I fucking hate Megatron he’s such a retard holy shit

I fucking hate Megatron he’s such a retard holy shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who can turn into a tank.

I agree he is either retarded or some self-absorbed shit. People only like him because he is manly and attractive.

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Fuck you Starscream, you are dead.

You watch Transformers for cool robot fighting, not the plot

Fights are more engaging when the story involving them is interesting. Scenes don't exist in a vacuum unless you are a casual that only watches block busters because of moving pictures.

>I fucking hate Megatron he’s such a retard holy shit
I wonder who could behind this post.

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is he really that retarded? megatron himself always seemed fairly competent, it's just that cons are naturally distrustful lying faggots who fucking suck at teamwork or any kind of unity.

so it's more accurate to say he's King Asshole of Retard Mountain.

You have to admit his plan in the movie was sound, and even after being discovered he managed to fuck up Autobot City. Even challenging Prime to a 1-on-1 fight wasn't retarded because he was winning for a good bit of it.

>megatron himself always seemed fairly competent

He kept Starscream as his second in command above Soundwave even after the 50th betrayal

It depends on the continuity, but regardless of his IQ you are still right and the Cons are a bunch of fucking idiots with no proper organisation and loyalty.

Shockwave was exceptionally loyal to Megatron right up until the point he got crushed to death.

Even Soundwave betrayed him onboard Astrotrain.

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and yet they managed to kick the autobots off Cybertron

look, you don't understand gay relationships...sometimes they just be that way.


Well I am not saying there are no exceptions. See Lugnot, Tarn and such too.
But a few don't help much if his party is filled with traitors, opportunists, uncontrollable serial killers and hooligans that are just in it for the show and might defect at any time or get bored.

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I was going to say they aren’t fags but then I remembered the Bay movies exist

I can't believe it took him so long to get his own catchphrase. I know he had "Peace through tyranny" but that's almost never used.

Fair play though, when they got there it was perfect.
>Decepticons! Transform and rise up!

Megatron is a prime example for the oppressed boomer man suffering from his evil, back-stabbing wife but incapable of getting rid of her since she cooks for him.

Is he?

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Parodies or hints for that stuff are everywhere.

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I still fucking remember the morning that episode aired, a college buddy of mine who'd also grown up with G1 called me during commercial break and we were freaking the fuck out.

Seeker rights were a mistake prove me wrong

IDW1 Deszaras would be the better leader.

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shockwave was clearly the grand-strategy master megatron desperately needed and got left behind. he would probably plead for him to somehow get to earth in private.

Man I wish I would witness it just once in my life that anybody older than 14 in my country cared about anything fictional. The only open fans you meet here are literal boomer women who are into those endless soap operas with 3500 episodes that are airing since the 70s.


Okay, what did Bay do? I haven't seen the films

Stay mad Starscream


Now that they have sexualized the Snake Man I hope they will do it with Thunderwing. He didn't get enough attentions for decades and he has dem thighs.

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Nothing, that's the problem. He didn't actually make transformers movies.

... what? Explain.

Megatron knocked up Starscream and he shit out a bunch of eggs and they were used as canon fodder and all died

Link. I need a fucking link. I can't believe that something like that is canon unless I see this with my own eyes.

Can confirm this, the sad thing is it doesn’t even make the top ten of the worst thing in those films.

>tfw your favorite bot will never lay eggs for you

This. The man actually cares for his soldiers

Even Tarn would have gone along with him if Megs' defection and Overlord wouldn't have caused that meltdown.

He also gets killed by Shia.

Shockwave didn't get crushed. (never made it to the film)

He's sitting on a beach sipping margaritas

Could you rank the top ten worse things? I mean, like I said I haven't watched these movies and I want to know how bad it really gets. What could possibly top Bay canonizing m preg?


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Please no.
I haven't watched it but all I hear is piss tier humor and dog sex.
I literally rather talk about eggs or Galvatron's thighs.

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Dog sex? ffs.

Sorry user, I must know, even if it hurts. Also, if what I'm hearing is true, why the fuck did hasbro execs not intervene when Bay started to write an AO3 fanfic instead of a film script?

Dogs fucking, wiggers, Optimus being a psychopath, Bots pissing on people and getting pissed on, Megan Fox’s acting, old man ass. I don’t want to rank them so take your pick on what sounds worst.

I forgot Shia Labeuf looking like he was sucking some dude off in the bathroom.

>why the fuck did hasbro execs not intervene when Bay started to write an AO3 fanfic instead of a film script

Because as awful as movies are they made a shitload of money because subhuman third worlders watch movies for big explosiony action scenes and can’t understand anything beyond that. It’s why the Fast and Furious movies are some of the most profitable movies.

I mean Soundwave does smell of wet robot cat/bird and constantly gets his ass raped by a midget

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Come on man, if you’re going to be over exaggerating fetishes in the series at least do it with one that actually exists like vore and loli and shota shit

I don't remember what the fuck is going on in the plot of this film but this is the scene with the eggs

There isn't any evidence that Megatron and Starscream are directly responsible for these eggs. Though the whole married couple shtick is probably what gave the theory it's fuel.


>egg laying

>animal sex

>golden showers

>elderly ass shots

Name a better duo than Michael Bay and his need to sneak in his fetishes onto a multi million dollar franchise. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I'm so glad I left that theater as pre-teen with just a desire to be fucked by giant robots.

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Domestic abuse isn’t funny.

I'm surprised to see him get some respect after the shit show that was Star Saber.
Evil Saber could've been interesting if he wasn't such a fucking jobber.

>loli ass
>shota ass
>furry ass
>robot ass
>Majin Zarak
>forced transformation
Sakamoto beats him at that

yet for all the lewdness, kiss players still gets all the blame/attention.

Thanks for linking it user. So it was just a theory then? Is that the only egg scene because I thought this was gonna be 100x worse. Were the eggs... built?

I think it's all fandom speculation from the "only to help spawn our new army" line, implying that Screamer spawned the eggs somehow and then him being protective over them as Megatron beats him.
There's never an explanation for where the fuck they're birthed from and I can't remember if the plotline comes up again in the movie, its such a mess.

Bayformers is just confusing and inconsistent on this as you'd expect, they have the allspark in the first film which just brings cybertronians into being, but in the second film the allsparks destroyed and this whole 'protoforms in eggs' thing is introduced.

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>G1 episodes hosted by Tarn acting as Patchy the pirate

>I fucking hate Megatron he’s such a retard holy shit

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somehow them coming out of eggs feels disgusting

>kicked the autobots off cybertron for 20 years
>actually killed optimus for a whole season

compared to cobra commander or skeletor he did shit

>20 years
Try 3 million. Thats how long they were knocked out undee that volcano

that face says a lot

IDW’s Transformers Beast Wars #2 iTunes Preview

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This is what normalfags like? I haven't watched a blockbuster since 2005 or something but I guess it got worse.
Yeah it's probably that.
Whenever I ask idiots about why they watch a shitty movie and spend 15€ for a cinema viewing they only ever list the CGI effects. It's never anything else. Never the content, characters or anything, it's always "it looked so great" and when I watch outtakes of it all looks like some fucking play station game but worse because it clashes with real actors.

>Evil Saber could've been interesting if he wasn't such a fucking jobber.
I feel the same. The problem wasn't that he was a zealot that hunts down people he considers criminals or heretics, the problem was that he was shoved into a few short scenes in which he was just big talk and got btfo'ed by Cyclonus.

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Transformers #31—Cover A: Diego "Novanim" Zúñiga

Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova (a) • Diego "Novanim" Zúñiga (c)

"Lord of Misrule: Test Flight I". Optimus Prime's Autobots are starting to fray. They need energon and supplies that they just don't have access to. But Perceptor has a plan—if he can supercharge Jumpstream's teleportation powers, the Autobots will have all sorts of new access to Cybertron. Of course, that relies on the experiment going right and things can never be quite so easy…

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Transformers #31—Cover B: Chris Panda

Brian Ruckley (w) • Anna Malkova (a) • Chris Panda (c)

Attached: TF31-cvr-B-copy.jpg (350x531, 33.18K)

Transformers Annual 2021—SPOTLIGHT

Brian Ruckley (w) • Alex Milne (a & c)

"Light/Star". Vigilem, an ancient force, a Cybertronian Titan, a seemingly unstoppable engine, broke the tether between Cybertron and its moon. Lodestar remains the only other active Titan and, together with her cityspeaker, Lightbright, has been tasked with bringing Vigilem home or taking him down. When Vigilem flees to a colony run by Thunderwing and his lackeys, Lightbright, Lodestar, and the Technobots will have to go on the most dangerous mission of their lives in pursuit of the Titan!

FC • 48 pages • $5.99

Attached: TF2021AnnualCover-RI.jpg (350x531, 56.56K)

Transformers: Beast Wars #4—Cover A: Josh Burcham

Erik Burnham (w) • Josh Burcham (a & c)

The Beast Wars rage on! When a seriously injured Maximal and a treacherous Predacon run afoul of an incredibly dangerous native beast, they'll have to team-up to make it out alive. Even then, Megatron leads the Predacons on a hunting expedition for their traitor and their escaped captive, and they aren't taking prisoners!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Transformers: Beast Wars #4—Cover B: Dan Schoening

Erik Burnham (w) • Josh Burcham (a) • Dan Schoening (c)

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>FINALLY spotlights again
>Ruckley as writer
>Milne as artist
Holy shit yess.
Also funny I just talked about Thunderwing here . Were my prophecies right? Will he be as hot as Straxxus?
Is Ruckley reading these fucking threads here? Is he a telepath? This isn't the first time something oddly specific is announced right after I talked about it.

Eqqs/Transformers II #2 (of 4)—Cover A: Tony Fleecs—SPOTLIGHT

Ian Flynn, Sam Maggs (w) • Priscilla Tramontano, Trish Forstner (a) • Tony Fleecs (c)

The Seekers and the Wonderbolts have formed an uneasy alliance—can Starscream and Rainbow Dash work together to stop the evil attacking Cybertron?! Plus, Applejack and Wildwheel come face-to-face in a wild, wild showdown for the ages!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Ian Flynn, TBD (w) • Priscilla Tramontano, Trish Forstner (a) • Bethany McGuire-Smith (c)

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When I saw the name "Maggs" my heart stopped for a second and I thought she was writing one of the ongoing issues or side-series again. Thank GOD it's just pic related, which I will keep ignoring.
And of course is Starscream the only male bot she is willing to not paint as comically shitty and evil of all people.

Meh, not doub that she can maybe be interesting with Ruckley writing. But do we really need even more characters instead of developing those that have already piled up?

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You conquer the universe with the army you have, not with the army you wish you had.

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Work is shit again fuck it, posting here now.
Malkova's alternative ideas for the #2 Escape cover. I wish she had the time to finish her other ideas, they always look cool as hell. She is pretty damn good at composing motifs for art, mainly covers or fanart.

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Also an alt-cover for Galaxies (9? I think?)

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Sex as fuck. Shame about the arc.

Oh shit, Thunderwing? Will he be sexy too?

Megatron rules

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I thought the same. He falls into the same weird-villain category as Straxxus, so I wouldn't wonder. And Milne already dared to make Jhiaxus a handsome orange in IDW2.

I wonder if they'll make him a pretender this early.

They don't seem to be paying attention to any toyline gimmicks in the series, at least now now. All the Micromasters are just normal full sized bots, the Headmasters are just normal Transformers, etc.

Yeah Sentinel is a normalbot too. Thankfully. Wasn't a fan of that IDW1 gimmick.

>All the Micromasters are just normal full sized bots
Has there ever been any media where Micromaster characters weren't normal sized bots, aside from that one dreamwave comic?

So this is what Milne was talking about. I knew it wasn't just another cover or something.
>Tarn commission. I've been moving slowly on commissions since I have some work I can't talk about yet. It's nice that I have a chance to get back to work on commissions for a short time.

Also, what the hell Ruckley. How many things can that guy write at the same time?

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I saw a Malkova cover mentioned in the solicits for Horse comic - have we seen that one yet or no? Unironically hype to see what she makes of it.

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Think we haven't seen that yet, it was for the upcoming issue. Maybe the next days I hope.

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When did Megatron ever call Starscream his second in command? Only Starscream ever said that, without him around.

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Since Ruckley is writing two series at the same time and since he is actually a novel writer anyway he might as well just write a TF novel to fill some holes of the past one day. It can only be ten times better than the stuff Dreamwave has given us.

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wonder which Maximal Dinobot's getting paired up with. I'm gonna guess Nyx.

I can't wait to see Scold in action.

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Malkova might do fanart anyway.

Are the comics worth it

Worth what, your time? Is your time so precious, you dumb zoomer? You doing so many valuable things as you click between threads on Dab Forums?

The comics are the main dish for me since Marvel UK. So yeah. MtmtE was the gateway for most fans that have joined the last decade too.

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Megatron is great. Especially this one

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He looks like a toothless grandpa.

So you have chosen death

top left cover is my fave but all the colors in them are really good

I like the bottom two the most and wish they would have been made.
That said, the actual cover they chose is great too. I am just a sucker for dramatic shit and that double Dai Atlas is just that. And the Straxxus pic has a nice motif and angle.
Honestly wish there were more people with an imaginative power as her. Even someone with mediocre actual drawing skills can produce great looking stuff if the motif is interesting. But it's a matter of inspiration I think. Malkova probably thinks about these bots a lot, so there is a shitton of ideas she comes up with.

Sara always comes up with cool motifs as well.

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He has teeth

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Yeah that’s Rattrap

Where do all those thunderwingers come from?

I feel like one of them has to be the main Sentinelposter and the other the Straxus/Xaaronposter. Or they're all Boco.

I fell like all of them are multiplying to be honest.

Can't be, Boco can't art for shit

It seems that people that like Sentinel are often also liking Xaaron, Tyrest and some weird looking Cons. I am not exactly sure what the common ground for these characters is (maybe lawful types and weirdo eccentrics?) but there must be something because I noticed it with different random fans on twitter as well.
Would be funny if Xaaron wasa one of the next bots to appear in the comics.

>Roberts puts Xaaron in MTMTE
>does jackshit
Roche really was Furman's successor.

>tfw you were just searching for a comic panel but stumbled upon this

>[Starscream is] tortured, disillusioned, and ultimately a tragic example of allowing your abuser and the abuse you suffer to take over your life.
>Let’s get this out of the way. Yes, I am a Starscream fan-girl. I have a small collection of Starscream action figures, most notably a giant-ass one that came out for the 30-year anniversary a while back.
>In Starscream’s struggles, I see my own life reflected. In his hatred, I see my own staring back at me, the need to be better than your oppressor and take brutal, bloody revenge. My “Megatron” was my ex-boyfriend.
>RiD shows the after effects that no one likes to talk about. This Starscream is deeply hurting. He’s angry, traumatized and kind of broken. He reaches out for help to Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and Windblade, among others, but the second anything goes wrong they are quick to blame him and reject him.
I thought this was a Dab Forums meme. It even has the "mean Windblade" trope. Though it's a new for me to even consider Bee and Wheeljack that way.

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Kreon'non likes them too!
I Roberts' defense there were too many bots on that ship and I fear that Barber wouldn't have used him either. Though there was certainly some potential for him there with the Lost Light searching for the Knights, fighting guys like Tyrest and Star Saber and having Magnus on board. I am sure Xaaron could have been woven into that story well. Hell, even Flame appeared later. Maybe the cancellation is partly to blame for this. Felt that Flame was supposed to have a bigger role too.

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All Screamer fans need to be ignored

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I love Armada Starscream and I like Starscream in general but like, that's the one honorable Starscream. Every other Starscream was already an asshole even before meeting Megatron. Hell, the only other decent one I can think of is Siege Starscream but that's more on being underdeveloped and Jetfire being a psycho.

I think TAAO Screamer was great but for some reason that's the one that angers them the most.
I generally like a lot of villains in this franchise so I have no problem with people loving them, the hard projecting is just very weird. Especially with Starscream. Like with Tarn the projection of being a loser that compensates for his short-comings with addictions and LARPing the edgy boy is at least not only common in real life but canon in the comics.
But the whole Starscream theory has first to canonize that he and Megatron are an actual pairing in the first place and that Starscream is not leaving him due to a guilt complex lovers of abusive people have. None of this is canon, especially not the latter part. And Starscream is always portrayed as the backstabbing, self-loving guy, so him being legit dependend on Megatron on principle is a weird assumption. He returns to Megs (= the main factions of the Cons) because his solo attempts are failing, not because he needs Megatron in my opinion.


God the Netflix series sucks

>tfw Boco might be a secret art guy providing us with an endless amount of free fan art while hiding it's him as the true hero he is
Though I would expect more Bludeon art in this case so maybe you are right after all.

Er, no? I just like thunderwing, he's one of my fave Cons.

Well, in Marvel and Prime. IDW1 wasted him.

He has a point. SS in WfC was one of the very few properly voiced bots that might have been entertaining if he had any screentime at all. This series needs somebody to fuck shit up, not using SS and not adding Overlord either was a big mistake. Hell, they even made Sky Lynx boring.

Thunderwing? Rather ThunderTHIGHS

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Megatrons rule

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Drown in chibis, Megatronfag!

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What was comic Thunderass's deal, anyway?

He is one of those IDW characters that I have completely forgotten about, like Straxus too, by the way.
I think they both just appeared, did a bit of fighting and were never mentioned again. Milne better leaves the giant ass. But I fear he isn't the assman. His legs are usually pretty skinny or normal sized.

He's presented as egotistical sure but the fact that he never actually suceeds in his plans begs for psychosexual analysis

it's like the trope of the girlfriend who intentionally acts bitchy because she's turned on by the domestic abuse

He invented super bio armour like a Guyver but it drove him insane. Also super powered him. In the span of two days he destroyed the last hospitible piece of Cybertron, flew to the other side of the galaxy to annihilate some poor alien schmucks, flew back to Cybertron to fight the combined forces of Autobots and Decepticons, then put Cybertron in a coma after it moved it's own tectonic plates to eat him.

He was mentioned a few times outside of that as one of the greatest crisis either side had dealt with throughout the war but at a point he was just ignored outside of Bludgeon stealing his tech and going crazy.

>t. Starscream

The weirdest thing is that I don't even feel like Megatron is particularly mean to him, let alone one-sided abusive. At least not in most series.
Usually, Megs is just chill around him. And if he punches him it happens as reaction to his backstabbings or because he was planning a coup or something. So I am not sure where they are getting this trope from exactly. That Megs is constantly lashing out against Starscream on a whim even when he does everything right.

Because something something Decepticons respect ruthlessness over loyalty blah blah Cons value deceptiveness etc. Yeah it doesn't make sense to us but it was classic Bad Guy ethics and ways of doing things. Mega hated SS but he knew he was his boi because that how they do.

WIll Straxxus be even more insane/evil than Straxus now that he is a flyer too? Fliers are always mentally ill.

Well even a broken clock is right twice a day. So basically the Cons lucked out that time and overthrew Cybertron

I think I need some bot anatomy sheet that tells me what is what, I never know how to name their parts unless it's wheels and tank treads maybe.

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Huh....I mean they generally have normal parts...hands, legs, mouth, etc.....if they have crap on their head it's usually horns or a crest, if they have crap on their back its usually a "backpack" or "wings", and if it's anything else it's usually just called "kibble"

Not to derail the Megatron/Starscream homo love thread but was there ever a crossover between Transformers and Micronauts? Either in Marvel comics US or UK or maybe later by IDW? Or perhaps something on the Japanese side? I know Micronauts were originally a toy line from the Henshin Transformers and Hasbro has the rights to both and wants to make it a shared universe but just curious if anything happened?

Many cross-overs from that time period were bad though. Right now I cannot even remember how I felt about this one anymore which might either be a bad sign or a good one since it wasn't bad enough to burn it into my memory.

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I think there was a bit with Windblade a lot of folks got horny over but I can't remember if it was Micronauts or another crossover.

>Cybertron ate him

it feels like Prime colored everyone's vision on that whole deal, past and present, because Megatron was a coked out psycho and Starscream cringed like a beaten dog everytime they were on screen together
Now every Starscream is an uwu poor baby even when Megatron rightfully tells him off for being a retard

I noticed that too. People watching or reading other series but always through the glasses the first show has given them. It's like those that got into the fandom with IDW1 and consider IDW2 Autobots problematic and Prowl/Sentinel to be oppressive when they are the actual opposite and even literally saying so.

Marvel and the original bios really suggested the intent was the Decepticons had a ton of opportunistic, assholes ready to make a grab for power if the chance arrived. G1 making Starscream the one doing it the most often was a mistake, even with episodes like Triple Takeover and the movie.

I recall some hilarious instances in G1 where he overreacts to the max. In one ep he just lifts Starscream up above his head and chucks him at a wall, then rips out his voice box over a tiny bitch comment.

Also Megatron was an unhinged coke-monster in Prime and seemed to really enjoy beating him, and Starscream is visibly very afraid in his presence, so it made fangirls feel bad.

Prime Scream is such an evil cunt though. He still deserved it.

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>Decepticons had a ton of opportunistic, assholes ready to make a grab for power if the chance arrived
This is actually pretty realistic even. Movements and revolutions are full of hools and opportunists that don't give a shit and just use the chaos to gain power. I agree they overdid it a bit with Starscream. It became so fucking common he turned into a meme himself, and what's even worse is that I doubt they will ever do anything interesting with him in the west for how much he is tied to that damn role.
Even for the comics it was basically just Scott's series, so all caused by a single person and the freedom IDW allowed her.

It makes perfect sense in G1, where the Decepticons are portrayed as a warlike race from the get go and basing their entire philosophy on war, it's basically "might is right: the robot race" and if Starscream COULD usurp command of the Decepticons, that would mean it's his rightful place to rule, or anyone else who could take the position for themselves.

Since then, usually Autobots and Decepticons aren't painted in such a black and white way, but you can usually just excuse it away by saying Megatron simply doesn't fear Starscream, or that he finds it amusing/keeps him on his toes, or even simply that Starscream is valuable enough as a warrior to tolerate it, though that usually isn't shown. I think Cyberverse handled it pretty well since Megatron basically just is fed up with him.

Cyberverse did a lot of things right. I also enjoyed that Megatron a lot, depite the show not trying to make him complex or anything. He was entertaining without being an idiot and for once he didn't feel evil enough to me to make Optimus' semi-friendship with him feel out of place or like an one-sided dependence from Optimus' side. I hope they will genuinely make peace at the end of it. Although that wall arc is pretty amusing.

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>Even for the comics it was basically just Scott's series, so all caused by a single person and the freedom IDW allowed her.
And yet that's been the best Starscream has ever been written.
Josh, if you are lurking tell that to M. Scott. We strongly agree that to be the case.

prime starscream was a weird one because there was that plot in other aligned (lmao) material to systematically cut him off from any sources of power and make him essentially powerless beneath megatron, plus he really was pitiful in the end
But he was such an evil asshole after he blabbed about killing cliffjumper

Good thing they reined Mae Catt in because she wanted to reveal Starscream survived and then wanted to redeem him despite all the shit Cyberverse Starscream pulled and the fact he was cowardly and generally incompetent. Seriously, the one unironically abusive Megatron was the Armada one.

fear not my friend because the only canon Transformers/Micronaut pairing is peak homolove


I wonder if she will ever write anything TF again.
And if Sarah Stone will ever illustrate anything again. Her art was fucking kino.

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>RiD makes Aligned Starscream awesome
>"Wah, they changed him and that's problematic and we will harass the people doing the show!"
Fucking. What.
Nevermind the fact that Starscream managed to kill the Predacons.

>Nevermind the fact that Starscream managed to kill the Predacons.

No. No he didn't.

>and what's even worse is that I doubt they will ever do anything interesting with him in the west for how much he is tied to that damn role.

Funny thing was, outside of Scott, the ones that did deviate in the West were the Bay movies, and, oddly enough, Furman before other writers got a hold of Starscream.

It's a shame, too, because I really like evil Starscreams but in the long run, Cyberverse Screamer ended up being one of the duller ones, mostly since it seems like rehashing of other things Starscream did but less interesting. Hell, Starscream being Slipstream's shitty boss was wasted potential.

We need a new cast for the next series. They can have Windblade be a main again but please no more Bumblebee, Shockwave or Starscream and have Optimus and Megatron only show up rarely if at all.

Yeah I agree. It wouldn't be so troublesome if this was a franchise with like 50 characters instead of 300.

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Bay movies Starscream and Megatron was weird. Megatron refers to Starscream as being a backstabber, but Bay Scream is seemingly loyal and never attempts to fuck him over. I know he did in the tie-in comic, but that's not known to the general movie going audience.

>people ship Windblade and Slipstream
>fucking kill Slipstream off
I love Cyberverse but what a fucking misfire that was. What the fuck? And yet they saw the need to have Starscream again after and he still kinda sucked.

I hope they won't revive him in the specials. Megs and Optimus worked well together when they were fighting Starscream, no need to reiterate that. I rather want development for the existing mains and the new guys we will get.

>but Bay Scream is seemingly loyal and never attempts to fuck him over.
Its implied he pretend to be an army jet and shot at Megs at the end of 1. And he never tried to bring Megs back afterwards.

And yet it feels like ten. They have really exhausted almost every possible route to take those main characters leaving only complete reinvention the last available route and at that point I would rather they just use someone else instead of the not muhs that would follow. Whatever else people say about RiD15 giving an entire season to the Stunticons was great.

Also is that mah boi Sunstorm? You have no idea my hype for him.

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Cyberverse screamer was utter trash and it just seemed like Catt was slow to apply a starscream pity patch that would have better suited a previous incarnation. Motherfucker tried to destroy the universe because he said people were mean to him

>because he said people were mean to him
And that was even played for laughs so I don't get the mindset behind it. Even as Quintesson head Starscream was framed as self-absorbed brat the audience was supposed to laugh about or at least see as crazy villain.

Scott did write a Cyberverse episode

The world needs more screentime for orange bots, prove me wrong.

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orange buttcheeks making their way to transformers, very nice

They're adapting Botbots, so I expect that will be a full new cast. We probably won't see any of the lesser used guys, but at least it will be new faces.

This, though they did botch it so bad, he may as well been just an opportunist that followed whoever was the leader.

Cyberverse made me realize that Starscream at the very least has to be entertaining. This isn't even anything all that new to Starscream but Cyberverse just made it so dull.

Yes. I really hope he won't just be some background Con with superpower in IDW2 but get somewhat of an actual arc. The beginning was already great and I am hyped.
They are pretty rare, thinking of it. Compared to red, blue, green or even violet bots.

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Rescue Bots already proved you don't need the usual bots being the leading cast to do well. Both shows surpassed G1 by episode count. Hope someone at Hasbro takes it as a sign that audiences could do for something other than the same old same old.


>and they were a good friend

The hype comic characters got should be obvious too.
I mean sure Megatron is beloved, but most other characters you see are Tarn/DJD, Drift, Overlord, Pharma, Skids, Rung and so on. Rodimus a lot as well, so even if they need a prominent Prime or lead they can use him rather than Optimus. And the hype for the other characters has shown that even OC or newer characters can be popular as fuck if handled well.
In the end people will love everything as long as the character is cool, interesting, likeable, a good villain or whatever.

I became a fan during the G2 era with G1 stuff being the first fiction I saw, and I've just kept up with everything after that point so I've watched the kind of "evolution" of things for a pretty long time, and I gotta say I've never understood the obsession with Starscream.

I understand to an extent how people who started with Armada found him to be a "kewl" 00s misunderstood emo edgy sword boi, and how people who started with Prime especially of the female and LGBT varieties found him to be some form of representation since he was very femme in a lot of ways and especially in contrast to beefy Megatron which made him seem more like a "victim", but even still his fandom is beyond those things, he's always been hugely popular, I know some people older than me who mainly just remember G1 whos idea of Starscream seems to be that he was this uber cool character and I don't get it, I guess just being a rebel even to the main villain is his "cool" factor?

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I feel like I am missing a meme here.

Does any orange bot even have ass? They are all flat there, see Sunstorm too.

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I think a part of it was that his G1 episodes with Jetfire's first appearence were their own video back in the early 90s so if someone was looking to rent a Transformers video something that was heavily Starscream was one of the main options.
Just google orange butt cheeks and you'll know

Why does a Prime walk like a girl?

Not to mention all the standouts that show up with every iteration. Even some of the smaller names stick out. I get that some of it is about keeping trademark, but that doesn't mean they have to be main characters.

>episodes with Jetfire
This is so weird because it's still one of the most popular ships and it gets all of its fuel from some episode from 35 years ago.

No, they need to be contained, preferably inside of trash cans, or perhaps TFW2005. Those two bands of idiots deserve each other.

Yeah, it's especially true for fans I think.
The trademarks are rather luring in the casuals, that won't recognize a series with no Optimus. But especially for smaller productions like comics or some youtube cartoons like CV and such there is no need for that since the mainstream won't read or watch it anyway. And an actual TF fan has a ton of characters they would like to see more of.
The people that are bitching on tfw2k5 and such are never actually following the series they hate so writers should really stop listening to loud haters.

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Starscream just sticks with people. They like an underdog, even if he's a little bitch about it.

G1 Scream is a retard like every other Decepticon, but I guess you could interpret him openly ranting about how he's going to overthrow Megatron while the latter is standing right beside him as G1 Starscream having a "giving no fucks" kind of attitude. And jets are cool.

not that normies even know who Jetfire is but that episode showed that even in the cartoon world of G1, Starscream had more depth than any other Decepticon

I wonder if they were really ever friends or was Jetfire just so autistic he'd hang out with anyone who would have him

He's pretty stupid but he's not that bad.

Now, GALVATRON, on the other hand, is an actual fucking retard who was super irritating, at least in season 3 and 4.


I blame the meme culture from nowadays. Many people that are fan of something have not actually read it.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you how many active TF fans outside of Dab Forums I have talked to over the years have never read the comics they are fans of or watched the shows. They are just fan of a character for the things they have heard about them or the screenshots that get posted by others. I know people that literally wear, as an example, Kaon avatars and name him as their absolute favorite but have never even touched MtmtE.
By that logic it makes sense that SS has many fans that seem to be static and never choose other characters to care about. They know about the fanlore about him and that's all they are about. Hasbro could turn him into a completely different person for the next 15 years and they would barely even notice since they don't care much about the actual products anyway.

It makes sense that SS was popular during G1 since a lot of bots back then felt very samey aside from their power. It was Megs, Starscream, the Waves and such that stuck out.


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I think they were as friends, at least as far as much as either could be friends with anyone.
It's the same with Harley Quinn fans

That's why I think it's great that there are so many options. You got the Netflix series that casuals seem to like, youtube stuff for the kiddies, and other material for older fans. There's something for everyone, and the numbers will show when people get sick of something. Even the Bay stuff stopped being as profitable as it used to be.

First Meteorfire, now him. Hopefully the comic will introduce Hammerbyte too one day. I loved Meteor's and his design.

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Didn't Skyfire mention that Starscream changed a lot? The probably explains it.

>You got the Netflix series that casuals seem to like, youtube stuff for the kiddies, and other material for older fans.
Yeah I hope they will leave it like that. It's the best method to attract the widest range of fans and simultaneously giving the already existing fans multiple types of series to choose from.
It's a so much better idea than intermingling everything and trying to turn it into a magnum opus that panders all existing categories of fans at the same time.

It would also be interesting seeing a new attempt of a comedy show, a serious/dark series and a more mainstream thing every few years. Like if Cyberverse wasn't for you you could hope for some sort of TFA takign it's spot once the story is fully told or the other way around. Hope for some edgy DJD slice of life shit after WfC and so on.

It was a single issue )which, coincidentally was basically the only good bit out of all of Revolution, and also basically the only bit of IDW1 where Pyra Magna wasn't absolutely horrible), but... I mean well can you blame us really? Look at this shit and tell me it doesn't look like the prelude to a porn comic of some sort.

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>comic characters

He shone the brightest in the Wreckers Trilogy

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I also named Drift and Rodimus.
My point is that people can prefer underused or less prominent characters, comic OCs are just a sub-category of them. Another sub-category are Japanese characters like Overlord or Deathsaurus, who is also incredibly popular since MtmtE/LL.

Considering the writing quality of the horseshit crossover, I have no doubt that they just went 'hurr durr need cowboy robot', grabbed the first nake they found off tfwiki, and just mashed him in with no consideration for what that character is actually like. This is the same crossover that has Starscream teaming up with the fucking gay parade horse after all, I doubt any of the character dynamics are going to make an iota of sense, just like last time.

I mean, even among fans it ultimately all comes down to toys, Hasbro dabbles in multimedia but their bread and butter is toys. When the vast majority are collecting up every Optimus, Megatron, and Starscream and leaving the B and C listers on the shelves, what does that tell Hasbro? They're aware of this, that's why even when they get daring enough to put out cool no names and obscurites, they use the big sellers as insurance for the whole line. The same logic can be applied to multi media which for them really only exists to supplement toys in the first place or else they wouldn't invest in having them made, and the comics might have had some cool original characters or made favorites out of former literal whos, but there's a good chunk of people who wouldn't have been reading the comics in the first place without the familiar faces. Just look how little of a fuck people care about RiD 2015, you could argue that it's just because it wasn't that good or something, but I think most who didn't really watch it probably didn't because they just didn't care about the (mostly) original cast.

>It would also be interesting seeing a new attempt of a comedy show, a serious/dark series and a more mainstream thing every few years.
Isn't that already the plan? I know a comedy series is in the works and a movie set on Cybertron. As long as the comics stick around, I wouldn't be surprised if this is the direction they're going.

Shockwave literally just appeared out of nowhere to EAT the main characters and was kicked away by girl/horse power.
And now imagine what they could have done with such a comically weird mash-up as Shockwave + colorful, fluff horse world. Instead we got this and it could have been literally any other bot.

Yeah but he ain’t no husband and wife duo that command a team that’s comprised of a bunch of rapscallion teenagers, some monster dudes, the ultimate jobber, two Germans, a couple of littoral who's, and a comically small Transformers that'd probably be the smallest one in fiction if the terrifying little fuckers never existed

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't watch RID2015 'cos I hated the artstyle more than anything else. Visually it took a bunch of the things I didn't like from prime (no noses, ect.) and just amped them up along with cel-shading that seemed to understand no colors other than 'flat black' and 'eye-searing'.

Oh, and while some of the OCs were fine (Strongarm... and aside from laughing at him being a robot furry Steeljaw), but a lot of them, especially the weird animal decepticons were just fucking terrible in a way that made me want to avoid the show at all costs.

I never really understood this mentality. The generics are the ones I have zero interest in buying unless it's something completely new, like Bomber Megatron or that 3p Autocracy Optimus. Though even then I wouldn't want to own the same character more than four times at the very best.

Wait, I thought that one was just 'Shockwave is irritated by lolrandom worse deadpool pink pony'? You're telling me anons *lied* to me?

Am I going to have to actually go read through this crap somewhere in order to get my story straight? Because I *really* don't want to read horseshit.

As long as he’s appearing in something, he’s too cool of a character to be stuck in single media limbo and this is a close step for him to appear on more stuff, like Signal Lancer in the cover of Transformers vs G.I. Joe

I love RiD 2015 and it actually sold better than Prime.

>'Shockwave is irritated by lolrandom worse deadpool pink pony'
I..know absolutely zero about the horses but as far as I understood it he just appeared, wanted the eat them while playing the evil harharhar villain and was kicked away by the literal OCdunotsteel robot of the author. The writing is just ass and so is the art for most parts so I really don't recommend it. Actually, I would be worried to see any of my favorite bots appearing there, it's not even parodies because the writers don't know shit about Transformers.

Shit opinion I guess but i loved the Cons. Then again I'm always super down for hammy caricatures who chew the scenery.

The fucking frog looking for Cyberado and the antifa porcupine holy fuck.

I think RiD was unpopular for being in the limbo of a semi-sequel. The people that didn't like or didn't watch TFP didn't feel like watching this since it's a sequel and they feel like they should watch TFP before, which they didn't want to do.
And the fans of TFP hated it because of how different the tone and everything else was. It makes sense for it to be unpopular, it was just a dumb as shit choice to do and if anything they should have made it a stand-alone series not related to any other show.

>that'd probably be the smallest one in fiction
Well done Browning, well done, HOWEVER youtube.com/watch?v=0pbdha7w0V0

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I want a zealot Star Saber + pacifist Dai Atlas sitcom.

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There's plenty of love, we just aren't loud.

Where does Deathsaurus fit in?

Oh yeah I forget about these fuckers, IDW2 needs to add them in and Scalpel too because he’s pretty neat

Their sadistic pet. Or the annoying neighbour.

Neighbor that really wants them dead

I would love to see a genuine conflict between Optimus and a Prime instead of Megatron. Him being confronted with Autobot ideology, but the part of Autobot ideology he considers too extreme or wrong. Maybe evil Nova. Cannot imagine anybody else. We don't know enough about Zeta and Nom. and Sentinel will always be a lackey of somebody else. At best he could be the SIC of the "other" bot team. Double interesting if the Cons were still a thing regardless and the team of Bots was big but suffering from that schism that explains why the Cons are stronger.

This. The antagonistic neighbour Saber wants to saber.

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Again, it was the designs that were the dealbreaker for me. I saw the weird grashopper centaur or the crab-car man and I just went 'no, no thank you I think I'll go pay attention to something that is not that thing'.

Ah, yeah. Right. I should of known it would involve litteral sparkle-child robot Gague somehow.

I wonder what the Horseshitters thought of that worthless OC, from what I understand a lot of them actually liked those comics so it would be interesting to see if Gague somehow became a favorite of theirs.

Fuck Nova Prime, give us Prime Nova

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>Especially of the female and LGBT varieties found him to be some form of representation since he was very femme in a lot of ways and especially in contrast to beefy Megatron which made him seem more like a "victim"
They just wanted to bang him and paid no mind to the fact that he is particularly evil and sycophantic in it.

I never got these sort of stan fans who love an evil or despicable character, but then go out of their way to excuse or explain away every bad thing that character does to the point where it is not that character anymore.

Alright Dab Forums, you have been given free reign to design the next Prime to be canonized. What kind of Prime do you make legit?

Erector becomes prime. As it should be.

The idea of a Z list character becoming a Prime has a ton of story potential

how'd they manage to make him so endearing in three panels?

what can you say user, fans love evil twinks

It's not that bad, I mean Shockwave's modern portrayals are always "evil one note mad scientist man", attempting to convert ponies into Energon isn't really all that out of character considering in modern media he's generally just robot Josef Mengele

user, why are you trying to defend a steaming pile of shit? It's not going to thank you for it, and it's certainly not worth the effort.

I'm just saying that's an odd thing to criticize, I don't think it's really for anybody who isn't a fan of both franchises and is probably more fun for pony fans than the opposite from that issue I literally just read, but I'm just saying it seemed like typical by the books modern Shockwave albeit in a comedic fashion to suit the crossover. When is Shockwave up to anything these days that doesn't involve experimenting on other lifeforms?

Fuck off Starscream.


user, I think he had a fork or something of the sort, he was really going to eat them. Also he came out of a portal as if that crossover needed any consistency.

Like I said, a comedic fashion that suits the crossover, but he doesn't say he's going to eat them he says "I will find a way to convert ponies to energon" or something and since energon is Transformers food essentially and it was a food themed comic, har har get it? Horses is full of dumb meta humor like that, sometimes a bit too much but it is what it is.

>When is Shockwave up to anything these days that doesn't involve experimenting on other lifeforms?
Unless your primary experience with the character is through the bios of bad OC characters, he actually rarely does that much 'experiment on random lifeforms' stuff. It is a thing he does, sure, but it's usually fairly minor compared to the other things he's up to, the only instance where that was his one big thing was Prime... and frankly Prime Shockwave fucking sucked anyway reguardless of how many people fanboy over him (for some godforsaken reason, the man litterally tried the same dumb scheme like three or four different times basically in a straight row and it nearly killed him each time).

Also, referring to that book as "comedic" is more disengenious than the rest of your already-flimsy argument and you damn well know it. That shit makes bottom-of-the-barrel horseshit fanfiction from 2012 look like fucking monty python.

>TFW writers who are literally worse than medeocre fanfiction authors from more than half a decade ago get payed real money to write shit like this.
It's just not fair man.

I feel like the idea of "the primes" was so flubbed

As a whole? Or in IDW1? Or the whole Covenant of Primus thing?

'cos if you mean the entire concept of Primes, that goes back all the way to the very beginning.

Covenant of Primus does have the default and factually the worst lineup
IDW 13 make no fucking sense thanks to Micronus

Eh, there are only a few of the Covenant version o the 13 that feel like out-and-out bad picks. I think the worst of them is probably the shapeshifter one... Amalgamous I think he was called? Just because having 'the shapeshifter Prime' seems really pointless when they're *all* shapeshifting robots.

Oh, and Optimus being a secret litteral demigod instead of just an empowered king by divine right is just stupid, and the reincarnation angle it introduces is never followed up on anywhere else (after all, if Truck Man can come back from the dead, why not anyone else? It would certainly help explain things repeating the same handful of characters over and over again if they litterally just get reincarnated with all their memories every time they die). Almost forgot that 'cause I prefer to memory hole it.

Why isn't Galvatron more popular?
The concept of a Megatron with an upgraded body but a broken mind who's slowly trying to regain his sanity sounds like a much more interesting evolution of the character than just the simple power up route they've been taking.

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Galvatron is pretty popular hence why he's been used over and over in various ways or homages, but the original concept is pretty tied to a specific idea...and when you do Unicron, you're basically doing the final boss, can't really blow that load early

In addition to , Galvatron as most people know him (I.e. cartoon Galvatron) isn't a dangerous kind of crazy, he is a lunatic who's insanity makes him more of a threat to what few loyalists still follow him than to his enemies. He's basically a step down from normal Megatron in every way, and he's basically at rock bottom.

A character trying to climb out of a hole like that can make for a fun as hell story... But making it compelling would practically require Galvatron being a villain antagonist, trying to resurrect his army and his own person after Unicron took everything from him.


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I liked Megatron, mostly because he was an angry asshole

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Something I like about Megatron is that no one really likes his look. Which I find to be rather freeing for anyone who wants to take a crack at drawing him. His pseudo helmet and alternate modes aren't as iconic as Prime's so you can do all kinds of things with his design.

So long as Optimus (or an equivalent like Primal) is there, his ruthless nemesis could be a dragon, a gun, or even another truck. He could have a big gun on his arm or one on his shoulder or both. Anything's on the table.

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Here's Marvel bios that weren't a part of Universe, aka the randos included in the middle of issues, as well as some BWNeo stills

I-I'm not here, but I like those guys as w-
Hwwwhw new Xaaron!!! Aaaaaa

Yeah uh, Marvel UK and Marvel in general had some really cool/underrated stars and leaders, including TW, Straxus, and Ratbat.

>Fliers are always mentally ill.
Th-there's literally nothing wrong with flyers, they're hard-working bots just like us, and if you don't like that then take it to /pool/, swimmer boy

Liked that Flame got more attention than his one (1) LSotW panel. Wondering what his past/backstory was, presumably he was on alright terms with Scorp even before the breakout. Hope he got a happy end.
>Roberts promises that LL25 is a finale for everyone
>was hoping for panels with B or C listers and their future lives shown
>no, just the main chars we've grown to love(?) but ONLY them

I only like megatron with big guns.

And you can have that. Any kind you want on him. And so long as Prime's around for him to shoot at, he'll still be Megatron. That's what's so versatile about Megatron's aesthetic. No whining about briefs like how it is with Superman or the color scheme like it is with Spider-Man. That's a lotta freedom


dod he change from good person to bad person or from conniving acedemic to conniving soldier

I blaine whoever decided to stop calling the Americanized version "Gigatron"

They don't know it's an OC. That community, at least the big part of it, seems to be pretty isolated from everything else. The comments I have seen from them showed they don't know anything about TF and don't even care. They just read the comic for the horses.
Well it's not too different from me, just the other way around. I just wish I was capable of enjoying them.

I hate that show but I don't think a cross-over is doomed. It's super cutified toddler hippie world meeting space nazis from a warmonger planet. You could so much with that, but in the comics I have seen so far nobody made good use of that potential. It was always "good bot befriending horse and they love each other".

From a design standpoint, Prowl

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Just take Sentinel Prime he is good enough. He ties his best but always fails. Literally me.

I like it for the corruption fetish. Not in a sexual way but something about villains breaking and becoming victims themselves due to some higher evil entity manipulating them is fascinating to me for some reason.

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There is a chance to introduce lovecraftian sanity loss early in IDW2 for example so I hope it will happen.
>Megatron is that no one really likes his look
Are you serious? Even the billions of Starscreamfags are horny for him which is big part of the reason why they are Starscreamfags in the first place. They self-insert as Starscream and ship him with Megs. Megatron is hyper-manly in every regard, look and personality, he is popular as fuck among people that are attracted to men.

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Prowlimus Prime?

I kind of want to see him with this design from time to time. Especially with Roche drawing.

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i always dug the idea of Hound Prime from the POTP fan vote.

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>he is popular as fuck among people that are attracted to men
Yeah. Bitches love old school Megatron. Though I get user's point, significant changes can be made to Megatron's design in each iteration and people don't mind, as long as he's big, menacing and manly. .

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He is the body changer slut, I agree. It seems to sell him even more, since people might have more designs to choose from and getting a new design is a guarantee for getting more fanart and being talked about. See Straxus.

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>Something I like about Megatron is that no one really likes his look
I love G1 Megatrons look, and it has nothing to do with him being manly or sexy for me. It's because like his altmode, his design perfectly captures who and what he is, which is why I assume they chose him to be the bad guy leader.
>grey with black and red, he's not colorful, just mostly grey, leans on the impression that he's not a fun, cool, or flashy guy, just all utility
>helmet looks somewhat similar to a Nazi helmet
>Becomes a gun, a simple symbol of destruction
>Has a giant canon attached to his arm whenever you see him, as if warfare is his entire life
I think the "regular" or "g1" look for Megatron is perfect for who he is. I also like pretty much all other "alternate" Megatrons too, but the original just works on so many levels.

Yeah he always gave off some heavy dictator and nazi vibes to me, and I don't mean in context of the story in which he actually is such a person. I mean solely the look alone. He looks like German world war soldiers were often depicted, even the face in some cases. The back cannon he has is another warlike aspect that makes him come off like some stylized tin soldier carrying a panzerfaust.
It's especially glaring when you compare him with literally every other bot. They usually have delicate bodyparts attached to them like tiny fins, antennas, crests and such that can easily break, they are either multi-colored like Optimus or mono-colored but with a strong color like Sentinel. And then there is Megatron who looks like a fusion between a soldier and a literal tank (even without his tank mode) that sets himself apart from everybody else. The design is simply good for how "simple" it is. It conveys his personality and even story (especially with a worker guy/underdog background) perfectly.

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Some say he is still vacationing to this day.


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Hee, that's pretty comfy


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Riptide and Atomizer were also criminally underrated. Hope they appear again somewhere.

>all this seeker love in current comics
Are the coneheads getting any attention?

I think Seekers are a bit overrated anyway. I can only enjoy the exactly same design so often. Can see why the new Straxus might be interesting because at least he looks like an upgrade and has a different head, but in general I am not a fan of them and if anything I prefer the Coneheads anyway.
And nope. No Cones Cons so far. ;_;

I agree, Galvatron was better.

>criminally underrated
You got the "criminal" part right. Death to all traitors unless I like them.
Ok fair enough, Riptide was cute and Atomizer's name was just too punny, they get a pass. And so does Getaway.

Non. Here's hoping the Coneheads show up with Straxus, like they did in Marvel. I mean, what's the alternative, just mooks under Starscrea-
>tfw so far it's been Starscream, gaymakers, and mentions of Skywarp, iirc no Thundercracker
Hm. Still, something other than "the other seekers" would be nice for the poor guys. I've a soft spot for Ramjet in particular.

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Atomizer's design is just way too cool to not get reused again and get toys.
Also, he is orange/red.
This is very important.


Wonder what his altmode is, if we even got a design at all...
That's very important!!!
(I like red, hee.
Wanted to get Kreon Thrust at the comic book store, but didn't have the codes saved on my flip-phone, so I had to just grope... but ended up with Ramjet instead. He became a noble and quiet guy, sort of like Sadclonus, and became one of my faves in no-main-Kreons dorm, where Lugnut was my Shockwave and Huffer became a Magnus.)

I assumed/thought he was very popular, he was insane in a fun way in G1, and absolutely terrifying in Marvel.

>I like it for the corruption fetish.
Wh-what the fuck...
>Not in a sexual way but something about villains breaking and becoming victims themselves due to some higher evil entity manipulating them is fascinating to me for some reason.
Oh okay.. You get a pass... for now.

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>Wh-what the fuck...
Needs more Galvatron ahegao.

Listen buster, I fap to a LOT of things, but robots aren't one of them. Therefore (You) shouldn't either. They are for wholesome and comfy.

A Transformers PSA from Kreon user.
Next episode's PSA is traffic safety with Boco.


Rhinox got sick in one episode from eating beanpods, he himself regularly eats organic material in beastmode.

Actually he got sick from a virus Tarantulas injected him with that caused him to hiccup or sneeze his energon. The beans combined with the virus gave him explosive energon farts. Also this was about halfway through s1 when they've already been on the planet for a while so some degree of caution at first isn't a bad sign.

what is it about mask/visor bots that make their designs so good? Maybe I'm offput by human-like faces on robots or something.

Have we ever seen them washing themselves?
For how clean those robots are they must surely wash themselves once a day.

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I usually don't like human faces in comics but TFs are drawn more like manga faces so I like them. But I think mask/visors are simply making them cool and more individual since it's unusual. As long as the rest of the body is unique enough at least.
Take them away from Soundwave for example and you realize how boring the design is. At least for me. For mask-only bots there is the additional interesting aspect of focusing on the eyes and convey expressions with them. A lot of times characters without faces tend to be more expressive than those with them, because the the artists give emphazise their body language to make up for it.

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The difference between Deathsaurus and Megatron
>Megatron: EVIL PLAN!
>Deathsaurus: DENTAL PLAN!

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They haven't shown up in IDW2 yet, but they just had a great showing in TF'84.
It's probably the most interesting they've ever been actually.

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