story. I wanted to convey this as the art style changing each issue/25-30 pages. As I said though, no money and it'd take an entire rewrite. :(
Benjamin Watson
This Wednesday bros! Are we all ready for the /hyw/-verse to get destroyed?
Have him only fight the bigger stronger opponent or the giant death robot no.122 while the others deal with the smaller but more important stuff, then mix it up with a situation that simply "punching it" can't solve. Or have him have a standard, sense-of-honor or code-of-ethnics that prevents him from fighting opponents "below his weight class." Or have him be the sensitive guy who, despite being built like an ox, is really against violence and only fights when really, really necessary.
just some thoughts.
Brody Thomas
Thanks, Its very useful
Samuel Reyes
Thanks, user!
Landon Gonzalez
How do you subtlety write your kinks into your webcomic without people immediately seeing through it and discovering what depraved things you’re into
It might just be the pose honestly. My main worry is if it was appealing or not. Because I don't want to redesign him again. So if you guys think it's fine I'll keep it around.
Sebastian Rivera
Pretty good for a 7 year old
Parker Reed
He's appealing to gays who like catboys
Levi Martin
I think you underestimate the amount of followers that would read it if I leaned into that. Terriful cannonically has a girlfriend though.
Owen Nguyen
it's the combination of the pose and his aggressive mimicry of enthusiasm do as you'd like but i'm keeping this one
David Phillips
from Canada?
Christian King
I think the crowd has spoken and I'll keep the design around. Honestly I'm getting a good laugh at all these edits. Nah. From Terriful's city.
Cameron Flores
Krita is superior to all adobe products, but hey why use a free program for drawing when you could pay every month to some guys who don't need your money?
Justin Howard
As anons have said, Krita is free and really good, but it's a little unstable on my PC for some reason (though I haven't tried it in a long time).
If you want a strong one time purhchase drawing app, I can't recommend Clip Studio Paint enough. The cheaper option is more than powerful enough and it saves you much time once you've got used to the interface. One of its coolest features is vector layers, which allow you to draw and ink normally and responsively, but then you can tweak the fuck out of the lines after. It also has 3D layer support which is fantastic for background drawing, as well as having pretty basic but useful puppet posing for action scenes.
Also it has a shit load of built in screentone and brush effects, as well as thousands of downloadable assets on the store - many of them free.
I seriously wonder if Betz circlejerked two threads for three days just to announce his redesign and then had someone meme it and it caught on. I'd actually be impressed if that was the case. But also mad he shit up threads for three days.
Owen Reyes
Well the other user who was shit flinging in the threads hasn't come back to comment on Betz's redesign yet so I'm going to say it's probably Betz. But I can't really prove it one way or another and neither can he. Guess we can add this to the long list of /hyw/ mysteries.
Bless you user. I haven't laughed this hard in awhile. Gay Terriful might have to appear in an issue someday.
Adam Hughes
What's the difference between Gay Terriful and regular Terriful?
Ryder Rivera
Regular Terriful isn't gay. He has a girlfriend. I just don't have a design for her yet. I wanna base it off my girlfriend. Terri's GF is named Terrifany.
Brody Bailey
So you are saying you want to see more images of Terriful being gay?
Samuel Bailey
I mean I'm finding the edits hilarious. So keep making them, why not. It's my say in the end if Terriful is gay and I say he isn't.
Hudson Ward
Austin Scott
How do you go gayer? Like how do you reach peak gay?
Tyler Perez
>Regular Terriful isn't gay. Love you Betz but this gave me a big Sonichu vibe.
Use Jump Paint. Same company, virtually the same program but it's more geared to manga stuff. I used it for awhile and made the first 5 Terri issues with it. It's not bad by any means and I'd keep using it if I didn't get Clip.
Isaiah Fisher
there's no theoretical limit but we're approaching the bounds of practicality
Yeah I guess. Comic's are a visual medium anyways, it's what separates it from being a picture book or just a book with pictures. Visual storytelling is important.
Nicholas Cox
Ethan Walker
I think she's absolutely correct. Moreso it made me a bit more conscious of my work, which is a good thing.
Brandon Flores
why impose limitations based on some imagined notion of what comics are allowed to be? Laughably naive and a very insecure take
Jeremiah Myers
These numbers... I observed them. We are on Page 1, so pack it up and save your posts for Monday everybody!
In unrelated interjection, how is everyone's webcomic?
Levi Ortiz
A lot of modern writers would rather be writing scripts for TV and movies and have no love for the medium. The medium NEEDS a strong balance between the two. Sometimes now I see writers completely credited with plotting as if artists have no say.
Robert Rodriguez
based trips
he is right
Robert Carter
I do all this anyway and I'm amateur hour. I thought this is how you do comics.
I believe the point of this post is trying to save newbies from falling into what is probably a common beginner trap, given the way she's discussing it. As a way to communicate the importance of grounding visuals I suppose.
I keep getting digits in this thread, dunno what it is
I've been feeling extremely motivated to exercise and draw, but when I sit down to draw I've been invariably getting distracted and end up on the internet for 2 hours like I am now. please berate me for not drawing. Feeling good about what art I am producing though
Eli Anderson
Brian Mags Vassagio is a terrible writer who can't write.
Christopher Foster
No bait intended, just thought it was an interesting point of discussion. TDSR reads well for being "amature hour" because you understand these things. In all honesty i forgot that this lady has a rep on co
Gavin Hall
>TDSR reads well for being "amature hour" because you understand these things. *in my opinion you seem to understand these things well
Elijah Green
Obviously she has not read GON! Or played Dark Souls or watched Microcosmos. If she had, she would quickly realize that stories which don't explain everything in a way a kid could understand quickly and easily are just as easily not consumed by said kid. Kids are the biggest readers and collectors of comics, despite all of the grey-haired people you see at conventions. If you're aiming to cut 50+% of your potential customers, then sure! Make your creation as esoteric as possible!
>tl;dr >twitter trying to set up millions for failure by screeching out half-truths every time.
Parker Rogers
It's not a lady. It's a mentally ill man in a wig.
Admiral Pizza Issue #7- The Origin of Captain Pizza in the Civil wars Saga Part 1. Our Story begins in the year 300X. Planet earth. It has been evacuated after the lunar cataclysm. Centuries pass. Pizza, as we know it no longer exists. All plant and Animal life has become mutated or extinct. Nuclear gas clouds and moon fragments constantly assault the surface. The Federation has put earth as "off limits."
A Distress Beacon cries..!!! From, where?! A COMIC BOOK SHOP IN SNERGAVILE CITY?!
I think its less about explaining everything upfront, and more about avoiding doing so as visually as possible instead of in verbose.
>she would quickly realize that stories which don't explain everything in a way a kid could understand quickly and easily are just as easily not consumed by said kid.
on this subject though, kurt vonnegut once said "Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To heck with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages."
He then, in the same breath, remarked that great writers often break his rules, so there's that too. As a dipshit amature though I like to take his advice, personally.
Is comics are a visual medium show don't tell really that controversial? It halfway feels like a trap, if you're getting riled up about that it's probably not really about that.
Joshua Howard
it's just aggrovating that HE is an "industry professional" and HE thinks HE's just discovered and revealed something profound in stating the defining features of comic books.
William Lopez
I think i made a big mistake by keeping the name in, I honest to god did not mean to start a fight.
Thomas Smith
It's just good advice, presented as such.
Kevin Gonzalez
even bad writers are right once in a while
Jonathan Nelson
I think thats pretty damn close to a comic script my friend, the only difference being organizational. Doesnt seem like a bad approach at all
Matthew Green
I really can't decide on my protagonist's face. I know their build,what they wear, how they move, even their hair style, but I really can't decide on a face for em. It's pretty frustrating at this point.
Asher Rogers
they sound ugly
Noah Hughes
They probably should be a little bit ugly at least, anyone who gets in fights a lot probably is gonna have some blemishes to show for it. But it's a tough balance
Ethan Walker
Smacky Jackson's guide to character design: When in doubt, add an eye patch.
Seriously though, get in depth with the characterization, and then try to deduce what that says about the character.Give us some more info and we could sus it out.
I try to think of what their disposition would be like, in a sort of mike-judge way, relate it to people i know, and draw faces that remind me of those things, changing up sizes, shapes and lines until i get a feel for it. It also takes me a while to decide on what a character looks like usually, so there's that
I don't like any takes like this to be honest. Sure we've moved past captions in action led comics, but you can't tell me something like Swamp Thing would work without the internal monologues. Captions can be used as an effective tool for setting tone and pacing and I think it's unfair and reductive to say comics are solely a visual medium - they're the perfect medium between visual and prose, but even that is overly prescriptive.
Having said that, for Golf Girl I moved away from using captions almost completely. A lot of my other comics are incredibly heavy with captions - but it's a conscious stylistic choice to create a more meditative story, and it's kind of insulting to be told that it's amateur hour when some of the greatest comics ever written use them.
Doesn’t matter if his arteries are too clogged to use it.
Hudson Sullivan
Oh. Shit, really?
I've just been having the artist I'm paying figure out the best way to organize the pages.
Also, I realize I wrote more of an action script, and while that's not bad, I realize that I want more wholesome moments between the former soldiers. What are some good "sing along in the car" songs? So far, I'm thinking Mr. Brightside or Teenage Dream. Yeah, shoot me.
>By the way, the namefags aren't turning off their names to not associate themselves with Betz Ooh, I'm pretty sure they are. They wish me to do all the dirty work. And I gladly did. >Here's your link: m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-man-in-black-2010-2016/list?title_no=548755&webtoon-platform-redirect=true That is indeed rather ugly. I can clearly see that Fartz guy never had any shred of talent. Did he have any thoroughness tho? Nah. What he made is laughable for "7 yeats of work".
I think YOU are Fatrz, and you are constructing this samefagging conspiracy to distract people from Fartz being called out for his incredibly astonishingly atrocious "art" and his childish inability to handle reality. This is embarrassing, dude.
>I know my stuff Why not change it for better then?
>This is the biggest problem the /ic/ mentality Dude, the biggest problem is HORRIBLE art. Fartz's comic is horrible, you can dance around it forever, but you can't change the fact, everyone can SEE it. You can call me a cunt, you can call me useless and retard, sure okay, I am all of these things. But how it will change the fact, that Fartz's art is a fucking garbage?
>just because we aren't aggro 24/7 doesn't make it a hugbox you dumb fag Yes, being overly sensetive to any non-positive opinions is what makes it a hugbox. Even your reply, angry and protective, proves it. Also, it is you who is aggresive. I didn't call anyone a "dumb fag" or anything like this.
>Why is one user so hung up over my comic? People are answering me, I'm answering them. But yeah, apart of just being polite in conversation, I do find your comic remarkably bad. It really deserves some attention. I would say it is among worst 3 comics I saw in hyw. >but it's not as bad as he's making out to be Oh man, it is way worse, it's just I'm not a very good rhetor.
I am not entirely agree. Some work here is fine, some is amazing.
Nathaniel Sullivan
the fucking state of webcomics. what's even the point in making a webcomic when koreans have utterly ruined the medium?
Both Terriful is shit and I am a bit of an asshole. What else waste posts on, if not debating the quality of comics?
Admiral, I believe you can improve your work by being more accurate. You are too vigorous and fiery. Try to make everything at leas 2x slower. btw if I got this right, it's Fartz's character? If so, you made him much more appealing.
>some sort of personal vendetta against Betz Paranoia is the last resort for bad artists. They really can not believe that someone actually dislikes their work, they would rather construct that narrative about someone they knew form the past taking revenge on them. No dude, I really do simply hate bad art. An furthermore, bad attitude of bad artists, who can't handle being outside of the hugbox.
Lol check out this guy's reaction on actual art advice. I guess hyw people are allergic to any kind of art opinions.
You do realize it is several anons answering to hyw crybabies?
You can't, I will call you out immediately.
Easton Ramirez
Should I post the pastebins of the screenplay I wrote for the webcomic in here?
Joseph Harris
Alright you've broken even my disbelief. There's no way you've spent four days hung up over my comic. You've gotta be fucking with me. Who are you like actually? At first it was fun but good lord you've dragged this out so much. I'm sure you noticed the redesign and chosen to ignore commenting on that because that would break the persona you've written up. Like I don't even want to argue anymore it's not fun. When will you give up?
Carter Price
This is what the market wants, if you do it for monetizing or popularity you better do it right or not at all.
Gavin Evans
Terriful is finally out of the closet?
Gabriel Stewart
Webtoon and Tapas are very Korean oriented (are they Korean sites?). It's a different market completely. Putting up western style comic feels like an uphill struggle sometimes. You can do relatively well but you get absolutely dwarfed by squishy BL k-romance #75435 and start to wonder if there's a better home for your work. And then realising that a .001% share of millions of readers is better than a 1% share of 1000 (maybe, I'm not good at maths).
To be honest I just do it for myself. I'd rather not do comics at all than change what I'm creating to chase trends.
Christian Cook
It's not what the market wants. It's curated and there's an algorithm
Ryan Russell
It's curated for profit, they are not going to invest in things that aren't popular.
Gavin Fisher
They artificially push the trends they want to promote like twitter, youtube and facebook do too.
Kevin Stewart
>I'm sure you noticed the redesign and chosen to ignore commenting on that I am sorry, I could miss something, can you link to me it? >When will you give up? Give up on what?
Chase Evans
Wild idea, just throwing it out there, but if people just don't respond + block & report, he'll get tired of stirring the pot. That way, the threads won't be clogged.
Ian Peterson
Post her work
Jordan Ortiz
Whats the point in making a webcomic when you can't make a better comic then the ones you claim are bad?
Colton Hernandez
Every series it writes gets cancelled early due to low sales. But it keeps getting hired because it's a man in a wig, even though it's books do not generate money.
Robert Price
Read books and manga
Luis Ward
Dubs of truth confirm. Ignore, block and report >inb4 hivemind
Bentley Thompson
its all betz samefagging
Lucas Hill
It's not. If it was I would've stopped after my comic released on Wednesday.
Speaking of, to the user who said Terriful sounded like sonichu, well I guess it's official now.