Can we talk about what a great show WordGirl is?

Can we talk about what a great show WordGirl is?

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I unironically love it. Patton Oswald isnt always the best comedian, but my familiarity with him as that and him this made me love his goofy character.

Everything else in the show is fucking spectacular in an unironic way. It's just makes the lessons or what seem like talking down to the idiots comediclly, rather than "hey child who is watching this.", while on one need with a hand on shoulder

Yes, finally. Its got great humor and characters, especially Dr Two Brains

I'm still surprise how a pbs kids show was able to get so many high price VAs to work for them

As a lewd artist I'm constantly at a standstill on how attractive her character design is vs how shes one of those "married to her work" kinda girls. She has a crush in the show I think but, it just kinda shows how immature she is despite her vocabulary. Shes not like a Jenny from MLAATR. She's a bit too toddlerish for me despite me loving Indian coded girls.

I haven't seen this show since I was an actual child. Going by the replies here I suppose it still manages to hold up.

Anyone knows whatever happened to Autumn Comes?
It was the only Steven returns fanfic done decently.

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I don't watch it with any regularity. But it is a surprisingly funny show. The villains are great.

I want to marry violet’s voice!

Wordgirl a cute.

Love the show, although for the longest time I could never figure out if her adopted family where Hispanic or black. Also Becky/Toby.

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Wordgirl and her family are intentionally ethnically ambiguous.

My question is why isn't there any good porn? Especially since the first shorts had her revealing her curvy body.

only real ship is becky x huggy, everything else is a stretch

Victoria is best girl.

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Where can i find your artwork at?

I'm not partial to monkey business

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