So swirly and entrancing

So swirly and entrancing...

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I might be weird, but the first encounter is actually my least favorite.

Probably go 2nd>Shanti>1st. The Shanti one is chock full of subtext and the second encounter has Kaa getting really touchy feely.

That stupid snake created so many hypno-fetishists that it's not even funny.

I mean, can you blame them?

There's no other hypnosis scene as well animated, with as much nuance, as readily available to as many people as this scene was.

Lord knows I wish there was. Even I get tired of Kaa. But nothing else has quite scratched that itch.

Go back to deviantart.

Shanti was my first waifu. I love her so much.

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>Star Vs. got a few OK hypno gags, but never a full hypno episode
>No hypno episode in Owl House season 1
>No hypno episode in Glitch Techs
>Just an "OK" hypno episode in Amphibia
>Incredibles 2 Hypno was weak

Man, are we ever in a drought.

Me at the right. I want brown cunny

Dark and tan Indian girls are so fucking cute/hot.

Now tell me the truth Dab Forums, was this fetish fuel?

she was better in the first movie

Tell me what the appeal of hypnosis fetishism is, and why it usually deals with this snake. Genuinely curious

That's a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie.
>That was the last time I ever had a meeting with them.

Insecure retards who can't get a girl normally, so they resort to rape

not a hypnofag, but probably being put into a sense of blissful helplessness against their will

it's the submission

mental bdsm
fuck the snake though

But what if I like being hypnotized?

most of them want to

It's basically like mental BDSM. The idea that Mowgli starts each encounter so totally stubborn but, through only Kaa's charisma and powers, he winds up happily submitting each time. Kaa never gets violent or demanding, but he still totally dominates Mowgli each time. Hell, divorced from the context of Kaa wanting to eat Mowgli, it looks downright pampering. Each time, Mowgli winds up completely coiled, unable to escape on his own... and he enjoys it the entire time.

WITHIN the context of Kaa wanting to eat Mowgli, it gives it that peril thst can scare a kid and really stick with them... and make the scene exciting as an adult. It adds tension, the fact that Mowgli is being lulled and seduced by someone who wants to hurt him.

All this alone would be enough to make the scene a fetish staple. But the last piece of the puzzle is, the movie makes getting hypnotized look FUCKING AWESOME. Mowgli starts out sleepy, but each time he gets a huge grin, eyes wide with excitement, and stiff legs with curled toes. Any kid who notices it will probably make a connection to orgasm the first time it happens, since it's pretty close to how they imagine it feeling.

Also, Kaa is insanely easy to put into any setting you want since his character is so simple. There's no plot set up needed- he's a hungry snake, he can hypnotize people, boom, done.

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Look user it's like this. Everyone has what can be called a "sexual awakening". Now that term gets a lot of flak and many people debate it's existence but from what I can see it seems to be the truth. Anyway, a sexual awakening is when you first become really fully aware of sex and sexual desire. You won't necessarily know when it happens but it tends to be what causes fetishes. For example seeing a really hot girl that you like slowly and sensually taking off her footwear and socks might give you a foot fetish. Seeing that same girl eat a banana might give someone else a vore or eating fetish. Seeing that fucking snake mind rape a little girl in a well animated segment of a cartoon gives some people a hypno fetish. Seeing snidely whiplash tie a girl to some traintracks might give someone a bondage or peril fetish. And so on and so forth.

The reason the snake gets a lot of people into hypno is basically what

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it because everyone can potentially have kinks but it is important to understand where they come from.

That fake wizard sort of hypnotized Luz into thinking she was the chosen one in episode 2.

>was a hypnofag before i even knew what sex was

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Oh yeah, I forgot that.

That was OK.

Glitch Techs had hypnosis as a cornerstone. Their gauntlets could erase memories, rewrite memories, and left victims suggestible to immediate orders.

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Well, I'm convinced

That's a very specific post to have a link to, since it was removed and all

Well you are in a hypno thread so yeah

People like the idea of throwing away their own inhibitions. The other side of it is

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there's nothing swirly about it, those are ring eyes

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I hate this snake bastard. Fuck off stop showing up in these autistic situations

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He's just that easy to slot into scenarios, user.

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Owl House combined vore with mind control. Students got eaten by worm tentacles, put in jelly sacs, and brainwashed by a disembodied voice to be good students.

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Mowgli was my first husbando

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Are you a girl?

Reminder that Book Kaa > Movie Kaa

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Book Kaa was a wise and gentle mentor. Movie Kaa was a creepy predator.

watch the pretty coin of gold
and you will do as you are told


post booba

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But what if I wanna be creeped on by a predator?

He only goes after small prey.

The toonier stuff is best

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So we have to deal with Winnie the Pooh as a snake, or Ugly fat bastard pokemon.

I hate this timeline.

What about milf lizards?

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Sorry to disappoint, but I am male.


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Hypnosis is nothing but a mental version of dominance and submission. Instead of binding you to my will with chains and the threat of violence, I simply make your will subservient to my own with some kinda voodoo bullshit don't think about it (you don't need to think I do all the thinking around here).

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As a hypno-fetishist myself I fucking hate Kaafags.

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I only hate that Kaa is so associated with vore but then I prefer mechanical brainwashing anyway.

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All I want is hypno hentai that doesn't involve animals (including pokemon)
Is that too much to ask?

Hypnosis fetish is lame and totally gay and mind control should only be used in the service of making the world a better place for world political policy purposes you absolute plebs. Kaa can fuck off he just wants lunch.

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Hypno smut is at its best when the hypnosis is the focus rather than using it as a shortcut to fucking. If theres no gradual breakdown, a stubborn expression turning lax or ditzy then just go back to making vanilla smut.

2 > 3 >>>>> 4 >>>>> 1

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That makes me wonder, do we have any other scenes that one can point to and say: "Yeah, that shit started this fetish for a lot of people" for other common fetishes?

If you consider being attracted to drawings a fetish: Jessica Rabbit

get into actual fucking hypnofetish content instead of leeching of innocous stuff you fag

why not both?

Are you huuungry

I'm Staaarved

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Favorite hypno method?

Anymore Loud House hypno?

Looks like the /aco/ fags are leaking again.

I can't speak for others but I have zero control over my life and the thought of hypnotizing / mind controlling someone is very comforting because I can't make mistakes. There is undeniably a sexual aspect to it when it comes to women but it feels more like a strong security blanket and a way to not be afraid in social situations. While I'm not picky, my ideal situation is consensual and I like pictures of hypnosis more for this reason. I can always fill the blank with my fantasies, while the animated ones usually suggest some kind of force or unwillingness.

I can't really answer the snake part, I'm not the fan of snakes but I regularly feel the urge to hold my imaginary partners tight. Maybe it is a subconscious thing.

Thoughts on hypno twinning?

I'm a fan of it, if I like the original character

I would fuck the snake

What's would being ruled by Brain be like?

A better world. Free cheese and Tesla cars for everybody, Reality Television would be banned, and college would only offer STEM majors.

Men In Black II when the villainess ate that mugger in the park probably stirred up a vore fetish in a bunch of people.

Zenescope's Kaa was closer to the orignal Jungle Book, but he was a villain.

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So what are the odds there’s a woman in this thread? Zero?

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>It's basically like mental BDSM
I think the physical bondage, erotic asphyxiation and peril aspect also plays a part - Kaa's prey is completely enveloped by his coils, from their neck to hips or ankles. Warm, soft skin against cold scales that slowly tighten their grip, and with the victim blissfully unaware of the danger they're in they might even enjoy it on a subconscious level.

Kaa's logical prey being jungle girls in bikinis also helps, but a Kaa vs the Disney or broader Dab Forums universe crossover speculation would also be fun - which princesses are toast, which ones could resist and beat him, etc.