why isn't there a generally accepted Dab Forumscore chart, like Dab Forums has? Despite the contrarianism it seems like there are some cartoons that are generally accepted as good, it would be nice to catalog all of them.
Also, theoretically, what would you submit as a Dab Forumscore series if someone were to make a chart?
I'd add Green Lantern, Young Justice, and Glitch Techs. I'd argue Voltron's a bit controversial for a chart. A pretty good collection otherwise.
Chase Sanchez
I think there is one out there, but IDK how "accurate" it is (i.e. if people would generally agree with the listings or not), and I think it was made like 10 years ago. Maybe some user has it.
Camden Harris
I'm putting together a Dab Forumscore chart but it's more personal taste and for myself to look at than a BOARD ESSENTIALS GOTTA INCLUDE EVERYTHING chart.
Bentley Rogers
>shittechs i think the spam from these past few days is enough to dismiss that show.
Brandon Mitchell
people have different tastes and moods. pic related was posted a few times in the last year or so, though, last time was desuarchive.org/co/thread/120988129
Because Dab Forums has literally the worst taste of any board on Dab Forums BY FAR. They literally like the worst examples of their medium and hate anything even slightly decent. It's also the only board on Dab Forums that has ZERO respect for the history of their board's medium.
Parker Foster
interesting go on.
Jonathan White
>2018 thread tried to update the recs by posting most of the same ones KWAB, state of this board also that pic is from like 2010. it's old and outdated as fuck
Thomas Taylor
This was a more recent one but doesn’t include everything and includes things that people shit on including
>thundercats roar and mr pickles are in there the problem is pretty fucking obvious there
Austin Allen
Just off the top of my head, haven’t seen any criticism of the following on Dab Forums
Usagi Yojimbo Judge Dredd Cerebus Corto Maltese Green Lantern by Johns X-Statix Superman for All Seasons Morrison Batman Kirby Forth World Ennis Constantine Sandman Mystery Theater Sandman The Tick Maus Conan SS Conan Eastman and Laird TMNT Godzilla Half Century War Locke and Key Moon Knight Watchman Dark Knight Returns Batman Year 1 Starlin Dreadstar Claremont Xmen Rosa Ducktales Banks Ducktales Plague of Frogs The Goon Nausicaa Asterois Polyp The Incal Metabarons
Jayden Sanders
the absolute STATE of cartoon fags right now 3/4 of this shit would be considered far below average compared to anime
Jose Williams
Anime hasn't made anything comparable to primal in 20 years so lol enjoy moeshit and hating your skin color
Brayden Clark
I want a chart of the most recent shows that most of Dab Forums likes so it can be posted in all the threads saying "why don't we have more of X" or "why are there no new cartoons" or "society is collapsing?" Because fuck those threads and the retards actually going with the OP's lying and whining.