JSA Storytime: GO JOE

Good evening owls and robofuckers,


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Wait, ninja time sneaks up on you. How do you know?

Speaking of ninjas, MORTAL KOMBAT LOOKS SO COOL!


that's every GI Joe time

in that new mortal kombat trailer they had a thing where the guy has a birthmark of the logo and i was worried for a minute it was gonna be a rip off of the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow reveal

as someone who saw the original movie in a theatre...

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I wanted to, but my parents had enough sense to not bring a 7 year old.
Honestly, it wasn't even that bloody.

do not taunt happy fun Snake Eyes

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>Now peaceful.

How can you tell if snake eyes is having happy fun?

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So I got pneumonia one year and spent most of the winter holidays in bed, and read the bulk of "The Gulag Archipelago"...

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Hello, Storyteller.

>that Ted Cruz story
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This dude just can't stop making people hate him, I love it! Anyway, Let's hang out with Scarlett and Snake Eyes for a bit.

omg, yes, the fact that TWO people narced out the group chat is just so beautiful

Californiafriends, does he even stand out on the streets of SF that way?

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Going to bed early since they're making me come in tomorrow without any extra pay despite emergency conditions

He's just a complete, laughable clown

I may have to go in tomorrow but limited hours

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that little AHEM is wonderful

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reborn fuck yeaaah

>"The Gulag Archipelago"...


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gtfo tankies

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The fact he tried to throw his own kids under the bus as scapegoats! I really hope this debacle turns some red leaning Texans against these psychopaths who will not hesitate to ditch in the middle of a crisis.

Tellin' you, dude is the DarkSydePhil of politicians.

Good night, user. Feel free to key your boss' car as you punch out.

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Hey OP.

Yo, TiJulk would be more popular than ever in the current climate. The overt socialism the little chicken bug constantly spews would resonate quite a bit with the kids these days.

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This is all kayfabe. What REALLY happened is that he used the ice storms to hide the continuation of his murder spree.

>Tellin' you, dude is the DarkSydePhil of politicians

I mean, didn't DSP bumble dick-first into getting out of paying his taxes? Hopefully we don't get politicians who get that kind of luck.

Hello mudder.
Hello fodder.

Bongo the Baloon bear?

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Scarlett and Lady Jaye:bikini mode, for extra waifu

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Hey, the US military can't let EVERY foreign power go without support.
It isn't 2013.

Ted bumbled dick-first into being a Senator


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>Your dad is the Zodiac Killer and your wife is a ugly ho!
>Yes sir.
I can't get over that. How does one walk without a spine?

It's been a while since I looked into it, honestly, but it wouldn't be surprising. Also, corrupt politicians just pass laws that say they don't have to pay taxes.

Usually theres a dead goon on the business end of his spike knuckled trench knife.

I have read part of that.
Not all of it, yet, tho. It's somewhere in the big pile.

They made the critical mistake of having a communist revolution right next to America in an election year. When Ronald Reagan was president.. I bet nobody makes THAT mistake again.

He's likely to bumble his way into being the R nominee next cycle or two.

OOH. Ninja kebabs!

Galveston is in a really shitty place right now :(

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Huzzah! Child Soldier recruitment! Billy isn't just Cyborg Ninja, he's Raiden!

How much do you figure it'd cost to get a cartel to murder him in Cancun?

Pop culture would have me think a man dressed like a bird wouldn't be weird for San Francisco.

is he also naked except for his cardboard box?

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Oh I want him to try.

... Huh. I guess he is kinda Raiden. If he ends up having a homoerotic rivalry with a vampire, Hama may have low key precognition.

Not to dump on your troubles, but hasn't it been like that for a while? At least since katrina? I'm no expert, but brown water with flesh eating bacterial infections seem like a terrible place to be.

well, normally it's not so bad, not on the ocean proper

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No, no, no. Ted is then Zodiac Killer. His dad murdered Kennedy.

>Pop culture would have me think a man dressed like a bird wouldn't be weird for San Francisco.
Only moderately unusual. Less so for things like the Folsom street fair, or if the Grateful Dead or Village people were in town.

>Oh I want him to try.
The weird or possibly sad shit is that he might be the best option, or the best the party can offer.

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christ, what an asshole

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Not the first time. Its where the Lousiana pirates moved their slaving operations to after Louisana got more American.

Okay, I was admittedly a bit confused on that. To be fair, Ted doesn't have the balls to murder anyone. Directly. Through negligence, certainly.

Speaking of, Storyteller, Tex, how are you holding up?

>The weird or possibly sad shit is that he might be the best option, or the best the party can offer.
The party is pretty much dead and been replaced by a cult. I just want him to run for the cringe.

I just wanna go to Gaido's and gorge myself on seafood again

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Captain Minh is a 10/10.

I'm fine except for getting the muscle twinges and being out of beer, I've had power and water and heat the whole time

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I mean, he DID shoot his terrorist boss in the back then decided to usurp Al Quobra.

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Tex here:

Fred VII is an asshole. Fred I was at least funny in how pathetic he was, Fred II had a nice redemption arc, but Fred VII is just a douchebag.

That's good news at least.

I have been EXTREMELY lucky in this whole shitshow.

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>replaced by a cult.
Is Ted man enough to be the Trumpian Peter?
He is not. Ted Cruz couldn't lead a dog to a can opener.

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I am confident that as long as the flag of america waves, you will eventually be able to find an absurd amount of fatty food and eat it. It is key to the american dream, like apple pies and cococola.


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oops we'll read that later....

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Leatherneck is such an asshole.
Truly, a Marine's Marine.

>To be fair, Ted doesn't have the balls to murder anyone. Directly. Through negligence, certainly.
That's just him playing possum.

> I just want him to run for the cringe.
If you are right, what replaces them will have plenty of cringe. Or hilarity. Or maybe both.

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OP, stop being Rudy! Myterious liquids will ooze out of your head and your teeth will turn into petrified candy corn!

dying, no one smuggles drugs IN

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casually, in my bag...

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Good to see you're okay.

Dude can't even do basic shit required of his position. For example, NOT ditch his constituents in the middle of a crisis.

For dinner tonight, I have ordered something called a 'Texas Destroyer'. It's basically a brisket burger. It's actually not bad, but I will absolutely regret putting this abomination in my mouth later.

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That is technically wrong, though. Marseilles was essentially a transit hub of drugs. It isn't like there are massive heroin fields just outside the city.

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The thing that makes this bag of violence really serious is that fucking ballpeen hammer.

Like, a bag of guns and grenades is clearly bad news, but when someone throws in a damn hammer? That is someone getting ready to keep someone alive and in pain.

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>something called a 'Texas Destroyer'.

"Texas Destroyer" sounds like one of those hot sauces pitched as destroying your ass

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**an outright lie

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Well, it does come with jalapenos.

And yes, that editor's box is fantastic.

Aw shit, Baroness pulling some Starscream shenanigans!

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And by partner...she means boss.

Let's read that SO issue

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Spoilers: they were essentially digging a line shaft.

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Aha. Team "Intelligence".

Well, that just goes without saying. Realistically, Fred VII had no chance of pulling this off on his own.

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>proletariat theory-mongers

now there's an insult!

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Comic books.

>the Cobra Consulate totally looks like a playset
>google it
>there is no toy of this thing
Fucking what?

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This page, this page is amazing

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you know what you must crop from last page.

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this is #relevant to the past few years, lol

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>He who can destroy a thing controls the thing

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Radical. Yuppie. Terrorists.

Comic books.

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Theory Mongers has legs.
Like, it's a good description of basically every economist ever.

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Oh hey, Vipers.
These dudes are easily my favourite faceless enemy look design of all time.

I'd say how the mighty have fallen...but this is an organization that's top brass got tricked into quicksand by a Joe's dog.

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I want those bitchin' Cobra earrings

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Larry Hama is smart enough to understand distinct subgroups of communism, which is just one of the many ways he's a more politically astute writer than most of his successors.

now this is getting really good

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Baroness is now Al Haig

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If he's with Scarlett and shit is peaceful or if he's with Storm Shadow and shit is popping off.

One could easily argue that G.I. Joe, by its very nature HAS to be political. It's goddamn military sci-fi after all.

Oh, speaking of political works. The devs behind the newly resurrected Six Days In Fallujah claim that a game with that title will not be making any political statements.

No, I'm not shitting you. Look it up.

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Oh I like where this is going.

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He'd need a conservative to butt heads with, a Carter or Barry to his Ollie.

did Earth Man ever meet Gates?

or more likely when Andromeda when she was going through that learning to not be racist arc

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Did Earth Man and Gates exist in the same continuity? I can't keep track anymore...

Jeckie, maybe? Queens gotta be conservative by class.

yeah after Legion of Three Worlds Gates stuck around in Retroboot with Jeckie


I should be back tomorrow, thanks for reading!

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not jeckie, XS, dunno what i'm thinking

No because gates isnt made in the 1950s or made by cerealfag

Thanks for running OP.

I am really glad you're enjoying ARAH.

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Wow, the Joes completely keikaku'd the shit out of the Cobras here. Excellent.

Please continue to stay safe out out there, Texan friends. Ted Cruz may not be there for you, but I doubt that had much of an effect anyway.

>Implying Peter wasn't an idiot

Honestly, I feel like it may be better for him to be gone, you know?

Oh absolutely. Things can only improve with his absence.

Peter was at least popular enough to convert the Roman plebs. Ted Cruz is unpopular even amongst his fellow spineless toadies.

Again, maybe he could like, get dysentery in Mexico and die there?

>'Texas Destroyer'
Far for it for me to tell an american what to eat, but maybe you could have the Texas smasher, texas moderate wreckage, texas 3 car fender bender, or texas submarine or artillery strike, and save the rest for tomorrow?

Baroness' Law: The longer you work in any version of COBRA, the more likely you are to start randomly deferring to Baroness' judgement in a given conflict.
corollary: Where COBRA is not in conflict, it will create one.

>Peter was at least popular enough to convert the Roman plebs.
Like attracts like.

You could make a pretty good LN about Baroness managing the Cobra Island harem.

joe can avoid being political, but cobra doesn't fucking work. They're terrorists. They're buisnessmen. They have SOME sort of objective, or base of power or whatever.

I suspect they are saying that just to reduce the amount of shitflinging. Focusing on the combat rather than the politics isn't a bad idea at all./

WTF is with psycheout's outfit?

>joe can avoid being political, but cobra doesn't fucking work.
COBRA is how you make GI Joe non-political. The enemy isn't Tin Pot dictator engaging in some realpolitik violence, it's this carnival of cartoon villain weirdos that are largely in it to cause chaos, grab power and make bank. They're an antagonist that any two people of opposed political alignment can come together and cheer for the Joes to beat, partially because their politics are so vague.

>WTF is with psycheout's outfit?
His toy had weird sattelite dish things all over it.

Reading and bumping now. Thanks OP.

Is this still The Gulag Saga?

Oh yeah. We haven't even met The White Clown yet.

bumping to finish


thanks pal, I love when someone post comic books on Dab Forums

bumping for others


I always liked to imagine Psyche-Out sounding like Niles from Frasier.

You'd think at least one of them would get a shot off.