Old family guy is so comfy

Old family guy is so comfy

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Is to me

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ya wacky beatle

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A chicken in every pot, and a cap in every ass!

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Watching it right now, forgot that Family Guy could make me laugh

ANNA Rules!

Mr. Enter considers it the worst cartoon of the 2010s.

someone should tell that retard it premiered in 1999

Mr Enter is a faggot and on the same level as Arin Hanson and Doug Walker, critiquing a medium they have no understanding of

What a clown

ok who cares though enter went to shit years ago

>Gee Lois, this is worse than the time Mr. Enter gave us a bad review on YouTube!

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I don't know or care who that is.

Oh hey I got the clip in my recommended feed too!

>tfw realizing all the best characters in the show are dead

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That's ok, Enter is a crybaby little bitch so his opinion doesn't matter.

Holy crap!

Maybe Mr. Enter should Mr. Leave.

Yea, the looseness plaed to the artstyle and made the characters feel very enjoyable, it was also much more fast paced with gags so it rarely hampered on a bad one

all while wrapped up in a pretty classic sitcom kind of story per episode, with its own, at the time, edgy shifts (which are not edgy at all now), i miss watching it with my dad and sister and just being happy

One of my favorite bits. Does anyone know which episode of Looney Tunes this scene is parodying?

'Cuz I kick all the bad guys in their jewels!

there's a shortage of chairs


I like Family Guy and still do.

>(which are not edgy at all now)
shit I miss those times, society has become so degenerate now

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Lie to her! It's ok to lie to women, they're not people like we are.

who is this roody-poo?

ANNA won!

>why do girls have boobs?
Literally the best scene in adult animation.

Take it easy, Peter

>You don’t look anything like the ad. You better be huge.
>No, I’m Peter Griffin, producer.
Best episode in the series



I don’t get it.

Ah that takes me back

>Published on May 28, 2020

Hey wait a second your ass just sneezed. And horses can't talk. No no none of this adds up at all.

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it warms the heart to see people still making these

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It's no simpsons, but it's something to watch drunk


Peak FG > Peak Simpsons desu

okay peak FG is great but it is nowhere near peak simpsons


>you just blew up quagmire's sex doll!
>isnt that what we were tryin to do?
>not like that! oh man i hope the head doesn't wind up somewhere it shouldnt
>>cut to completely random house with no dialogue for 10 seconds where the head lands
>no stylized design on the house, it looks like any average house the main characters are in
I still don't understand this joke all these years later, I have no idea whose house it was.

I do think old Family Guy is better than new Family Guy, but even then it was just mediocre.

Anti humor. Basically subverting expectations for comedy

Holy crap Lois they hit the Pentagon, turn the TV on!

It's such a perfect joke

When does old stop? Season 5? Season 4?

I've been enjoying the older episodes every night on [as] before they lose the rights since the old episodes are never rerun on FXX or Freeform and I don't know if they'll start once [as] loses the show. It's already about over though, they're already into S5, the worst of the modern episodes will kick in soon.

>implying he was ever good

Hard to pinpoint. There’s a clear difference pre and post cancellation, but there’s still some good episodes in the seasons right after the revival. For me Meet the Quagmires is the hard cutoff point of good episodes, even though it had some pretty awful ones before that

>he doesn’t like Stewie Kills Lois

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It’s honestly funnier
For me it’s when Joe’s daughter is born

They will lose the rights?
Also fuck FXX for just running constant Zombie Simpsons.

Not the worst cartoon of 2010, but had the worst effects on the industry. So much trash copying family guy.

Like what?

She thought he was a male prostitute that she had ordered.

>this episode aired 6 months before George Harrison died
god damn, talk about aging poorly quickly

Diane is so cute. I want to hug her.

They have those?

>Show me potato salad!

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>all these replies

Do people really give this much of a shit about e-celebs and e-celeb fanboys

There are Family Guy comics?


Who cares

This episode only had 2 cutaway gags.

Yea she was cute, TBS showed the episode last night where she died, still feels bad. Once the show lost the ability to interject riffs between her and Tom it lost some of its spirit. Also Tricia is cute too, mainly in the past back when everyone had a different active vibe.

Yes, but they suck and don't really take advantage of being a comic. It's as stilted and boring as the show with the same level of heavyhanded writing.

The good times had already ended by then, but it was still a better time than now.

>thread about old family guy
S-so this is the power of Enterfags...

What episode?

For me personally I'd sad S4, anything post 'Wish Upon A Weinstein.'
That's when the old writers left and they hired college kids who barely understood the show's humor.

The Simpsons were never funny



Sorry bud but the Steven Universe thread is below this one


I always hate when they do jokes like the last one

It's bizarre comparing it to later seasons. They're practically two different shows, but you can just barely see the resemblance, the hints of ancestry. It's like comparing some old geezer to his crackhead great grandson and noticing they have the same nose.

I like her outfit at the Renaissance fair.

Pop why you gotta be like that?

They’re just gonna be hungry again in an hour.


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Yo momma!

damn that’s good OJ

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tomboy was voiced by pepper ann, rip

I don't know whether I'm just becoming an old man on the internet, but I really have no love or nostalgia for early Family Guy, it was ugly and not that funny. At the time it was, but it just feels so tame and primitive compared to the show it would become even a few years down the line.

I haven't seen Family Guy in years, but I always thought its strengths were it being basically a cutaway gag machine, with the characters and stories being below average, even in the "early years". Focussing more on just the humour I think resulted in a better show, and I think there's roughly the same amount of soulless-ness between early-late Family Guy, but at least the later stuff had more jokes and more chances to be funny.

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oh my god is that what spongebob looks like now?
Had people telling me it’s getting better

Me too user

it's very cathartic to see someone say this, i fucking hate the jokes like the last one

For me it’s the ridiculous dancing outfit she wears while rehearsing for Peter’s play.

Thats what SpongeBob is now? Jesus, no wonder kids all have ADHD now.

Imagine the audio


nice chest

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nice thighs

Vinny was so awful and bland he was worse than modern Brian so I stopped watching, that's been years ago now. Did they ever do anything interesting with that dog before bringing Brian back?

He was only there for like three episodes.

What about her student short film

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bra... nice


On one hand that makes her hotter on the other I'm sad about VA death

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I wish I got to lick her.

She's dead?

Sounds like mr enters an uncultured fag

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That whole story was adroable

Imagine what her bottom is like

Brian, look out!

As I got older, I realized there isn't much of a difference between Family Guy back then and now.

It's not like the humor suddenly changed overnight. Ever since Seasons 4, the humor was already becoming darker. Even the art style had a progression to how it looks now, since Season 6.

If I have to give the newer episodes anything, at least they toned down the gore a little bit, and it manages to give me some laughs here and there.

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Well there was that time where almost every episode was Oscar bait. I think eventually they gave up.

Also that time where they had a simple gag and then poured as much gore as they could.

I don’t know. I just find Season 2 funnier than say, Season 7.

There’s still plenty of gore, I remember a few episodes ago in the latest season where there was a “gag” of Chris and Peter killing dolphins

>when this show actually had expressive animation

The gore's still there, just not in nearly every episode like it used to be.

>Ever since Seasons 4, the humor was already becoming darker.
It’s to keep the reputation, shit is escalating everywhere else so it’s a race to the forefront of being outrageous

Now progressive culture has out-paced then to the point where you can’t make fun of it. They said they’re phasing out gay jokes

They referenced that in the show. They said “it was taken out of context” and basically reneged on that

I miss the expressive animation in Seth's shows in general. Heck, compare American Dad back then to now.

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Klaus especially used to be a lot more active in his expressions

>"I'm Lois, look at me with my big ideas and my pointy nose..."

Just being a goofball to his wife, not an asshole. Yep, good episodes.

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Why would you ask this?

it all went to shit when Peter lost his eyebrows

"I am gonna eat your nose!"

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I hate they retconned this

Different eras of Family Guy are their own time-line and canon, like The Simpsons.

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I never understood the gore complaint. One of my favorite gags is when Peter ate that sheep

Enter has very high standards for what he considers peak animation. If it ain’t serious like Avatar, Gravity Falls, or animated like Disney it’s shit in his eyes.

Oh shit I forgot when Family Guy was actually sweet and fun.

It went shit when they put little effort into their animation movement.

So what you're telling me is the animation got way better. It's like a reverse Simpsons.

It's really shocking what was considered "controversial" even 15 or 20 years ago, and what you can get away with now.

On the other hand completely innocuous comedy from the 90s is put under an electron microscope. It's absurd.

Diane is still alive in the best timeline.


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Old or new, it's still shit.

Fuck off

not dead but she didnt do much if any other voice work in her entire career

that was a savage DUNK
but seriously though, that's one of the all time greatest cutaway gags

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there was a doug crossover?

To think always saying she was Asian whenever her name come up was once a running gag.

Like who?

>Adam West
>Mr. Weed
The show should not have outlived Adam West even though it should have been cancelled long before that

Nice guilt free boner

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I’m a guy, you jackass!

Were any of those characters besides Bertram and Adam West really THAT memorable?



Diane was very memorable!

>I know you and Doug raped Patty at the Christmas party, I'm here to arrest you
>only if you can catch me honk honk

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yeah I don't really care for it either, a huge amount of their later humor is "relatable" shit

The quicker ones like "that italian family over there sure is quiet" are fine with me but the cutaway gag versions of these jokes already start to drag on after 3 seconds

>after 3 seconds

Not really. Diane's cute but that's about it. Not saying Joyce is any better, but I didn't react when she died. And Mr. Weed was barely in the show.

I'm probably the only one that liked the whale gag.

Holy Crap is a GOAT episode

No. Every time I see it I have a fucking conniption from laughing so hard. It's so terrible and jarring.

What's worse, this or the time they put in an entire Conway Twitty song to pad out an episode


>that's for the FAN to decide

Seth did it to try and get Family Guy cancelled. He became really depressed at what happened to it (hell he even did an episode on it, not so subtly). Anyway after that he basically got told to stop doing it and he realised the best way to fuck Fox was to keep the show going and giving as many of his friends pay cheques as possible. So that's why every character speaks at least once in an episode as they get paid if they have even a single line for 'appearing in the episode'.

But yeah he doesn't give a shit any more. He does it for money and connections. He wants to do his Star Trek show and keeps hoping CBS will totally fuck up with Star Trek beyond recovery and he can buy the rights and do a proper canon show. But that likely won't happen any time soon because if Picard and STD can keep it going it won't get cancelled.


Seth MacFarlane be like “Family Guy sucks”
Nigga you made the show!

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Hey, they were pretty funny and the show suffered without them.

The one where they say an overly long name (that's just a bunch of brands) three times and then my reward for sitting through the whole episode is a "meg says a pretentious line" ending.

i always remember actually listing to the commentary on this ep and how seth explains how his mother who a huge animal lover had no problem with stewie beating the shit out of brain because brain owed him money


Brain Griffin

best episode

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why is the show so desperate for one?

....I liked late 2000s/early 2010s Family Guy

Some people need approval

Don’t we all?

I remember then, falling asleep on the couch to family guy and some other shows on TV, not that it was boring it was just very simple and peacfull (complete clear of mind), I allso think 911 had a big part of this, people were so innocent but so confused then and no one could have predicted the amount of edge in future years, but how did "Hey Lois" Become >Hey Lois

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Mr Weed was classic

old family guy sucks. It's all shock gags, but none of them are actually shocking, just "Peter says BUTT" or "Stewie is critical of something
new family guy is better. you are just nostalgic.

His accent is so unique.

bc the simpsons won 10+

who cares about the simpsons?

>Bravo Peter. You are the Spalding Gray of crap.


When are they going to use Death again in an episode?

Was thinking about this scene at work today.

Did Skeeter get a nose job?

>Oh my God! You can talk!
How come not a single Simpsons character said that in the crossover episode?

When Adam Carolla stops being conservative

I thought Norm Macdonald voiced him.

Only in the first episode he showed up in
every other appearance has been Adam Carolla

So the same time James Woods comes back?

Why did they make the change?

Why do people keep saying Seth MacFarlane has some kind of grudge against conservatives when he had Rush Limbaugh voice himself on the show for an entire episode dedicated to how cool Rush Limbaugh is?

Rush is dead, that was ten years ago, Seth doesn’t do much on the show anymore, and for all I know Carrola is refusing the scripts same as Woods.

There's a reason why people feel like the new Peter has a threatening energy to him

I'd say "Come again?"
And then I'd laugh because I said "cum"

I just think it's a bit overrated. I see thread after thread bringing up old Family Guy like it was that good. Feels daily at this point.

Meant to reply to

this is on RIGHT NOW

They killed Diane?

Mr. user considers it the worst cartoon of the 2010s.



This always makes me laugh, best FG episode desu.

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Because Seth is liberal and they shitcanned James Woods

I fapped to this ep so much.

You fapped to this ep so much.

He fapped to this ep so much.

funniest joke in the series for some reason

It's not like the animation was ever good on Family Guy. They were just as cheap and lazy with it back in the "good old days".

Literally meant to be consumed by LCD to fund McFarlane's other passion projects so good job OP

Seth is a closeted conservative. If anyone ever actually knew how far right he is, his career would be over. He is so dedicated to his secrecy that he sacrificed his friendship with James Woods.

He's not, he's a bill maher-style 90s liberal.

>Quagmire’s mouth

That’s just what he wants you and the mainstream media to think.

The one who fapped to this ep so much.. was me.

No, he wanted Family Guy to be like the early pre-cancelled season. A dumb father with a heart of gold. Basically Simpsons but with cutaways (and Simpsons had a lot of FG esqe humour too). But then it got canned, brought back and he accepted the changes. But then he got annoyed by Fox constantly telling him to get whackier and whackier and following demographics and research and blah.

Remember that episode where Brian gets a TV show and the Execs change it from a single father getting his degree whilst having a kid into a dude joins a uni and his kid is there and there is a pet monkey and James Woods plays the dad and all that hsit? That was what he thought of Family Guy.

every now and then i remember the time i described this scene to my family, then i cringe.

Tbh the one with the guy going to college with his kid seemed more fun than the loser with a baby

Right? It’s not even a joke

Not really the point of the episode. It was to point out that TV suits will essentially radically change what you wanted to what they want.

I don't know who is it but he sounds like faggot

That episode was during Obama's time when neoliberals thought that they could be friends with conservatives. Obviously that all dried up with Trump, and specifically with James Woods being on Family Guy.