Does Louise and Logan work as a ship? There seems to be more chemistry there than Tina and Jimmy Jr

Does Louise and Logan work as a ship? There seems to be more chemistry there than Tina and Jimmy Jr.

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The superior ship.

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you guys are fucking disgusting

ur mum works as a ship
in my PANTS

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How? She's an adult and married to him in the OP pic.

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Yes they will reconnect in their 30s.

There was but then they nerfed Louise into just a kid who snarks.

Shippers are garbage people and they should all die.

She'll marry Rudy but Logan will be her baby's daddy - though she'll claim it's BooBoo's

>She'll marry Rudy but Logan will be her baby's daddy
Bob Jr., named after Louise’s dad, will be conceived in the kitchen in a passionate intense heated moment. Neither guy knows the kids true parentage

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His ability to clap cheeks is weak though. You just know he grows up to look like Bobby Hill with a Milhouse personality.

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This, there are many hints in the show that Louise cares for Rudy and cares what he thinks about her.

But they lack passion.

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Even if they don't end up together, they fuck so hard Jimmy Jr can hear them while he goes down on Gene

Yes, why not Now, we'll now in the time of the series. it's pretty wrong but later maybe they actually look good and older guys marry younger women it's commonly accepted. .

When do you think they'd start liking each other?

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Why does he look like IHE

the options are
Logan Berry Bush
Regular Sized Rudy
Andy and/or Ollie

When she grows tits

Yes but I like to view the ship art while also insulting them like you do as a giant hypocrite. It's pretty fun.

Considering Tina was stacked at the beginning of the series when she was 12, I think Logan might need to wait a while unless he wants to be that weird high schooler dating a middle schooler.

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>Andy and/or Ollie the same time.

Tina ends up accidentally murdering an abusive Logan she married in a heat of passionate rage.
Regular Sized Rudy helps her bury the body.

Pretty sure Tina was always 14

>Tina ends up accidentally murdering an abusive Logan she married in a heat of passionate rage
Tina ended up marrying Logan because he looked just enough like Jimmy Jr that she could get off

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The episode where Bob moonlights as a cabbie was to save up for Tina's 13th birthday party.

I meant Louise, how the fuck did I mess that up.

Too late. Tina was getting that Berry Bush dick while Louise was schlicking in the other room listening to them go at it.

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I just think its boring.

Also, way too safe for Louise’s taste.

Belcher Girls are all perfect.
In all Roles. As Mother/Wife Sister/Girlfriend/Friend

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cringe self insert

That's what makes it based retard.


Shippers, please stop being.

did they ever show small rudy?

>two characters who hate each other and get on each others nerves
It baffles me how Dab Forums claims that when gays do it it's bad, but for straight characters, it's normal and "natural"

I had this when I was 17, didn't do anything about it and the girl ended up turning into a slut before she was 16 - although I did get a girlfriend so that might have been the cause of it

Yeah this is how we see him when the joke is established and we see the top of his head and eyes one other time from an extreme downward angle

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Same. A girl I grew up with was 2 years younger. She always showed interest but even at that age being 16 and having a 13-14 year old interested was borderline creepy, especially since she wasn't in my school. By the time she was a freshman she got pregnant - later aborted - and at that point I wasn't brave enough to pursue. Now she has like 4 kids with some loser guy. Our Moms are still friends. My Mom is glad I married my wife lol

Isn't Logan too old?

If they did the show ruined it with "late afternoon in the garden of Bob and louise"

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Very cool.

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Where do you think you are.
God why can't you people just learn to assume everyone in the board is a lolicon or shotacon before opening your mouths. Learn to expect someone before they expect you.

No. Louise is just too young.

Ugh that shit is gross.

And based in canon.

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This was a tell tale sign of Bobs Burgers getting boring.

Tina is unironically now more rebellious then Louise.
Did we get too coco SchaalBros?

But that's half of the appeal.

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He’s a manlet

If they’re in their 20s, it’s only a 4 year difference. That’s a fairly normal age difference between two adults.

Ah tumblr.
So SJW. So pedo.

That’s a cute Louise. Did the artist draw any older Louise?

She put all her insanity into Mabel and Sarah Lynn

Bobs Burgers was always a fairly inoffensive show. The Simpsons, at its peak, had more edge than Bobs Burgers had at any point in its run. Bart had an episode where he thought he got a girl pregnant and then tried to elope with her. Bobs Burgers would never do that.

Earlier seasons Louise was great, you'd could really believe she had behavioral problems.

>Bobs Burgers would never do that.
They had transvestite hookers in season 1.

They were too nice though

They WILL thumb your eyes out.

It's weird how this show has already been on the air for ten years

Yeah. I wonder how much longer it’ll keep going on.

>It's weird how this show has already been on the air for ten years
>for ten years

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I like the colored version of that pic better.

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What no this is good. Rudy is one of the best characters on the show.

>Bart had an episode where he thought he got a girl pregnant and then tried to elope with her
Wait what? Was this a flash-forward or did they let 9 year old bart fuck?

No. Bart gets with a 15 year old girl after he gets a car license. She’s pregnant but it isn’t his kid. However, they do try to marry because the girl wanted a father.

I don't know, but I do know is I want to fuck her jewish VA.

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The best Louise ship is a threeway relationship with Andy and Olie

Superior ship

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Especially now that she has a bit of a rival in Chloe Barbara.

She don't like Chloe, and we all know why.


Goddamn phone...

I wouldn't say she is, cause her parents are Lutheran; but her ancestry is Dutch, so, she pretty much is.

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She just feels pity for him.

This is cute, who's the artist?

Would they be cool with it?

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Also, Bart was clueless about how girls get pregnant and assumed the fact that they kissed and held hands was the reason he got her pregnant.

I drew it a few weeks ago. I'm VS, I would post my pixiv but I always get 3 days ban for posting my porn links.

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She probably would work at the restaurant like that too.

reminds me of an idea we fiddled with a couple years ago for a Bob's Burgers sequel series focusing on Tina & Louise having taken over the restaurant and running it together as young single MILF's, and both Louise/Logan and Louise/Rudy are pretty important to the idea, albeit in different ways;

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Last one.

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>young single MILF
The MILF aesthetic or they're actually MILFs? You can't really be a MILF and be young, unless you were a teenage mother.

These are cute, keep em coming!

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I'm a rudyfag but this is goddamned adorable

>The MILF aesthetic or they're actually MILFs? You can't really be a MILF and be young, unless you were a teenage mother.
actual MILF's(Tina has two kids, Louise has one), as for age they're probably in their mid to late 20's

Don't worry, Louise will still be able to pick up Rudy like that.

>a male and a female hate each other
>"Wow they must be in love"
Every fucking day with you tumblrfaggots

Have you never gone to elementary school?

It's called chemistry nerd.

I see that in the south all the time 13 year old with a 17 year old boy, I'm like WTF they must be from a small small town and ran out of girls.

Is well established Louise shows her love when she slaps people and Louise wants to slap Logan the most.

No, just loli fags, don't get me wrong I enjoy the art too but sometimes the fans are way too deep.

>Louise wants to slap Logan the most.

Dream on, all her slaps are for BOOBOO!

quite literally how i met my husband lol

Never took Louise for a Hanna-Barbera fan but I suppose

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You hated him or you were rivals and he was slightly older?

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Man they should used Logan more often, it's fun seeing Louise being violent.

This one

I don't mind slap stick.

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They're fun together and she seems to be the only one who can stand up to him and vice versa.

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In poorer communities, people's standards are a lot lower. I know a dude from the poor parts of New Jersey who told me he lost his virginity to a much older woman when he was in his early teens.

What happens to Gene?

>What happens to Gene?
Pastebin goes into it, but essentially he lucks his way into wealth and Bob and Linda live with him now that they're retired

The only Louise ship I want to know anything about is the one between her and her CCW after she turns 21.

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Would she adopt a punk style as she gets older?

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My heart

Did you just do this? This is really good!

Yeah, thanks man.

If they ever do a future episode I want Rudy to have overcome his disability and become ripped as fuck

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>If they ever do a future episode I want Rudy to have overcome his disability and become ripped as fuck
that's pretty much what I was thinking too for but never got around to adding it to the pastebin

Kristen Schaal's voice always turns me the fuck on when she gets into it

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I'd read it if you did user

>I'd read it if you did user
well it's not really a story, said pastebin is just a collection of ideas and musings

Yeah I've seen this one
It's a real shame she's Amy Schumer tier in real life

On one hand, yeah, that is pre-school/elementary school logic
>He only picks on you because he secretly likes you!

On the other hand

>Girls only show interest when I show them none
>The ruder I act towards women, the longer they seem to stay around
>Any apologies seem to deter them, drying up their nether regions and fucking over the future of the relationship
>Only guys the girls ever cheat on me with are the ones that are ruder/meaner than I was while dating

I used to think it was maybe just a high school thing, or that chicks would outgrow it in college, but I am a boomer now and it seems to still be true.

I know you are not supposed to put pussy on the pedestal, bros, but tell me, is it possible to openly respect a woman and also keep a romantic relationship with her? This is not MGTOW or incel shit, I am seriously asking the question. Am I the only one who has had this problem, or is this common?

37 year old male, if that makes any difference.

A lot of American and Western Euro chicks are just shit dude, a woman who actually reciprocates your respect for her with interest is a rare thing

>Amy schumer tier
Nah that's kinda mean. Schumer is a sweaty ham monster of a woman. Schaal at the very least is a normal, attractive weight. I mean sure Schaal is a little on the homely side, but it's in a quirky and cute way. She looks like a flapper girl with cheeks that are just a bit too chubby. I had a huge crush on her back in her Flight of the Conchords days and I'd still smash the hell out of her without a second thought.

>American and Western Euro chicks are just shit
Damn. If I want not afraid of an Elliot Roger situation, I would check out Japan then.

>a woman who actually reciprocates your respect for her with interest is a rare thing
Sad, but true. I won't give up. Thanks, user, I will be patient.

I didn't mean physically, I meant mentally
I watched a bit of the segment she did on the Tonight Show and she talked about how she basically stalked a boy in high school and memorized everything he ever told her
In theory that should sound hot but I knew enough mentally unstable sperg girls in high school to know that you wouldn't want to touch that with the devil's own dick

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>Amy Schumer tier
In terms of comedy or personality?

I wouldn't want to be their neighbors. The hatesex would be LOUD.

Not everything about him is regular sized ;)

Calling him "Fun Size Rudy" would be too meanspirited though

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Shippers are gonna ship.

And inaccurate too

Has she ever slapped Logan, though?

>regular shippers be like
kek, it is funny because pic related came from this show

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>become ripped as fuck
That's what Milhouse did.

That's your generation, you just have to find a wife instead of wasting time with trying to have 100's of GF's. This is what also fucking up gen Y.

What's the artist name?

My problem with the ship of Louise and Logan is that it is based solely on the entirely hypothetical good qualities of Logan, who is known to be one of the biggest assholes of the series, with no known true redeeming qualities.
If most of their art showed them in constant feuds and fights, I would consider it more believable than all those, as cute as they might be, cuddling scenes.
Well... a crackship being a crackship, I guess...

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Not sure, I was never able to find it

She punched him in the stomach

Bob's burgers is filled with annoying assholes who become like the Belcher's best friends. Logan maybe a jerk but so is everyone else.

Rural areas typically have more men, while cities have more women.

Najja Porter. Apparently, she’s an artist on Craig of the Creek now

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Logan and Louise doesn’t work because at his core Logan is a selfish jerk who does not care about anyone, and that’s going to be intolerable to Louise because regardless of how she acts Louise does care about most people.

>annoying assholes who become like the Belcher's best friends
Mind listing me a few?

What's going on over here? Anyone else think Louise is really cute? She is going to be a total hottie, when she is older of course

Not them but Jimmy Jr is quite annoying but is basically in their friend group

>underage yuri
Is it really fine to draw as long as it's clothed and barely sexually implied?

Jimmy Jr. is hella annoying, but he is not an irredeemable asshole, he can be an ass at most.

Isn’t that just a regular old ship?

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what about Millie? Millie is arguably just as worse as Logan but the show redeemed her.

Man, what IS it about these images that's so appealing? I literally do not like any other aged-up Louise fan art but for some fucking reason these pictures resonate with me.

Louise is like a fine wine.

Meant to be shared between friends.

>I literally do not like any other aged-up Louise fan art
Is it too angsty or feels out of character?

>but the show redeemed her
That's the key word there, and I suppose that is either the reason why this was made or the reason it stop being made

Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Millie's "redemption" episode is good, but at least they tried to portray a different side of her, something they haven't done with Logan.

>something they haven't done with Logan

>inb4 next episode with Logan is about him having an abusive girlfriend with Louise hearing how she plans to rip him of. Louise is pressured by Tina to tell Logan (a little like the Hey Arnold! episode of Gerald's brother's girlfriend).
>Twist end is that when Louise is about to tell him, Logan does something to make her mad and instead she tells him the girl is a keeper, with Logan agreeing because "duh, it's his girlfriend". Next scene we see how the girl took something Logan loved (a signed t-shirt by some popular star, a collectible of something) with Logan whining while Louise and her possy laugh at his misfortune.

>Logan agreeing because "duh, it's his girlfriend"
The way I read this, it sounded like Logan was into being cucked

I like this show but god is it ugly

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>Logan was into being cucked
This is my new headcanon.
>Louise married Logan, so she could cuck him daily with Rudy while he takes care of Rudy's kids

Louise cucks both of them with both Andy and Ollie (at the same time)

Is this the same artist and does she only draw in boring-ass Craig of the Creek artstyle now? Is this what industry work does to you?

Cute episode


Louise fucks almost every man in her life because the one man she wants to love, marry and fuck is off limits... Bob.

thanks, I'm the user who wrote the "Death of Bob/Bob's Memory Loss" episode a few threads ago too

Yes and kinda. She also drew this at some point

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>the one man she wants to love, marry and fuck is off limits
Yeah, I thought this too.
