Hypno Sissy Hour is actually funny. Why didn't you tell me, Dab Forums?
Hypno Sissy Hour is actually funny. Why didn't you tell me, Dab Forums?
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You made this same thread yesterday
I want to have sex with everyone in this pic except the giraffe.
Tycho would call you a plebian.
I don't care.
Stop trying to promote your unfunny cartoon on Dab Forums and go back to sucking your bf's sissy-clit, Yolo Swag.
Is that really what this comic is called?
Thanks for saying the name, I wish people would keep the damn signature (if there is one)
where can I find more, because when i tried to search it I found pornhub shit on hypnotic incest
He has a twitter but i dont remember the name
How long until Wiffleball-neck joins the 41%
His tranny bf's voice sounds so gross
He's @yoloswagstudios
just like me, intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour
I don't know what their politics are, but at first glance they seem 90% more tolerable than most trans personalities on the net
Very very profound....
I think a lot more people would be open to coming out the closet/accepting of trans if they weren't pressured to make it a political discussion
First one was kinda funny this is cringe
but definitely post more if you got them though
I have absolutely no clue what this is, but that giraffe turns me on
It's stupid, but I keked at the last panel. There's something about how happy his face is.
no idea who that bear is but he looks like fluffy or uranus
>the new queen of Dab Forums
It would be hotter if the giraffe was a crossdresser instead of a tranny.
Yes, we know cute boys are hotter than trannies
it's the name of their podcast
You made this same thread yesterday
Yesterday? Yesterday you said you'd call Sears.
>just some gay podcast, not even about hypnosis
Fuck you
its kind of funny that this guy started out making comics pandering to the right and even having a shitty racist podcast and now all his comics are about his tranny gf
He would be a lot happier if he just admitted that he likes gay sex.
He was a stonetoss wannabe
God damnit, how did this get me? Here's your (You).
>people are waifufagging a transgender furry giraffe
at least my transgender furry waifu is cute.
Giraffes got that tongue game
tongue would be wayyyy too big, it'd just be uncomfortable
i live in hell every day and i wish that my mother succeeded in suffocating me when i was twelve
RIP the dog's ass
Bruh unless you're going to ride her tongue like a dildo its not fun
Seriously, I would take full advantage of that situation. It's prehensile too; you could get deep throat and a rimjob at the same time.
Noo stop don't make me get a boner over the tranny giraffe aaaahhh
>man starts dating faggot tranny
>gradually stops being funny
Many such cases!
Because he draws his trans gf as a giraffe you know she must tower over him irl. Pretty funny to think about.
A tranny is just a crossdresser, but with added delusions and hormones.
Post some of his right wing comics. I never saw any that seemed right wing. Just vaguely un-PC.
the giraffe literally does a B^U face
Giraffe is fair game too as long as it bleeds to death
>tranny doesn't want to slit wrists if somebody mentions >her past or >her deadname
I don't buy it
is this right wing?
based and truthpilled.
is "white girls fuck dogs" right wing?
This is not right wing, though. It's obviously one of his shitty unsubtle satirical Kelly ripoff comics mocking the right.
he's so ironic its hard to tell what his beliefs are, thus hard to infer what is supposed to be satire
Everyone knows white women fuck dogs.
Pretty sure he was a pretty aggressively open homosexual before the t-girlfriend
Depends on how many hands you type it with.
You should look at twitters doggy boyfriend trends
>tfw no trans gf
Lmao that must be very affirming for his girlfriend (male)
This is a much more likeable/relatable tranny-themed series of comics i.m.h.o.
Maybe if you're a neurotic mess of frayed nerves and bundled insecurities in the shape of a person.
>Maybe if you're a neurotic mess of frayed nerves and bundled insecurities in the shape of a person.
I mean, I can't imagine anyone with any sense of self-awareness attempting to live as the opposite sex without becoming that, so..
You're all literally doing the same exact thing boomers do except you made it even worse and more unfunny. Wow! Really showed those blasted bigots who's boss! Amirite guys?
Considering how much this shitty furry bait gets spammed currently, I'm having trouble deciding if it should be filed under trolling or advertising/begging.
They're comics, dude.
>158 results found
You should probably report yourself for spamming.
wow it really is advertising shitty comics
it sucks
it sucks so fucking much
The jokes in this one are better, but the art is something I would have expected from like, Deviantart OCs in 2006.
It's like if somebody reading Nana's Everyday Life on Dab Forums decided to make fanart of it.
why would you want one
it's like all the bad parts of having a gf and none of the good things
i like em
She's actually more passable than the rest of the trannies he hangs out with in his paypig discord
nobody is forcing you to stay here
BIG HOMO sounds like the stage name of a gay porn actor who specializes in 1% élite type roles
She actually acts like a woman and looks like one too, so I figure why not? Costs me nothing.
Daphne will never dethrone azula. Just saying
i dont actually care about retarded Dab Forums waifus
Women don't stop being cunts just because boomers think women are cunts, user.
I haven't seen him in anything except a still photo but I heard his voice and it's a dead giveaway. That same creepily unsettling male voice imitating a female voice that Contrapoints and other trannies have.
Yeah no shit you can tell. But she tries, and I think that's worth something.
>I think that's worth something
You are enabling delusions. You literally encourage people to go with their untreated mental illnesses.
OP, i admire your effort, but there's still something off in your writing.
Maybe because IRL already is grotesque enough and thus cannot be parodied anymore.
So, if you find power to ridicule it, do it.
Yes, user, I called a trans person a she. You gonna keep being annoying? We already know you hate the Troons
Multiple peer-reviewed and independently-replicated studies say otherwise user
Anyone know the artist of OP’s pic?
I'll give you some search terms since otherwise you'd accuse me of cherrypicking:
>trans Brian scans
>trans amniocentesis
>trans placental hormones
>trans embryonic epigentics
Sorry buster, I only believe in truth and science when my political values allow me too!!!
>trans Brian scans
You mean that Family Guy episode where Brian fucked Quagmires dad?
>Literally all the incel alt-right/alt-lite and tranny SJWs had to do to be happy and drop their extreme beliefs was to have sex and fall in love with each other
>just fall in love bro and you'll be happy
I laughed
>trans Brian scans
Apparently research show that there is no difference between male and female brains.
Unless it is a transsexual person. Then scan shows that they have a female brain.
Was this drawn by a spastic?
it's funny because HRT also gives you brain damage, and apparently that makes men's brains look more like women's brains
Post more pics of her.
one more for the quads
Is this from the "trans-regret snoopy" thing?
Same artist
Post more trans giraffe please.
>dude who genuinely hates women gets a tranny bf who also resents and shit on women constantly
color me fucking surprised lmao
>the woman looking at the dog
my fucking sides
I don't know why, but I find Big Homo to be the best part of this whole comic.
>be giraffe
>can suck your own dick
>cut it off
>can't sick your own dick no more
wtf I don't get it
You can still eat your own ass though
Kind of rude to call him an it
is that fucking Clifford? he taught me English
All woman do just change the breed of dog.
Again >implying
this cartoonist was ever right wing.
There are a few slightly un-PC jokes and obvious satires of right-wingers but that's it.
>put on baseball cap
>begome man
Clown world.
Then she deserves the feminine pronouns.
Is this by the author of The Pervert? I liked it when someone storytimed it. Is the rest of their stuff any good?
They're right wingers so there's at least a tiny bit of self-loathing for the tranny on the podcast
I don't see it as something you earn. You are it from birth or you aren't. And if you aren't but are able to fool most people into thinking you are, people will treat you accordingly. But please don't expect the entire world to knowingly lie. It won't end well.
just try and browse /lgbt/, we're all desperate and want boyfriends
This is a stonetoss comic.
Post more trans giraffe
Nah. I've browsed it. You're all bitter and self-loathing, hate on yourselves and each other worse than any transphobe does, and hate any guy who would actually be into you ("chasers"). Trans people seem like a huge headache to deal with and I'm glad I don't know any.
>Be "male"
>Continue to play female roles
>No hormones or surgeries
yeah thats all pretty true, we're horrible lmfao but thats not just because we're trans, that's because we're on Dab Forums
why? she looks like she got her chest kicked in by a horse.
its a boomer comic
>just try and browse /lgbt/
A magical place.
Isn't it like 90% trans lesbians dating each other?
>and hate any guy who would actually be into you ("chasers").
I can actually totally understand this, because those people are probably bound to be creeps with a fetish for something trannies literally don't like about themselves. If they want something beyond a pump-and-dump, it makes sense to me to reject those kinds of people.
Like, I used to be fat as a teen and if some girl wanted to date me just because of it, I wouldn't have been happy about it either.
Hmm, I wonder what your political leanings are
>I can actually totally understand this, because those people are probably bound to be creeps with a fetish for something trannies literally don't like about themselves. If they want something beyond a pump-and-dump, it makes sense to me to reject those kinds of people.
The thing they don't get:
I don't really see how you think you could tell my political leanings from that. I just think his particular attempt at satire is shitty and unsubtle. Kelly does satire mocking the right which is actually somewhat subtle and clever and not shitty.
I'm a tranny and most of my partners have been pretty neutral about it. They've all been cis so no transbians
Yes, actually.
I assume they know this, but what are they supposed to do?
I can't imagine that's true, unless they're asexual/have zero libido I guess? Maybe it wasn't a deal breaker for them, but surely they must have either somewhat negative or positive feelings about something so essential to sexuality?
If I loved someone, I could get over them having the 'wrong' genitals/defective ones, but it would still be negative to me.
Do you accept your dick though, or are you the type to get all upset if anyone acknowledges your genitalia? I'm neutral in the sense that I wanna play with whatever is down there.
>I assume they know this, but what are they supposed to do?
Not avoid dating guys who like their genitals. Or continue avoiding them but stop whining about being lonely.
i mean it was a bit weird for them like the first two times but then they just never minded it. thats only for guys though, in my experience women didnt care about it at all since the beginning.
I have a pretty high libido so sex is often with most of my partners
its rather small at this point so I don't really mind it desu. I'm fine with touching it a bit but I wouldn't like it if someone wanted to do something more with it.