>Book 4 Confirmed
Thoughts? Predictions? Arguing about Book 3?
Infinity Train Book 4
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So a band?
Synopsis says they're "old friends", maybe a "bring the band back together" sort of situation.
Betting that one of the two protagonists will be an old apex member.
Interesting. But why keep making books? Can we just stop?
>but user, INFINITY train
They're going to be the two dudes in the op
Official Teaser subtitles
>I’m (static), this is (static)
>Where are we?
6 seasons and a movie!
what is the pod in b1e1?
>the inner puzzles of their relationship
Please no more lies, silent tension, and unequal relationships, Owen. Please make them comfy instead.
Looks like 2 guys.
They’re probably going to be gay
I'm hearing Louie in the first static, is there any references to Louie in previous books?
Tulips pod is seen in the background of the first episode
The names sound like Billy and Ryan to me. Ryan sounds a lot clearer. I feel like Ryan is the one with the guitar.
Look at that denim jacket. They look like they're in the 80s or 90s.
Finally, some good food.
The one wearing glasses could be a girl, it looks kinda girlish to me
>Interesting. But why keep making books?
1 HBO Max needs shows for its catalog, 2 being an anthology can add new characters to avoid paying very expensive voice actors contracts, 3 because Infinity Train
>Can we just stop?
I'm genuinely curious about Owen Dennis, I don't know if he's a genius who's playing with everyone or just a weirdo who we're giving more intelligence than he deserves because most infinity train fans believe that seeing the show once is enough to make it profitable
I heard some theorizing that it's set in the late 80s/ early 90s, right before Amelia took over the train. I don't know, something about the face on them makes me think they're a guy. Could work with the fashion of the times if it is really set in the 90s.
Awesome! Can't wait to watch it.
Owen wants 8 books to reach infinity!
>Tulips pod is seen in the background of the first episode
where? When? at what timestamp?
Would they hold hands?
What if we never see simons backstory because he was born on the train?
What if everyone isnt actually a null and its just only people of the same species can see eachothers numbers and this is alien shit?
What if the cockroach dogs are the mirror counterparts of people who have died?
>something about the face
The chin is that pointy look skinny guys get before their face fills out later in adulthood.
I'd love to see a book about characters in the past and how their decisions affect characters born later. We'd probably also get some train lore finally.
Louie is a apex member, so that fits with theory, would be cool to see, two friends re unite after one of them was taken by the train
Maybe even _hug?
No more, let’s pretend book 3 never happened
What the fuck is this show?
I'm not on Dab Forums enough to piece it together via thumbnails, but it looks like the kind of show that devolves into tumblr bullshittery once the original ideas have run dry.
That sounds like deep lore stuff they aren't bothering to make
>I'd love to see a book about characters in the past and how their decisions affect characters born later. We'd probably also get some train lore finally.
Hope so
Wrong show.
They are going to try to forget it I bet. It would be good for the show because it caused a storm
It starts as an interesting concept of infinite trains and storytelling done through exploring those trains, but then it devolved into characters screaming at each other with a few dark scenes and it stops being interesting.
Book 1 is mediocre, Book 2 is decent, Book 3 is shit
Thing is, I think the crew doesn’t see that storm and will double down on the bad things of Book 3 since they were treated as “bold”
Would pipe the one with the guitar
The absolute antagonist is or
>The train
How to defeat him: There is none.
>What if we never see simons backstory because he was born on the train?
Judging by his comments about his mother, his meeting the Cat, and his comments to Grace about being wasted in the real world, no.
>What if everyone isnt actually a null and its just only people of the same species can see eachothers numbers and this is alien shit?
Sounds doubtful because we see how nulls can be created with orbs. I liked one user's purgatory idea though. Nulls = people who died on the train and soul is condensed down to an orb.
>What if the cockroach dogs are the mirror counterparts of people who have died?
Either train errors or hungry lost souls.
There was a movie I watched once where an immortal vampire used to watch over her family through the generations until she grew bored and left. Eventually she unknowingly runs into her final descendent but fucks around and gets her killed on accident and only learns that the woman was her final descendent after. It's reaching badly, but it'll be cool if that was the relation between Samantha and Simon.
That's a guy.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Oh no. They are going to retroactively turn Simon into a monster who got on the train because he killed his parents. They are going to make one of the gay couple abusive but then redeem him following Catra and have it be all okay. They are going to have more white male characters in positions of authority wheeled. And as the fans cry out for comfiness, they will double down farther and farther in till a cartoon with freaking talking animals becomes a gory edge fest.
Hopefully I am just paranoid.
A prequel series sounds fun but Im afraid its going to be more 80s nostalgia jerking like stranger things
Which I dont mind but it kind get kind of stale sometimes
4:49. Blink and you'll miss it as it's about 2 frames, behind the trees when she wakes up.
t. I never leave Dab Forums and project options of Dab Forums (Dab Forums) onto the whole world
people loved book 3 and thought it was the best one.
>equating Dab Forums with Dab Forums
Aside from that, there were rumours they might get cancelled because it was not child friendly
ooh, it's actually flying away, not just sitting in place there. Aight. I kept looking for it, but I imagined it would be crashed into snow or something
That’s what I said, crew won’t see any of these complaints because everywhere else people loved it, which is disappointing
Your "storm" is about two dozen people being mad and yelling at each other in an echo chamber.
je-jesus user this is a kids show. Well maybe if they are gay. in that case we could even have an extensive and graphic kiss scene.again.
When she is in the snow car
So why the fuck did everyone act like the show was cancelled forever a few weeks ago?
>but it'll be cool if that was the relation between Samantha and Simon.
Interesting idea that would give Samantha a reason for character growth and remorse. It does seem to be reaching but Samantha speaks French and Simon has a French surname and has been theorized to be a French guy so you do not know
people like to take rumors and treat them as objective reality, because they are stupid.
Although in the defense of their actions, it is not unlikely that the sheer amount of pleading for book 4 on social media may have influenced the decision to actually greenlight it.
Two things:
1. user still getting pissy over Simon and wishing the show canceled for 'backlash'
2. user falling for Owen's trolling for the THIRD time that infinity train is going to be canceled when someone earlier posted proof that 2 seasons/20 episodes each were ordered
There was a "Yearbook" delivered to the crew and some of the text in it implied the show is over.
I think that's still true. I think they already made this season alongside Book 3. Networks don't usually only order 10 episodes of something.
There was an adult swim leaker a while back who said they were in discussions to bring the show back due to the streaming numbers.
I hope it somehow goes darker than 3.
>not white
Hopefully that means they'll actually put some effort into the story this time.
Shows can be greenlit for multiple episodes and get canned halfway through. It happened in rise of tmnt and glitch techs.
IT probably had the same fate but was brought back due to fan demand. Same with the harley quinn show.
I do believe Owen Dennis is a dirty liar but I do believe book 4 was cancelled and picked back up again.
>crew won’t see any of these complaints
Implying Owen and Co. don't visit here just for keks.
>It's actually real
What the FUCK? You guys told me it was dead! This is great news.
If the protagonists are gay, absolutely not. People actually refuse to watch certain shows if queer characters are hurt or die.
Unless they bring along some straight characters for companion, and those are the ones who suffer a lot, dont expect things to be that dark.
Owen Dennis is an easily triggered snowflake given his behavior on Twitter, he would be horrified the second he saw that "fairy Simon and Grace" thing they keep posting on these threads or anyone calling Grace a nigger.
You think he'd like our lust for Simon, though?
>fairy Simon and Grace
Kek. I know SJWs get butthurt over little things but that was really pretty tame. What about it would he find racist or sexist or otherwise "problematic"?
Considering he related too hard to Simon to the point he fucked over the character due to bias, I don't think so.
He would find the Samurai Jack shipping funny though
Ah, so s4 will be the *final* final season in terms of the original number of episodes ordered. How many more episodes was Owen hoping to get?
Remember that one autist who offered to invite Owen and Genndy to the big event just to piss them off?
His goal was 8 seasons total.
If some denizens were once human but people who died on the train, I can see Samantha being a common peasant con artist back in the post Napoleonic era. She's canonically 150+.
>Some denizens were once human but people who died on the train
>Book 4's resident is Fairy Simon.
Yeah. So she could be an ancestor of Si's. Would be Cinematic if she left her baby or child to get on the train and then left her descendent again.
Please don't give me hope fairy Simon was some of the cutest OC
eh, the mirror cops kind of had gay undertones in the show and amongst the small fandom. I don't want the passengers to die, that's lame. Gimme some angst and drama, though.
W-whose the other person he calls daddy?
We all came to the conclusion that the show IS canceled but season 4 was already done, or at least it was in production, the same way as season 3 during season 2 and so on. What are you talking about?
Owen would definitely be angry but Genndy would be cool with it.
Parker Simmons loved the Mao vs Grievous fanart
They had gay undertones but were never confirmed as actually gay, which is why nobody made an uproar when they had horrifying deaths. They were partners, but there was never anything too explicit that they loved one another romantically. You can bet your ass if they did it would be considered the worst book.
fuck yeah it was cute
So, place your bets now, folks, how does their friendship end?
>Both of them fix their issues and remain friends, going home together
>One or both of them realize that they're gay and they fall in love
>Their friendship is forever broken by the train and they go their separate ways.
>Owen would definitely be angry but Genndy would be cool with it.
It's ironic that Genndy is the far more conservative of the too but also the more chill from what I've seen of him. I can imagine him seeing that pic and having a hearty laugh
>Their friendship is forever broken by the train and they go their separate ways.
It would be very book 3 electric boogaloo but if it is well written I want it
I'd take a mix of one and three. They get on the train after one of them starts wanting to go in a different direction, i.e. quit their band and the other panics about it, making the first stick around when he doesn't want to just to make his friend feel better. The train teaches them that it's ok for people to drift apart sometimes.
God, I hope this book is just Bill and Ted on the Infinity Train.
>>One or both of them realize that they're gay and they fall in love
this is 100% what is going to happen and if it doesn't I will be pleasantly surprised.
>a gay interracial couple
>Dab Forums is actually welcoming it
I am cautious about it, not because they are gay but because of how characters have been written so far. Some of them are decent, but book 3 was pretty disgraceful. And having that as the last showcase of Infinity Train writing makes any future project worrisome.
If they end up as a well-written and fun couple, im all for it.
Both seem very brownish for me, they only sperg about white/black ones.
Someone found a playlist from Book 4 from an ex-writer, so if anyone knows anything of music, could you make an analysis on what hints can we get from these?
How about (in the case both are male)
>One of them realize they're gay and he falls in love with the other, the other one rejects him but both still remains friends (after learning about letting go from your crushes), going home together, not before managing to rescue another passanger?
Cuz after the seriously bleak ending of Season 3, we just hope that it ends on a good note.
Plus, they actually managed to write Jesse and Lake together as friends/platonic lovers, so hey, we'll probably get the same considering the S3 writers left.
>Owen wants 8 books to reach infinity!
If he manages to make 8 books that aren't shit, I will be impressed. Generally, the more sequels you make, the sooner will bad writing happen.
I think it's a little desperate to go looking for plot hints in a Spotify playlist, but I'll won't be surprised if someone actually guesses correctly.
on second thought it may be for naught since seeing the playlist for Book 3, they make no goddamn sense and its probably just whatever the writer had in their mind, so we may find nothing out of it.
After the last book I predict it'll be trash and I'll be right
>The show must go on
>Going Going Gone
>The Best of Times
>Every Time You Go Away
Book 4 confirmed for being about their friendship being forever broken by the train.
Guy on the left looks Asian to me. No idea about the guy on the right though.
Maybe, but if you look the other playlists for book 3 there are some that are just...weird, and dont fit the Book at all.
wait, is there a book 3 playlist? what about the other 2 books?
I can only find a playlist for Book 2 and it fits pretty well.
yes, several
Some of them make sense but other titles seem nonsensical for the character.
Do keep in mind different people envision different songs for certain characters, so it doesn't even have to make sense to imagine it in someone's head.
Also, it seems that three and four were not created back to back.
See? It got canned after Book 3 and picked Book 4 back up due to fan demand.
However, this also makes the cliffhanger ending for Hazel and Amelia that much dumber.
She said Book 4 was written before the "end times", so still the same writers.
Production began and was halted or began and was continued? Because that is an important distinction, production might have started and then halted.
If they were working on Book 4 this whole time, fuck Owen Dennis.
Place your bets, which male character will she autistically fixate on and screw over this time? My bet is on the guy with the glasses
Someone tell this chick that saying "book 3 does not exist" weeks before the show is announced is what we call a LIE.
Saying Book 4 is not in production is also a fucking lie.
She's a bit of a creep.
Found the tweet
Reading into it, it seems Book 4 was being worked on but is indeed the last one, so it's not really that much that the show was "unfrozen" and more that they took their time taking it out.
Man, fuck this shit, this show is filled with liars and manipulation from the crew that fans just eat up because they are morons. If any other show did this shit, they would want to put their heads on a spike.
>this show is filled with liars and manipulation from the crew that fans just eat up because they are morons. If any other show did this shit, they would want to put their heads on a spike.
>they took their time taking it out
If the writers can come to a consensus about the characters and not pull what they did to Simon and Grace in book 3, I'd gladly tell them to take all the time they want.
Why are they such jerks to their fan base? They seem pretty encouraging and dedicated for the most part, and like user said its mostly just Dab Forums who got mad at their shittier writing
I don't think writing has anything to do with it, more like animation takes time and CN doesn't care that much about this show to make it get out in fast like the other shows they have. That and to build hype.
I don't know, but some comments make me think that they aren't really good people? Kinda shitty, condescending, and entitled. Which is ironic considering the stories they write.
>Kinda shitty, condescending, and entitled.
They come off as spoiled and attention-seeking a lot, which is not uncommon in liberal women. This one in particular was criticized for making Simon behave kindly towards her self-insert despite wanting to make him a villain. She sabotaged her own characterization of the guy on a whim. It also seems kind of misandrist in undertone. Leaves a bad feeling in my mouth.
I think they know that most of their fanbase will watch/discuss/create fanart of the show no matter how they are treated as long as the show displays what the majority of their base wants to see. Besides, I don't think it's good to cater to a fanbase anyway. People become insane over the most trifling of things. It's saner not to interact with your fans as little as possible.
Who was her self-insert?
Someone post the gifs or webms of the brutal deaths.
It's true, but there's a bit of a gap between not catering to fans and just being rude or lying for attention or ego-feeding. A polite reputation is useful in most work
If people wanted to watch brutal deaths they could watch adult cartoons, not this
Lucy. Here's a pic she made of herself as a baby with the apex mark. She's allegedly Simon's favourite and Simon refuses to wheel a null when she asks him not to. We now he hates nulls and that she other wise considers him to be a narcissist who does not take emotions of kids into account so it was really self-indulgent
not a trick this time?
>Simon doesn't wheel Samantha because of his attachment to her
>doesnt wheel a null because a kid he likes told her not to
>Simon ends up as the biggest null hater who wants to kill them all and not Grace who didn't have this attachment before
Bunch of hypocrites
Don't forget he is allegedly a sociopath and a narcissist and a cancer according to the woman who somehow still wants his fictional affection. Wtf?
What big event?
Dab Forums autists held an event where they married unrelated characters off at midnight. It was part of the mr. Dab Forums contest when Simon lost to Samurai Jack and some people started shipping them
I don't care what gender they are, I want them to fuck either way.
It's really frustrating that the makers of a decent show/concept are so full of shit
If we won't get Amelia and Hazel, I just want more train lore and gadgets like Simon's magnet shoes
Even worse that they get away with it.
These people cancel Matt Braly over defending his co worker and Noelle Stevenson over a joke, but praise people who are actual liars
Funny how nobody called Owen or his crew liars and yet that girl still felt the need to tweet it out. Almost like subconsciously they know they are liars.
the infinity train announcement is being shat up by people requesting the snyder cut, Jl2 and the conjuring 3. Twitter has the youtube retard problem.
Remember when cartoons were allowed to have white make protagonists?
you idiots. they order shows in 20 episode blocks. of course where were going to get book 4.
We're not doing this shit again, fuck off.
>Saying Book 4 is not in production is also a fucking lie.
maybe not because it was already finished and technically she was not lying
in general they are seen on the defensive as if they were poor victims, maybe they are actually assholes or maybe they are stressed by the directions that Warner Bros has, maybe a mixture of both, it is not like being writers or animators make you know how to deal with the critics or the fans, but again that doesn't excuse you from being an idiot, people here mostly understand that having problems doesn't justify being an idiot with book 3
do you think any of them read these threads? Most of the "reviews" on the show are "oh this is a great 10/10 masterpiece CN more please" because twitter's character limit is annoying but what if they want honest criticism? one of those where they can't cancel you because the character is a minority or something like that, do you think they have opinions about how there have been many threads with hundreds of opinions here about the show? What opinion they have about S1 being mediocre/decent S2 being decent/good and S3 being mostly about continuous debates between Simon vs Grace did nothing wrong?
maybe I'm overthinking
What does the choo-choo crew have that they don't?
Hbo max needs content for white meh
Literally everything they do is woke shit with black or female protagonist were whites men are either the butt if every joke comic relief, evil bad guys Who get easily beaten by women or stupid damsels that need to be rescued by women
The one where only white men die?
>taking a photo with a mirror
How about you fuck of instead
Literally everything is the same woke shit
Why is no modern show allowed to have a white male hero?
I've got the same feeling all these guys are awful people and liars
I know you are probably baiting Dab Forumsmblr, but you have a point. Literally every character who has died so far, positive or not, has been a white man (Alric, Simon, the mirror cops). It might have to do with the fact that one of the main writers is an assholish white woman who seems to project on to the characters. I hope they reign her in.
On a side note: Are Mace or Sieve Alric's reflections?
many attacked the Thomas the Tank Engine series for the "cancellation" of the show because...trains i guess
Kid Cosmic?
>do you think any of them read these threads?
The guy who spammed the false link here every other week about season 4 being confirmed was Owen himself. I've got no proof, but I really think it's him. Who else would be such a dedicated troll about infinity train?
I also think every time someone spergs about muh white male bad and Grace getting off easy because she's black and a woman makes any writer on the team feel justified about season 3.
o, they reached their endgame,
the black female protagonist
good for them i guess.
>honest criticism
I doubt it. A lot of creators just like being flattered, and Owen seems to be the reddit type. Dab Forums is a niche community in a lot of ways.
The show depicts him as a loser who fails all the time, most of the shows comedy is about him failing and acting stupid
Meanwhile female protagonist never fail or need help and comedy is never at their expense
I want a show that writes make characters like modern shows write woman and vice versa
Nope it’s more that media is controlled by lefties and lefties want to normalize discrimination and hate against white men
Not that user, however:
Nobody has ever changed anybody's mind about book 3, and nobody will. Everyone's mind is made up on it. Writers, creators, people who watched it. Those who hated it, those who loved it.
Everyone has already made up their mind and trying to discuss or open people's hearts or minds to other ideas is going to make them double down on it. Owen included.
Of course, there's some irony in that. Seeing as how Own probably thinks he completely lifted himself out of who he was as Simon (no one in the real world does that) when the reality is he's doing the same double-down on his ideology that Simon did. Just a different dogma.
There isn't any in the west. Head East my friend, not as far as Dab Forums but to Hungary and Russia. I have.
Go back.
And get off Kid Cosmic with that awful false review. If you got this impression from the show, then you absorb things worse than the children it was designed for.
They're aware of the criticisms, it's obvious in Owen's most recent interview. It's funny because he outright admits the later half of Book 3 is unpleasant. It seems like they're less enthralled about it now, but then again Lindsay also often laughs off people being upset at Simon's fate. She's a weirdly vocal member of the crew though - she's not a head writing or anything but I think of all the writers she's the one who's talked about her opinion on the characters the most, made playlists for them, etc. Wonder which specific parts of the series she's responsible for.
Because fuck lesbians
Can't wait for the porn
>it's obvious in Owen's most recent interview.
what did he say exactly? If he really is ashamed of what he did then things might work out in Book 4
This doesn't even look like them. Glasses guy should be skinnier with fluffier hair.
maybe the denim jacket guy is 23, probably not but it would be cool if it tied back to book 1
>The third season of infinity train is a tragedy. When we were finished writing it, it felt like the stories went where they should go. They felt like they had appropriate endings, but I think people sometimes think that the ending was supposed to be a big happy uplifting ending because that’s what most things are. It’s not. When I watch that season, I don’t feel good by the end, I feel kinda sad. It sucks. That whole season is a series of tragedies with a sliiiight uplift at the end that things will probably get better. Overall however, everyone’s relationship fell apart, friends abandoned friends, distrust was sewn, people died, all kinds of horrible stuff happened. Season one was a mystery, season two was an adventure, season three was a tragedy.
I think it's a bit of a disingenuous answer as it didn't seem like Simon's death was meant to be too sad as much as deserved retribution, but that he tries to play it off like it was meant to be tragic tells me he's probably thought about those criticisms at least a little bit.
Dude, book 3 already had shit writing.
>If they were working on Book 4 this whole time, fuck Owen Dennis.
They clearly were
>They felt like they had appropriate endings, but I think people sometimes think that the ending was supposed to be a big happy uplifting ending because that’s what most things are. It’s not. When I watch that season, I don’t feel good by the end, I feel kinda sad. It sucks. That whole season is a series of tragedies with a sliiiight uplift at the end that things will probably get better.
Damn, this dude is so condescending.
There is some loose resemblance, major difference being his skin tone but that could just be the green tint. Also I don’t think someone with a low number like that would still be around in book 4
>That whole season is a series of tragedies with a sliiiight uplift at the end that things will probably get better.
This is what grinds my gears. There is NO definite confirmation that things will be better. Tuba is dead. Hazel is scarred. Simon is dead. Grace is alone again, and there is no confirmation that everything would eventually be ok. It's some fucking Bojack shit. It's literally a step down from Nefcy's hint that Star and Marco will break up after Star fucks up worlds just for Marco. All that drama and death for nothing.
What if the Book is about a dude who's already hit zero sticking around because his friend just can't seem to get his number any lower?
>Also I don’t think someone with a low number like that would still be around in book 4
Perhaps he is delaying getting his number down further until his friend gets off?
That could be a good source of conflict, especially with how dangerous the train is. Imagine, every time your number gets too low you go kick a denizen to raise it because your best friend can't solve his problem fast enough.
>All that drama and death for nothing.
This is genuinely how Book 3 makes me feel. I don't get why I'm supposed to be happy for Grace when she was horrible the entire season. I feel like she and Simon should have both either died or lost everything. That Grace both survives Simon and ends up back where she was at the beginning of the series just with different views feels hollow. Grace is seen as "redeemed" when she didn't even do anything to earn that redemption other than admitting being wrong. As if that erases all the horrible things she's done.
So everyone in Book 3 suffers, Simon and Tuba die, all so Grace can go "this cult thing was a bad idea".
This, you can clearly tell how Grace was the writers' pet project and how they are a bunch of hypocrites.
That's why I don't like book 3, I feel no sympathy for Grace and Simon, they're jerks. Hazel and Tuba's lives were ruined because they met Grace and Simon.
Apparently theres something hidden in the teasers audio, already looked at the spectrogram nothing of interest there.
I think you need a break from the internet
Oh No No No No No pleeaasee let this only be drawings for a music car and not the journy of a musician...
>Book 4 confirmed for being about their friendship being forever broken by the train.
I want them to be happy
Go to app.frame.io
Download Infinity Train: Book Four_teaser greenlight.mp4
>exiftool 'Infinity Train: Book Four_teaser greenlight.mp4' | grep "Ingredients File Path"
Ingredients File Path : ComingSoon.mov, CARD - Infinity Train Book Three Logo.mov, IT_Update.mov, train clean.mov, train clean.mov, train clean.mov, Train.mov, IT_Book4_Teaser_15_MX.wav, Infinity_Train_Ep_434_Iceberg_Car_The_TSEM.mov, Infinity_Train_Ep_433_Twin_Tapes_The_TSEM.mov, Infinity_Train_Ep_433_Twin_Tapes_The_TSEM.mov
>twin tapes
something at 22kHz
audio is from
So is this the secret that Owen was talking about? The names of the first two episodes?
You don't even know their names!
This isn’t him admitting the show had flaws and more him patting himself in the back as to how “cool” his work was.
It doesn’t really feel like a tragedy the way it was presented though. Hazel leaves with a better mentor figure, Simon the “arrogant monster” is dead and Grace found a way to improve herself.
A real tragedy would be everyone dying and Grace left alone crying and screaming. That’s a tragedy, nothing good about anything. But as it is, the only tragedy is the shitty writing.
Hazel is definitely hinted as getting better thanks to Amelia.
But even that is stupid since they made her an irresponsible prick who didn’t care about the damage she caused, but they sweep that under the rug
Hope Amelia finally gets slapped for being a bitch.
part of me was hoping book 4 would be the last one of this continuum and conclude with hazel/amelia's journey. i would like to see infinity train going for a while though, there's still a lot you can do with the concept.
>rise of tmnt and glitch techs
They got canceled...in the middle of production? Didn't know rise was even canceled at all
women love sociopaths
Rise was greenlit for 22 episodes and only got half of them made. Animatics and storyboards were done for other episodes that never aired.
Glitch Techs was working on season 3 before it got canned. Multiple episodes were ready to be sent to animation and they cancelled it before they could see the light of day
Owen said book 3 being too dark almost got it canceled, so unless he was lying there as well, it seems unlikely.
summed it up perfectly. i liked book 3, but the ending really didn't sit right with me at all. i like grace, but her "redemption" was far too rushed and glossed over.
Yeah, he's gone full "orange man bad' on twitter
Grace and Amelia should kill each other
>implying this work under Adventure Time thesis
seems like a loto f work for stuff that isnt that interesting honestly.
Also, seriously? More of the fucking tapes? I am so done with them already. For a show that is supposed to be a new thing every time, they sure do love to use those tapes for everything.
So Owen just confirmed he was a fucking liar.
Don't know how to feel about it. On the one hand, the book 3 lie was definitely the biggest one, and he never really claimed Book 4 didn't exist. But on the other hand, you cant deny there was manipulation of some kind from this crew, more than in any other animated show I have seen so far.
If you count the mirror cops, then surely you have to count Tuba.
Also, who the fuck is counting. Do you expect writers to keep a running count of the race/gender of characters who have died across their show in order to try to make them proportional to US demographics? That's insane
Who cares, they’re contractually obligated to not reveal future things. Don’t take it so personally.
The tapes are a core part of the lore. That’s like asking, “seriously, more train?”
>Who cares, they’re contractually obligated to not reveal future things
You can do that without being so manipulative about it. Plenty of shows have been cancelled and brought back, but it has never been like this.
>The tapes are a core part of the lore.
No, they arent, at least not in a way that means they just "have" to show up every time. And sometimes its bad when you keep reusing the same thing over and over just because it was core to one story early on. Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout is an example of overusing something that is "core" to the franchise, when it would be better if they just did something new.
"More train" is fine because its the setting, you cant make a show outside of it. But you can certainly use different storytelling methods.
But a core part of the train is getting tape extracted from your brain and it’s where the numbers come from. Not sure how tapes would just stop coming up, especially when the main characters often use them to reflect on themselves.
>its the end!!
Most watched animated show on max together with close enough
This show is going to get milked and get a live action mark my words
That tape being extracted from your brain is part of getting into the Infinity Train, sure, but it's not part of everyone's journey. Tulip, Grace, Simon, and Jesse could have all gotten out or stayed on the train regardless of the tapes. They aren't meant to be used by passengers, just the train.
>especially when the main characters often use them to reflect on themselves.
That is precisely why it should stop coming up. Why limit your creativity with making character arcs by just saying "and then they find the tapes and cry about it for a minute" instead of actually putting an effort to make different ways of finding out the truth about yourself? That both Tulip and Grace needed the fucking tapes to get over their troubles, and now these two gay dudes just make it repetitive and boring.
At this point I don't want it to come back after all the manipulation and lies from the crew and CN.
The way I see it, it seems its true the petition to bring the show back is for seasons 5-8, and book 4 always existed. But now I don't want to see that since they can then say "no, there is no book 5, we need the fans to help please" as they snicker while making the goddamn show people are harassing others about since they think it's not real.
Yeah its called NDA
>but but they lied!!
Plenty of shows have been with NDA for a while. There has never been a case like this where people make conspiracy theories about it being cancelled or not. Shows like Venture Bros, Rise of TMNT, Glitch Techs, etc. All shows were the crew was way more clear about the situation. The Rise crew was actually pretty blatant over the show being over with clear hints before the early cancellation was revealed. These fuckers straight up said "nah, its not real, we need your help to bring the show back!" and now it turns out it was always back. And the cowards can even come out and say if book 4 is a one-time deal and the show is still over or if the show is actually back thanks to fan demand.
NDA is no excuse when this is an unprecedented case for any tv show ever made.
I sincerely hope that Book 4 will be what Book 2 was. Some thought it was gonna be shit but it turns out to be a pretty decent, comfy adventure that ends in a more hopeful note to close the show to make up for the messy writing in Book 3.
Don't get me wrong, I love dark content, but I feel the writing and the tone were probably the weakest parts of Book 3.
The flecs aren't even human though
Of course not, they're residents of the train. At some point they were based on passengers, but all that was grinded away when they became officers.
It's unlikely that they're Alric's reflections, considering that he was never on the train.
>Don't get me wrong, I love dark content, but I feel the writing and the tone were probably the weakest parts of Book 3.
Totally. It's part of why I often prefer sillier cartoons than the serious ones because most modern cartoon writers have shown they cant handle mature conflict in their kid shows. So they might as well go for the comedic route that is safer and fits better for their writing skills. Not to mention how even shows with a light tone can still have dramatic and fucked up scenes that work wonderfully.
IT Book 3 is not as bad as SU or She-Ra in the way they handled things, but it's still bad.
They aren't from the train, the mirror stuff was confirmed to just be a thing from the world of Infinity Train, since we see Tulip doesn't have a reflection in the real world either. The flecs are just a thing that exists and just manifested themselves in the train.
>shows with a light tone can still have dramatic and fucked up scenes that work wonderfully
That's usually called mood whiplash.
I don't care if it's about some random fags as long as we get some lore about Hazel, Amelia and the kitty.
>Not getting excited for the bromance of the century to wash away the taste of Apex.
True. Nobody seems to be talking about how Hazel with Amelia is marginally better than Hazel with Grace. Amelia hates children, is canonically said by Owen himself to have never wante children or willingly be around children if Alrick had never died, and doesn't consider Hazel a person. Why is everyone happy that Hazel is with Amelia?
>not considering that the IT world is all a simulation which explains how the train still affects Tulip when she is off the train
Think of it like the layers of an onion...
Its mood whiplash only if it’s done badly. If it’s done well it’s just a good scene. Disney and Pixar have been doing this for a long time now.
>Why is everyone happy that Hazel is with Amelia?
Just because she isn’t a complete psycho like the other two. I’m not saying she’s a good person but she’s certainly an improvement.
Plus a bunch of crew art already made us know they see them as mother-daughter despite what you just said being true.
I still want them to be happy
Bump for the music gays.
We get some episode names, and the the tapes are coming back. nice find user
So it was all a big fat lie?
Oh Boy
not if they are very platonic friends
Having a gay ship would finally get it the level of popularity it deserves and probably be the necessary attention boost that will allow greenlight of the rest of the seasons he wants to do
Owen's playing ball, maybe
So they're gonna be an interracial gay couple. Calling it now.
but we'll still having our comfy IT threads without autistic Dab Forums fights about hetero genocide, ri-right guys?
This, his explanation that he basically panic answered makes sense. It happens.
I refuse to watch anything with anal in it. It's inherently gross.
All the HE LIED Anons is proof of all the autistic Simon’s in these threads.
I have some inside info about infinity train but i dont wanna spoil it,just trust me when i say there is a character with a foot for a head,and they live in a bounce house.
That is all i am willing to reveal because i know you guys are weird and shit.
Remember when it was fucking obligated to have them? Remember that?
>People point out the crew lies or omits information but they act like they are poor little angels
>You all are Simonfags and haters
Plot twist: all Gracefags are just the crew justifying themselves
Like these threads ain't autistic enough already
>two boys
>exploring their relationship
Are we finally gonna get some good Dab Forums homo content for once? With no lesbos?
Pretty sure /copol/ is only mad about lesbians and trannies. Gay boys are so rare, they're seen as refreshing.
Please tell me user... will I see Simon again... that's all I care about, I don't care what form it comes in!
I'm a Simonfag myself which is why I notice the overreaction to the lie is very funny and Simon-like.
Sure user, whatever you say
The book 3 lie is the biggest and worst thing he said for sure, but he and the rest of the crew being vague as fuck, even as far as saying "things are done" back in 2020 led to all these rumors about cancellation, renewal, a secret book 4, fighting for book 5-8, etc. Its a mess of nobody knowing what the fuck is going on and the crew intentionally keeping info that they probably can say due to how every other show that has gone through something like this has been more honest and open.
They lie and manipulate their fandom, which seems to me like the biggest Simon/Grace thing to do
We'll see him in every shot of the wasteland
user, he's gone. If getting melted into dust won't convince you that he's dead, nothing will.
>I don't care what form it comes in!
Are you desperate enough to swear that on a monkey's paw? Asking for a friend, totally not Owen.
That sounds stupid enough to be real
>Plot twist: all Gracefags are just the crew justifying themselves
It all makes sense now. There was one female Gracefag that typed like an outsider and kept making reference to the nazi hacker incels on Dab Forums. Could it unironically be Lindsay?
Tell me about the rocker boys. How gay are they?
Simon's VA is also pic related. Discuss.
>homosexuals on a train
the jokes will be filthy on this one…
Don't bring him back as a trap you liar
He is also pic-related which is essentially Simon in a magical setting and where the writers arent tone-deaf enough to think he's unredeemable.
>mfw Lindsay Katai is now a mythical boogeyman in these threads
never change, Dab Forums
I heard about that one. He's also in a number of anime dubs. Often voices similar character
Yes. Do it. If it's more of the writers hating him I'll just have more things to complain about.
>I love dark content, but I feel the writing and the tone were probably the weakest parts of Book 3.
I completely agree but I wonder if it's an unpopular opinion and they're just gonna go batshit now that they're more HBO than CN at this point. I don't know much about this show's fandom and I thought they already canceled the show (glad it isn't though)
There's one way and only one way to check and put user's mind at rest. Ahem:
>Lindsay Katai does not belong aboard the Infinity Train crew
>There is no writer as self-indulgent as Lindsay Katai
>When Lindsay Katai writes her own irredeemable villain as still being nice to her even Noelle blushes
>Lindsay Katai will never be a cool metal gf adored by her Apache boyfriend
>Lindsay Katai will never have a sociopathic but submissive French bf
>If she does find a sociopathic but submissive French bf he will inevitably cheat on her with a Japanese sumarai turned salaryman, because nerd girls can't satisfy a man
"annoying cunt" more than boogeyman
>I'm a Simonfag myself
Honestly people are too pleb to be able to realize Book 3 isn't great. These same people think She-ra had a good final season/ending when it was atrocious. They don't actually know how to parse anything they just see edgy shit and poc and/or lgbt main characters and just automatically assume it's good. The Owl House is another example, it's painfully boring and no one gave a shit about it until there was a queer romance now it's popular. It's not about taste for the majority of cartoon fandoms now they just want to project into comfy and safe characters. This is also why how bad Grace was get glossed over because if they recognize she was a sick fuck they can't comfortably project.
I agree, however
>The Owl House is another example, it's painfully boring and no one gave a shit about it until there was a queer romance now it's popular.
Thats not true, the owl house was always big, more than anything because of its concept and because it has a lot of influence from Gravity Falls (to the point they just copy them) which is a show people loved. The show was always trash but it was popular before the gays. The gays actually did the show a disservice since now its just about the gay shit, not about anything else from the show matters to the fans, and the creator has stated romance was not her main concern in TOH.
Because he's the best character in the show.
There was a lot of buzz around it before it came out because it looked like it could be interesting (I was looking forward to it myself), but it died down after the first few episodes showed it was meandering a boring. It having a lot of fanart and fans didn't happen until after the "lumity" reveal.
The only things I can expect for sure are Samantha and Randal.
As a solo maybe but never forget metalgirlxkindapache
Yep. Lake and Jesse were probably my fav duo. As a solo character Simon was a good concept but wrecked through author bias.
Beware. They will resurrect him but make him trans to satisfy the twitter SJWs and Owen's suspected fetish
Literally wasted potential the character. You've been filtered by his contrived death but in reality Simon was written horribly all throughout season 3. The writers themselves couldn't make up their minds about him and it showed.
>Lindsay Katai will never be a cool metal gf adored by her Apache boyfriend
Regardless of the hopeless fact that we will never meet a soulmate tomboy made of chrome or even be worthy of her to take her with our family. What does that have to do with this?
There's no denying homosex boosted Owl House's popularity astronomically. For worse.
Just covering all bases. We know she also crushed on the mirror cops so she could have tried to self-inserting as Lake all things considered. It seems that she kept it mostly to the apex tho
The series as if it will not have antagonists impossible to defeat. I expected some kind of power from having such numbers, but it happened to him as Icarus. I try to reach for the sun and it literally burned...
You're not wrong, but all their confusion about whether or not to make him a sympathetic character or an emotionless devil with no redeeming qualities only ended up making him the most interesting. He ended up seeming like a mentally ill sperg that gets treated like shit by everyone he meets yet he still loses and never gets salvation. It's pretty painful, he's wasted potential for sure because him getting better would have felt more significant than Grace's "redemption" when she was just a sad rich girl that wanted attention.
the gay shit was a boost but I do think it had a fanbase beforehand just over the concept in itself and the Gravity Falls influence. I just cant find myself calling the show a failure "saved" by Lumity when I have seen that is not the case. It was always going to be big regardless of how garbage it is, Lumity just made it even bigger.
I genuinely think the show would have died if not for lumity. Right before that reveal it seemed like no one was talking about it.
It's like they were failing their way to an interesting character, actually that was exactly what they were doing
Him being interesting was kind of an accident. When they try to make Grace into the kind of pained angsty villain some people thought Simon was it was just a failure of a book story, the sort of things middle class liberals would think is sad. Sad little rich girls just come across as spoiled if they don't act gentle and kind
>she could have tried to self-inserting as Lake
Wouldn't it be better Sieve tho?
Oh gosh you're right. I have to look up which dakimakura she ordered.
Plot twist
>The two protagonist in the 4th book die
>The globotren is wicked
The sad thing is that Grace is great as a bad person. A person from a place of privilege - that experiences neglect thus does not develop emotionally - being able to look down on/dehumanize others for her own benefit makes sense.
But the writers desperately want Grace to have a bigger heart than she would have ever had starting the cult in the first place. Someone who kills and forces children to kill suddenly feels empathy because she, supposedly, finally realizes she's hurting people. But she had to of always known she was hurting people, how did she feel after Lucy lost her eye? It's shit like that that I feel like the creators just added in without actually thinking about it. If killing kid's denizens for years and shrugging off their life-changing injuries wasn't enough to make Grace stop and think what she was doing wasn't good then not sure why monke and Hazel crying would.
If they were going to do what they did with Grace they shouldn't of made the Apex as horrible as it was. But then killing Simon wouldn't of felt "justified", which is what they wanted to do.
>He ended up seeming like a mentally ill sperg that gets treated like shit by everyone he meets yet he still loses and never gets salvation
Truly Simon is the infinity train equivalent of Chris Chan
>one protagonist reaches zero
>refuses his exit to stay behind for the other
>the other approaches zero but they find out that the first cannot leave because you only get one chance to leave the train unless you have special privilege from the conductor
>audience finds out that the season takes place in the past when they reach the engine but Amelia tells them to fuck off
>friend 1 pushes friend 2 through the door when friend 2 reaches zero
>you find out friend 2 was the old guy Lake dumped out of his pod back in season 2 coming back all of these years to rescue friend 1
Based and oldmanpilled
>The sad thing is that Grace is great as a bad person. A person from a place of privilege - that experiences neglect thus does not develop emotionally - being able to look down on/dehumanize others for her own benefit makes sense.
>writers desperately want Grace to have a bigger heart than she would have ever had starting the cult in the first place.
This is what disappointed me so much. I don't want to open up an argument but I think that wokeism went into it; "gurl good" and no critical thought beyond that. Yet ironically assuming that every bad woman is inherently pure deep inside is far more sexist than making one woman out of many female characters a villain. It also takes away from the seriousness of her arc and her actions. You are totally right about how she really ought to have known she was morally responsible earlier. Look at how emotionlessly she dismisses Lucy losing an eye. If an ordinary teen saw a kid lose an eye on her watch the guilt would last a while, and yet it is Simon who cares about Lucy and gives her better treatment despite being a sperg. Why would Hazel make Grace wake up when other kids crying about their wheeled nulls didn't?
Holt shit. I liked the idea of the old man getting a book, but didn't think of it like that
I love it. This would be a good way to tie it back in
That would imply making characters Owen likes (Amelia and Lake) responsible for others misery and getting away with it, and while he likes edgy stuff, he doesnt like doing shit like that. It just makes likable characters by the fans look worse for the sake of shock. SU did this a lot with Rose Quartz and it fucking sucked.
It seems like a paradox. The train doesn't know how to deal with paradoxes, it can't even deal with fractional numbers, lol.
True. Though it would be nice to see female antiheroes having consequences for their actions if Amelia apologizes and helps them get off at the end. It might wash away the stain of Grace returning to be leader of the apex
>Truly Simon is the infinity train equivalent of Chris Chan
Simon broke into an abandoned mental hospital while crossdressing to leave a homemade wreath for the ghosts?
He literally refuses to just give one season to a fun male character without having him conjoined to a female character that at this point is obligatorily written in an obnoxious way.
He's too white to be either of them
But Amelia IS responsible for other people's misery, and she hasn't been punished at all.
Lake DID throw that man out of his pod for her own purposes.
People still like them in spite of this so it wouldn't change a thing except give a voice to random old guy.
Let's pretend he wore a suntan in his youth so that we can imagine a good season for just a few minutes.
>But Amelia IS responsible for other people's misery, and she hasn't been punished at all.
She was punished in the end of S1 and her involvement in the apex was downplayed in S3, henceforth why they like her as a "thick beefy mommy" and never mention how she is responsible for Simon as well. If you never mention it, people buy it.
The dude out of the pod wasn't a real character and his "death" was stated on Twitter by Owen, who has also said every single other character has died off-screen, which are obvious lies. So Lake just took a nobody who doesn't matter away from the pod, and if we never explore that, then it doesn't really matter what happens to him. If you make a backstory and make him suffer, then Lake becomes a cunt and people will get mad at that because it's a retcon of a character they used to love.
I know they only had 10 episodes, but I guess working within your limits is the lesson here. I think Grace would have worked much better as a character that maybe never got her hands dirty. It would make her seeing Simon as dangerous make more sense too, whereas in canon she's just a hypocrite to give herself a chance to reconsider feelings about denizens but not him.
Pretty sure both the main character's this time are male.
>Simon is Chris Chan
What character would he wear around his neck?
Maybe I'm different. To me if you're going to have a character do something, acknowledge the full extent of what he did even if there are no consequences.
>She was punished in the end of S1
Fixing the cars she ruined is good. It's just we haven't seen her really confronted with all that she did, and Tulip forgives her so easily, but I guess that's what Hazel is for.
>The dude out of the pod wasn't a real character and his "death" was stated on Twitter by Owen, who has also said every single other character has died off-screen, which are obvious lies. So Lake just took a nobody who doesn't matter away from the pod, and if we never explore that, then it doesn't really matter what happens to him.
I hate that. For a "morality train" to just treat this man like he didn't have a family, hopes, friends just because he was a momentary obstacle in the way of someone else is hypocritical. But then again S3 happened so I won't argue on unfairness.
>If you make a backstory and make him suffer, then Lake becomes a cunt and people will get mad at that because it's a retcon of a character they used to love.
Then those fans are fair weather and not true fans of Lake. Did they think S2 was a soft UwU season or a tale of a persecuted girl fighting for freedom and at times doing harsh things?
G.I Joe
>What character would he wear around his neck?
If he went Chris-chan level of autism? My guess someone military related like a fusion of G.I Joe or Levi from AoT. He was actually talented at making the figures tho so he might pass for a mad artist and seem less cringey (at least in till people get to know him)
>. It's just we haven't seen her really confronted with all that she did, and Tulip forgives her so easily, but I guess that's what Hazel is for
I agree, they could have handled her better. She sucked as a villain honestly, and as an anti-hero, she is just a little bit better.
>For a "morality train" to just treat this man like he didn't have a family, hopes, friends just because he was a momentary obstacle in the way of someone else is hypocritical.
Yeah, I cant say I'm 100% cool with what happened, but I just understand it was a plot convenience and I don't want to call MT a monster because of what is supposed to be a throwaway scene.
>Then those fans are fair weather and not true fans of Lake.
Retconning a minor action into something horrendous done to someone undeserving would piss off any fan of the character. It's like making a story about the cloud Jesse and Lake killed on that map episode. It is an unnecessary change to something that wasn't meant to be serious for the sake of shock value, its not good no matter how you drew it. If you did it intentionally and it was meant to be an important scene always, then it makes sense if you recontextualize it. But grabbing a minor thing and making it a big deal that ruins a character is pretty lame.
>an entire season of Frank trying to teach Simon to be less autistic while he rants about G.I Joe and Warhammer
Kind of funny how Simon's life was defined by women and he never had a strong masculine presence in his life and he turns out awful. Not sure if they noticed that.
Oh man. Someone needs to thank the crew for their brave and controversial stance against single mothers.
Seriously, if a cute twink like Simon went full Chris-Chan someone on the Internet would catfish and kidnap him. We know he's gullible
>Not sure if they noticed that.
They definitely didn't considering they see all those characters as strong independent good guys while they see Simon as a cancer that deserved to get eradicated.
>someone on the Internet would catfish and kidnap him. We know he's gullible
Another reason to have old guy come back with a vengeance and make the selfish ladies actually repent
If you're looking for comfy, this isn't the show for you.
I agree it was a throwaway scene but it never sat right with me. My first thought was what the hell was I watching and why is it preaching morals to me yet showing me this was ok. In contrast Mace's death made me smile.
>something horrendous done to someone undeserving
Technically both are true for poor (dead) old guy unlike cloud guy. Old guy never got the chance to screw up.
You'd kidnap retard Simon? I mean, it was too much effort even for the sci-fi train in his regular sperg mode. He'll be whining for you to stop the white van and go to Toys R Us all the way to what ever cabin you are keeping him in.
Yeah, I would. He'll get the stuff he wants, he just has to stay locked away and let me fuck him every once in a while.
>everyone is friends
>no Simon or Tuba
>includes One-One
they made another drawing with everyone working on a garden and Simon was the fertilizer. They hate his ass
Some certain people here seem to hate it, but it's because he's a white male. That's it. That is literally it.
This reminds me of the situation with Fin from Adventure Time. One of the writers confessed that his father wanted to test him for autism and was concerned that he was developing a fixation on hating the character similar to the one that Chris Chan has on Sonichu. Naturally it ruined the show.
Owen's wokeism and self-hate paired with Lindsay's dating/daddy issues...
>was concerned that he was developing a fixation on hating the character similar to the one that Chris Chan has on Sonichu. Naturally it ruined the show.
Wait, what? Please, explain.
I leave for a few months, and suddenly it seems like the consensus among the mouthbreathers here who wouldn't know good writing if it slapped them in the face is that Book 3 is bad?
Or is it just a couple of dedicated autists? I'm out of the loops.
Newsflash brainlets, Book 3 is great because it's drama is messy and "unfair". The ending is supposed to be a downer, if you think Grace got out of without consequences then you wern't paying attention. Even though he was a an asshole and had it coming, Simon was set up to fail by the system and the people around him. It opens up a big can of worms about the morality of the train, and that's a good thing.
Origami Ex Machina was lame tho.
Okay, but consider this: I really, really want to have sex with him.
>and that's a good thing
Simon is made for brutal, unrelenting oral sex.
>I leave for a few months
>Book 3 is great because it's drama is messy and "unfair"
>It opens up a big can of worms about the morality of the train, and that's a good thing.
Hi, Owen.
Not sorry that some people here disagree with you.
Adventure Time seemed to constantly pick on the MC, who was beloved in the early episodes, in its later seasons. He was repeatedly injured and dumped by women and then sidelined to a minor character in the spinoff, which shows him as a crippled loser in a trailer park and also implies that he's now a creep who sleeps with his best friend's daughter. Some fans tried to justify their writer's direction and say that it is only self-inserting white guys who were upset (despite the fact that everybody was). But then it turned out that someone in the writing team had a full on obsession that leaked into his personal life where he could not stop ranting to his father about how much he hated Finn, and made his whole family concerned about his declining mental health. I wouldn't be surprised if something similar comes out with this show.
No guys. This is wrong. Do you really want to spoil what's left of his innocence?
It's not my fault you have a child's understanding of what constitutes good writing, where every conflict needs to be spelled out in black/white and resolved in a clean, safe way. Not that I'm really surprised given the subject matter of this board.
Maybe try watching or reading something that isn't a cartoon some time, you fucking FAGGOT.
>Newsflash brainlets, Book 3 is great because it's drama is messy and "unfair"
No, it sucks because it's badly written and uses the excuse that the drama is messy to hide its own messiness. It's rushed, inconsistent, turns characters from interesting to boring, overplays and underplays certain actions to make characters look good/bad, and has plot conveniences to boot. It's not good.
>The ending is supposed to be a downer
And yet people are out there saying he deserved it, including writers for this show who were involved in the story.
>It opens up a big can of worms about the morality of the train
Not really, considering the train is not really what made Simon awful, it was Grace, Amelia, and Samantha. I guess Samantha was created by the train but the train didn't make her be a cunt, and it was shown she was different from other denizens.
You are one of those people who were fooled into thinking the show was good because it was dark and shocking when that is precisely why it sucked.
>It's not my fault you have a child's understanding of what constitutes good writing
not that user but
>throwing characters under the bus and undermining other characters actions so they look good
>packing 4 character arcs into a short period of time which leaves the story as a rushed mess
>characters who are interesting become less interesting halfway through (Grace goes from a manipulative cunt to a generic protagonist, Simon from a complex character to a two-dimensional prick, Hazel from an interesting kid to a plot device, etc.)
>Deus ex machinas that you yourself admit exist
>Wrtiers having different interpretations of characters and story and not a singular vision that can guide it
If this is good writing in your books, you must love a lot of shit.
Okay, when are we getting a poster of these two?
Here is your (You). Now don't spend it all in one place!
>tfw no Simon househusband
Simon is absolutely the product of his environment. His number was extremely low, and if we use Jesse and Tulip as a metric his "problem" was probably relatively mundane. Being thrown into a flawed, dangerous system that allowed him to slip through the cracks was what allowed Grace and Simon to end up the way the did. Even though part of that is Amelia's fault, they were just stupid, troubled kids that probably would have gone on to live normal lives had they not been abducted by the Lovecraftian Therapy Train.
Simon's story is a tragedy. Who gives a shit if retards think he "deserved it". Because he did. As I said, he was set up to fail by those he trusted. While he was manipulated and abused by those around him, it was ultimately his choice to double down in the fact of his shattered world view.
That's why Simon is so great.
It's hilarious to me that you think Grace "looks good" at any point in this story. She's just as bad as Simon, the only difference is that she realized what she'd been doing was bad and tried to unfuck it. She still loses in the end, because she has to now has to live with the fact that her actions were directly responsible for warping her best and only friend into a monster and got him killed in the end.
People who think Grace "got away with it" are legitimately retarded.
It's funny that you say this since Book 3 takes complex subjects and "resolves" them in a completely childish cartoony way by making Simon a one dimensional villain and Grace being absolved of her crimes against children because she's sorry.
Simon isn't one dimensional, and Grace wasn't absolved of her crimes. Did you even watch the show?
>because she has to now has to live with the fact that her actions were directly responsible for warping her best and only friend into a monster and got him killed in the end.
She literally tells Simon she's not responsible for his problems and owes him nothing. The writers don't want you to think this. They want you to think Grace is a good reformed gentle mommy that can move on with her life now and none of the bad shit she did matters as long as she felt bad about it. This is obvious by how she's able to take the Apex kids back in despite that she spend years making them do horrible shit and probably killed some of their denizens. They just automatically take her back and now she can use the on her path to redemption, Grace got everything handed to her on a silver platter. All it took was the death of her best friend that she clearly didn't give too much of a shit about anyways and probably won't even bring him up if we see her again.
Watch the final scene again.
Grace isn't responsible for his problems. Like I said in that post you probably skimmed, Grace reached out to help Simon. While Grace was the one who fucked with his head and gave him reason to distrust her, he's still made the wrong choice at every opportunity he had to bail on the Apex's ideology.
The Apex kids never hated Grace, they're just easily manipulable kids. JUST LIKE SIMON! Grace isn't a good reformed Mommy, she's actively taking responsibility for her own actions. Her penance for years of sinning is having to dismantle the Apex and help get those kids on the right path so that they can get home to their families, and undo all of the brainwashing she did as a cult leader, SPECIFICALLY to avoid any of them suffering a fate similar to Simon. (Her dead best friend, who she indirectly right.)
>Simon's story is a tragedy. Who gives a shit if retards think he "deserved it"
It matters if the writers think he did since they are the ones behind it
>because he did
So you call yourself retarded. And you gotta be if you think someone who deserved to suffer suffering is a "tragedy". Make up your mind.
>it was ultimately his choice to double down in the fact of his shattered world view.
When that doubling down is the result of others influence and brainwashing, its not entirely on him. He is not blameless, but his actions end up being way more into others responsibility than your average narcissist.
>That's why Simon is so great.
No, it's why he sucks, because he was written like shit. Two scenes of him accompanied with purple lighting as a vampire. That's stupid
>It's hilarious to me that you think Grace "looks good" at any point in this story
Don't blame me, blame the writers who gave her a billion scenes with Hazel and allowed her to live and work with the kids while her brainwashed victim died.
>People who think Grace "got away with it" are legitimately retarded.
I dont know user, if I disturbed a little girl and brainwashed a guy until they became a psychopath, being able to start again with a bunch of nice kids and anyone who may want to go against you being dead or gone seems pretty good to me.
Book 3 has the best writing and animation the series has seen yet, but I still prefer Book 2. The themes of the story resonate with me more, personally.
I think you completely missed the point of the story.
>Grace isn't responsible for his problems.
She 100% is. She brainwashed and gaslighted him into believing her lies, the same way she did with all the kids, she just spent more time with Simon. Those kids would have all ended up the same as him if she had the time to do so, she is responsible for almost everything about Simon given how she chose to manipulate him throughout the show. Simon made the wrong choice in the end, but its a result of years of manipulation and lies. I can hardly blame him for not trusting Grace in his mental state. It was wrong, but not really that far off from what Grace did to him. And as you admit, she fucked his head up, so it is her responsibility basically everything he does.
>Grace isn't a good reformed Mommy
And yet she is portrayed like that in the final scene with her smiling alongside the origami butterfly. Thats not something you give to a character who isnt meant to come off as very likable and sweet
>I don't have an argument so I'm just gonna say you didn't get it
I'm not sure Owen Dennis gets the point of his story since he said the theme was about empathy when it really wasn't. Book 3 was about responsibility, not empathy, empathy is just a recurring theme throughout all books and not exclusive to Book 3. But he said empathy which was the weakest thing he could say because he probably isn't sure of what he wrote in the first place.
Make up your mind. If Grace says she's not responsible, and never tells Simon "sorry I told you all that messed up stuff and forced you to kill things I was wrong", then how are we supposed to think Grace will be burdened with the knowledge that she fucked Simon up? That she only ever tells him she owes him *nothing* sends a pretty clear message that we aren't supposed to think the way Simon ended up is Grace's fault at all (even though it partially is).
>Her penance for years of sinning is having to dismantle the Apex and help get those kids on the right path so that they can get home to their families
Imagine a serial killer killed a bunch of kids parents and kidnapped them. Then he eventually feels guilty and turns himself in, but: the kids decide they forgive that serial killer, they don't have to go to jail, and they get to have relationships with the kids and help them and further make themselves out to be a good guy. Who is benefiting in this situation? Do you really think the serial killer, Grace, deserves such ideal treatment? This isn't "penance" for her, it's an unearned reward that she'll get to feel good about. True penance is her never being around children again.
Past a certain point, Simon's actions were his own responsibility. You can pinpoint the exact moment if you're paying attention. While she manipulated it, for most of her time on the train she was just as ignorant to it's nature as Simon. He was given the same information she was, and the bad things he did in the face of it are completely on him. He knew his world view was bullshit, he being willfully blind to reality because he couldn't accept everything he knew was bullshit. That's Grace's fault, but it's not like Simon completely lacked agency. He dealt a bad hand, but not an unwinnable one. He didn't need to forgive Grace, what she did to him was fucked up, but he did need to admit he was wrong.
Not being able to accept that he needed to make a change is what ultimately killed him, and literally pushing Grace away was what sealed his fate. No one was there to save him from the Ghom.
It's not black and white. They're both at fault.
>Make up your mind. If Grace says she's not responsible, and never tells Simon "sorry I told you all that messed up stuff and forced you to kill things I was wrong", then how are we supposed to think Grace will be burdened with the knowledge that she fucked Simon up?
Watch the scene again.
>He was given the same information she was
I don't know how you can say that
>Lied about Hazels true nature
>Did not get as much time with Hazel as Grace did, she purposefully kept her for herself while Simon was stuck with Tuba, who he only had ONE good interaction, not enough to undo years of brainwashing
>Was told by Grace to mistrust Amelia due to personal bias she didn't explain, then when he agrees she changes her mind and tells him to trust her
>Not there where Amelia bonded with Hazel and Grace so not privy to the information said there
Simon was not given the same info as Grace in the slightest, in fact, that is a plot point in the show, so I dont see how you can say Simon got the same chances Grace did when Grace cucked him out of all of them.
>but it's not like Simon completely lacked agency
Never said he was innocent or a good person, but his entire worldview was distorted because of Grace, including the parts of denying the truth that others tell to them. Grace was able to change because, as the cult leader, she knew she was lying deep down, while her victims arent privy to that info. Its normal in real life that cult leaders are more willing to admit their faults if its for their benefit over their brainwashed victims.
>It's not black and white. They're both at fault.
Its black and white when A. the show presents Simon as black and Grace as white in the end and B. one character is way more responsible for the actions than the other.
True black and white would be a show where Grace does not get a chance to begin again or truly change her mind but still holds on to some shitty views while Simon still holds to some positives. The show wants you to cheer Grace on and hate Simon, that is black and white, there is no grey morality where they want you to see both on the same level. They are not.
>Simon was not given the same info as Grace in the slightest, in fact, that is a plot point in the show, so I dont see how you can say Simon got the same chances Grace did when Grace cucked him out of all of them.
He did though. He even went inside Grace's memories and saw the actual, literal truth for himself and dismissed it.
> the show presents Simon as black and Grace as white in the end
It literally doesn't though. Both sides lost, Grace got a "good" ending because she acknowledged he fuck ups. That doesn't redeem her, and the ending very blatantly implies she's got a long road ahead of her before she gets that peace.
>Was told by Grace to mistrust Amelia due to personal bias she didn't explain, then when he agrees she changes her mind and tells him to trust her
People don't give this moment enough consideration. It was genuinely something that could have saved Simon and both Grace and Samantha ruined it.
Speaking of analogies, here's one that will make the tumblrite apologists understand the problem.
Imagine Hitler, after years of destroying millions of lives and radicalizing his country with his campaign, magically changed his mind after briefly meeting a jewish family. Despite all the irredeemable damage he's done, he's treated as a reformed hero by the world because he changed his mind and did some relatively very minor good acts while some other nazi official, WHO WAS IN THE POSITION AND IDEOLOGY TO COMMIT WAR CRIMES ENTIRELY BECAUSE OF HITLER IN THE FIRST PLACE, is treated as the monster beyond redemption.
Nazi analogies are cringier than food analogies.
>long road
>her number becomes 501
The businessman we saw in Book 2 got a bigger number than that and he didn't even kill anyone. The ending of Book 3 was easy on Grace and whitewashed her, that's just a fact.
It's almost like everyone involved was in the wrong. (Save for Hazel, who is a precious angel.)
IThat's the point.
To be fair, people don't have much sympathy with Nazi's even knowing that some didn't really have a choice. That being said, it does show how silly it is that Grace gets treated like she was only a little bad when she was more or less Train-Hitler.
Maybe if you're blind to subtext.
Also, we have literally no idea what the business man's problem was. He could be a literal serial killer for all you know.
Grace isn't a good guy, but she was right.
>That's the point.
no, it isn't, because both fans and writers make the point that Simon is responsible for his own faults when moments like that show that he really isn't as much as they want him to since he is cucked from any opportunity to change, or at least any chance he could have to actually deny reality and be shown off as an asshole. He gets none of it, he is manipulated and gaslighted by Samantha and Grace (while Amelia did jack shit to help him out either despite also being responsible for his state), but then the show tells you he is an asshole who always had a chance of change when he didn't.
You don't get to say "he is a monster and deserved it" and "he was wronged by others", especially when later on crew members start drawing those female characters in positive light while they say "fuck off" to Simon.
ok is it me or does the sound sounds more audible on the youtube teaser?
>I'm Billie, this is Ryan
> where are we?
Who gives a shit what fans or the crew say? What matters is the story that's been told, authorial intent doesn't always factor.
>Time to dust this off I guess...
Simon Did Nothing Wrong, but...
Grace Is Right.
And that, in a nutshell, is why Book 3 is based.
two people, a single number because the issues are shared and mutual?
seems pretty logic the way i see it
>What matters is the story that's been told, authorial intent doesn't always factor.
It matters because the writers word show us the intent behind the writing, and if crew members were very adamant of "fuck Simon" then it shows they had a bias and wanted to paint him as evil, not as a complicated character who was fucked over by other characters.
Obviously each person can have their own opinion of a story, but there is such a thing as author intent which is objective. If the author wanted a character to be seen as evil, that is an objective fact we cant deny. If that author did a shitty job at it, he is a bad writer, and its shown in the work.
Okay, (how) do we actually know if the metal heads in that concept art will really be the same protagonists of book 4?
*is why Book 3 is bad
That would be interesting, maybe the train is expanding to deal with relationship issues as well. Since they're expected to be able to get home together it would make sense that they would have a shared tape & number.
Maybe they are side characters, but they are the only characters we saw and the voices in the teaser were male. Plus, we know by the description the story is about two friends, not Amelia and Hazel.
Actually, it doesn't. Have you never heard of a story taking on a life of it's own. Even if they wanted to paint is as a fuck Simon narrative, the fact that we've had countless threads endlessness arguing about the subject means they fucked up if that truly was their goal. (I don't think it was, but I'll humor the idea.)
The funny thing about art though is that you can't really "fail" though. The story has been interpreted in many different ways, and has sparked a lot of interesting ideas and discussions about the show's conflict. It's not a flaw of the writing, it's a feature. Whether or not they meant for it to have as many layers as it ended up having doesn't matter, because it does and the show is better for it.
we know it's focused around two friend, and they look like two friends
basically confirmed
So our heroes are confirmed both boys. Someone was holding out for another tomboy
>*is why Book 3 is badass
We don't but it's the most likely since this book is for 2017 - 2020 and it has been confirmed Book 4 has been in the works since 2019. Glasses character is also on the cover of the book.
Jesse a CUTE
We have no official confirmation but the fact that they are drawn within the yearbook along with other official characters, the teaser trailer audio that sounds like two male voices saying male names, and the shared spotify playlist that indicates friendship drama all seems to support these two being S4 protags.
desu I wouldn't mind if the true protagonist is doomer goth girl pictured with skeleton Simon
You're projecting pretty hard for someone accusing others of projecting.
>doomer goth girl pictured with skeleton Simon
How would you feel if there was a villain subplot with her trying to chase the protags down aided by Simon's vengeful ghost?
>Have you never heard of a story taking on a life of it's own
That doesn't change the work being trash. No matter how much we discuss it, it doesn't make the season any better. And as you said, the fact that we keep discussing it and finding out new ways of how they fucked up each thread just shows how flawed this was. If it was truly great, nobody would complain and these threads would all be circle jerks with the occasionally unreasonable user saying it was bad just because "the straight white dude died". As it is, most people criticizing Book 3 have a point.
>The funny thing about art though is that you can't really "fail" though
So I guess you dont think any bad movie, show, game or book exists then, since we can all make up a better version in our heads.
Let me see if I understand because the whole thing about cancellation and renewal confuses me
>IT books 3 and 4 were on the works and were finished
>CN canned the show after that (or "paused" as they call it), the crew went away and that was it
>Art book was done to celebrate all the work up until book 4 where it was abruptly ended
>Show is still cancelled, it's just releasing the season they were keeping a secret
Is this it? Because when I saw the news I thought the show was revived thanks to fan demand, but it seems its just releasing a product that was in the shelf until now.
I'd ask why is Simon concerned with chasing down these two randos instead of haunting Grace/Samantha/Amelia/Hazel/Apex kids/One-One/trashing random cars because he can.
The most proper likely answer would be the girl being an older, mentally disturbed version of Lucy, but no one really needs that because as cool as the concept is it would just be writer wank in the actual show
It's not clear yet whether or not Book 4 was finished in 2020 or if it got paused and picked back up again recently. When we know the release date then we'll be able to guess. If it's coming out within the year then it was already made, with maybe just some animation coming back from overseas and final sound design most recently.
>I thought the show was revived thanks to fan demand
thats a good one mate
but yeah basically that is, it was all a strategy made by Owen and/or HBO to make people think they did something
Simon DID some things Wrong
Grace DID some things Wrong
Samantha DID some things Wrong
Amelia DID some things Wrong
Hazel DID nothing Wrong
but nobody tries anything to change or at least truly make amends for their mistakes
Grace didn't with Simon, but she does after I would say by disbanding the Apex.
Amelia is trying to repent by fixing the things she messed up on the train.
Samantha is sort of the worst case here. She's pretty unapologetic about being a piece of shit.
>Amelia is trying to repent by fixing the things she messed up on the train.
She still left the Apex as if she was not responsible for them despite being the main catalyst. Not sure how shes trying to repent when she abandoned her biggest victims to die.
Not that user, but I feel that Amelia is indirectly responsible for the Apex and the extent of her responsibility now was to make sure both Simon and Grace and the kids knew the complete truth. And also apologize to Grace for nearly killing her in the pumpkin car but more importantly walking away from a scared little girl. Amelia telling Grace the truth and getting her off the train would have prevented the Apex from ever forming.
Amelia is more responsible for screwing up the lives of hundreds of thousands who boarded the train after she usurped One-One and possibly thousands of human and denizen deaths due to neglect. Also a direct apology to all of her creations from the turtles living in their broken car to Hazel.
Welp, gay route confirmed.
She may be indirectly responsible and may not need to become their guardian just because of it, but she should have done way more than what she did in Book 3, and I dont feel the writers are aware of that. As it is, they use her as a plot device and probably don't see anything wrong with her leaving the two of them.
Owen trying real hard to make sure people dont see him as a liar.
Thing is, its not a problem to hide things due to NDA, its HOW you hide those things. I have never heard of any other cartoon with NDA that has a troubled release that went through this level of confusion and manipulation from crew and company. If you have nothing to say, dont even hit or promote anything. Plenty of crews have had to deal with that, the fact this happens in Infinity Train and not in any other fucking show in the planet just shows how pathetic this level of publicity is.
I also love how he has to make multiple declarations of this despite nobody on twitter telling him hes a liar (which he is). Everybody is sucking his dick and praising him, so he knows deep doiwn he is a fucking scumbag and tries to do damage control, revealing the flaws with this level of promotion.
The crazy thing is that he's admitted he lies a lot but people still believe him.
The only thing he ever lied about was Book 3. Otherwise he only ever said that if you want more Infinity Train it's important to watch it on HBO Max. There's plenty of reasons to give Owen a hard time but having to keep quiet because of NDA's isn't one of them.
dude people are saying fake shit as gospell
>not a new season because CN order 20 episodes!!
thats the bullshit he and his crew are calling
do we a have a release date for the release date?
Nope, just the teaser so far.
DESU that's a very fair point.
I think my only problem with it is that he kept shilling the show as if it was already on it's way to get cancelled after Book 3, despite the fact that they've been working on Book 4 since 2019.
I know it's prob just their way to promote the show but eh...
user, seriously, how far along the autism spectrum do you test?
You should be more angry at Time Warner instead of the crew. They were likely working with uncertainty of whether or not they would get further seasons, so shilling was all they could do to hope to keep their jobs while keeping to NDA's.
Owen still mentioned he's out of work recently. I'm 90% sure Book 4 was already made, with pre-production ending in 2020 and Owen likely only being out of a job recently because post production continued into late 2020/2021 (or did he make that tweet in 2020? I don't remember). In recent time series contracts have only gotten more volatile, so take your frustration out on the higher ups. If Owen could he would make every season and be upfront about it, but he just can't.
Don't car if its bromance or gays im all in for a infinity train male lead
it was rushed
Louie was an apex member mentioned off hand is S3. The older kids mention it in passing when turtle girl is asking questions
Just binged the whole show. I liked the first two seasons the third is meh with a few great moments. Besides Simon's relationship with the Cat and the death scenes S3 was a step down. Feels like they cucked out at the end too with the paper birds should've just removed that let them both be dead and end on the kids deciding to go their own way or whatever. Seriously Grace was such a Mary sue and Hazel was fucking annoying. God I hope Amelia kills Hazel. Also is Corgi King Atticus dead? I know Tulip went back for him but one one makes a comment about him being dead and forgotten in season two and since we haven't seen him since it's hard to tell if he meant it or not
>Also is Corgi King Atticus dead? I know Tulip went back for him but one one makes a comment about him being dead and forgotten in season two and since we haven't seen him since it's hard to tell if he meant it or not
Since we saw that he kept his promise to the Turtle King to help rebuild his car (in s3 we see corgi's in the turtle college car) he's most likely fine.
He only directly lied about Book 3 but their behavior led to confusion about the rest of the seasons
>Owen still mentioned he's out of work recently. I'm 90% sure Book 4 was already made, with pre-production ending in 2020 and Owen likely only being out of a job recently because post production continued into late 2020/2021 (or did he make that tweet in 2020? I don't remember).
Back when book 3 was airing the last episodes, he and some crew members mentioned they were on their last weeks on CN, and after that, that was it. So unless they also lied about that, book 4 was done by that time since Owen was around for production of all seasons from start to finish
I know he’s a dude now but fuck does he look like a girl. Russia may not even censor the show, just have a girl voice actress
>one one makes a comment about him being dead and forgotten in season two
I don't remember that?
I'm all about that gay shit but I'm a bit disappointed it's not an Amelia-focused season.
I thought she was a bit of a lame villain in S1 but she had the potential to be more interesting with some character development, which S3 showed the potential of, and the "pattern" up until now was that each season teased the protagonist of the next one.
She probably does show up, but the fact she's not a protagonist alongside Hazel is a wasted opportunity. Also, if she does show up, she will have less screen time and her arc will be rushed, just like what happened in Book 3
Some people say this is a prequel, but I don't think we really needed a prequel for her story.
And so is Lake!
And Tulip!
Eh, I've seen cuter.
Who is the most attractive character in Infinity Train?
That guy in the OP image with the guitar, if he's actually in it. Barring that, Jesse.
Glasses Kid, Grace, Jesse then Simon. Personality wise though: Jesse & Simon (pre-crazy)