It's a tomboy plays YuGiOh episode

>it's a tomboy plays YuGiOh episode
Who did it better?

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Who's the character on the left?

Nanini from OK KO

>black man's show gets cancelled while doing everything in his power to make it interesting and referencing some of the most obscure cartoon shit out there while these 2 white guys makes a show for black people gets like 4 fucking seasons of fucking nothing only counting on referencing anime shit like steven universe but 10x worse
life is a bitch i hope he is working on something else these PSA about race piss me off when its only ever surface level bullshit

Craig of the Creek is pretty solid.

And it's not just cartoons that are referenced, it's also metal music, classic movies, vidya etc.

It's literally weak ass pansy garbage.

i gave it a solid try for like several episodes and I was just not feeling it. even that one mexican cartoon about mythical happenings has more going for it and i dont think anyone on this board watches that.

I like both but OK KO was taken from us far too soon

>girl character is a secret tomboy episode
>moral of the story is 'girls can like boy things too'
>oh neat so I guess she'll be like that from now on
>lol no she's back to liking girly things and looking girly and her defining character trait is being a GIRL for the rest of the show

>jelly doughnuts
Good joke

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Hey Dab Forums
You do realize that black man who made OK KO, are also the writer of those PSAs? Correct

>and referencing some of the most obscure cartoon shit out there
And that's the problem. His show had a fun premise, it could've been good if it had better comedic writing or some actual substance instead of non-stop cringy references. From what I've seen of CotC, it seems like a solid kids' cartoon, but it's plain boring if you're an adult and don't care about SoL and "normal kids doing normal kids stuff" type of show.

Anything with "enbies" is cringe

Well I know crotc grill acted like Season 1 pharaoh but the game was more like magic while OKKO Grilbon had the shadow realm and Pegasus so depends on the flavor. If you like actual card games I’d say COTC but if you like the world of YuGiOh I’d say OKKO

>black man's show gets cancelled while doing everything in his power to make it interesting and referencing some of the most obscure cartoon shit
Referencing things that are more interesting than your show isn't good entertainment Ian

fuck, OK KO was so good I want to rewatch it now. It was such a love letter to all things nerdy. I need to binge Craig too, the handful of eps I've seen were pretty good and the animation in the snowball war promos CN was advertising last month looked really cool

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>Bro, it references shit that I like! It was a good show!
It was shit and need a tard wrangler for it to be even average.

This too.

I liked CotC one better. But I enjoy both shows for what they bring.

What episode of CotC is that? I want to see the tomboy

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Bring Out Your Beast
That's the name, keep it in your pants.

Found a torrent but seems dead
well fuck


Lol I was already downloading that one but thanks man

>cuck of the creek

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No its not, its boring shit

Solid enough to get at least double of that ok show.

I fucking get you man.

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