Why don’t you go and bother Rush Limbaugh?

>Why don’t you go and bother Rush Limbaugh?
>We’re afraid he might eat us.

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>Rush Limbaugh bad because he is bigot


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>le 90's animation was BASED!
>wtf it made fun of our guys too C-KEKED >:c

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Making fun of Limbaugh and Stern is a "both sides get it" thing.

Maybe for older millenials who actually grew up with parents who listened to Limbaugh.
Younger millenials and zoomers think he was based

Didn’t Pinky and the Brain do a Limbaugh episode?

Yeah he apparently wrote a music album that Brain was going to use.


>Younger millenials and zoomers think he was based
Lol, no, they don't!

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Sorry, I should have been more specific.
Conservatives that are young millenials and zoomers love Rush, because he says the racist and sexist shit out loud

>Conservatives that are young millenials and zoomers love Rush
I thought the young cons love Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder?

Right away, we knew the fat jokes had to go.

Ben and Steven are just Rush-lite. Shapiro himself has even outright stated that he was directly influenced by Limbaugh

>Trump loses
>Rush Limbaugh gets to witness all this before slowly and painfully dieing to lung cancer because he thought that cigars don't cause lung cancer
Miracles are unexpected but are also greatly appreciated!

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>robin is a robin

cigars usually cause throat and tongue cancer, you don't actually inhale cigar smoke you know, they're bucal

>I thought the young cons love Ben Shapiro
only Boomers love Ben Shapiro because they're so easily taken fancy to his "hey guys, did you know the left are the real nazis?" reparte'

Zoomers and Millenials who are woke enough go on TheRightStuff and that range of podcaster, or they're in the Nick Fuentes camp, but NO ONE cares about Ben Shapiro if they get it.

The only conservatives that don't like Shapiro are the ones so far to the right that they literally can't like him on account of him being a jew

Those racist bastards

Anecdotally speaking, Shapiro is huge among the college Republican crowd. I don't get it, zoomer tastes.