Do you believe the theory Ty Lee is an Air Nomad descendant?

Do you believe the theory Ty Lee is an Air Nomad descendant?

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monkey lee


monkey otso

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I believe she can descend her butthole onto my weiner

I'm willing to test that theory. 20 test subjects should do it, we will see how many can airbend.

Yeah, but it doesn't change anything about the series, just serves as a neat thing in the background and kind of goes some way to removing some of the questionable shit about the Air Nomad Genocide, like if they are Nomads how did the Fire Nation kill them all in one day?

They told you what happened: Sozin went around Darth Vadering the order 66 survivors in the name of finding the Avatar.

Yes. It just makes too much sense to not be true.

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you just know this man went out like a chad, backed against the wall by the remaining fire nation soldiers

I like the theory that Gyatso died by forcing all the air out of the room, creating a vacuum that no one could firebend in while sacrificing himself in the process

If Ty Lee is part Airbender then Azula probably going to pick the Avatar at the boy pet to Ty Lee girl pet.

>stealth ty lee porn thread
>no ty lee porn

Somebody posted image about tylee eating katana

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I like to think ancient air benders had a point where all the non-benders were... moved somewhere else for reasons the lore has never told us. Eventually they just blended into the world's population. Maybe all those people who got airbending abilities in LoK were related.

>kids show

She's just drawn attractively, that's hardly something illicit for a kid to see.

and she also a monke

thats just your male privilege talking.

dialate fag

Nice buzzword, newfag

dicking down that monke would be worth the aids

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>Aang refuses to ever take the Fire Lord's life because of his Airbender philosophy
>Gyatso went down killing as many fire nation mooks as he could

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Aaaah, it feels good to have a huge wiener and get real jobs left and right just because I'm male.

Oh my god can you chop down trees and bbq steaks and ejaculate in my vagina?

I like this idea too.

Would certainly be an interesting way to skirt the line of the Air Nomad philosophy, that they won't kill using their hands or weapons, and of course Gyatso giving up his own life to atone for bringing harm to others.

mooks dont count

Killing is killing, bub

only when you kill plot relevant named characters

It could be as simple as "if the baby lacks any Airbending ability, just give them up for adoption on your travels" though I think canonically they're just culturally spiritual enough that they had a perfect batting average for bending.

No, when you kill anyone

The comics showed that any remaining airbenders were lured into traps and killed. Aang fell for one, thinking there were other airbenders like him, and just airnutted away when the fire nation soldiers attacked him.

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Yes 100%

this but unironically im horny for sardonic user Dab Forumsck

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you think they wasted all the premium airbender pussy in the lady temples?
nope, bound, gagged, and sold to the highest bidder to incubate fire nation semen

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The previous Air Nomad Avatar was so terrifying that her successor was able to be a complete goof-off because people were too afraid to try anything because Yangchen might come back through the Avatar State.

There more art of this pairing?

that's all I have saved sorry user

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Thank you

didn't the comics or something confirm they have a 100% bender birth rate because of spirituality

NOOOOOO kida should be seeing 46 year.old hairy fat guys in stereotypical little girl ballerina tutus speaking on stage about male privilege!!!

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here's that pic in better quality

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>makes too much sense
Nigga, just because a cartoon shows had a same face doesn't mean they're related.
This be the logic then He-Man and GI Joe would be related and all the Ghibli girls related to each others

So because it uses a shitty art style they are related?

>He-Man and GI Joe would be related
Has that ever actually happened?

Yes. what do you feel intimidated by attractive women?

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girls are allowed to see hot chicks too, you know. That's pretty reductionist of you to perpetrate erasure of LGBTQIA2S folx who also don't mind seeing a pair of fat tiddies bouncin around

What evidence is there besides her personality since that's not a genetic trait?

Any fic with this premise? or Avatar Ty-Lee?

Do we know how many women Roku fucked?

Copy this from google.

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How well does it hold up if we compared Aang to other airbenders? Like in his flashbacks.

Also, the combat argument is the same problem as the personality argument.

Has anyone noticed that the temple of the Airbenders women was close to the fire nation?
Which was probably the first temple to be exterminated.
That probably some soldiers instead of carrying out their extermination orders have taken "war booty".
Among these soldiers some of these were of noble class.
After generations, airbending would disappear, but not that spirit of freedom and little attachment to home.
And not to mention how open nomads were to their emotions, very different from proud fire benders.

The truth is that I do not think that the authors have thought so deeply about the background of secondary characters and we do not have more than a lot of coincidences, but on the other hand, if this were true, it does not affect the story at all, the character had her part in the great whole and she was given a conclusion (personally unsatisfactory) but hey! It could be worse, it could have been ruined by Korra.

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They made it a point to say every Air Nomad was an Airbender in the trivia version of the episodes.

Do you believe the theory her design was inspired by Ranma, or is it only that one CN show with the Ranma homage we can talk about?

Oh yeah, wait. . . . Wasn't the Eastern Air Temple an all-girls temple? The Fire Nation might have approached them a bit differently. . .


could make for a cute mini-story where Ty Lee tries to learn about air nomad culture from Aang

but it's just a fan theory

Bumi contradicts this, he was born without bending and his father was an air nomad and the avatar (Yes, I know that later they give him bending, but that was BS)

So it is possible that from the union of Firebender and Airbender a nobender was born, and if not, probably the parents would forbid their children to show that ability and with time between generations it has disappeared.

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Like we need more justification for her to join the Avatar Sister Wives.

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Except fire nation and water tribe characters are visually distinct from the other two races, the only two exceptions to the standard appearance of fire benders are Pian Dao or whatever his name is who has dark skin and Ty Lee who has round eyes and brown hair while fire nation universally have narrow eyes and black hair (white or grey when old).

I don't think air nomads and earth kingdom are too visually distinct, so she could be either, but the fact that she looks like Aang in a wig lend credence to the idea that she is descended from air nomads.

What gave it away?

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