What does it all mean bros?

What does it all mean bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wanna fuck the korean mime

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They spell it out pretty plainly at the start; see who can reach Runas first and get their wish.

It's clearly all just a convoluted reference to Talking Heads hit song "Once in a Lifetime"

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based ena thread.

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>not MOONA.png

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How would you seduce ENA?

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Who the fuck is this? I keep seeing her around.

reading a translation from an old ENA thread got me thinking
>additionally, merchant dialog
>" .. Good treats for you, for your mom, for your dog. "
if the 'mother' part of this anons translation is accurate, could it possibly be connected to whoever the fuck this is?

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a character from a series of animations on youtube by a guy named joel G
its themed like an old windows 95/8 game
a video just recently got released a few days ago

I think of it like Runas' main retainer. It's passage between ENA and Moony's world and it's heavenly realm, though it doesn't seem sentient.

For you, user.

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Ena is a rogue glitch trapped in a 90s video game and has bipolar disorder.

I get feet, but what does the bug and eye icons mean?


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If you have to ask, you're better off not knowing.

Goddammit user, if I wanted my mind pure of horror, I wouldn't even come to this dammed site.

>vorefags had their turn

Please, user, spoonfeed me.

Helping the shepherd tend to her dogs!
Protecting the garden alongside the shepherd!
Going on long quests to aquire more turrón for the shepherd!

It's her!!

Attached: turron-appreciator.jpg (2000x2000, 557.08K)

It could be that, but it could also just be Pelo having fun voicing the Merchant. Here in Mexico it actually wouldn't be too weird for a street vendor to try and convince you to buy something for anyone in your family.

These videos are so disappointing.

It's all just nonsense, just noise. There's no real intent to them, they're not funny, the dialogue and story are incomprehensible so there's no plot to invest in, and the aesthetic can only carry it so far. You're just watching random shapes and sounds for 17 minutes

I WISH this was the next Homestar, but Homestar had something to offer beyond weirdo character designs and this doesn't

why the fuck did you expect so much from this. Jesus dude

Go outside.

I'm just frustrated because its creator has potential but isnt living up to it. This COULD be a thing I'd like and thats why it upsets me

mysterious peru man joel g DID say it was the "beginning" of something
i thnk plenty of anons are just excited to see where it could end up going, plus the music is nice

I'd say it's living up to it pretty well, actually. I'm discovering a bunch of new songs thanks to them, also there's some good comedic timing and line delivery all across the shorts. Not everything needs D E E P L O R E.

>thing I'd like
That the key word here user, just because you personally don’t like doesn’t mean it bad.

What's it gonna be?

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I fail to see any appeal thats the thing. Its gibberish, and not the interesting kind like a YTP

>It's all just nonsense, just noise
good, god, exactly.

bro, like The music is on another level. The dialogue is funny. The characters are somewhat interesting. it's not really that deep.

Go outside

I guess I really am outside the target demo for cartoons now

Thanks for reminding me why I dont visit this board anymore my good zoomers. It'll happen to you to one day

They hated user because he told them the truth.


this ain't a 11 minutes, 20 episodes show with storyboarders trying to tell a plot. This is just something that pops up once in a while so you can appreciate it a bit again, then go back to what you were doing.

What truth, "wah I don't like this"?

Okay okay! Let's not derail this thread with petty arguments.

Either there's gonna be one more video or he's gonna make a game where it's like an ENA video you can play.

Ena figure when? I prefer plushies but a figure is the only way you could do the sharpness of her body justice

Joel's probably thinking about getting someone to make one for him, though he's probably gonna be sticking with shirts and plushies for now.

>ENA figure
she should be flat hologram and nothing more, you can clearly see she's one of two dimensional characters

Is the jackpot getting to fuck Moony's square hole?

>It's all just nonsense, just noise
>There's no real intent to them
This is patently false. As you said yourself, there is a consistent aesthetic to ENA. It's not literal randomness, but specific references through music and imagery to evoke feelings of nostalgia and exploration.

>The dialogue and story are incomprehensible so there's no plot to invest in
>You're just watching random shapes and sounds for 17 minute
Cartoons don't NEED a plot, nor do they need to be comprehensible. Sometimes the intent of art is to portray a feeling rather than a didactic story.

You might as well criticize freeform jazz for not having lyrics or ambient music for not having a melody.

There is a plot though, however silly it turns out to be in the end.

Yeah, the plots are pretty easy to see
Auction Day: ENA and Moony go to an auction
Extinction Party: ENA enters the labyrinth where Moony's home is to give her a gift
Temptation Stairway: ENA and Moony go to the Runas Festival to get a wish, not making it in time and going on an odyssey in his realm after getting sucked into it to reach him and make said wish because Moony made a bet on who wished first.

screenshot this
>relaxation period while Temptation Stairway continues to gain interest (you are here)
>website gets more easter eggs & merch in order to buy more time while next episode is being developed
>two events: actually relevant characters will re-appear or new ones to pull in a few more voice actors if joel has the balls to embiggen his scope
>cast will hit max cap with Ena & Moony's Wacky Antics continuing as the main focus
>the true descent into madness begins

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The only character I didn't like was the Japanese one desu

I know why you're here but you're too late, someone already drew ENA sucking a black dick. So don't get any ideas.

I didn't mind her. She's suppose to be an angry tsundere. Quite liked her aid though, YES.

I dunno, I laughed when she said cheese and rice instead of jesus christ

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Does anyone else miss Margo and Ula

Hands Up is cool but I vibe with ENA more.

Putting them side by side with HoS gems the resemblance to their outfits is uncanny. ENA in gloves and thigh highs would indeed be a fine sight

Can a Gem Ena work?

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Yeah he was great

Temptation Stairway is the final video, Joel confirmed it.

Huh, alright then. Wonder what he has in mind then for the future.
I feel a game that's like a playable video would be the next logical step.

>just got into ENA
>final video dropped
>no new content in the future
What's gonna happen to these threads? I'm bummed out.

But it's not the final video...

I don't know what this is but in the context of gems and knowing Phos changes a lot in the anime, I dislike this image immensely.

So far it's an been fan art, theorycrafting, discussion of weird games that share its aesthetic, crossover ideas and waifuposting.

>Here's the great (NOT) finale!!
Straight from Joel's twitter.


>no new content in the future
He's porbably going to develop a game after the next Hands Up video (which he's already working on)

Are Joel's other video's worthwhile?

Hands Up is fun.

I couldn't believe the fucking reference they made that was so blatant that I had to pause the video. It was just too much to process.

Footjob by ena, probably end up with toes disconnecting snd scurrying around the shaft n body. One on your nose or nuzzling your eye


yiiktale hylicsbound in 3d
here is just not enough consistency to like anything about this shit other than the music. its not just lol random. its just random.

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I wouldn't even call it that random. It feels normal when juxtaposed against their broken, computer rendered world.

they hated user because he samefagged


deadline is kino

Joel G's been around since the heyday of Newgrounds. Definitely check out his other stuff.

The more I rewatch ENA and Once In a Lifetime's video, the more I realise there's a lot fucking more they've done so sneakily that I missed them entirely.

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I wish there was more about it, honestly. I love the concept

Does this imply that the shepard is ena's mom?

not the shepherd, but possibly whatever/whoever this figure is though other anons pointed out it could just be more weird/quirky shit
any theories at this point are honestly schizo-tier until we get more content

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>The blue dress girl has an eye on the surface world but a hole in the void
What does it mean Joel?!

The first two vid's references were pretty subtle, but Temptation Stairway's were pretty blatant.


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>when we get sucked in from Ena's POV, the first thing we see is a giant pile of mannequin bodies, and the corpse theme carries on in other areas
>the "egg lady" doesn't appear behind us, but on our left side so we conveniently see it right as we turn to look behind us (where she SHOULD be)

what does it mean indeed, user

I don't like this smug moon. It mocks me.

Is ENA both the male and female voices or am I missing something. Which side of her face is the boy

shes 100% female user, wacky voiceovers are a staple over here

Everything that comes out of the character is ENA. They just have MPS and are dangerously bi-polar.

Can she be a girl but talk like a boy? I like that

She's a computer program. She can do whatever she wants.

>She can do whatever she wants

But can you?

How are people legitimately filtered by ENA? It's not even that incoherent or difficult to discern compared to some of its inspirations. Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator are more outlandish than this, ENA by comparison is fairly straightforward, more of just an episodic Alice In Wonderland type of deal.

I feel like it's mostly people baffled by how popular it is so they lash out cause they don't "get it."
When really they're pretty much straightforward odyssey style cartoons, just with an aesthetic of old Windows 9x 3D chat rooms and games in a computer that's on the verge of collapsing.

>Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator are more outlandish than this
To be fair those are supposed to be literal dream interpretations (at least I know yume is LSD might just be a drug simulator). ENA seems to be an actual world which tricks people into thinking we can interpret it.

LSD is not like the game. despite what 90% of media will tell you, it's mostly an intense body high that cant be replicated

its like evangelion, the creator thought the aesthetics were cool and copied them, subtle references exist here and there but its meaning is only as deep as its source material
although maybe the subconscious has done some wacky shit in that hoe

The game probably wasn't trying to be. It was apparently based on the Dev's wife's actual dream diary and there's a not insignificant chance a Japanese development team wouldn't even know what LSD was back then

It was. The original diary was turned into a collaborative art book companion for the LSD Dream Emulator game as well, detailing each dream with an accompanying picture.

I thought this was a neo geo console tan.

thanks for the inspiration user(s)
have some free shitty doodles for this comfy thread so far

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I don't want it to be deep lore, so obviously it's going to go full deep lore.