What was your reaction to toffee’s death?

What was your reaction to toffee’s death?

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>he'll be back

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Stupid desu. It was a little cool but mainly an ass pull. I don’t know why she didn’t just do that against those knights since apparently destroying magic was the better option


I very pointedly remember thinking, "Wait a minute, isn't he the Big Bad? Why kill him off if there's more of the show left?"

Then I figured that they were going to replace him with Eclipsa as the new Big Bad.


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Lizzie has a new friend now :)

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>That yellow background
He died by a piss beam?

Yes. Toffee died due to Star's Super Laser Piss.

I thought the death itself was pretty cool and beyond the typical threshold of violence I expected from the show. Star doing the work + Ludo getting the finishing blow was exactly what I expected and felt appropriate re: the current plot.

It was also like two seasons earlier than I expected it to happen.

I actually posted on Dab Forums at the time something like: "welp Battle for Mewni was pretty good in itself but they literally just spent all the narrative tension/drama/plot here. The show will either have to introduce a great new element like as soon as the rest of the S3 premieres or else it's just going to fall off a cliff from here."

I was hoping for the former but then it very quickly did the latter.

Battle for Mewni is still pretty decent and works as an ending for the show, if you'd like to imagine it just got canceled on a cliffhanger or something.

also something I meant to include in this post but forgot about:

I thought the logic of him getting destroyed by the pure magic after pretty much becoming the corrupted magic actually felt pretty sound, dumb-fantasy-logic-wise. A lot of anons either didn't or didn't get it, but I'll stick up for that.


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>So this is the power of bad writing... not bad

My reaction was, "Goddamn, that's brutal. What the fuck are they gonna do to up the stakes in the show now that its main antagonist is dead for real this time?"
Apparently, the writers never actually had an answer to that question.

i thought the series was over as he was the main villain on it.

And i was right.

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Genuinely annoyed. I knew they fucking peaked with him and the ending season proved me right.

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It was a nice ending to the series. I'm glad they didn't try to continue it after that.

The only character in the show that mattered.
Everything went to shit after that.

>merged with magic
>got his finger back
>just dies

a disappointment


is....is that...is that it?
No fight? Just obliteration?

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Battle of Mewni is great until you realize they forgot to add a battle.

True, it was like one blast

They wasted a lot of time in dumb political shit and

I liked the drama and all the characters crying.

Yeah, that sounds weird, but I mean it was before they really started trying to constantly replicate that, and it felt earned then because the stakes were high.

also re: the title: eh blame Disney. The individual ep titles were more accurate as to what actually happened iirc

It was good drama but it needed some sort of battle in the end.

battle for mewni was hilariously terrible
toffee's death was so underwhelming every single person who watched the show thought that wasn't it for him despite it very clearly spelling out that he's 100% dead (the rule for Eclipsa's crystal to break was for him to die it breaking is confirmation he's dead)

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what an idiot

I think I got it spoiled by co, as usual.

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It’s been like 3 years. Just watch the show them go on these threads.

>great char
>dencet build up
>great dead
if only it was tbe season 3 finale

if only he would had ended up the anti magica avatar in a decaying state
>gets finger back
>now its rotting away as a whole for a whole season

Yeah blame us for being spoiled a show that finished years ago... And this wasn't even the finale but just mid series.

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I meant I got spoiled back then. Don't remember for sure, but it's likely.

>"LOL, Ludo was a better Antagonist/Tritagonist anyway"
>Ludo is never relevant again

i am suffering here..

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and then I stopped watching it

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>annihilated by magic
>Like that happened to his finger but 100x
>well, look like he's completely dissolved
>the only way for toffee to get free is if magic itself gets destroyed, and that'll never happen

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>Ludo was on screen for 3 seconds in the Finale

I was sad.

Mildly dissapointed. I thought he would be back as the final boss since he had that incredible regeneration his race was known for.
Heinous babyfication lowered my expections a little and then halfway into season 4 I was like "oh fuck, he really is dead".

I honestly just thought he'd return, and as I kept watching, I slowly started to realize that he would, in fact, not return.
Then Heinous came back and I was like "oh shit ok this can be cool" and then she turned into a generic giant monster and then into a baby, and then the final antagonist was the hobo Sailor Moon joke character from season 2. I'm still not sure what they were thinking here. Also it was stupid how Eclipsa actually did nothing controversial and the whole "queen of darkness" thing that they set up was completely exaggerated.

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This is the thing i hate the most. They set up Eclipsa to be this morally grey witch who married an human-eating monster warlord.

Then it turned out she was just a retard who liked chocolate and the monster warlord was some boring overly nice guy. Like shit man, did nefcy never heard of 'moral ambiguity'?

>Well damn. Get fucked, Lizard dude.

It was gay

Worst part is that they assassinated the characters of the Magic High Commission to be absolutely horrible to the point where their off-screen death in the finale was treated as a throwaway joke. I don't understand how someone can write a show like this, it almost felt like they were just making fun of anyone who decided to follow the show throughout the years in a "haha, wasted your time" way

>anyone who decided to follow the show throughout the years in a "haha, wasted your time" way
That's what you guys basically did

>Thank god this fucking arc is over

100% thought they were gonna drag him back over and over again like some fucking bullshit. Hate when they’re too lazy or uncreative to think of something new and just spam the one good villain they invent over and over again.
Well, color me surprised that they didn’t.

I know.

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>only interesting character that could've saved the show after the dumpster fires that were S3 and S4
>Never gets brought up again.

Finally-watchng-this-years-old-show user here about five episodes into season 2. I got spoiled ages ago about Toffee so never mind that but season 2 has been bullshit so far. You negroes told me it was the best season. Season 1 was wonky but serviceable but season 2 has mostly been episodes that only work with the old concept of Star being a delusional lunatic. They do not work with the concept used throughout season 1 of her being a real magical princess. Shit's broken.

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Honestly I like season 2 for Ludo, not for Star

I dropped the series. I knew people said it would get worse, but I never truly understood until this killed the series.

I'm not recommending it, but trust me when I say that you will never truly understand until you watch the rest of it. Everything after this is somehow worse.

>Huh, I wonder how he'll come back from that one
>Wait, what do you mean that's it?
Genuinely baffled

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Yeah the Ludo episodes have been the only ones worth watching so far.

Extremely anticlimactic.

It's going to stay that way.