That's a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship...

>That's a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful, you could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battle ship, leaving thousands to drown at sea. Because... it's so sharp.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nrama: Is there another Avatar character you'd like to put the spotlight on with their own graphic novel?

Hicks: I'm itching to take a crack at Azula. We'll see!


>Y'know what else is sharp?


Attached: muscleman.jpg (225x225, 8.99K)

I see why the royal family doesn't let you out much...

So is Azula alive in Korra's time or not and did she get better?

>That's a big penis, user. Careful, you could wreck the vagina of a Fire Nation princess, leaving her to orgasm nonstop in bed. Because... it's so big.

Attached: 3f2671694c99fdefbff30d9174b2a19f44d3f658r1-754-640v2_uhq.jpg (754x640, 32K)

yeah, could

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Women are allowed to be weird if they are hot

Men too come to think of it

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Weird girls are hot

Girth is more important than size

God it's funny as hell to me that all these years later Azula is far and away the most popular character among Avatar fans. This was only INCREASED by all the Zoomers watching ATLA for the first time on Netflix. She fucking dominates the fandom discourse these days.

>mfw this scene always made me uncomfortable because that's also my name and thinking about her try to hit on me always creeped me out

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was it autism?

why? at that point you don’t know it’s the psycho fire princess.
she’s just a hot girl who’s awkward at socializing.

Probably. But the fact that I already know it's Azula didnt help at all

Cavill is weird?

I think he is genuinely into weird shit and has gone on record saying he'd rather be doing some warhammer shit than be on a date. Allegedly he plays 40k tabletop as Custodes.

>he'd rather be doing some warhammer shit than be on a date
that's not 'wierd'

I'd love to know. I could see Toph making sure the bitch died in jail kek

Toph is absolutely the sort of person to believe in capital punishment, I bet she privately regrets that Aang didn't kill Ozai.

Literally anything other than playing football and drinking for men is “weird” to normies

Kind of but not really, he just seems like a guy with lame hobbies that just so happens to be hot.

>40k tabletop

Attached: 4v3CuCy.jpg (2560x1440, 369.14K)

No wonder because she is far the most interesting one. Even if you put waifuism aside it is hard to name another character in avatar who comes close.

>ywn have a big penis
>at least you can fantasize about Azula mocking it

This is true to men too. You can be the most violent asshole if you are hot.

>playing nerd shit when you are an adult is normal

40k is too expensive for kids tho

I didn't say kiddie shit. Some nerdy activities became acceptable like casual video games but tabletop, especially expensive is still the no lifer category as an adult.


It's doubly funny to me because Aang is the main character, and Mike's self-insert, and Katara is the main girl. They're lavished over by the show itself. But who gives a fuck about them these days? Everybody wants to talk about Azula and Toph and Zuko, and to a lesser extent Sokka. Nobody gives a fuck about Aang an Katara.

That's a cool metaphor she made up on the spot.

>tfw almost 0 Azulaang fics

Liking rarepairs is suffering. Almost no content.

Anyone else think it’s weird that Chang looks like a pre-scar Zuko

>played with a girl once in Overwatch in random matchmaking
>on console mind you where usually nobody communicates but she did
>she was top rank and I'm a shitter (as usual in ever mp game)
>we were losing hard
>when she lost her shit she blamed me with exactly these words
>felt bad so I quit
>weeks later I saw this cherry gig pic
>a long time passed but I wonder to this day if I missed out on my autistic princess

Attached: no wonder.jpg (815x345, 73.4K)

so is she canonically autistic?

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Aang and Katara has all the problems most good and kind characters have: they are utterly boring. They always do the right thing, rarely get into any kind of moral conflict (because things always work out to prove they were right) and they always win. Their philosophy (muh life is scared, muh evil must be vanquished) is as tired as it can get.

Why would it be weird. She married her brother in the end.

Mommy issues and fire nation propaganda drilled into her skull by her crazy family.

Pretty sure any firebender could weld the leak good enough to make into port and get proper repairs done.

does this imply that empire-class Fire Nation battle ships have a crew of several thousand men on board? sounds a bit much

If a girl started talking to me about a WW2 destroyer sinking in the Pacific I would totally be into that.

Empire-class could be a troop transport. Land in some Earth Nation port with 2000 guys, rapidly overwhelm the city's defenses before they have a chance to organize a resistance, Fire flag goes up before nightfall.

>Hicks: I'm itching to take a crack at Azula. We'll see!
so how will they ruin her bros?

autistic girls are cute CUTE

Attached: azula autism.png (1920x1080, 552.75K)

that's normal amount of crew for a battleship anons


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I faped way to much to her incest pics

This seems wrong but I couldn't tell you why
Is this just a joke about her stupid face or the bugs that make her spazz out?

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>Bowl of eggs

I kek'd

the bugs and the writting

making her a lesbian is almost a certainty

hopefully all the spergs that send death threats to the author will stop that
ofc i'm a not condoning it at all

dead on arrival then

Shiet, looks like I gotta play mass effect one day

andromeda is shit - not even the porn of it is great
but the me1 me2 and me3 are ok and you should play them

she's Izumi's mother

the comics must finish what they started. azula will marries zuko (they will justify it as "zuko is actually not ozais son after all", but i think we all know thats just not true)

Attached: zuko azula theserch(1).jpg (1066x1600, 452.08K)

>when the only other male Azula has shown interest in, other than Zuko, looks like pre-scar Zuko

>also she decided to go for him only after getting jealous of what Zuko had going on with Mai

Imagine it: Zuko and Azula as Fire lord and fire lady and Ty Lee as the royal consort. A solution that satisfies everyone

this is the best fire nation endgame

Attached: zuko azula and izumi.jpg (800x1240, 66.95K)

yeah they should just embrace it that the way Azula gets redeemed is by being staffed with Zuko's seed and birthing him many children

and excessive amounts of hand-holding and cuddling


anyone saying this it's a coping acting mother fucker.

meh the ending was shit and the choices did not matter but I still replay it alongside the other two

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>make a Toph comic thinking she's the most popular character so it must do well
>it bombs
>try again with Azula
You'd think they'd learn their lesson by now. Doesn't Viacom actually own the IP? Please God do something good for once and issue a cease and desist while also ordering a season 4

make her less crazy and more sympathetic

well she was rock bottom by the end of the show so there's only one way to go

Azula legit being autistic is canon.

>Azula is far and away the most popular character among Avatar fans.
Bullshit. Zuko and Toph are either more popular or close by.

the fuck you talk about samefag?

Attached: azula feet.jpg (2048x1152, 167.1K)

Sometime I wonder if it's actualy just one dude responding to himself or if there is actualy a surprising ammount of zucest shippers on Dab Forums. Wouldn't be that surprising since it's the only good Azula ship anyway.

Because her mental breakdown is one of the saddest and most interesting things about ATLA. Azula a cute, yes, but she also a broken girl who showed that somewhere deep down in her core there is some hope for her.

they self insert as zuko. the only reason option for Azula is to introduce a new character

zukecest makes the most sense and is the best ship. Azula will never find a man to best her like her brother did

Introducing a new character outside the main product just to pair up with another character is just bad writing.

well there's only 3 male characters to like 6 female characters, so there's no other option than to introduce a season 4 character or leave her forever alone.

I mean sure but it doesn't change what I said about other Azula ships being garbage and thus zucest being popular here not being that surprising.

I was going to write something that was just going to reiterate the same, so I'll just concede. Yes, out of all the existing characters, Zuko makes the most sense for Azula, even though it doesn't.

I am not alone, I just really like this ship in particular

you can appreciate a good ship without self-inserting

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can't believe they broadcasted this on a kids network.

Wasn't saying you were, I was just saying that I sometime wonder about how this seems to be the most popular Azula ship on this board.

Mara Jade is very popular

>the sonic poster in the background

>pick one
true mystery, bro

it's not really that strange: 1. Dab Forums has the highest concentration of azulafags on the web 2. it's the only Azula ship that makes sense 3. it's the highest quality Zuko ship, only rivaled by Toko

>never thought I'd fall in love with an air nomad
>how about falling in love with a friend?
>aye, I could do that

Attached: Azulaang.png (1065x936, 755.14K)

Not saying the character can't be good, just that it's bad / lazy writing to do it that way,

Fair enough, the high concentration of Azula thirst does explain the popularity of her only good ship.

>and they call it a battleship...

desu it's hard to find a ship that makes less sense than Azula x Aang
if you want ship Aang with a fire nation girl then Ty Lee is the one that makes the most sense even if Aang x Mai might be more interesting

the furthest Azula and Aang could go would be friends of friends kind of deal

>just that it's bad / lazy writing to do it that way,
lmao no it isn't. People come and go in life, why should everyone be introduced at once in story telling? Azula's path to redemption will require her to finally be able to bond with someone. She isn't going to do that with any of the current characters.

I tip my hat to (You) my fellow azuko appreciator

Attached: zucest train has no breaks.jpg (1280x1674, 627.36K)

early steam tech battle ships had fucking 2000 people on tehm?

do not let the lack of guns fool you user FN battleships are ww1/ww2 tech level

Haha. Let's have sex

One of the main writer of the show said she'd do it with Zuko so no, that's not a valid argument and I never said everyone should be introduced at once. There is a difference between 'just making up your OC just to sex up a main character in a secondary media of the franchise is bad writing' and 'no new character ever!!'.

>She isn't going to do that with any of the current characters.
surely you cant be serious
even if you have a shit enough taste to not ship them together it's still beyond obvious that Azula's redemption arc is not happening without Zuko

Attached: zucest best cest.png (1999x2753, 2.57M)

user you're too logical, it's just fun to ship the character who's pure violence and manipulation with the character who's pacifism and empathy.

Actually all the death threats came from me

based if true

have a (You)

I want her to meet jeong jeong

Attached: zuko azula and coffee.jpg (1900x2280, 178.89K)

dlcs are comfy, especially the citadel one, it feels weirdly polished compared to the main game

I can't see her getting over the betrayal and abandonment from her friends and family.

Zuko did.

who betrayed him?

Maybe she’d grow up and realize that despite how much it hurt at the time they saved her from herself. In the no redemption version she would just be resentful about it forever.

His family, disfiguration and attempted murders count as betrayal. Not sure if he had ''friends'' like Azula did tho.

>Haha that's funny
>So how hard do you like to be choked when you get fucked? You look like the type.

He didn't get over it, he took them down. And Azula never betrayed Zuko, she stood by her country.

but the Zuko realized he was wrong and his uncle was right and grew from there

similarly Azula who by the end of the series had had proven to her that all she used to believe was wrong is in a prime position to slowly realize that Zuko was right and that instead of blindly hating him she should try taking his hand and standing at his side

If chan was my son I'd beat the fuck out of him for being a complete retard and turning down azula

>And Azula never betrayed Zuko, she stood by her country.
is that you demon?

>is that you scrapper?

>Azula awkwardly flirts with you at a party but fails miserably
>she then praises your penis size out loud in front of everyone hoping to get your attention because surely boys must love that
>everyone around you just stares at her while she fidgets around nervously hoping it worked

He got over the betrayal, he didn't take them down for personal reason and he send his sister to get help and let his father be imprisoned, if he hadn't gotten over it, he would have just executed both like everyone wanted Aang to do to Ozai.

I mean yeah I could work that into some WW2 humor so it’s not a dealbreaker

that faggot showing up right now is merely a coincidence
but yes, standing by your country is the right thing to do. They had to introduce genocide to make it a moral conundrum

Starting an unprovoked war in an attempt to go and uplift a bunch of shithole country is hardly the right thing to do. Also the genocide was there from the start so I dunno what you mean by 'introduce'.

imagine Roman politicians getting pushed because invading Gaul is bad

Chan looks like beardless Ozai.

from Zuko's perspective Azula betraying him is the very first thing she does after meeting him
the fuck you on about?

Romans weren't invading Gaul to advance them technological and making their life better. Sozin literaly started the war because 'let's make every country as great as ours!'

>not knowing about all those angry optimates fags mad at based Caesar for genociding the barbarians

more like scar-less Zuko

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They were just pissed he didn't run i by them first and he didn't feel like waiting. They approved an invasion to Parthia.
anyways, Zuko was labeled as the traitor here.

> The romans are the one who got genocided by barbarians in the end.

>They approved an invasion to Parthia.
that was a completely different matter entirely

>Zuko was labeled as the traitor here
from his point of view he did nothing wrong and then his own family stabbed him in the back
Zuko very much felt betrayed

so you are telling me there is moe

There's a shit ton of Azula swimsuit and bikini art

have some

Attached: azula muff 6.png (1280x1707, 755.32K)

>Kind of but not really, he just seems like a guy with lame hobbies that just so happens to be hot.

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I'm just saying there's a difference between being able to be sociable and charming then in your downtime you paint your figures and build your pc rig, and "I unironically believe spirit science"

hello zuko here
i think you just have confirmation bias or whatever because azula is so popular here specifically, zuko will always be the most wanked character and then possibly iroh. azula is a bit more niche I've seen a lot of people come out of the story just thinking she's a bitch or thinking her meltdown came out of nowhere without appreciating her character like they do with zuko.


Fuck em. They can say what they like, but they're faggots, so their opinion doesn't concern me. Doesn't concern Mr. Chadville either apparently

the comics would be more interesting if they made Ursa a full piece of shit

literal children

Attached: azula-crazy1-aa97b36ac9e4d8f1220e47db3eabf72b.jpg (710x1000, 497.88K)

what would you do Dab Forums?

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Very Nice.

Has anyone ever not picked the hug option? Also it's funny that you play as Zuko in there since zucest was mentionned earlier.

well its true

i'd quit and play chapter 3 instead

Attached: file (3).png (950x639, 379.27K)

chapter 3 kinda underwhelming ngl

Could be worse, he could be an Eldar-fag

please let it be lesbian related

slave route is top notch, also you get visions of Azula and Mai

>picking slave route for toph

That would be this faggot

Attached: Alith Anar.jpg (990x1374, 195.11K)

why does he have such nice hair

the sex scenes in the love route suck compared to the slave route, but the love route story is miles better then the slave route

He cut it

no it's not


Hard disagree on that, love route has better sex scenes too.

oh god it wouldn't surprise me a bit

please for the love of god no otherwise I will rebuild the iron curtain and start a blatant ripoff but even better, personally

I have already started learning how to draw user you should too

Let's be honest, it's actualy likely to happen given the Korra shitshow.

I hope they never touch Azula desu

fuck it I'll do the writing

They already did tho, thankfully so far it just resulted in zucest stuff and Azula apparently having multiple personality (according to one of the comics clown) so not much of a problem yet.

incredibly so

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well yeah they seem to be pandering to the imbecile fangirl crowd

we need more drawfags user it's time to do your part

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I honestly have trouble imagining a more infuriating outcome to Azula's story than ending up with Ty Lee or some random lesbian bitch.

>even looks like a dagger ears


all of the main cast in the original show was confirmed to be straight though

So were Korra and Asami, it didn't stop them getting together from out of nowhere.


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>Not one Drooky in Naggarond

toph's pretty and also pretty cute

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Hair down top warms the heart in ways I can't describe

Is there a hollywood 40k club, who else is it? Or does he play with local dorks in thei mamma basement?

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The line delivery is what makes the character she will always suck in comic form

hug her obviously

2) With turning lesbian, now she can't be cruel and evil anymore either.
3) Turns her domestic.

Pretty much sending her down the Maleficent route.

>Pretty much sending her down the Maleficent

Zucest is garbage instantly because of the incest part. Period. It's trash. It's CP tier.

I'd rather her fall for some random guard or Chan comes back or something.

Based. Incestfags need to fuck off back to their respective trailer parks.

We get it, your ship is garbage and you can't handle it, no need to REEEE about it in public. Meanwhile Azula will stay bouncing on her brother's cock.

Azula x Ty Lee > Zucest

Azuaang> Zucest

Only mentally ill people enjoy Zucest. They're just as bad, if not worse than those sorts that see Harley Quinn and Joker and see relationship goals. But at least they're not brother and sister.

Normiefags gtfo

You say it's superior yet you don't even know the ship name for the first and can't spell the second.

It's so hilarious to see people with shit ships advocate for garbage stuff just because they are angry at the ship they developed an inferiority complex toward.

Yeah, they aren't brother and sister so they are worst obviously.

No need to fight all azula ships are equally uncanon

I bet 50 bucks on her fucking whatever self insert of the dyke writer we will see in the next comics she appear in.


>you will watch Azula have sex with her brother on Netflix
how does this make you feel?

For you

That would legit be the only interesting thing about that supposed netflix live action (beside the usual appeal of watching a train wreck in slow motion obviously)


If she's not dom than it's just all shit. Probably the only thing worse than the Zucest is also the insistence on men dominating her and Azula getting her personality gutted to just turn her into generic hentai super subby slut.

Azula's whole role in the show is to be such a sub to her dad that a mean look from him make her shit her pant, look like a beaten puppy and have a mental breakdown while still obeying what he said. Insisting Azula is a dom is dumb, she's competent and has people under her but she's never the boss and follow orders.

she's a switch

Attached: 71b.jpg (499x442, 26.3K)

She would be a sub to her father but would enjoy pegging zuko

azula is a good person and deserves a redemption arc

azula is good because she never got a redemption arc

What game is this?

Azula only wants whats best for the fire nation

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>Any thread about Azula.
>the same shit everytime.
Does anyone get tired of this?

Attached: dhrgyhO.jpg (1364x1326, 64.12K)

Fun line back in the day but people really
ran it into the ground… makes me cringe a little bit.


Book 4 wouldn't have been long enough to dig her out of her hole. Especially if what Ehasz says about the Agni Kai not even being her rock bottom is true.

who said anything about book 4?

Ehasz, obviously

Not sure what the fuck else could be worse than that for her psyche and ego, honestly? Short of some truly edgy dumb shit like her being abused in the asylum or some crap, she's already dealt with the fact that her Father treated her like a weapon to be discarded when conventient, her friends abandoning her, her brother being the better bender, her being unable to defeat a waterbender during Sozin's comet, believing her Mother hated her. Like, fuck man, short of going into exile can things actually get worse for her by that point?

Her Paranoia had a lot of head room.

a life sentence in a straight jacket.

So I can play her?

truth is that Azula would be cheeky to Zuko in public and pounded by him into the ground in private

Attached: azuko.jpg (468x644, 97.91K)

The Boiling Rock by mrpotatoparty

If we're giving out fic recs, Retroactive by Loppy777

it's not a fic
its a porn comic

fa/tg/uy here

she goes fully insane and imagines that she's a goddess from another dimension who befriends three mexican ducks

Hot people can do or say whatever they want. It's amazing how many hot men I've encountered who genuinely think they're charismatic because women just ignore their shitty personalities

She's too charismatic and socially intelligent to be a true autist, I think she's just out of her element when it comes to casual conversation

Combination of her dumb vacant bioware face and her genuinely autistic writing/delivery

it's amazing how society lets women get away with not having a personality because they post thirst trap pictures on their instagram

>fidgets around nervously
She'd stand stock still while making unflinching eye contact with you and smiling like a lunatic

I'm not a woman, user, I'm not trying to compete with you

So she a high functioning autist then?

Attached: EOCECPOXUAUJDEQ.png (829x654, 533.12K)

Hugh functioning autists are still blatantly socially stilted and awkward. Azula is more like a sociopath - she knows what to say and do to fit in on a surface level but there's something off about her and if you spend one on one time with her the cracks will start to show.

She was probably fat and ugly user don’t feel too bad

Post more Azula with no makeup
I hate makeup

Four Elements Trainer

this, this is an edit right guys?

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Azula would be an easy lay

as long as you are her Zuzu the nsure

Attached: azula wholesome.jpg (640x866, 52.66K)

Tired? Nope. But you got filtered.

Azula starts off very top dom and slowly works her way up to being comfortable enough to power bottom, then service top, than sub bottom, ultimately being a dom open to switching for good boys and girls.

Attached: fire_empress_azula_by_sefiliana_de7gph1-fullview.jpg (1024x1438, 154.66K)

You mean in your fanfiction?
Becouse the Azula in the show is clearly a tsunsub.

You'd have to be not put off by her particular brand of autism and psychosis. Her sharp outfit stuff and the strongest couple that will dominate the earth are just the opening flirts, I'd imagine it gets much, much more intense as it goes on, to make sure you're someone that she finds 'worthy' of being with.

Its too late for me to make a Dick Butt edit.

How Azula is in the show doesn't have me thinking sub at all, that sort of loss of control I'd feel is a lot more inclined for her to freak out about, same way she did once she lost control of her friends and got betrayed and felt vulnerable. She's not going to want it like that.

Whateva. Ty Lee better anyway. See ya Azulafags.

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dude have you missed all her interactions with Ozai?
If you see that girl is crazy always look at how she treats her dad. Azula in relationship would be a total sub.

>She's not going to want it like that.
there is a difference between friends/henchmen and a lover but once she settles into a relationship she will expect the man to take up the role similar to Ozai's

Azula doesn't consider anyone but her father her superior. She actually cares about Zuko and look how she treats him.

Ty lee is an empty headed attention whore. If you'd said Jin or Toph, I'd respect this difference in opinion (even if you're still wrong). Get rockalanch'd, faggot.

user she treats him bad when she thinks he's acting weak bcouse the male ideal for her is Ozai and she expexts Zuko to be the most similar to it for obvious reasons and she wants him to be strong
that's pretty common female behavior

You had me until the bottom half not gonna lie

I will ruin her with my penis

why are you ghei?

Best ship coming through, full steam ahead!

Attached: jinzula.jpg (1024x725, 142.55K)

>pic unrelated

Fuck off, you incest-loving freak.

There already is one but I don’t have it saved

Better if it were June

>rewatch ATLA for the first time in years
>Ty Lee sounds like a literal Downey
wtf i don't remember this at all

Azula is hetero, its very important to her character. So the only logical love interest for her is me

Girth is more important than length** user.. size and girth are related


Attached: MUSCLE.gif (320x180, 865.66K)

>Girth is more important than length
her mood is the most important
my ex broke up with me saying that the sex was shit becouse I though that my above average penis was enough and did not do enough to get her in the mood
stupid whore was sending me pics of her smol dick new bf later on saying that he made her orgasm while I never did

women are niggers of genders user never forget that

Bruh .... like.... bruh


go back to work Zuko you have a country a sister-wife and a dozen children to take care of

Well I mean she's the protagonist.
>A girl with prodigious talents tries to gain status in influence in a patriarchal nation over her incompetent prodigal son of an older brother and is brave and patriotic enough to fight in battle and lead troops despite being a teenager

every member of atla main cast has a protagonist background like that

>10fps sex
Hope you like tantric sex

>women are niggers of genders user never forget that
That... makes a lot of sense actually.

do they have showers in avatar world?

why wouldn't they?

There are so many things I find wrong with this, but I'll be generous and ask you why you think that might be the case.

holy shit user

Attached: portrait-of-mature-woman-crying-with-laughter-EKBXDJ.jpg (1201x1390, 186.92K)

they do in the fire nation idk about the others

(You) can leave 4Channel but 4Channel will never leave (You)

Azula x Zuko took off because it actually makes sense. You can pretend any of your crackships are good (lol) but pairing Azula with anyone else is completely ridiculous.

>It's amazing how many hot men I've encountered who genuinely think they're charismatic because women just ignore their shitty personalities

honestly true, people joke about this being the case for women all the time but I've met plenty of guys like this too - tall and good-looking, with barely any hobbies or personality, but everyone still acts like they're the life of the party regardless of what they do

I guess the confidence of being attractive in the first place doubles as a social charisma multiplier too

I think the cheeky power bottom approach was basically perfect in 4E. She mellowed just enough to see her as a real person but kept her attitude.

Attached: Azula.full.2227329.jpg (680x1003, 821.71K)

I knew you didn't die, John. Are you just waiting for Paul to die or do you want to be the final Beatle when you reveal yourself?

What I hate is that women pretend when these guys drop them that these are men in general because they don't notice the not hot ones until they are desperate.


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>took off
>tyzula dominates every piece of fanfiction and drawing.

I mean here, firecest is very popular. Yes I know the memes. I don't have anything against lesbian ships, many times I prefer them when it makes sense and I can see Azula abusing Ty for enjoyment but nothing else.

can't have a proper avatar thread without scrapper. Also, fuck yurifags

its scrapper he hes shit taste

Attached: scrapper.png (1072x1091, 1.36M)

I thought he wants Azula for himself or maybe for herself? Would explain a lot.

Any of the crackships are better for simply not being incest, and make more sense by not being incest, an act which most people avoid like necrophilia or bestality.

>comparing (fictional) incest to necrophilia and bestiality
you truly have shit taste

Most people aren't gay either so...

icest is more normal than the gei

Can we talk about something other than incest such as how neat azula is

Attached: Play Azula.jpg (3400x2076, 3.56M)

Him getting hung up on the minutia of her compliment like this might've made for a funnier reaction

man play azula was so god dam shit!
play aang on the other hand....

she is pretty neat, she is also Zuko's soulmate

Attached: azula62.png (745x947, 407.96K)


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and a great mother for his children

> Dude really want dyke shit.

Opinion discarded. Incestuous royal family it is then.

There's actualy a decent ammount of Azulaang fanfic on, you just need to sift through a lot of boring Zutara shit.

how would azula react to her dude being hung?
would she be genuinely amazed or nonchalant?

making her a lesbian ruins the character, kys

Attached: scrapper now demon.png (768x1024, 335.52K)

Have you been living under a rock? To be fair though, porn is bad for you so good on you.

nobody plays that game for the porn( in my experience), they play it for the story

Both aspect are pretty good IMO.

4elements trainer

Firecest is only popular on Dab Forums. Nobody cares about this ship anywhere else.

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Nobody cares about any ship outside of Zutara in term of ATLA fanfic, you retard. Dyke shit is dyke shit no matter how many fanfics it get.

Zutara is the most popular Zuko ship( and the most popular ship in avatar in general). Just because it's popular, does not mean it's good or even makes sense. Zuko and Azula might not be the most popular but it is the best ship for both Zuko and Azula

out of all the ships with the main cast, this is by far the dumbest. Ty Lee is afraid of Azula and Azula hates Ty Lee. This is only pushed by lesbians and other people who enjoy the smell of their own product

just like with fujo's, you can't reason with yurifags

Attached: zuko is a cool guy.jpg (500x602, 110.76K)

Absolutely Reddit might as well have posed leaves from the vine mushy mushroom and melon lord while you’re at it

Attached: Toph the melon lord.png (1500x1190, 479.05K)

nice Toph

Attached: Play Aang.jpg (5340x2197, 3.09M)

>pp status: very hard

FUCK NO I wanted an animated series

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She’d probably have jumped his bones right there if he had

Wait, how are they getting the glow in the dark effect? Don't tell me she's using self luminous paint like the radium girls. Now that a think about it.. is she wearing a flat wig or is her hair shaved from the coming cancer? Oh no.

Attached: Play Katara.jpg (3150x2400, 2.15M)

its the glow in the dark shit that rave girls love

I have a mighty need to breed this cute pig.

now when you say it she would be great for pig pet play


Attached: petplay_training.jpg (1200x2095, 320.1K)

Attached: Play Mai Tylee.jpg (2880x3228, 2.15M)

It was most certainly autism.

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im not sure if that swimsuit is structurally sound

it is held together by sheer fear

I see no flaws with that plan

Attached: azula cliffhanger.jpg (1000x750, 65K)

Attached: 3D AZULA 2.jpg (566x578, 50.12K)

infinitely better without lipstick

you are not wrong, see

RiP user

Attached: toph kek.jpg (500x333, 25.8K)

Also it isn't hard to purposely misconstrue villains as heroes. Lex Luthor for example is a genius attempting to destroy an extremely dangerous alien.

its sad to see that user had died that day

Very tru