What made Gravity Falls so big, and why can't anyone seem to replicate it

What made Gravity Falls so big, and why can't anyone seem to replicate it

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manlet dates the tall girl

>It's a Disney show
>Gained a huge internet following
>Very positive critical and regular viewer reviews

They don't even date, the fucking manlet simped so hard for her that he ended up being friendzoned.

It made a believable world, good goal driven characters, a focused plot and interweaved them carefully. Most cartoons don't bother doing what should be doing those 3 bare minimum things.

Favorite character and why?

>Gained a huge internet following
>>Very positive critical and regular viewer reviews
Why, though?

It has less episodes than Sanjay and Craig.

>What made Gravity Falls so big,
Low expectations
>why can't anyone seem to replicate it
High expectations due to Gravity Falls.

>focused plot
What was the plot again?

The duality of man

>good goal driven characters,
What was even the purpose of characters like Mabel, Soos and Wendy?

>What made Gravity Falls so big
this beauty

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Dipper. Similar to me

Mabel's physically stronger than Dipper

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I’m watching the pilot for the first time now and Mabels voice actress is getting on my nerves

>Mabel's physically stronger than Dipper
and he does not wash his underwear

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As a 5'5 taco brown, I 100% agree with this

Wendy because I am taco manlet, she is the fucking dream

Why can't Alex Hirch make another show?

Supernatural mystery hijinks set in rural woods during summer was such a good ides for a concept and setting. It makes you a bit nostalgic for being a kid too.

Mabel's outfit looks comfy
And that's a nice butt on Ford

He’s suppposed to be working on a Netflix show called Inside Job, not sure when it will be out. He’s currently voicing a character in a shitty Disney TVA show, when he’s not having sex with 19 year old college students that is

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To find the author and mysteries of Gravity Falls, and then fight Bill Cipher.
It was also about Dipper and Mabel growing up, and each episode pursued that goal as well. It's not really that complicated. It was focused.

Mabel was to have a foil for Dipper and deliver a parallel to Grunkle Stan, her goal was too have fun and avoid growing up/scary situations, much similar to Stan. Soos was there for comedic relief and his goal was to be accepted by Stan and his grandma, and his missing dad so all his plots revolved around that. Wendy was a love interest for Dipper, her goals were to be the backup for her friends when they were down, her plots revolved around that. The show would not work without the three of them. They all had specific things in their episodes. Compare that to any other cartoon, the goals just arent as defined. Other than maybe Avatar or something. Most comedy shows don't bother.

For all of GF’s faults, and there were many, the premise is great

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Season 1, when season 2 came everyone went in with big expectations then it ended.

because Hirsch gave the characters growth. No modern cartoon can replicate the quality of growth characters like Dipper and Stan go through in GF.

>It's not really that complicated. It was focused.
No need to be condescending, gravity fag

What's the Mabel starter pack?

he's off his rocker only Dipper had any kind of onscreen goal for most of the show and not even his goal was really relevant for 90% of the episodes, the characters were paper thin except I know people would argue on behalf of Stanley. the real reason it got such an online presence was the lore hype and aside from that it was just a 'fun' show to a lot of people

Strong comedy writing gets people in the door and effective use of soft-serialization to keep people on the hook and speculating keeps them around.

>Wendy was a love interest for Dipper, her goals were to be the backup for her friends when they were down, her plots revolved around that.
Wendy was a plot device, she had the personality of a cardboard but out.

Dipper had a fat butt, right?

what was their character arcs, Dipper was doing heroics and Stanley was already fond of the kids by like the third episode the characters were just their to tell jokes not to be these deep dynamic characters unlike Steven Universe characters get mad

It was also on a network, mostly episodic, easy to get into if caught out of order in a rerun and you don't miss much beyond the bread-crumbs that might be there for the viewers watching in sequence. Shows now are written "for the binge". essentially movies chopped into pieces and with streaming, you have to consciously choose to watch something, we do not just happen upon things anymore.

>the real reason it got such an online presence was the lore hype and aside from that it was just a 'fun' show to a lot of people
This, apparently the fandom resolving the "mysteries" on screen and the credits was a huge part of this, however it's just a lame excuse to keep the fandom active, like that stupid wheel with the icons at the credits, teased throughout the show just to be a lame copout in Weirdmageddon with the whole "oh, each character represents an icon, we have to stand on each respective icon and hold hands to defeat bill"

He should listen to Mabel more often

The puns and one liners were badly written and executed.

Best girl

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>'Why was this popular'
>'Because it was funny'
>'It wasn't funny'
Okay, but most people disagree with you hence it was popular.

Mabel was so awesome

Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's necessarily good. Besides, the humor was lame as fuck.

>the humor was lame as fuck.

If Dipper had not escaped the sleepover in "Carpet Diem" when the girls tried to give him a makeover, and he had to stay the entire night and into the morning, what would have happened to Dipper?

Sorry for offending your extremely pedantic sensibilities you autistic retard. Do you really need me to say "people THOUGHT it was funny"?

Get a load of this guy.

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Because they managed to bait them with "le epic mystery" which was really basic and went nowhere
Most overrated show, not cartoon but show, of the 2010s

Same reason why Stranger Things got so big

All the other GF clones keep trying to one-up it in some way
Look at Ducktales
"Hey, what if Grunkle Stan was an adventurer acrobat spy with a gazillion dollars!"
"Hey what if Mabel knew kung fu and knew all about adventures!"
"What if Dipper was 3 characters!"
"What if Wendy was Magic!"
Then there's owl house
"What if Grunkle Stan was a witch with a werewolf curse!"
"What if we fused Dipper and Mabel into one character, and sent them to hogwartz"
"And fuck it, let's give em bill Cypher for a pet"

My point is, in their attempt to just Amp up different elements of Gravity Falls, those elements lose their charm and appeal.
No one likes scrooge or eda as much as they do Stan
No one likes Luz, the triplets, or webby as much as they like Dipper and Mabdl
Wendy took a total nosedive in terms of character and she's still more liked than the twins or the goth duck
Furthermore, by giving each of these characters these little twists, they grow apart from each other, to the point that it's weird when they try to insist the triplets would ever hang out with Webby and her friends, they have nothing linking each other, nothing to provide for each other.
These characters can stand on their own, sure, but because they never need to lean on other characters, reasons for them to interact feel awkward and forced.

2012 was not a good time for animation
and they only got 1 season each
we all know how that turned out
>tmnt 2012
was good and went on for a while but it was still just early cgi

and that was it for 2012, it had no competition
2013 was even worse, we only got SU out of that

Yeah, because it was really good.

I like Eda a hell of a lot more than Stan even though she's a much worse character, I think it's the fact Stan's voiced by Alex that makes me dislike him

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What was his problem?

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It was big because it meshed episodic comedy with lore-baiting in an era when social media was blowing up and an entire industry of Gravity Falls theorists could emerge to capitalize on the hype. As a result, it could retain an audience of hardcore fans while also letting Disney air episodes out of order for casual viewers. The reason it hasn't really been replicated is because back then most of the Internet were millennials who were infamous for their Peter Pan complex and desperation to recapture their childhood, which the show was a great vehicle for doing. Zoomers don't really give a shit about cartoons anymore.

And these pedophiles:

I think it was a mix of humor, unusual interpretations on mythical monsters, strong character writing, in universe mystery revealed slowly and the secret codes for the community.
Mostly its the mystery angle that is missing from shows, or delivered less effectively (Owl House).
Amphibia is the closest thing to it out now, and if they stick the final season it may surpass it.

Think about it, the characters think they are so witty with their one liners, there's always this awkward little pauses when the say a pun and the references to other media and self-referential jokes are cringy, just like this joke with an old ass meme that didn't age well: youtube.com/watch?v=HIF86Af82HI

He's been jammin all day man, give him a break.

>Wendy took a total nosedive in terms of character and she's still more liked than the twins or the goth duck
This fucking dude

>No one likes scrooge as much as they do Stan

You're right, Scrooge is far more liked and popular than Stan

Left or right?

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As much as I like Amphibia, I don't think a lot of the lore comes from the form of mystery solving, yes, there's some hints here and there and a lot of foreshadowing, but it different from the codes in the credits of GF.

None, they were lame, badly written characters.

>2013 only gave us SU
Plus Rick and Morty, if only at the very end of the year

>and why can't anyone seem to replicate it
Literally Star vs and Owl House, despite not being even close to as good, are the same level of popular

>implying this is good.
How does it feel to wait 2 years for a batch of 10 episodes of your shitty, pretentious show?

Dipper is the most cookie cutter boy protagonist ever conceived, I think SU and SVTFOE are basically the Naruto and Bleach to Gravity Falls' One Piece and both the protagonists from those shows just make Dipper look like such a noncharacter. People here hate Mabel but I think she is a way better and more entertaining character than Dipper I get the impression the only people who like Dipper are creepy shotafags.

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Bill Cipher because he's a likable and entertaining villain

Too bad he was a jobber.

For me, it's Pacifica.

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>the only people who like Dipper are creepy shotafags
So, based people with taste? Dipper is universally liked cause he is cute, has cute mannerisms and just precious.


>cardboard cutout vs styrofoam cutout

Mabel was Alex's true self-insert, that's why she got away with everything, he just did a gender switcharoo for plausible deniability like how Sugar claimed Steven was actually based on her brother.

The digits have spoken.

Very nicely done.

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Well written characters + Solid World Building + An Episodic story structure while still having plot progression.

BASED. saved

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It's a really desirable escapism fantasy, just like isekei anime. Imagine how cool it would've been to be a kid on summer vacation and escape from the city to a rural town full of kooky characters and solve supernatural mysteries with your sibling while mostly unsupervised.

>One Piece
>look like such a noncharacter
This is such a shit take that I'm having trouble possessing how much of a massive dumbass you have to be to say it.

>genuinely inquisitive
>pursues goals himself instead of floundering and waiting for answers to come
>stands up and talks back to gods
>never dwells on the past
>considered bland compared to characters who cry and scream while making a newgrounds face every other episode
Why do zoomers need to have characters scream their personalities at them

The comics version though, not the Scrooge from the Nu DuckTales.

> Mabel was Alex's true self-insert
>His sister is the only one who went to public higher education schools in San Francisco
Gee I wondered why Hirsch haven’t made Dipper a girl and tell a series about two identical twins living with their Grunkle over the summer. Writing that sound inappropriate for a girl mystery cartoon.

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I hate that streaming has forced every series into that style
I just want shows that I cant get into midway with no prior knowledge
Now I feel like I have to check out imdb every time I see a new series

2014 Tumblr Hipster aesthetic. Just like over the garden Wall.

You know what? Based.

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Ford because he's hot and an interesting character

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While it's a good show, I honestly think a lot of it comes down to timing. It was a legitimately good show at a time that animation wasn't doing too hot. It got big on the web because of this and it made it into it's own minor hit. The hiatuses even played a role since people were engaged in the mysteries surrounding the show and were hyping it up to be something huge.
I think that's why there won't be a "new Gravity Falls" for a while. There's actually a lot of pretty solid animated shows instead of just one really good one.

It’s not clear to me why Disney decided to turn the Ducktales reboot into Gravity Falls 2, but with ducks, when it can’t work. That Duckverse is several decades old and has so much material that can be used that several series and movies can be made based on it, but they decided to transform it into a copy of Gravity Falls for the sake of “modernity”. It is non-functional.

And yes, Donald, Scrooge, triplets and other characters from Duckverse are more popular than all those Gravity Falls characters, because after all, world-famous comics are sold, people buy toys and watch their cartoons. In Europe, Donald is a hundred times more popular than Mickey Mouse and people love him more than Mickey, even though there are a lot of comics about Mickey.

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Fact: only Adventure Time fanboys hate GF

The numbers have spoken

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Good writing in a classical sense, and economy of dialogue. So many new comedy cartoons fail that last part, from Lower Decks, current Bob's Burgers, to the last few seasons of Rick and Morty. They can't edit themselves. They're not writing dialogue anymore, they writing blog posts.

>2014 Tumblr Hipster aesthetic
I think that's a lot of it, but not the entire story. Tumblr being in it's prime from 2010-2018 is definitely something that boosted the show though.

1. On-going drought in animation. Every other cartoon was the same loud buddy comedy shit with the depth of a kiddie pool. And before you say Adventure Time, remember that it didn't start getting into deep lore shit until after GF premiered.
2. The ciphers and decoding secret messages stuff added another dimension to the show that was never really seen before in any recent cartoon and increased fan-show interaction.
3. The Manlet was actually pretty good at selling his product. He hadn't gone off the deep end yet and seemed pretty invested into the show while it was running. Maybe this is why he burnt out so quickly though.
4. It was actually pretty funny, at least when Chapman was still writing the jokes.

Overall its become very Seinfeld-like in terms of, you had to be there at the time, looking back now while you have the knowledge of how many copycats and clones it spawned, not to mention how disappointing and a big fat nothing most of the cipher "clues" turned out to be, makes it easy to second guess its success. But it was successful because it was the right thing at the right time.

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Steven is one of, if not the worst main characters ever conceived within the past decade or so. Even an "everyman" character like Dipper is more likeable than that fat jewish gary stu.

are you kidding me dipper spent most of the series not following his goal at all until a lead drops right into his lap, dipper is mostly a vehicle for "sissy boy" comedy he wasn't really even inquisitive he sees things like a mermaid and he's like oh ok he's mostly just along for the ride

i can write a whole essay about steven's quirks and layers. can't really do the same for dipper the only argument you can make here is you can say dipper doesn't need to be a complex character to be an effective main lead but that's contrary to fans who make claims that dipper is this amazing dynamic character that had an amazing engaging arc about becoming a Man

Well, yeah, it was their competition. Also, Gravity Falls at least ended when people still liked it while Adventure Time floundered along until all of it's fans started to get sick of it.

Adventure Time fanboys hated every show they aired alongside of. Never before had I seen such oneitis for a relatively average cartoon. They used to shit up RS threads when they aired back to back and it was brutal. Also, I remember one that used to complain about FOP fans very often and le epic raid their threads, like the proto version of all these anti-Hartman fags we have now.

I hate to imagine what it would have been like if discord existed back then. Would've made SUfags look sane.

I don’t think anyone will ever match that guy who ate his own shit

Quick rundown

Big Adventure Time fan as in total fat fuck, looks like Pendleton Ward a little really , literally ate his own shit, went to jail for diddling his cousin

What the fuck, did he post on Dab Forums?

I think so.

I was about her age when the show started but she still seems older to me (a developmentally stunted autist, to be fair). They could've easily made her at least 17 to really justify the age difference point.

based fordchad.
i don’t see any stancucks coming to his defense.

Matt Braly would be proud.

I laughed

This, this is a pet peeve of mine that I've had for years, when cartoon showrunners, writers and storyboarders think it's a good idea of having characters who look older than they really are, for example All Grown Up, the characters do stuff that would be suitable for teenagers between 15-17, however ther are 11, 12 and 13 years old.

Why, that's not Sasha Waybright.

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Pacifica-sama, i kneel.

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>we almost got an actual Disney tier art style in GF

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Alright, that's enough sensible discussion, we all know where these threads go

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jesus we dodged a bullet on the right one

There are three directions it could go. You posted the first and purest one. The other two wait, shaded and hungry.

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They’re scared because she wants to shove her wand in their butts

What would have been wrong with giving Wendy a softer, rounder face?

It's to "Hipstery" the Wendy we got was a cool lumberjack not some millennial college trash.

This is the purest one though

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the beanface is fine for dipper and mabel because theyre energetic little kids. wendy having a more realistic, angular head matches her personality and how youre supposed to view her

I saw Wendy as being equally immature though.

I'm guessing Matt has a thing for blondes?

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well shes obviously not. but even if she was, from dippers perspective shes much more mature

I think the right one with a softer, rounder face actually makes more sense in that it would show how close Dipper and Wendy are in age. If you look at Wendy and Dipper in what we got, you could easily mistake them for an elementary schooler and a college freshman despite being no more than two years apart. Soft and round usually indicates youth.

I thought the point was to emphasize the age gap so that Dipper's crush seemed improbable.

Oh yes the insurmountable age gap of 2.5 years. Reminder that Mabel dated Gideon briefly who was 10 when she was almost 13 and she only became creeped out by him after he started acting crazy.

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i like both.

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This is true. Also, Dipper and Wendy had actual chemistry compared to Gideon and Mabel

I didn't say it made sense (it didn't), but that's what the show pushed. It compare them to Dipper dating a tricycle-riding toddler.

>she only became creeped out by him after he started acting crazy.
No, it was more she felt guilt because he was being nice to her and considered him a girl friend and did not want to hurt him

Confirmed. Best part of the show. Digits will it.

Why has kek willed such trash to be graced with such digits?
Is this perhaps punishment? A cruel joke?

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imagine the smell

Old man cologne and gin

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I can't understand why people are saying Amphibia is a GF rip-off. If anything, Owl House is much closer.

This is looped well

The show dedicated an episode to Frog Stan and Soos.

Go away, Hilda.

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And there it is

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>They don't even date
I think this is what made it realistic. I remember being that age and crushing on older cooler girls. The fact that the relationship never goes anywhere is perfect for a summer crush.

Gotta be honest. I was never emotionally attached to any of these characters while watching this

It's unironically because Alex Hirsch was telling a story beyond the show. He's said before that Gravity Falls was a vehicle for telling the stories he and his sister wanted to have over their summer vacations together.

Most cartoon; fuck, most tv show and movie premises are fucking stupid, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the story can't actually be about what you're seeing. A great story resonates because it hooks into you at a deeper level.

I wasn't hooked while watching this. These characters didn't connect with me

Mystery, originality, intelligence, an almost brave ending (even though it chickened out as dementia is a real thing children can learn to cope with but the show picked a happy ending instead of bittersweet)

>when he’s not having sex with 19 year old college students that is
He's a nerdy little dork who spent more time drawing than dating. Now that he has a name that's worth something, I find it hard to blame him for cashing in on it. The age gap is a little weird, but she was of legal age and I don't know why people are surprised that a huge nerd who probably didn't have a lot of options on the table earlier in life is now interested in having sex with girls who would actually want to have sex with him. As far as I know he wasn't her boss, she was of age to give consent, and he didn't coerce her. Why is this scandalous? Have I missed something?

It was never good. Poor execution and dialogue all around. Hirsch's writing style ruins the whole thing

>implying that wasn't corporate mandated.

Hi Alex

This, don't even get me started on the fucking "jokes"

A great cast and eventually deep story!
Stan and Stanfor's backstory made you forget that it was a kids show!

Yep. Hirsch wrote 38 out of 40 eps, and his writing and comedy style eventually gets tedious and stale. It never changes. Timing of the jokes remains the same without any change

Not wasted

not Alex, just don't get why this is getting sucked into the "me too" movement. Fuck John K and all other pedos, but honestly, I'm older than Alex and if some cute college girl who was old enough to know better was interesting in touching my pee pee because she liked something I spent years making, I can't say I'd be like "no...you're far too legal and willing and attractive. It would be wrong."

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>no beach episode
>pool episode didn't have Tambry, Candy, or Pacifica

I'm still mad.

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It hurts how badly I want to see this

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Not the one for Nu tales.

Alex wanted Wendy in a two piece swimsuit so you know where his allegiance lies

>What made Gravity Falls so big
I remember watching it as it aired, off the top of my head

>Intro got the mystery juices flowing
>Mostly fresh VA cast, who didn't phone lines
>Had an atmosphere that kids could dig, but that adults may feel nostalgia for
>Light-hearted and comedy based, but mysteries were fun and added to the universe
>Said mysteries contained clues for more mystery, keeping community interest, without need for cliff hangers
>Show made this apparent (code in credits), but subtle enough for kids to want to rewatch to understand
>Adorkable MC with older girl next door red head love interest (Foster's did it better)
>Grunkle Stan provided a slight edge to the rest of the cast and show, which helped the pacing before major villains were introduced
>Seems like genuine care and thought was put into the show (Hirsch is a scum bag and a grifter, but he is successful and seemed like this was his passion project-based around his own childhood with his sister)
>Disney funded it and it shows
>Bill Cipher is over hyped by today's standards, but not back then, and was truly made for the atmosphere of the show
>Characters were overall relatable, despite not always being very interesting
>Came out at just the right time for PEAK Tumblr shipping and PEAK Theory/AU posting

>why can't anyone seem to replicate it
Well, timing was a big thing, plus animation is expensive, even with the CalArts bean mouth stuff, especially with the 2D.

>No Disney funding
>No higher end, yet still fresh VA cast
>Tumblr has been hit with CP charges and banned porn or some shit, so most people left
>Other places that would help spread the fanbase are under tight lock and key and would involve more Dab Forums shit than before
>Kids are moving further away from the concept of traditional school/summer camp/summer vacation, so may not relate at all to the setting
>Internet is more common now/YouTubers who will probably spoil the show for young viewers
>Streaming kills weekly hype


I think the solving-mysteries-in-real-time angle is really what kept it going. I remember keeping that fucking countdown website open on my computer 24/7, it was just really exciting in the moment.

You know, Stan Pines is the only character I actually consider well-executed within the actual show itself, and I feel like the people working on the show as well as more prestige industry reviewers and objective viewers all knew that for sure. The fandom stuff like Pacifica or Bill Cipher was a lot of self-insert pornography stock fetishes shit (depending on the viewer gender) which is just fine, but it's like at some point everyone "serious" about this show realized that Stan was it, he was the focus. So liking the other characters is fine (and the actual kids demo liked Mabel the best for being wacky and funny) but outsife of porno self insert stuff it's Stan as the best character Alex voiced or not.

Eda from Owl House is also pretty great, though.

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>Eda from Owl House is also pretty great, though.
Bitch barely even appears on her own show.

Bill Cipher but Pacifica really grew on me

That's one of Owl House's main flaws though. Se's a cutie and great and compelling when she does actually appear.

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>Bill Cipher but Pacifica really grew on me

Here have both mashed together, now we can ship both with Dipper

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Youll get used to it

I kneel

This is why Amphibia and SVTFOE are comparatively better. NuDucktales was an old story re-written into a GF clone, and Bowel House is literally the same shit but worse. GF is honestly one of the best cartoons Disney put out in the 2010's

>I can write a whole essay about Steven's quirks and layers
Alright, I'm calling you out on your bullshit. If you actually write a whole fucking essay, and post it, I will read it and see your argument for Steven. If not, SU is infinitely gay and awful for the rest of eternity.

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I get it she’s legal but let not forget she mentioned Hirsch act creepy towards her. Giving her industry advices and favors so she can constantly have sex with him. Also important factor he said hypocritical stuff to her and brought up he would’ve never fuck her if she wasn’t an artist. Alex and Dana are in a open relationship but he never tells her what kind of girls he’s fucking. He’s not loyal and honest with Dana because he knows she will not be okay with that and see the problem of him fucking young artists who would be in the industry soon. That might cause a domino affect and stigma women who have skills can’t climb up until they fuck the right guy to give them the job. Hirsch always said respect women and siding with metoo shit in public but the details the chick expose he’s one of the same creeps the metoo tries to exposed. Also he lives in LA with emotional unstable artists! One day one or some of female artists will come out calling out of his hypocritical behaviors!

It’s fucking annoying anons are focusing more on the age gap but forgetting the behaviors Hirsch has with women! He’s doing the opposite affect of helping women but more giving female artists an idea that their skills are worthless until they fuck men to show their worth.

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>be Matt Braly
>have a thing for blondes
>make a cartoon
>have your character based on you be the opposite gender
>make the ship between them and the hot blonde canon
>wait for r34
>be Alex Hirsch
>do literally the exact same thing 8 years earlier
Amphibia truly is the successor of Gravity Falls, isn't it?

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ARG moments

Oh, you meant Dipper

>Stan is his favorite character
>thinks eda's a good character
My man


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His Pacifica looks like a llama

Tumblr. And the semi-ARG puzzles and mysterys. It's a good show with a satisfying ending. Not perfect but what is? I still find it funny and enjoy looking through the episodes for stuff I missed.


I liked GF

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Good, now her symbol on the wheel makes sense.

Fact: I like both.

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It's was one of the first big shows with continuity outside of avatar.

It was before the "Arc LORE" bubble burst and folks started to realize that such breadcrumbs were artificial ways to compensate for so-so storytelling.

Are people trying to replicate it? The only thing I can think of is this one weird Russian cartoon. But they will rip anything off. I love gravity falls. But I don't think it would be too hard to try and make a simuler show. It's a mystery comedy-drama show. It has passion. It cares about its characters and world. I think you could make a show like it. You just have to have a good framework and be passionate.

The relationship was never going to happen. It was obvious from the start. it's like when a boy has a crush on his teacher. Come on user, I really hope this is bait.

come closer
c'mon, i wont infect ya!
alright, lemme whisper in your ear
*the main cast was all white*

Not the guy you are replying too but Wendy had her own character. She was tough. She was smart. She was laid back. Alex even had this whole tragic back story for her. Never made it to air because Disney probably didn't want to show how her mother died. Which is weird cause of how many Disney movies have died parents. Disney didn't even let them do a short about Mabel dealing with the death of a pet (not Wandles).

I could go on and on but I just hate it when people act like Wendie had no character. She was fully realized.

I really liked your paragraph but I am mostly here to say how funny it was, that you called out pedophiles at the end.

The main characters were Jewish.

>She was tough
Situational when the episode needed a deus ex machina (Into the Bunker, Last Mabelcorn, Weirdmageddon).
>She was laid back
An excuse to make her irrelevant. A local of Gravity Falls all her life, but she was too "cool" and "laid back" to explore the weird happenings behind what she grew up with? No motivation.
>She was smart
She was average. Never depicted as a source of advice or wisdom, never shown to be a problem-solver. She bounced from generically reckless teenager to last minute muscle.

She amounted to Dipper's unobtainium. Soos had more connection to the story than she did.

That means nothing also that wasn't even true. Soos was Hispanic.

Of course, Soos had more of a connection than she did. I am not saying she is the best character. Or she was the most important character. I am saying she was a fully realized character. She wasn't a cardboard cut-out.

She was a cool character that really should have had her own episode. Alex at some comic con told a bunch of people about this one Wendy episode they wanted to do but they ran out of episodes for the season and Alex only wanted to do two seasons.

You should check it out.
I could list off her traits and you could try and dismiss them again. I guess we just disagree.

Just how much of a nerd is Dipper?

Hispanics are multiracially white, haven't you heard

Not much to be honest, he's more of a dweeb

How so?

He's not especially smart or devoted to a subject or proficient in a field, he's just curious, awkward, socially inept, and sweaty.

>He's not especially smart or devoted to a subject or proficient in a field
Huh? The Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons episode shown that Ford was impressed with Dipper's intelligence

Nah, you're just losing it over people having relationships when both like doing the same things and trying to find any excuse to be upset over it. You're completely illegitimate.

I literally went to college in Oregon because of this show. Outing myself as a zoomer here but this show DEEPLY influenced my pre-middle school brain.

Holy fuck body stealing is so hot to me. I lost it over the Dishonored scene of Delilah taking over Emily's body

>what made Gravity Falls so big
Focusing on white boys as its target demographic
>and why can't anyone seem to replicate it
Because they're not focusing on white boys as their target demographic

Not only are white boys the most numerous in raw numbers compared to other demographics, they're also proportionally more likely to watch such cartoons. Every similar show that came afterwards deliberately chose to not be as big, not just by ignoring this pretty much main western audience, but by actively excluding and offending them.

You would expect ratings and popularity of cartoons to only get larger with time due to population rise, more advanced marketing methods, more accessible watching venues etc but none can seem to match even 1/5 of the numbers of this almost 10 year old show.

Stanley and Dipper
Pacifica and, strangely, Robbie, grew a lot on me too

You ever notice how close in concept GF is to Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated?

Why? Because towns with mystery?

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Pacifica is great but this bimbofication of her looks like shit.

It was actually funny while still quite disney sanitized, that's a difficult thing to archive.
Also actual paranormal shit instead of scooby doo esque bullshit.

It was big?

Can't stand this show. I already find the characters to be smug and annoying, and the comedy to be outdated, poorly timed and mostly unfunny, but the obnoxious latin american dub made in argentina, the lack of female writers, Hirsch being a self righteous and egotistical person, and the overblown praise it gets are all reasons why it's one of my least favorite mainstream cartoons out there

> You would expect ratings and popularity of cartoons to only get larger with time due to population rise
We have over 9 billion people on this earth and over 300 million population in the US. It’s true the population is growing but not many kids even non tumblr white kids are interested in cartoons anymore. More people even POC kids are getting into anime than ever before but losing interest watching cartoons. They still appreciate cartoons they love as watch as kids. But as they get older, they see newer cartoons being uninteresting or never grasp their attention. You can point out many differences between anime and cartoons and different story structures and tropes. Mangas/light novels and anime industry have link strong connections each other compar comics/graphic novels/webcomics and cartoons. Most anime are mostly adaptations of mangas or books even some Ghibli’s movies are not original stories but based on some form of adaptation.
> You're completely illegitimate
Ignoring all my points on Alex’s hypocritical behaviors and I said before it’s not about the age gap relationship. I pointed out Alex acts hypocritical when he always portrays himself public to be a women ally.

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I didn't ignore them, I made it clear they aren't legitimate claims. He's done nothing unsavory, he is simply dating someone in his profession.

Relative to your average cartoon

You really don't know what you're talking about, cartoons are very popular right now. Animation in general is up all over netflix. In fact the most popular of the bunch was a WESTERN animated show.

This, the idiot doesn't know shit about relationships or animation.

> Animation in general is up all over netflix
They bought fucking Demon Slayer! One of the highest franchise right now.

So? Demon Slayer already ended.

Nice bait man. Who cares about who wrote the show? As long as the end product is good. The characters have faults, otherwise, you have a boring show and no way for comedy to happen. I don't know why you care about some shitty dub. Hirsch has some Trump hysteria or whatever it's called and he, as a person is a kind of annoying, doesn't take away from the quality of the show. I mean just cause you don't like it doesn't mean the praise is overblown. The characters are charming and likable. I don't know how someone could genuinely not like these characters. I mean if you think the show is mediocre fine but to flat out hate it? I just don't understand.

They are very legitimate claims, no amount of star power can sweep the truth under the rug

No they're not. Cartoons are dying. All of the networks are folding into shovelware and preschooler programs

It had a mystery, a somewhat coherent storyline and wasn't drawn like utterly simplistic shit (only a little bit like that)

Some episodes were really good, like the haunted manor or the zombies. Stan was great, Bill was great, the setting was great,...

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You're a fool and delusional. I suspect you're just a troll.