So does steven bottle up his spit and give it to sick people

Attached: 6F022C93-F766-489F-BA31-A7381F9EE5FC.png (1023x1370, 921.24K)

What the hell is this?

What a garbage layout, how do you mess speech balloons so hard?

Steven spitting into a guy’s mouth

He doesn't care about humans anymore

Given that cancer is essentially runaway life, Steven's spit is likely to just make it much worse

He also fixed Connie's shortsightedness.
Which is not really any kind of pathological problem, either.

Good point. I guess it's all about the perception of being healed

Plus he can fix like cracks in stuff

Gems run off of platonic ideals, not actual physics.

See ruby and sapphire for more proof

Doesn't matter, Steven's spit just magically fixes things. It even works on objects.

Attached: steven constructs.jpg (960x960, 121.54K)

How the fuck does that work

But Gems aren’t magic, they’re aliens

They're aliens that have magic.

If licking a straw and giving it to Connie was enough to heal her eyes, couldn't he just kiss people to heal whatever?

He can’t kiss adults, that’s illegal

That guy talking about platonic ideals is absolutely correct. The gems are able to do all sorts of energy defying things, seeing glimpses of the future, fusion itself, the abstract forms they have, their powers themselves change based on how they feel. If there was anything I truly got mad over SU was that rebecca spend more episodes making us follow onion around than she did showing off the actual universes mechanics. If anything giving her too long and popular of a show ended up defanging whatever original concepts she wanted in. The OG cluster art was some god forsaken abomination of arms and gems, like an eldritch abomination formed entirely from screaming and pain.

Gems are aliens who- due to their physiology- had an easier time cracking the causal limitations of reality. They created technology that isn't just "indistinguishable from magic," it actually is magic.

I guess aliens can have magic too

Steven is how Pink gave magic to humans, they didn't have any of their own beforehand but his lineage (and those of any other future hybrids) will have magic.

I don’t know if he can pass that down